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受1997年亚洲金融危机的影响,韩国经济遭受巨大损失。韩国政府为化解金融危机所暴露出的经济问题,采取了许多积极应对措施,取得了很好的效果,金融改革的成功极大地促进了韩国经济的恢复进程。本文以YOULI银行为案例,从侧面了解韩国金融改革的成效,并对中韩金融合作的途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigates how foreign bank/investor penetrations influence local bank performance in China. At the country level, foreign bank penetration is proxied by MacroFP, measured by the percentage of banks with foreign strategic investors (FSI) among total banks. At the bank level foreign bank penetration is proxied by MicroFP, measured by the percentage shareholding of FSl in a bank. When foreign bank penetration is proxied by MacroFP, it is found to improve the profitability of local banks but not to reduce costs. Next, when foreign bank penetration is proxied by MicroFP, it is found to affect neither profitability nor costs. In sum, the present study demonstrates that the opening-up policy is correct from a macro perspective, However, for banks that have introduced FSI, determining the reasons for improvements in performance being inhibited is more important than releasing more shares to foreign investors.  相似文献   


This paper examines the performance of banks, domestic and foreign, in Korea before and after the Asian financial crisis, examining how the profitability of those banks differed and identifying factors that explain why those differences existed. The performance of Korean banks deteriorated dramatically in 1998 with most banks recovering somewhat in 1999. Foreign banks did not experience the same negative effect on their performance as a rule. Overall, the domestic Korean banks suffered more severely from the Asian financial crisis than foreign banks. Several possible explanations exist. First, foreign banks, unlike domestic Korean banks, were not subject to credit allocation directives from the Korean government to selected, favoured industries. Second, foreign banks, since they relied for governance on the mother bank in the home country, achieved higher efficiency and better asset and liability management. Finally, foreign banks rely more heavily on fee-for-service income rather than loan revenue.  相似文献   

财务战略是企业战略的组成部分,它必须以可持续发展理念为指导.企业财务战略与企业可持续发展战略相辅相成.企业财务战略具有前导性、支持性、动态性、全员性、互逆性、持久性等特征.企业可以通过制订财务战略目标、强化企业财务文化、实施财务战略活动、完善财务战略机制、优化企业价值链、建立财务管理体系等路径,再造基于可持续发展思想的财务战略.  相似文献   

Although theory emphasizes the role of financial market frictions in explaining income inequality, there is little empirical research exploring how financial development and financial sector reforms influence the evolution of income inequality. This article examines how finance impacts income inequality in India using annual time series data for over half a century. The results indicate that while financial development helps reduce income inequality, financial liberalization seems to exacerbate it. The results are robust to the use of different measures for financial development and financial liberalization.  相似文献   

Because large state-owned banks are often the only financial service providers in remote areas of low-income countries, policymakers worry that even if privatization improves performance, it might reduce access. We study this issue through a case study: the privatization of Uganda Commercial Bank (UCB) to the South African bank Stanbic. Though market segmentation remains a concern since Stanbic faces little or no direct competition in many remote areas, some innovative aspects of the sales agreement have enabled the bank to improve its profitability while maintaining, or even improving, access to financial services for some hard-to-serve groups.  相似文献   

This study uses a dynamic herding model that considers intertemporal and cross‐sectional correlation to confirm that loan herding occurs among joint‐stock commercial banks (JSCBs) and city commercial banks (CCBs). We clarify the motivations for bank loan herding. We find that loan herding by both JSCBs and CCBs results more from following the behavior of other same‐type banks than different‐type banks because of characteristic herding or reputational concerns. Loan herding by JSCBs is motivated by investigative herding, whereas loan herding by CCBs results from informational cascades. Moreover, loan herding has a significantly harmful impact on the operating performance of CCBs but not JSCBs, which may be explained by the irrational behavior of CCBs. Our results will help Chinese bank supervisors develop appropriate policies for handling loan herding.  相似文献   

发展的引擎:从意大利产业区经验看中小企业融资   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了战后意大利产业区经济的发展,在确定形成产业区竞争力的内外因素的基础上,强调了区域产业网络为区内企业提供融资便利的重要性。在以中小企业为构成主体的意大利传统产业区中,范围经济所依赖的企业间的分工、协作及竞争关系使各种融资便利产生积极的政策效果。同时,区域产业网络鼓励中小企业进行创新性投资,并为技术创新在产业区企业间的扩散和企业产品市场国际化创造了有利条件。以中小企业为政策导向的融资便利使产业区报酬递增的价值链得以延续,并刺激产业区生产的专业化水平不断提升,构成内生于本地经济体系的循环递增的发展过程。  相似文献   

我国非正规金融的绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜霞 《改革与战略》2010,26(7):102-105
非正规金融在我国发展迅猛,已经引起理论界的高度关注。作为一种制度安排,非正规金融具有资源配置效应、资本积累效应、经济增长效应、竞争引致效应等经济效率和制度效率,但同时其自身的内在缺陷又影响了其效率的发挥,因此,必须引导和规范非正规金融的发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to analyse the lending activities of the Cameroon Development Bank, which was established to promote the economic development of Cameroon, particularly in the industrial field. It is found that most of the Bank's lending has been in the form of short-term loans for financing marketing activities, housing and household equipment, and that to this extent the Bank has not so far played its intended role in promoting industrial development. Consequently, it is suggested that in future the Bank should place greater emphasis on the granting of credits to finance industrial operations which utilize Cameroon's agricultural resources.  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(6):1071-1082
This paper estimates and examines the determinants of the Grameen Bank's (henceforth GB) cost inefficiency using branch-level cost data to 1988–91. The average inefficiency score for the GB runs from 3% to 6%. Female branches are found to be more efficient than other types of branches. Three variables, primary school, secondary school, and bank density per square mile are found to be of expected signs and statistically significant. Neither the age of a branch nor size is significant. Allowing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)to operate side by side may increase the level of competition among them, and thus increase their operational efficiency. The government may invest in infrastructure development, which will help reduce the transactions costs of GB and hence improve their operational efficiency.  相似文献   

我国商业银行绩效的综合评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
绩效是商业银行核心竞争力的重要内容 ,加入WTO之后 ,中外银行业之间的竞争将集中表现为绩效的竞争。本文运用因子分析和聚类分析的方法对 2 0 0 2年我国 12家商业银行的绩效状况做出综合评价 ,找出了不同商业银行之间绩效的差距 ,并认为上市可以提高商业银行绩效  相似文献   

论汇丰银行与近代中国金融制度的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在近代中国100多年金融制度的变革中,汇丰银行在客观上产生了重要的影响。它的成立和发展壮大突破了原有金融体制的约束,成为近代中国多元化金融格局中的重要组成部分;依赖洋行、钱庄和买办等中介组织和个人,建立了中外贸易间接融资体制;积极介入权益角逐,垄断近代中国的内外债金融市场。金融制度的变革体现了近代中国半殖民地和半封建社会的特征,是各种力量综合作用的结果。既要看到汇丰银行唯利是图的本性,也要具体分析其在近代中国金融制度变革中的客观作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of political rent-seeking in New Deal expenditures focusing on the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC). Unlike other New Deal agencies, the RFC was not financed by government appropriations, it devolved assistance decisions, and primarily offered loans rather than grants. Although the RFC was subject to pressures for political favor during the Great Depression, the geographic distribution of RFC funds across states is not associated with standard political measures used to examine rent-seeking behavior in other studies of the New Deal.  相似文献   


This paper examines the effects of macro-economic factors on bank efficiency of commercial banks in Asia, Middle East/North Africa, and Africa. To achieve the objective, the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) was used to simultaneously estimate the parameters of the stochastic frontier and the inefficiency model. The results show that the effect of macro-economic factors on bank efficiency differs across region. Cost inefficiency of the commercial banks in the Asian region is negatively related to the real gross domestic product per capita, credit to the private sector, and market concentration but is positively related to trade openness. Banks cost inefficiency in the Middle East/North Africa is negatively related to trade openness but is positively related to market concentration suggesting that banking market in this region should be more open to competition.  相似文献   

Where policy has substantially increased central bank assets, the corresponding liabilities present an opportunity to increase the breadth, depth and liquidity of the government bond market. In China's case, transformed illiquid central bank liabilities could double or triple the stock of government bonds. Central bank liabilities can be transformed into government bonds either through the government's purchase of foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank or by the government overfunding its borrowing requirement and depositing the proceeds in the central bank. The overfunding approach is preferred if, for financial stability reasons, it is judged prudent to leave the central bank with sufficient resources to serve itself as lender of last resort in foreign currency to the banking system. In the case of China, public debt consolidation could also contribute to further liberalizing the Chinese banking system, wider international use of the renminbi and more balanced holdings of key currency government bonds.  相似文献   

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