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Behavior matters more to environmental policy than most people think. This paper illustrates why this point needs repeating in four ongoing policy debates in the United States – Children's health risk, ozone/particulate matter (PM), climate change, and endangered species.  相似文献   

This study employs a multi-program contingent valuation (CVM) design tosimultaneously assess the value of three ecosystem conservation programsin Alberta, Canada. The design is different from most other CVM designsand has several different features including the natural incorporation ofdirect reminders of substitute/complementary programs and budgetconstraints. In contrast to the findings of other studies, two of the environmentalprograms appear to be complements and other combinations of the programssuggest an absence of substitution effects. The multi-program model ismore informative and robust in terms of theoretical validity and expectedrelationships with demographic and recreational characteristics of therespondents.  相似文献   

在马克思两大部类平衡模型的基础上,讨论了消费对生产资料需求的传递效应,分析了表明传递效应强度的传递效应系数。结果表明,传递效应系数及其变化是由预付不变资本在一个生产周期周转次数(α)、资本有机构成(β)等技术变量和剩余价值率(γ)、剩余价值积累率(x)等经济变量及其变化决定的。  相似文献   

Real production systems are often vertically integrated in thesense that one production process uses the unwanted joint product of another production process as input.This interrelationship links in a non-obvious way the different negative externalities stemming from theproduction processes. An empirical example is the sulphuric acid industry. Our model of a vertically integratedproduction system shows how internalising one currently existing externality may create another externalitywhich has thus far not been existent. We also discuss how environmental policy could deal with this problemwhen regulating integrated production systems.  相似文献   

关于我国产能过剩问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我们必须以科学的态度和方法认识产能过剩的内涵及形成机理,产能过剩是一种经济现象,其正面效要远远大于其负面效应,在我国经济发展相对落后的情况下不可能出现严重的产能过剩,一些领域所谓的产能过剩只是暂时的虚假的现象。因此,对于一些领域出现的所谓的产能过剩问题,不要急于盲目干预,而应审慎对待,否则会导致供给不足,引发物价上涨。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the occurrence and spatial distribution of collaborations within biotechnology. By starting from a total population of 45 firms involved in biotech R&D, we shed light on how many collaborate with (1) other firms, (2) venture capitalists, and (3) actors in science and technology and whether these partners can be found in the region, nation or in the rest of the world. Possible explanations for the different patterns are drawn out.  相似文献   

清洁生产评价在造纸行业环境影响评价中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造纸工业是我国的重要产业之一,但同时又是污染较为严重的行业,造纸行业是环境影响评价关注的重要类别。为此,本文从清洁生产的角度,通过对某造纸企业的生产从原材料、产品、资源消耗和污染物排放为指标的清洁生产全过程进行综合评价,定量分析与评定出企业清洁生产的总体水平。以此为例,探讨和研究了造纸企业清洁生产评价方法、一般程序和评价内容。  相似文献   

食品生产实体的质量投资决策行为将影响食品市场的质量安全总体水平。本文依据经济学理论,构建了食品生产实体质量投资模型,并进行了案例分析。结果显示:影响食品生产实体做出质量投资决策的因素依次为安全食品价格、企业资本实力、质量投资量、政府支持。  相似文献   

在国内外经济态势发生变化的新形势下,适时调整和增加居民收入,理顺消费体制,改善消费环境,既是当前扩大内需的重要内容,也是国民经济长期持续快速发展的立足点。分析山西居民收入的现状及存在的问题,探讨提高居民收入与扩大内需的关系,有利于进一步完善提高居民收入的相应措施,从而扩大内需,拉动经济增长。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the valuation of some negative external effects arising from agricultural production in Italy. External effects are treated in a transformation function as a bad output additional to the normal output of a production activity. In this case we can distinguish a price component or shadow price of the external effect and a quantity component and estimate them separately. In order to calculate the price component of the external effects we first estimate one point on the marginal external costs curve and then try to obtain the whole curve, i.e. external costs associated to different levels of emissions in different years. As to the quantity component, net emissions of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium have been estimated. The aggregate value of external effects is then calculated for thirty years from 1961 to 1991 and deducted from the value added of the agricultural sector, as a first step towards the correction of national accounting aggregates to take environmental degradation into account.  相似文献   

从生产函数看河北省经济增长与就业结构的变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着资本投入的增长和技术的进步,经济的增长将大量未充分就业的农业劳动力向高生产率部门转移而导致就业结构变化,就业结构的变动又进一步促进了经济的增长。用生产函数将就业结构变动从全要素生产率中分离出来,可以得出就业结构变动对经济增长的推动效应及第一产业就业人口向第二、三产业的流动对经济增长的贡献率。  相似文献   

集约化农业生产所带来的环境影响和健康危害已经使人们逐渐认识到建立可持续农业发展途径的必要性。随着人们收入的增长,城市化的迅速发展成为消费模式转变的最为显见的驱动力。揭示在考虑到可持续发展的风险和不确定性的情况下对未来农业生产规划的预测,和在决策过程中恰当的风险指标,而这些内容的引入将极可能改变与畜产品设备配置和集约化程度相关的未来政策。以中国为例,研究主要目标为:(1)阐明如何将风险指标引入到决策过程中从而避免健康风险带来的负面结果;(2)阐明如何在农业生产规划中明确风险和不确定性,以达到可持续农业发展。  相似文献   

文章利用我国1990-2009年居民人均消费支出PCS和社会保障支出PPS数据,采用协整检验和误差修正模型等计量技术,检验社会保障水平对于居民消费的影响。在计量分析的基础上,认为拉动居民消费需求的关键在于完善社会保障制度、实现国民收入水平的持续稳定增加,增强国民的消费信心;同时还要扩宽社会保障基金的筹资渠道,加快重大民生工程建设,改善人们的消费预期,引导和促进居民扩大消费需求。  相似文献   

徐波 《经济研究导刊》2009,(13):187-188
广告作为传播消费信息的特殊形式,对消费者购买行为会产生很大的影响。现代市场营销认为,消费者是市场营销的中心,所有市场营销活动都要围绕消费者进行。广告是通过信息传播使消费者对广告主所宣传的产品产生预期的积极反应,从而影响消费者的购买行为。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to clarify the content of the Marshallian Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. The paper is divided into seven sections. In the first one, I present the eight formulations of the Law that I record in the Principles and the foundation that Marshall provides for it. In the second and third sections, I present a couple of objections raised by Marshall himself against the universal validity of the Law; in my opinion, his answer to them is not sound. I contrast my interpretation with those of the other authors. In the fourth section, The Law of Utility is distinguised from the Law of Demand. In section five, l present the two meanings in which Marshall employs the term ‘utility’: as pleasure, and as a formal notion. In section six, I attempt to build an explanatory framework for the encountered difficulties. Finally, the seventh section is devoted to conclusions.  相似文献   

基于东部9城市的抽样调查数据,结合生命周期—持久收入假说和预防性储蓄假说,考察了农民工家庭城乡消费的影响因素。总体来看,农民工家庭消费的3/4发生在城市,且城市消费比重有进一步上升的趋势;农民工家庭的城乡消费有着不同的决策机制,但都呈现出明显的生命周期特征;持久收入、收入的不确定性以及人均住房资产是影响城市消费的重要因素。  相似文献   

Abstract: Authors of principles and price theory textbooks generally illustrate short-run production using a total product curve that displays first increasing and then diminishing marginal returns to employment of the variable input(s). Although it seems reasonable that a temporary range of increasing returns to variable inputs will likely occur as variable inputs are added to a set of fixed ones. This proposition implies an isoquant diagram that is not a familiar one in text-books. The authors examine a linearly homogeneous production function conforming to the textbook case and construct its isoquant diagram. They then use a geometrical proof attributable to Geoffrey Jehle (2002) to demonstrate that, in general, isoquants must have, outside the traditional ridge lines, a range where they are convex toward those (MP = 0) ridge lines and another range where they are concave toward them if there are short-run increasing, then diminishing, marginal returns. The authors suggest how this issue might be presented to students.  相似文献   

我国不同类型工业企业生产效率的区域差异研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
工业企业生产效率是一个国家或地区工业发展水平的重要标志,我国各种类型企业由于所有制形式不同,其运作机制和效率也有差异,本文通过应用Cobb-Douglas生产函数模型,并利用充足的数据分析了分省加总的不同类型工业企业的生产及其效率。研究得出我国1999~2002年,对几乎绝大多数省份而言,国有及国有控股企业的生产效率最低,而生产效率最高的企业是三资企业,同时研究也表明,在区域层面上来看,东部地区的各种类型企业生产效率比其他地区的生产效率高20%以上,这要求以后在研究区域差异时应更多关注区域生产的差异。  相似文献   

环境效率是生产过程中潜在可实现的最少污染排放量与实际污染排放量之比,企业能否提高环境效率取决于环保投入的产出水平。文章在随机前沿生产函数基础上估算了中国1986-2007年省级水平的环境效率,结果显示:中国的环境效率较低且增长缓慢,其中中部地区环境效率最低,西部地区环境效率最高。目前的环境管制方式在东部较为有效,对中西部的影响则不显著。因此环境管制不但要针对污染物当量,还要综合考虑企业的成本、利润水平等因素,才能更好治理污染。  相似文献   

Anticipation of an International Environmental Agreement provides an incentive for countries to change their production behavior prior to negotiations in order to gain a favorable bargaining position. Increased historical production figures at the time of negotiations may influence the magnitude of the baseline from which cutbacks will be specified. In this paper we empirically measure the magnitude of such strategic production behavior in the case of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer of 1987. Due to data limitations we specify a two player Nash–Cournot game between the United States and the rest of the world. We find evidence of asymmetric strategic behavior, which resulted in a net increase of aggregate world chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) production.  相似文献   

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