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输配电及用电工程是电力输送的重要环节,因此要做好输配电及用电线路的稳定运行。从输配电及用电工线路出发,论述了输配电及用电线路存在的安全问题,提出输配电及用电工程线路的安全对策。  相似文献   

工厂生产中常会出现用电事故,究其主要原因,大多是因为人们不重视电气设备的用电安全及用电安全知识淡薄,所以有必要对电气设备用电安全知识宣传教育,以引起人们的重视。本文详细对常用电气设备的安全措施、电气事故分类及原因、注意事项、防火措施等相关知识探讨。  相似文献   

由于建筑工地用电环境的复杂性及特殊性,加上大多数的作业人员刚由农民转变而成,安全用电意识较差,加之用电设备的多样性、安全措施的不完备使建筑工地的电气事故率增加,安全用电形势非常严峻。在施工实践中除了加强安全用电管理、经常对使用电气设备人员进行用电基本常识和技能教育外,更重要的是要精心配置工地的临时用电系统,为安全用电提供一个有效可靠的硬件环境。  相似文献   

赵珍波 《民营科技》2008,(12):198-199
由于建筑工地用电环境的复杂性及特殊性,加上大多数的作业人员刚由农民转变而成,安全用电意识较差,再加上用电设备的多样性、安全措施的不完备,使建筑工地的电气事故率不断增加,安全用电形势非常严峻。在施工实践中除了加强安全用电管理、经常对使用电气设备人员进行用电基本常识和技能教育外,更重要的是要精心配置工地的临时用电系统,为安全用电提供一个有效可靠的硬件环境。  相似文献   

宋昱 《民营科技》2013,(5):43-43
运行林区用电线路安全运行的因素主要是设备老化,造成用电线路漏电。现对林区用电线路绝缘老化的原因,对林区用电线路进行漏电检测的必要性及确保林区用电线路安全运行的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

李宇 《民营科技》2013,(9):68-68
在现代手术室中,随着电子仪器与电子设备的日益增多,安全用电亦成为了手术室设备安全运行的重要一环。现对手术室安全用电进行了分析,介绍了手术室电子仪器与电子设备易触电的危险,及用电安全措施和如何有效预防电事故的发生。  相似文献   

为提高重要客户供电可靠性及客户设备运行的安全稳定性,防止客户用电安全事故,加强重要客户的安全管理,治理客户用电安全隐患,规范客户设备的安全管理及客户电源的配置,可杜绝客户安全用电责任事故或因客户原因导致电网故障,维护社会公共安全,保证电网的安全稳定运行和社会供用电的公共安全.  相似文献   

本文首先阐述企业日常用电中存在的安全隐患;其次分析企业日常安全用电的措施分,即加强对企业日常用电设备的改进,加强管理培训提高工作人员的安全意识及安全操作能力,加强制度的健全。  相似文献   

高霞 《民营科技》2011,(9):255-255
随着科学技术的不断进步,窃电手法也越来越趋向于多元化和技术化。因此,对用电检查人员要经常进行技术培训及经验交流,使用电检查人员不断提高技术水平,及时撑控窃电动态,更好的打击、制止、防范窃电的不法行为。阻止违章用电行为,加强安全用电知识宣传,及时排除安全隐患是当前用电检查部的工作重心。客户安全维系的是电网安全和电网形象,客户服务中心用电检查部安全、基础、服务“三步并进”的方式全方位做好用电检查工作,必将为客户安全和电网安全构建起一道牢不可破的“安全网”。  相似文献   

浅谈施工现场临时用电安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前建筑施工现场临时用电的实际情况,探讨用电安全的管理及防范措施。  相似文献   

山西晋城供电分公司积极开展多元化交纳电费工作,建设互动电视自助交纳电费系统,使得数字互动电视用户足不出户即可完成用电查询、电费查询、电费交纳等事宜,有效缓解交电费难的现状。  相似文献   

王少波 《价值工程》2014,(34):30-31
当前,窃电现象屡禁不止,而且窃电手段越来越多、技术含量越来越高,盗窃形式更为隐蔽,给防范和查处工作带来了更大的难度。因此,作为国家、供电企业必须充分认识当前防范窃电工作的严峻形势、重要程度,将该项工作作为系统工程,切实从法律上做到约束、从实际工作中做好防范、从现实社会中严厉整治和打击,为电力能源的高效、优质供应打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

刘海兵 《价值工程》2014,(10):195-196
用电信息采集是对配电变压器和终端用户的用电数据的采集和分析,实现实时用电监测、推行阶梯电价、负荷管理、线损分析,最终达到自动化抄表、错峰用电、用电检查(反窃电)、负荷预测分析和节约用电成本的目的。系统上线以来,大大降低抄表人员外出抄表的工作量以及车辆的危险,抄表员还可利用采集系统召测实时抄表数据,及时对用户进行预收电费的催缴,提升预收电费比重,大大降低电费回收风险,提升自动化水平,对抄核收全过程管理有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Roland E. Ubogu 《Socio》1985,19(5):331-337
This paper presents the findings from an econometric model of Nigerian electricity demand. Electricity consumers are partitioned into three classes-namely. Residential, Commercial and Industrial. It shows that over the last two decades there has been tremendous increase in both the supply and demand for electric energy. Although supply has increased, it has not been able to keep pace with demand. Various explanatory variables that determine changes in demand are analysed for each of the three consuming sectors. The findings are as follows.(i) Per capital income, previous level of electricity consumption and urbanization are the most significant explanatory variables for the Residential sector's electricity consumption. The short and long-run income elasticities are found to be below unity, while whose of urbanization are above unity. The average price of electricity, though rightly signed, was found to be insignificant.(ii) As regards the commercial sector, the significant explanatory variables were previous level of electricity consumption, income, average price of electricity and urbanization. Urbanization was, however, found to be the most sensitive variable in respect to changes in the sector's electricity demand.(iii) Previous level of industrial electricity consumption and degree of urbanization were the main explanatory variables for changes in the Industrial sector's demand for electricity. Industrial output and income were not found to be significant variables in explaining changes in the Industrial sector's demand for electricity.  相似文献   

电网是电力市场的基础和载体。电网企业通过输电、配电、售电的垂直一体化的电力物流配送体系,实现电力的使用价值。开展电力购销控制评价,有利于发现电力购销中存在的管理漏洞,提出管理意见及建议,达到完善购销控制、防范经营风险、提高服务水平的目的。文中就电网企业电力购销控制评价的原则、指标、方法等进行研究,希望能对电网企业内部控制评价的研究提供一定的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

王娟 《价值工程》2011,30(33):298-298
在电力市场化改革的过程中如何解决电费回收难问题是电力部门的重要课题。而电力营销是供电企业的核心业务,对提高电费回收的力度及效率,尤其的有效回收陈欠电费,其意义深远。本文就新形势下电费回收过程中存在的问题进行阐述,进而提出相应的策略和对策。  相似文献   

This paper develops hypotheses on the effects of various attitudinal and perceptual variables as well as socio‐demographic characteristics of residential electricity customers on an individual's willingness to pay a mark‐up for electricity generated from renewable energy sources compared with the price due for electricity from conventional sources. The hypotheses are tested with data from a standardized telephone survey of 238 household electricity consumers in Germany. 53.4% of the participants are willing to pay a mark‐up for green electricity. 26.1% report a price tolerance equal to a 5–10% increase in their current electricity bill. Binary logistic and ordinal regression analyses indicate that price tolerance for green electricity is particularly influenced by attitudes (1) towards environmental issues and (2) towards one's current power supplier, (3) perceptions of the evaluation of green energy by an individual's social reference groups, (4) household size and (5) current electricity bill level. The findings are used to derive suggestions for energy related informational activities of public institutions, green marketing strategies of energy companies and future consumer research regarding demand for pro‐environmental goods. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

谢华兴  杨冬梅 《价值工程》2010,29(2):148-150
随着海峡西岸经济建设的高速发展,电力行业现代化管理不断深人,对电力营销人才无论在量还是质的方面都提出了新的更高的要求。本课题以福建电力企业对电力营销人员的实际需求为出发点,探讨如何培养出适应海西电力市场改革与发展需要的电力营销高职人才的方案。文章首先通过广泛的调研和分析,准确及时地了解海西电力市场对营销人才数量、质量、能力等各方面的需求;然后,根据电力市场需要和高等教育的规律准确科学地对高职院校电力营销进行专业定位;在此基础上,遵循教学规律探索出适应电力体制改革新形势的电力营销专业高职人才培养新模式。  相似文献   

郭晓鹏  杨里 《物流技术》2012,(17):347-349
主要研究以全面提升煤电供应链弹性为目标的一体化风险管理框架。研究内容主要包括全面分析煤电供应链各成员单位(包括煤炭企业、电力企业、铁路运输、港口等)的特性,识别煤电供应链内外部的风险因素,建立完整的煤电供应链一体化风险管理框架模型。  相似文献   

Different types of plants are used to generate electricity in the US: single-, multi-, and mixed-electricity plants. In this paper, we question the best type/design of plants for both renewable and non-renewable electricity. To do so, we suggest a new index that takes the form of a Malmquist productivity index. The specificity of our new index is that it offers the option to investigate the performances and the causes of the performance changes for each type of electricity separately; this is not possible when relying on more standard indexes. Moreover, our new index takes the links between the inputs and the outputs into account, and is nonparametric in nature. Using our index, we study the performances of more than 5000 plants for the period 2000–2012. Our findings reveal that single-electricity plants perform better for renewable electricity, while multi-electricity plants perform better for non-renewable electricity. This is coherent with the decreasing importance of multi-electricity plants in the US, and the increasing importance of single-electricity plants producing renewable electricity. Furthermore, our results do not suggest that combining renewable and non-renewable electricity generations within a plant improves the performance of the plants. Finally, we demonstrate that the reasons for the changes in performance are different for each type of electricity and plant.  相似文献   

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