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要素、技术能力与技术赶超方式的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术能力决定了后发技术赶超的成败,而技术能力又是由企业要素所决定的。通过拓展的A-J模型,建立基于技术能力的后发技术赶超方式演变模型,比较模仿创新、合作创新和自主创新的绩效后发现:企业的技术赶超方式是随着企业的要素和技术能力而变化的,当要素有限、技术能力参数较低时,企业应该采取模仿创新的技术赶超方式;当要素和技术能力上升到一定的程度之后,企业可以采取合作创新的赶超方式;只有要素和技术能力上升到较高的程度时,企业才有可能实施自主创新的赶超方式。  相似文献   

<正>在知识经济时代,企业的生存与发展均离不开研究与开发(R&D)活动,而一个企业的R&D投入规模与其技术发展水平和增长后劲有着密不可分的关系,在一定程度上反映了该企业的科技水平、创新能力和经济增长潜力。高新技术企业最大的特征是以技术创新为核心,企业增长也主要依赖高附加值的新技术及其产品,依靠高新技术所带来的边际利润上升。  相似文献   

文章在全面理解现代企业全要素创新内涵的基础上,从企业规模、竞争程度和国际化三个维度研究了开放条件下市场结构对企业创新方式选择的影响。基于世界银行对中国企业的微观调查数据,采用多变量Probit模型进行实证分析发现:(1)以减少生产成本为目的的流程创新和通过对员工技术培训实现的组织创新是目前中国企业参与度最高的创新方式;(2)企业规模对以降低成本为目的的创新活动的促进作用显著大于以占领市场为目的的创新活动;(3)适度竞争市场最有利于企业各类创新方式的开展,产品创新受市场竞争程度的影响最大;(4)企业国际化模式对创新方式选择产生显著影响,技术许可对各类创新产生的正向影响尤为显著。  相似文献   

我国餐饮业食品安全问题成因及其治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在税收和监督成本存在以及政府和消费者的监督成本不一致的前提下,本文通过一系列的博弈模型分析,证明私人监督体制优于公共执法体制。鉴于我国目前的管理体制,由于私人没有执法权,必须依靠公权力才能对违法行为进行惩罚,只有将私人监督引入公共执法体制,才能提高社会的整体福利水平;同时,完全消除贿赂现象并不总是最高效的,对私人监督者的奖金率和对违规经营者的惩罚率的最优选择,在混合执法体制中取决于他们对于违规水平和监督投入的边际影响以及税收的社会经济成本。  相似文献   

庄涛  吴洪  胡春 《财贸研究》2015,(1):55-60
利用中国高技术产业5大行业1998—2012年的面板数据,测度不同行业的产学研合作创新效率,并从三螺旋视角分析产学研合作创新效率的影响因素。研究发现:中国高技术产业产学研合作总体效率不高,但呈缓慢上升趋势,其中,计算机领域创新效率相对较高,而航空航天领域创新效率较低;企业技术吸收能力、大学—企业—政府三方合作紧密程度、大学参与程度对产学研合作效率有显著促进作用;政府R&D投入对规模效率存在显著促进作用,而对综合效率和纯技术效率存在显著抑制作用。  相似文献   

吕彤 《商场现代化》2014,(14):88-88
市场经济的不断发展,市场也以市场机制为基础规划企业的战略和具体的计划,并且企业与其他企业之间也处在一个完全竞争的环境中,在这种情况下企业的产品、营销战略等都会可被其他企业模仿的,使企业的在该方面的竞争力下降从而是企业的整体价值下降。企业的文化作为企业的一种无形的资源,其具有不易模仿性,并且具有形成时间长等特征,不容易被其他的企业模仿,良好的企业文化对提高企业的价值具有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

引入专营销售商到传统双寡头竞争中,寡头都有专营销售商销售产品,这样更加符合现实情况,就形成了两条产业链。在此情况下,这是一个特殊斯塔克尔伯格博弈模型,即双层博弈模型。模型中包括两个寡头上层生产商、两个下层专营销售商。上层定价博弈后,下层再定价博弈。本文对此进行了产价博弈模型分析,得到了均衡的解。存在专营销售商的情况下,销售商会对产品进行加价销售,从而使得产品市场价格有所提高。销售商对于产品的加价程度取决于产品的批发价格,批发价格不同,加价的程度也会不同。  相似文献   

在双寡头市场上,构建消费者效用函数及企业利润函数研究企业关于大规模定制(MC)的决策。为刻画MC对消费者效用及企业利润的影响,引入品牌效应和产品线成本。本文对寡头市场上两企业的两阶段博弈进行研究,讨论目标企业面临不同决策环境时的战略决策(是否进行MC)与优化决策(最优定制程度及相应最优价格)。之后,分析了包括品牌效应、产品线成本、旅行成本在内的诸多参数对企业决策的影响。最后,对上述结果进行仿真模拟。  相似文献   

王蕴 《中国物价》2007,(5):47-50
本文利用世界银行“财政分权国别数据库”从支出分权、收入分权和基本社会服务分权等方面对16个国家的财政分权程度进行比较研究,得出以下结论:(1)联邦制国家的财政分权程度总体上高于单一制国家;(2)发达国家的财政分权程度比较稳定,90年代以来有所下降;发展中国家的财政分权程度不断提高;(3)所比较国家的财政分权都是非对称性分权;(4)基本社会服务是财政分权的重要方面。  相似文献   

在巴塞尔新资本协议下,对于使用高级计量法的银行,保险被认可使用作为资本金的缓释手段.要计提资本金,则必须先计算在险价值(VaR).在保费固定的情况下,随着赔偿限额的上升,在险价值先下降之后震荡,然后继续上升,并存在-最小值;在险价值和银行的期望损失存在一定程度的替代关系,且二者之间有一个最优保险点,即低在险价值和低成本的组合点.  相似文献   


This contribution reviews developments in the microeconomic analysis applied to three fields that are rarely considered in combination – energy, insurance, and health – focusing on four themes. First, it finds that stocks are crucial not only in energy but also motivate (in the guise of assets) demand for insurance coverage, as well as healthcare services designed to maintain one’s stock of health. Second, however, the three fields strongly diverge in terms of their industry structure. While oil and, until recently, electricity are vertically integrated, healthcare has been the leading example of a cottage industry, with private insurance in between. Third, the structure of innovation also differs. In energy and private insurance, process and organizational innovation prevail; in healthcare, it is product innovation, meaning new characteristics at higher cost, facilitated by health insurance. Finally, government regulation impinges on all three industries.  相似文献   


This paper examines optimal trade, industrial, and privatization policies in a home-market model of mixed international duopoly with strategic managerial incentives. Under linear demand and constant marginal costs, the optimal degree of privatization is shown to depend crucially on cost and demand parameters and on the availability of strategic trade and industrial policies. If both firms are equally efficient, optimal trade and industrial policies drive out the foreign firm and the privatization policy loses its effect on national welfare; however, if the home firm is less efficient, then full privatization combined with an import tariff and a production subsidy is optimal for the home country, while an export subsidy is optimal for the foreign country. If trade and industrial policies are unavailable and if both firms are equally efficient, full state-ownership, which drives out the foreign firm, becomes optimal; however, if the home firm is less efficient, only partial privatization is optimal, The state-ownership share is increased if either the market size grows, the home firm's efficiency increases, or the foreign firm's efficiency decreases. Further, the paper demonstrates the potential conflict between privatization and trade liberalization policies.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):154-171
Retailers use both pricing and service strategies to respond to intensified competition. Here we develop a duopoly model to investigate the impact of the increasingly popular personalized pricing strategy (PPS) and the widely used Money Back Guarantee (MBG) customer returns policy. We consider two retailers who differ in customer satisfaction rates. Each retailer chooses a pricing strategy, PPS or uniform pricing, and a product return strategy, MBG or ‘no returns.’ We show that both PPS and MBG are dominant strategies, but their impact on retailers’ prices and profits are different; while PPS intensifies price competition and may lead to a prisoner’s dilemma in which both retailers may lose profit, MBG mitigates price competition and may result in a Pareto improvement in both retailers’ profits. Both PPS and MBG increase the size of the overall market, but not the total duopoly profit. The total customer surplus and social welfare may increase under either strategy. In addition, we obtain some interesting observations as to how our results may change if the product quality/customer satisfaction rate is endogenously chosen in the duopoly. Some of our findings are in contrast to related results reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Innovation and imitation effects in Metaverse service adoption   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examines the innovation and imitation effects in Metaverse service adoption. “Metaverse services” is a collective term for services such as Augmented reality, Life logging, Mirror world, and Virtual world. Among them, Twitter, Google, iPhone, and Secondlife (T.G.I.S) are the most popular services/products these days. To measure the adoption of these product/services, the most commonly used are IP traffic and iPhone sales. Thus, in this study, we measured adoption by measuring changes in the IP traffic volume of , , , and sales for iPhone during a 2-year period (from the first quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2009). To analyze this time series data to reveal the innovation and imitation effect, we employed the Bass model. The results showed that each of these services yields different innovation and imitation coefficient values. Imitation effects for all Metaverse services are greater than innovation effects, and Secondlife’s innovation effects are larger than others. Also, iPhone sales, as a measurement for information and communication technology (ICT) products, showed greater innovation effects than the other services. Implications are drawn to explain these differences, such as, Googlemap’s imitation effects are based on network externalities, while Twitter’s imitation effects are caused by the interactions of individuals; iPhone sales’ innovation effects are explained by the timing of the measurement.  相似文献   

近年来,我国网络零售取得惊人的发展;与此同时,网络零售商也成为自有品牌战略实施的生力军。由于经营模式、资源条件等方面的不同,网络零售商的自有品牌战略实践与超市、百货等传统零售商存在一定的差异,体现在自有品牌目标市场选择、市场定位、商品组合设计、商品开发、宣传推广等方面。网络零售商选择的自有品牌成长路径大都属于产品研发能力主导型,自有品牌市场定位以高性价比和时尚创新为主,商品组合具有“宽而深”或“窄而深”特点。  相似文献   

This paper explores the strategy of a small firm entering a monopolist's market thereby creating a duopoly market. The small firm avoids competing with the larger, incumbent firm by producing a lower-quality product at a lower price. The model here establishes an equilibrium under a specific set of assumptions and examines how exogenous factors affect prices, qualities and profits. Although the strategy might allow the firm to enter and earn a profit, the market conditions may make this position much less desirable to that of the large firm for several reasons. In the case explored here where tastes for the product are uniformly distributed, the small firm's profit is about six percent of that of the larger firm. The smaller firm is more severely threatened by the entrance of a third firm. Furthermore, even if the smaller firm can cut costs, its position is not well suited for exploiting such increases in efficiencies.  相似文献   

本文在对中国加工贸易企业行为特征分析的基础上,实证检验了加工贸易与中国经济增长、产业国际竞争力之间的关系。研究发现加工贸易促进了中国经济的增长,但对经济增长的贡献率不仅低于国内消费和固定资产投资,而且也低于一般贸易;加工贸易提升了我国产业国际竞争力,但其作用明显低于研发投入。基于上述结论,文章最后提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This article analyses how product differentiation affects the volume of trade under duopoly using Shubik-Levitan demand functions rather than the Bowley demand functions used by Bernhofen (2001). The drawback of Bowley demand functions is that an increase in product differentiation increases the size of the market so the increase in the volume of trade may be the result of the increase in the size of the market rather than the increase in product differentiation per se. The Shubik-Levitan demand functions have the advantage that an increase in product differentiation does not increase the size of the market, but consumers still have a ‘love of variety’. It is shown that the volume of trade in terms of quantities falls with increasing product differentiation when the trade cost is relatively low, but rises with increasing product differentiation when the trade cost is relatively high. Among the results, it is shown that the trade liberalisation is more likely to be profitable under Cournot duopoly than under Bertrand duopoly for differentiated products with a positive trade cost.  相似文献   

Consulting groups are predicting that the future of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) exchanges will generate exponentially increasing revenues. However, the economic uncertainties in the market and technological innovations, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and e-Speak from Hewlett Packard, may significantly alter the outlook for the current exchanges. In this study, we adopted a diffusion model for B2B, B2C, and P2P exchanges and e-Speak to capture the future revenue potentials of these electronic exchanges. We simulated the proposed model to incorporate possible market uncertainties. We initially analyzed the case where B2B and B2C increased exponentially. Then, we considered the case of migration from B2B and B2C to P2P and e-Speak. We tested the rate of diffusion with respect to certain parameters, such as imitation, innovation, market potential, and switching rate. With the set of parameters we used, we found out that the effect of imitation was stronger than innovation. The switching rate played an important role in how easy it was for agents to move to later technologies. The inertia factor determined the winner in the marketplace, based on the values, making it more expensive or less expensive to switch to later technologies.  相似文献   

我国东中西部地区的技术创新是否受到研发投入、FDI流入以及人才门槛效应的影响,这些影响是否存在差异性?根据我国1999-2008年省级面部数据,对上述问题进行了经验检验后发现:地区技术创新水平、外资对地区创新能力的影响领域、影响程度存在差异性,与地区经济发展水平的差异性一致;外资在东部地区的溢出效应集中在"发明专利"高端创新活动领域,西部地区外资的作用更多地反映在"外观设计专利"低端领域,中部地区居于其中;创新层次高的东部地区存在显著的人才门槛效应。  相似文献   

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