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自关系营销的概念在西方提出后,不少中国学者积极引入这一概念,将西方理论与中国普遍存在的利用人际关系从事营销活动的行为相结合.然而,关系营销理论在进入中国后,通过与中国人际关系文化的结合发生了一些新变化.本文拟在阐释西方关系营销理论与中国人际关系文化含义的基础之上,探讨两种文化影响下的企业行为差异和原因.  相似文献   

品牌社群是当今西方品牌理论研究的新前沿,品牌社群营销成功的关键在于运用品牌社群来创造消费者的品牌信任。本文在系统论述品牌社群价值和品牌信任结构维度的基础上,建立品牌社群价值与品牌信任之间的作用机理模型,通过顾客体验作为中介变量来理解品牌社群价值与品牌信任之间的关系。最后,本文提出了研究结论,并指出了研究局限性和未来展望。  相似文献   

随着消费者行为和市场环境的变化,照明企业需要积极采取创新的品牌营销策略来与消费者建立更深入的关系,并脱颖而出。但传统的照明企业往往忽视了品牌故事和情感连接的重要性,过度依赖传统广告模式,缺乏产品创新和个性化市场定位,限制了企业在市场中的竞争力和品牌影响力。基于此,本文将探讨照明产品品牌营销的创新路径,包括重点突出产品特点、利用网络社交媒体营销、讲好品牌故事、分享教育和信息、品牌联合推广等创新策略,希望能让企业与消费者建立更强大的关系,并塑造照明产品品牌的长期影响力。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于中国本土品牌营销理论的缺失,使得中国企业不得不求助于先进的西方理论界,国人对西方营销理论的迷恋甚至达到了顶礼膜拜的程度。尽管西方的一螳品牌营销理论为品牌找到了“安身之处”。然而,市场形势千变万化,竞争态势今非昔比。价格战的饮鸩止渴、概念战遭遇信任危机、服务战难有深层创新、产品与营销模式的严重同质化更使企业遭遇前所未有的成长瓶颈,本土品牌建设举步维艰……西方理论的不足与“水土不服”的现象在中国比比皆是,那些长期困扰中国企业的难题依然困扰着我们。  相似文献   

在互联网时代,传统的商品零售模式已成为过去,品牌如何与消费者建立情感关系变得至关重要,品牌理论具备重要价值。从营销的角度,我们可以将品牌发展分为四个阶段:交易营销、关系营销、价值营销和价值观营销。交易营销注重单次交易收益的最大化交易营销是指为了达成交易而进行的营销活动,传统意义上的线下销售为主要营销形式,侧重于一次性交易,注重单次交易活动收益的最大化,一旦产品售出,交易关系将立即结束,较少强调消费者服务.  相似文献   

进入泛营销时代后,营销的要素不再局限于传统的4P,而是扩展到了更复杂的层面。在这样的背景下,天进整合传播机构立足本土多年的实践经验中总结出两大理论及模型:“品牌资产积累十八法”和“天进品牌资产地球理论”。这些理论都吸取了西方传统的营销理论,同时根据中国市场的具体情况进行改善,并最终经过实践的检验。基于泛营销时代的整合营销传播理念指导下的理论模型,真正满足了按大营销理念发展和完善营销模式和内在机制的客观需求,对业界人士具有重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   

李民  欧阳波 《商业研究》2011,(7):185-189
本文试图在物流网络视角下构建企业品牌营销发展模式,通过建立一个多主体博弈模型,描述企业、政府、消费者三方主体的行为激励,以及求解最佳行为均衡策略,提出企业品牌营销发展模式中各经济主体应采取哪些有效措施,以促进由企业为主导的微观经济主体结合物流网络发展品牌营销,实现企业、政府、消费者三方共赢。  相似文献   

山寨现象非常普遍,山寨营销已成为弱势品牌营销创新的模式之一。首先回顾了弱势品牌的山寨营销的起源、背景、定义和类型,然后从品牌成长路径、消费者行为变迁、市场营销战略、利基营销和长尾理论等多个理论角度阐述弱势品牌开展山寨营销的动因。山寨营销的实践启示是山寨营销是在中国特定的市场环境中产生和发展起来的一种弱势品牌快速和低成本发展的营销方式之一,适合企业在初创时期或实力弱小阶段的品牌建设思路。  相似文献   

入世后,中国农产品市场的对外开放程度逐年扩大,外国农产品不断涌向国内市场,对我国的农产品市场形成严峻的挑战。因此中国农产品需要在提高产品质量和生产技术的同时,利用现代市场营销理论,创造和建立中国农产品的营销模式,以增强中国农产品在国内和国际市场上的竞争力。本文在分析中国农产品市场现状、分析三种农产品营销理念和其不足之处的基础上,提出农产品品牌体验营销模式。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展以及互联网信息技术的不断普及,奢侈品牌营销在此时代背景下通过结合新的营销方式来提升品牌竞争力。基于此,文章以运用服务设计提升奢侈品牌精准营销策略为目的,对大数据时代下奢侈品牌营销现状、服务设计理论进行研究梳理。将服务设计的已有研究成果,结合奢侈品牌营销所具有的独特属性,通过建立将服务设计导入奢侈品牌营销的实施路径与理论模型,验证服务设计在奢侈品牌营销中的重要作用,并由此提出奢侈品牌营销的可行性策略建议。  相似文献   

论品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业之间的竞争,集中体现为品牌统治权的争夺,实质是对消费者的争夺。只有与消费者建立长期持久的关系,才能取得竞争的先机。而信任是长期关系的基础,是关系营销取得成功的关键,与心理契约存在正相关关系。系统梳理、借鉴有关品牌信任和心理契约研究成果,并从理论上论证了品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的横向动态关系与纵向互动关系同时存在,它们共同形成了消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的动态整合模型。  相似文献   


The brand personality concept has received considerable attention. However, researchers have paid little attention to how homogeneous consumer brand personality perceptions are. This study attempts to fill this gap by analysing survey data (n?=?603) collected from respondents evaluating seven mass-market consumer brands. Using cluster analysis, it identifies four typical brand personality constellations. The authors find variance among brand personality perceptions across brands, but more interestingly also within perceptions of individual brands. This result points to issues in implementing brand personalities in marketing practice. The article concludes with theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

段辉民  岑小妹 《中国市场》2008,(36):132-133
"盐桥"品牌是国家商标局认定的驰名商标,"盐桥"品牌着力打造中国乃至世界品牌。本文通过将品牌营销的理念和品牌营销的策略引入盐湖集团发展研究领域,在分析盐湖集团品牌营销状况的基础上,对"盐桥"钾肥品牌经营提出了有针对性的营销策略,这对加强盐湖集团品牌建设,提升企业核心竞争力,实现企业经济效益的快速增长都具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Brand love is the most emotionally intense connection between consumers and their brands. Referring to their interpersonal counterpart, it is assumed that consumer–brand relationships change their nature over time. However, most studies in this field do not take into consideration this dynamic characteristic. As part of a dynamic perspective of emotionality within consumer–brand relationships, this study is the first to integrate traditional relationship lifecycle concepts and interpersonal love theories. Addressing the developmental path of brand love dimensions over the course of a relationship, the analysis shows that the emotional bond with a brand as represented by brand love and its subdimensions do not follow a prototypical trajectory as assumed by traditional lifecycle concepts. Instead of forming an inverse U‐shape, the respective dimensions show divergent paths rather resembling the development of their interpersonal correspondent. Comparing hedonic and utilitarian brand concepts, it is shown that brand love can arise for hedonic brands and, just as well, for brands perceived as predominantly utilitarian. Moreover, the results advocate the singularity of brand love among relational constructs, thereby paving the way for a distinct theoretical approach centering on the lifecycle of love. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Marketing theorists espouse that the long-term success of a brand is contingent upon the proper selection and operationalization of brand meaning prior to market entry. Nevertheless, prior research has not addressed how to design multiple branding elements that together can convey consistent brand meaning. Results of the first study support a relationship between structural characteristics of the brand name (e.g., front vs. back vowels) and the brand mark's size, shape, and color. The second study found that brands with marks that are consistent in design with the brand name better communicate intended brand meaning. An important implication is that a properly operationalized brand may require fewer marketing expenditures to create brand image.  相似文献   

Consumer brand preference is an essential step towards understanding consumer choice behaviour, and has therefore always received great attention from marketers. However, the study of brand preference has been limited to traditional marketing focusing on functional attributes to maximise utility. But now the shift to experiential marketing broadens the role of the brand from a bundle of attributes to experiences. Technological advancements have helped to increase the similarities between brand attributes and product commoditisation. Consequently, consumers cannot shape their preferences among brands using rational attributes only. They seek out brands that create experiences; that intrigue them in a sensorial, emotional and creative way. This study seeks to develop a model that provides an understanding of how brand knowledge and brand experience determine brand preference and to investigate its impact on brand repurchase intention. Accordingly, exploratory focus group discussions are employed followed by a survey of mobile phone users in Egypt. The findings provide insights into the relative importance of consumer perceptions on different brand knowledge factors in shaping brand preferences. It also demonstrates the significance of consumers’ experiential responses towards brands in developing their brand preferences that in turn influence brand repurchase intention. The model therefore offers managers a new perspective for building strong brands able to gain consumer preferences.  相似文献   


This article investigates the influence of brand esthetics on consumer response to cause-related marketing campaigns. Drawing on brand visual identity and advertising research, a processing fluency perspective is explored in the relationship between stimulus characteristics and consumer judgment. Processing fluency suggests color enhances the ease with which consumers recognize and process brand elements, and more broadly, cause-related marketing campaigns. Brand logos were recolored to enhance the perceptual fluency of the two entities. Its joint effect with conceptual congruence (e.g., fit) indicate that both low and high fit brands benefit from enhanced processing fluency, with a more robust outcome for high fit brands. These effects were mediated by logo evaluation, leading to a new path of fit perceptions in CRM initiatives.  相似文献   

我国企业品牌建设问题探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文认为,近年来我国本土品牌发展较快,但与世界著名品牌相比,还有相当大的差距,品牌的重要作用还没有凸显出来;产业规模还比较小;品牌出口能力弱。因此面对国际竞争,必须明确品牌定位,选准目标市场,打好品牌根基;制定可持续发展战略,使品牌的培育、发展、管理与企业的整体战略相统一;视质量为品牌的生命,严把品牌建设质量关;加快新产品开发,不断为品牌注入新的活力;注重营销整合,为品牌成长提供保障。  相似文献   

Previous research on the sports marketing of global brands has focused mainly on the sponsorship of sporting events and the endorsement of products by athletes. This study reveals the unexamined effect of the impact of sports stars' personal brand on global brand equity and consumers' brand love. Based on global consumer culture (GCC) theory and self-expansion theory, this paper examines the influence of sports celebrities' personal brand on consumers' perceptions of global brand equity and brand love. Using survey data from 372 users of “HUPU”, our results revealed that the use of sports stars' personal brand (attractiveness, expertise, and congruence) was positively related to global brand equity and brand love. Belief in global brand citizenship has a full mediating effect between attractiveness and brand love but a partial mediating effect between expertise, congruence and brand love. Product quality partially mediates the relationship between expertise and brand love. These findings suggest that it is appropriate to use sports stars' personal brand to build global brand equity and increase consumers’ brand love.  相似文献   


Engagement has surfaced as a vital tool in marketing to enhance the customer’s relationships and loyalty with brands. Despite this, there is dearth of empirical studies focusing on the role of customer engagement within the context of brands. Thus, the main objective of this study is to investigate the role of customer brand engagement in building customer-brand relationships and brand loyalty within the context of hotel industry. Using convenience sampling technique, a sample of 418 respondents has been collected through self-administered questionnaire method from the users of hotel services in India. The study findings suggest that different dimensions of customer brand engagement vary in terms of their influence on customer-brand relationships and brand loyalty. In addition, customer-brand relationships exhibit positive and significant influence on brand loyalty. This present study enhances the understanding of customer brand engagement construct by empirically verifying its relevance in determining the long-term success of firms/brands.  相似文献   

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