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<正>财税〔2017〕2号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局,地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局:现就《财政部国家税务总局关于明确金融房地产开发教育辅助服务等增值税政策的通知》(财税〔2016〕140号)第四条规定的"资管产品运营过程中发生的增值税应税行为,以资管产品管理人为增值税纳税人"问题补充通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局、地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 现将资管产品增值税有关问题通知如下: 一、资管产品管理人(以下称管理人)运营资管产品过程中发生的增值税应税行为(以下称资管产品运营业务),暂适用简易计税方法,按照3%的征收率缴纳增值税。  相似文献   

国家财政部和税总在继财税[2016] 140号《关于明确金融.房地产开发.教育辅助服务等增值税政策的通知》界定运营资管产品的纳税主体后,又发布了财税[2017]2号《关于资管产品增值税政策有关问题的补充通知》,给运营资管产品的纳税人发了一个大红包!夏炎老师也助你一臂之力,帮你分四层拆开这个大红包了!  相似文献   

第一条 为加强增值税一般纳税人(以下简称一般纳税人)资格认定管理,根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》及其实施细则,制定本办法。 第二条 一般纳税人资格认定和认定以后的资格管理适用本办法。 第三条增值税纳税人(以下简称纳税人),年应税销售额超过财政部、国家税务总局规定的小规模纳税人标准的,除本办法第五条规定外。应当向主管税务机关申请一般纳税人资格认定。  相似文献   

<正>国家税务总局公告2013年第33号根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》(财政部国家税务总局第50号令)、《财政部国家税务总局关于在全国开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点税收政策的通知》(财税〔2013〕37号),现就增值税一般纳税人资格认定有关事项公告如下:一、销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务的纳税人,进行增值税一般纳税人资格认定时,其小规模纳税人资格适用条件,按  相似文献   

为更好地向纳税人和社会各界宣传、解释《增值税一般纳税人资格认定管理办法》的相关情况,总局编写了《增值税一般纳税人资格认定管理办法》宣传材料,现印发给你们,请及时印发宣传。  相似文献   

公告2013年第33号2013年6月21日根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》(财政部国家税务总局第50号令)、《财政部国家税务总局关于在全国开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点税收政策的通知》(财税〔2013〕37号),现就增值税一般纳税人资格认定有关事项公告如下:一、销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务的纳税人,进行增值税一般纳税人资格认定时,其小规模纳税人资格适用条件,按照财政部、国家税务总局第50号令第二十九条":年应税销售额超过小规模纳税人标准的其他个  相似文献   

私募基金按照业务可以分成私募股权基金和私募证券基金。按照组织形式来区分,可以分成合伙型基金、公司型基金和契约型基金。按照交易主体来划分,它包括管理人、投资人、托管人等。结合公司的经营业务和交易类型等实际情况,本文主要解决私募股权投资基金从成立、运营到清算全生命周期的相关税务筹划问题。本文分为两大部分:第一部分以税种为主线,分别从基金、基金管理人和基金投资者三个层面对增值税、所得税、印花税的税务问题依次进行详细介绍;第二部分以案例的形式分别对有限合伙型基金、公司型基金和契约型基金的各交易主体涉及到的纳税环节、税种及计算方法进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》(财政部、国家税务总局第50号令)、《财政部、国家税务总局关于在全国开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点税收政策的通知》(财税[2013]37号),现就增值税一般纳税人资格认定有关事项公告如下:一、销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务的纳税人,进行增值税一般纳税人资格认定时,其小规模纳税人资格适用条件,按照财政部、国家税务总局第50号令第二十九条:“年应税销售额超过小规模纳税人标准的其他个人按小规模。  相似文献   

为加强增值税一般纳税人纳税辅导期管理,根据《增值税一般纳税人资格认定管理办法》第十三条规定,税务总局制定了《增值税一般纳税人纳税辅导期管理办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国增值税法(征求意见稿)》以及《增值税法(送审稿)》将视同应税交易明确限定为货物等用于集体福利或者个人消费和无偿赠送两大类型,相比于加拿大、新加坡、澳大利亚的商品与服务税视同交易规则及替代方案,体现出较大的趋同性.视同应税交易的建构核心在于贯彻增值税中性原则,包括保护纳税人抵扣权、促进课税待遇平等以及避免...  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impacts of the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) requirement on banks’ choices of debt maturity and asset structures, with consequences for banks’ profitability and social welfare. We develop a model in which the manager of a bank determines both debt maturity structure (short-term vs. long-term debt) and asset composition (cash vs. risky assets). To address the incongruence of goals between the bank manager and the bank stakeholders, in our model we assume that the manager receives only a proportion of the bank’s profit in her pay schedule. We demonstrate that the optimal choices of the manager regarding debt maturity and asset structure lead to socially inefficient (second-best) outcomes because the manager internalizes only part of the social benefit. We then study the implications of the NSFR requirement on the manager’s choices and demonstrate that the NSFR requirement can enhance social welfare and reach an efficient (first-best) outcome, if a sufficiently low weight of short-term debt as available stable funding is required by regulation. Further, we find that under the same conditions the NSFR requirement reduces banks’ use of short-term financing and thus increases the probability of banks’ survival and profits from the ex ante point of view, while it decreases banks’ profits from the ex post point of view, since it reduces the threshold for banks’ survival. Our main results have some interesting empirical implications: under certain conditions, the NSFR requirement may reduce both bank failures and banks’ observed profits.  相似文献   

本文利用2010-2018年A股制造业上市公司数据,考察"营改增"对不同产权性质企业金融资产配置结构的影响。研究发现:在"营改增"影响下,国有企业的长期金融资产配备增加,实体投资"挤出"效应明显存在,说明国有企业配置金融资产以利润最大化为动机;非国有企业的短期金融资产持有量明显减少,融资约束有所缓解,说明非国有企业配置金融资产以资金储备为动机。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the profitability of the post-earnings-announcement-drift (PEAD) trading strategy using a practical simulation approach that aligns with a fund manager’s investment perspective. It allows us to calculate the break-even transaction costs of following a PEAD strategy, and permits the explicit incorporation of transaction costs. Using US data from 1974 to 2007, we show that the traditional event-study method understates the risk and overstates the abnormal return of the PEAD strategy. Accounting for transaction costs in a practical simulation framework, we show there is no abnormal return (alpha) from the PEAD strategy in multi-factor asset pricing regression analyses. These results are robust to sub-period analyses and alternative transaction cost measures. The effects of intraday timing and information risk on the PEAD strategy are also explored. Overall, our study shows that the practical aspects of implementing the PEAD strategy are vitally important to evaluating the risk and return of the strategy. We provide a practical, analytical tool that can be directly adopted by fund managers to study the PEAD strategy with their institutional parameters of transaction costs and market timing.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, a performance fee arrangement has been approved as a managerial incentive in direction contribution (DC) pension plan management to motivate managers. However, the fact that managers may take undue risk for the larger performance fees and thus reduce members’ utility has been a subject of debate. As such, this study investigates the optimal risk-taking policies of DC pension fund managers under both the single management fee scheme and a mixed scheme with a lower management fee, as well as an additional performance fee. The analytical solutions are derived by using the duality method and concavification techniques in a singular optimization problem. The results show the complex risk-taking structures of fund managers and recognize the win-win situation of implementing performance-based incentives in DC pension plan management. Under the setting of geometric Brownian motion asset price dynamics and constant relative risk aversion utility, the optimal risk investment proportion shows a peak-valley pattern under the mixed scheme. Further, the manager gambles for gain when fund wealth is low and time to maturity is short. As opposed to the existing literature, this study found that the risk-taking policy is more conservative when fund wealth is relatively large. Furthermore, the utilities of the manager and members could both be improved by appropriately choosing the performance fee rate.  相似文献   

以“QYSJ知识产权供应链金融资产支持专项计划”和“RXZL2017年一期资产支持专项计划”为例,研究供应链金融资产证券化产品信用风险控制问题。首先通过分析交易结构和产品设计,对比两案例的风险分散和控制情况;其次基于证券化前后的财务数据,通过Z值变动判断资产证券化对公司信用风险的影响,分析专项计划的实施效果。研究发现:合理选择基础资产、使用信用增级措施和采用供应链这种交易结构均能够对证券化项目的信用风险防范起到一定促进作用。同时,借鉴QYSJ-ABS的成功经验,从证券化项目交易结构的设计、证券化项目基础资产的选择和信用增级举措的选择三方面总结了版权证券化的风险管理流程。最后,从风险管理体系建设方面入手,对未来拟进行供应链金融资产证券化的企业提出发展建议。  相似文献   

A duality for robust hedging with proportional transaction costs of path-dependent European options is obtained in a discrete-time financial market with one risky asset. The investor’s portfolio consists of a dynamically traded stock and a static position in vanilla options, which can be exercised at maturity. Trading of both options and stock is subject to proportional transaction costs. The main theorem is a duality between hedging and a Monge–Kantorovich-type optimization problem. In this dual transport problem, the optimization is over all probability measures that satisfy an approximate martingale condition related to consistent price systems, in addition to an approximate marginal constraint.  相似文献   

本文通过地方资产管理公司与四大资产管理公司的对比研究发现,地方资产管理公司的设立有助于加快地方金融机构不良资产处置,维护区域金融稳定;但同时也存在与四大资产管理公司业务重合、地方资产管理公司竞争优势不足、监管乏力等问题。对此,本文提出了明确金融属性、完善法律法规、建全监管体系等相关建议。  相似文献   

证券公司综合治理前资产管理业务极不规范。综合治理为券商集合资产管理业务规范发展奠定了制度基础,集合资产管理业务重获新生,得到了很大发展。本文着重分析了券商集合资产管理业务发展中存在的规模弱小、运行效率不高、产品销售存在制约、产品发行与投资主流和市场运行存在偏差、风险管理与产品创新不够等问题,提出了树立"逆周期监管"理念,放松管制,加强监管,拓展营销,鼓励券商进行业务创新等推动集合资产管理业务持续健康发展的监管对策。  相似文献   

Unlike the corporate funds in the US, mutual funds in many countries such as China and Germany operate under a different governance arrangement and are thus called “contractual funds.” The governance structure of contractual funds allows shareholders of fund management companies, rather than the fund investors, to be responsible for asset management decisions. Therefore, a fund’s governance attributes may be especially important in driving its performance. Using a comprehensive governance data covering Chinese mutual funds, this paper finds that the governance and organizational structures of Chinese fund management companies significantly influence the performance of their affiliated funds. In particular, while a larger stake from the top1 shareholder significantly improves the performance of affiliated funds, the presence of multiple largest shareholders reduces their performance. Moreover, fund management companies that offer fewer fund products and charge higher management fees tend to perform better. Finally, more institutional holding in a fund appears to function as an external supervisory surrogate for internal board governance to help improve fund performance.  相似文献   

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