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江雪松 《会计师》2012,(22):21-23
<正>视同销售是税法上的说法,有别于传统意义上的销售,一般是指企业将自产货物或劳务用于对外投资、向员工发放自产产品、向股东发放实物股利、以实物形式对外捐赠、用于非应税或免税项目、广告、赞助等。这些特殊的业务在税法上被称为视同销售业务,涉及到企业所得税与增值税的处理(本文不考虑营业税视同应税行为),而从会计角度上看,视同销售  相似文献   

王娟 《会计师》2010,(3):18-19
<正>所谓视同销售,就是作为业务本身不是销售,但纳税时按照税法的规定要视同正常销售一样计算纳税,视同销售是税法概念,而不是会计概念。一、视同销售的种类根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》的规定,应将以下行为视同销售:1.将货物交付他人代销;2.销售代销货物;3.非同一县(市)将货物从一个机构移送其他机构用于销售;4.将自产或委托加工的货物用于非应税项目;  相似文献   

财政部于1998年3月颁布的《企业会计准则———现金流量表》,既充分借鉴国外已有的成功经验,又具体考虑了我国现有会计环境,是一份质量相当高的会计文件。但由于我国对产品销售和一些应税劳务征收增值税,税法采取了抵扣制度和有视同销售的规定,使得现金流量表中...  相似文献   

增值税“视同销售行为”的账务处理改进思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王章渊 《会计师》2009,(5):60-62
<正>根据2008年新修订的《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》和《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》(2009年1月1日开始实施,以下简称"增值税法"),为了平衡税负,保持增值税征管的连续性,防止逃税,规定如下8种"视同销售行为":(1)将货物交付他人代销;(2)销售代销货物;(3)设有两个以上机构并实行统一核算的纳税人,将货  相似文献   

视同销售行为是一种特殊的销售行为,是在税法的角度为了计税的需要将其“视同销售”.《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》规定单位和个体经营者的八种行为属于视同销售货物.此外,新会计准则对商品销售收入的确认也有明确的规定.对于视同销售行为,需要按税法要求及时确认销售实现并计算缴纳增值税;会计方面是否需要确认收入,要看其是否满足商品销售收入确认的五个条件.  相似文献   

阙红艳 《财会学习》2015,(14):138-139
文章介绍了增值税法和所得税法对视同销售行为所做的规定,结合实际工作需要,指出现行规定存在的缺陷,探讨分析对现行规定协调及完善的意义,并提出相应的对策.希望能引起人们对该问题的重视,能够为协调和完善视同销售行为的规定提供启示.  相似文献   

凌虎 《税收征纳》2010,(2):34-35,39
一、视同销售的概念及范围界定 、关于视同销售的概念尚无确切定义。在税法中,《增值税暂行条例》第4条以及《企业所得税法实施条例》第25条均采用采用列举法对其范围进行了规定。由于增值税的视同销售处理方法已经有了较为统一的结论。因此本文不再讨论.本文所谈的视同销售主要是指企业所得税规定的视同销售行为,即企业发生非货币性资产交换,以及将货物、  相似文献   

企业在生产经营活动中经常会发生视同销售业务。由于会计准则与税法以及不同税法之间规定的不同,导致某些视同销售存在着会计与税务处理的差异。本文通过对实际工作中的一个具体案例进行分析,对会计准则、增值税、消费税、营业税的相关规定及其差异进行了分析对比。  相似文献   

企业在生产经营活动中经常会发生视同销售业务。由于会计准则与税法以及不同税法之间规定的不同,导致某些视同销售存在着会计与税务处理的差异。本文通过对实际工作中的一个具体案例进行分析,对会计准则、增值税、消费税、营业税的相关规定及其差异进行了分析对比。  相似文献   

《中国税务报》2001年1月9日3版刊载的钟树稷、杨立两同志《视同销售要不要计征企业所得税》一(以下简称“钟”),反映了眼下对增值税“视同销售”应否征收企业所得税的两种争论意见和理由。钟经分析后得出结论:“要求将增值税‘视同销售’全部增记销售收入并计算销售利润的税法依据确定不足。”笔认为这个观点是站不住脚的。  相似文献   

Little has been written about the treatment of agriculture under the value added tax (VAT). This article attempts to fill the void by surveying and evaluating the situation in the Member States of the European Union (EU) and some other countries. Farmers are often exempted from VAT for administrative and political reasons. But this means that the VAT on their inputs cannot be ‘washed out’ through the tax deduction/credit mechanism. It then has to be borne by the farmers themselves or becomes an indeterminate and capricious element in consumer prices. To compensate farmers for the uncompensated VAT on inputs, the EU has devised a flat-rate scheme that permits them to charge a presumptive rate (approximately equal to the effective VAT rate on sector-wide inputs) on their sales to taxable agro-processing firms which, in turn, are permitted to take a deduction for this flat-rate addition from the VAT on their sales. Obviously, the flat-rate scheme is an arbitrary way of trying to achieve equal treatment between exempt and taxable farmers and between exempt farm products and other taxable goods and services. Full taxation, subject to the general threshold, appears to be the preferred choice.  相似文献   

从税制原理上看,增值税征收范围应覆盖所有商品和劳务。然而,出于公平、技术、成本等原因,开征增值税的国家普遍对部分商品或服务免征增值税。EU、OECD国家的增值税实践为其他各国的增值税改革提供了重要启示,在借鉴这些国家的成熟经验及结合我国实际情况的基础上,建议我国未来增值税征收范围与免税范围的总体目标为覆盖所有商品和劳务并尽量减少免税项目。  相似文献   

关于管理人运用契约型资管产品销售金融商品,以管理人为其增值税纳税人的安排,悖离了交易逻辑,致使管理人权责配置严重失衡.对此,应赋予契约型资管产品以增值税纳税人资格,将其设置为该交易的增值税纳税人.基于功能主义范式,从实现纳税人应有的制度功能角度出发,有必要赋予契约型资管产品以增值税纳税人资格.而监管规则对契约型资管产品...  相似文献   

保险业并未纳入2012年“营改增”范围,但是我国现行保险业营业税制度滞后于我国保险业的发展,因此随着“营改增”试点的进展,保险业进行增值税改革将是大势所趋.本文拟通过借鉴新西兰的反计还原法,设置我国非寿险业增值税制度,运用数据模拟分析“营改增”对非寿险业的影响.  相似文献   

We examine value added tax (VAT) non-compliance in the European Union (EU) car market. This issue is of paramount importance because of the loss of VAT revenue, the profound distortion of market mechanisms, and the dangerous variety of fraudulent schemes employed. In addition to the usual VAT fraudulent schemes on intra-community trade, the special regimes, and the different regulations for the sale of motor vehicles in the EU member states per se, favour non-compliance in the car market. Non-compliance also takes advantage of the lack of adequate and prompt information exchange among the tax administrations of different countries and, within each country, between the tax administrations and their departments responsible for motor vehicles. We highlight the fact that the current measures are insufficient to fight VAT non-compliance and that the new rules proposed in the ‘definitive VAT system’ are inadequate to control the proliferation of scams in the car market. Accordingly, we suggest more substantial measures: well-targeted and prompt cross-checks through archives and databases, and the monitoring of their effectiveness; electronic invoices; real-time exchanges of information between the different tax and transport authorities; and increased harmonisation of the special VAT schemes that aim to eliminate one of the most exploited opportunities for illicit gain, to the detriment of the EU member states.  相似文献   

Institutional changes inevitably impose adjustment costs on firms while also generating benefits. However, empirical evidence regarding the adjustment costs of institutional changes is limited, with much of the focus centered on benefits. Using data on China’s A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2018 and the nation’s staggered adoption of the “business tax to value-added tax reform” (hereafter, “VAT reform”) as a natural experiment, we examine the impact of this reform on a particular corporate cost: audit fees. We find audit fees to be 8.11% higher for VAT reform firms than for non-VAT reform firms. This difference does not exist before or after the reform year. That is, it is only observed in the year of VAT reform implementation. This indicates the existence of an adjustment cost specifically related to the VAT reform. Furthermore, we observe larger fee increases among firms audited by Big 4 international audit firms, firms that require more audit work, firms that are more complex, and firms with weak internal controls. From the audit pricing perspective, we provide evidence of the economic consequences of tax reform. The corporate adjustment costs that arise from institutional changes deserve more attention from decision-makers.  相似文献   

Addressing the Transfer-Pricing Problem in an Origin-Basis X Tax   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a previous paper I described how the tax design called the X Tax would facilitate an international tax system free of many of the complexities and avoidance opportunities plaguing the existing international tax regime and also have neutrality properties generally deemed desirable. A choice must, however, be made between two basic treatments of transborder business transactions—the origin and destination principles. The destination-principle approach sidesteps the need to identify arm's length terms of transborder transactions between related business entities—the transfer-pricing problem. This serious problem remains in the origin-principle approach, which, however, presents fewer challenges of monitoring the flow of goods and services across borders, obviates what I call the tourism problem whereby people can reduce their taxes by consuming in a low-tax jurisdiction and, arguably most important, avoids transition effects associated with introduction of the tax and subsequent tax rate changes that occur in the destination approach. In this paper I explore possible special rules for transborder transactions between related parties in an origin-based system to eliminate the transfer-pricing problem.  相似文献   

当前,我国消费税制改革与立法一体化工作的关键问题在于应税消费品的法治选择,该过程表现为立法框定、技术识别与政治调整的互动逻辑。在立法层面,针对现有应税消费品概念的语义抽象性,有必要在分析选择课税理论、梳理历史变迁的基础上,完成应税消费品概念的法律化和内涵化;在技术层面,基于典型税案中所暴露出的问题,应从形式和实质维度强化法律规则与技术标准的衔接;在政治层面,应从税制改革与税收法定的协调性、功能明晰与税目重构的关联性、选择课税与政治决策的程序化方面着力。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the likely implications of the temporary cut in VAT in the UK to 15 per cent, with a return to 17.5 per cent in place for the end of 2009. We distinguish between the income effect of the cut and the (intertemporal) substitution effect. The former is likely to be small because the change in lifetime income is minimal. The second effect is likely to be much more important because the reduction in the price of goods bought in 2009 compared with 2010 gives an incentive to increase consumer spending this year. With an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of about 1, we would expect the cut in VAT to boost consumer spending by about 1.2 per cent over what it would otherwise be. The distributional consequences of the VAT cut are regressive because goods subject to VAT tend to be luxuries. Unlike a cut in interest rates, there is no difference in the distributional consequences for borrowers compared with savers.  相似文献   

近年来,在线平台的迅猛发展推动了全球经济数字化加速转型,但同时也引发了包括增值税政策适用在内的诸多挑战.通过研究《欧盟增值税指令》和欧州法院的判例法,以及分析个人数据与在线平台运行之间的关系可以推断出,个人数据是在线平台提供访问服务构成的增值税应税范围内的供应,且与消费者是否向在线平台支付金钱形式的对价无关.在实践中,使用客观价值方法来确定在线服务供应的应税金额存在实际困难,而使用直接联系标准解决易货交易问题,会导致增值税税基在本质上得到扩张.因此,建议当前不要将在线平台访问服务的供应视为一项应税交易.此外,对于商家为获得消费者数据而向平台付款的情形,因其不符合直接联系标准,也不应被视为服务对价.  相似文献   

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