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Book Reviewed in this article: The Victoria Histories of the Counties of England: A History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Vol. VI, ed. A. P. M. Wright. B. W. Clapp (Ed.). Documents in English Economic History: England since 1760. H. E. S. Fisher and A. R. J. Jurica (Eds.). Documents in English Economic History: Englandfrom 1000 to 1760. Edward Miller and John Hatcher . Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change, 1086–1348 (London: Longman, 1978. Pp. xviii + 302. £8.95; paperback £4.95.) Kevin Mc Donnell . Medieval London Suburbs. E. W. Ives , R. J. Knecht , and J. J. Sgarisbrick (Eds.). Wealth and Power in Tudor England: Essays presented to S. T. Bindoff. Joan Thirsk . Economic Policy and Projects. The Development of a Consumer Society in Early Modern England. Victor Skipp . Crisis and Development: An Ecological Case Study of the Forest o/Arden, 1570–1674. Michael R. Watts . The Dissenters: From the Reformation to the French Revolution. W. H. Chaloner and Barrie M. Ratcliffe (Eds.). Trade and Transport: Essays in Economic History in Honour of T. S. Willan. Colin Holmes (Ed.) Immigrants and Minorities in British Society. A. E. Musson . The Growth of British Industry. J. Simmons . The Railway in England and Wales, 1830–1914. Vol. 1: The System and its Working. Richard Perren . The Meat Trade in Britain, 1840–1914. Angus Mc Laren . Birth Control in Nineteenth-Century England. P. N. Davies . Sir Alfred Jones: Shipping Entrepreneur Par Excellence. Pat Thane (Ed.). The Origins of British Social Policy. R. J. Q. Adams. Arms and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915–16. Paul Uselding (Ed.). Research in Economic History: An Annual Compilation of Research. Vol. 1, 1976. John A. Garraty . Unemployment in History: Economic Thought and Public Policy. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie . Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294–1324. Translated by Barbara Bray. Leon Poliakov . Jewish Bankers and the Holy See from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the French by Miriam Kochan. Hermann Freudenberger . The Industrialization of a Central European City. Brno and the Fine Woollen Industry in the Eighteenth Century. Gedalia Yogev . Diamonds and Coral: Anglo-Dutch Jews and Eighteenth-Century Trade. R. W. Unger . Dutch Shipbuilding before 1800. Charles P. Kindleberger . Economic Response: Comparative Studies in Trade, Finance and Growth. Clive Dewey and A. G. Hopkins (Eds.). The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India. Tom Kemp . Historical Patterns of Industrialization. W. Arthur Lewis . Growth and Fluctuations, 1870–1913. Robert E. Gallman (Ed.). Research in Economic History, Supplement 1, 1977: Recent Developments in the Study of Business and Economic History: Essays in Memory of Herman E. Krooss. Eda Sagarra . A Social History of Germany, 1648–1914.  相似文献   

Eleanor Searle . Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu, 1066–1538. Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XVI: 7–15 Richard II. J. A. Raftis . Assart Data and Land Values. Two Studies in the East Midlands. A. G. Chibnall (Ed.). The Certificates of Musters for Buckinghamshire in 1522. A. Hassell Smith . County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558–1603. Margaret Spufford . Contrasting Communities. Clive Holmes . The Eastern Association in the English Civil War. M. I. Thomis . The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution. P. L. Cottrell and B. L. Anderson (Eds.). Money and Banking in England. The Development of the Banking System, 1694–1914. C. W. Chalklin . The Provincial Towns of Georgian England. A Study of the Building Process, 1740–1820. T. C. Barker and C. I. Savage . An Economic History of Transport in Britain. John R. Hume . The Industrial Archaeology of Glasgow. H. J. Dyos and Michael Wolff (Eds.). The Victorian City: Images and Realities. John Stevenson and Roland Quinault (Eds.). Popular Protest and Public Order. Six Studies in British History, 1790–1920. Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson . Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education. J. M. Winter . Socialism and the Challenge of War: Ideas and Politics in Britain, 1912–18. Ross Terrill . R. H. Tawney and his Times; Socialism as Fellowship. Chimen Abramsky (Ed.). Essays in Honour of E. H. Can. Robert V. Eagley . The Structure of Classical Economic Theory. P. Iradiel Murugarren . Evolución de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organization y castes de la producdón manufacture en Cuenca. Raymond De Roover . Buiness, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modem Europe. Ed. J. Kirshner. Carlo M. Gipolla (Ed.). The Fontana Economic History of Europe. Vol. 2: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Olwen H. Hufton . The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 1750–1789. C. Duncan Rice . The Rise and Fall of Black Slavery. Duncan J. Macleod . Slavery, Race and the American Revolution. Frederick Pedler , with a chapter by A. Burns. The Lion and the Unicorn in Africa: The United Africa Company, 177–1931. Roberto Corteas Conde . The First Stages of Modernization in Spanish America, translated from the Spanish by Toby Talbot M. Williams . The Making of the South Australia Landscape. N. A. Cox -George . Studies in Finance and Development: The Gold Coast (Ghana) Experience. Allen G. Kelley And Jeffrey G. Williamson . Lessons from Japanese Development: An Analytical Economic History. Tom G. Kessinger . Vilyatpur, 1848–1968: Social and Economic Change in an Indian Village. J. N. Westwood . Railways of India. Kenneth A. Lockridge . Literacy in Colonial New England: An Enquiry into the Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West. Joseph Albert Ernst . Money and Politics in America, 1755–1775. Elinor Miller and Eugene Genovese (Eds.). Plantation, Town, and County: Essays on the Local History of American Slave Society. Allan R. Pred . Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities 1790–1840. Roger W. Lotchin . San Francisco, 1846–1856: From Hamlet to City. Urban Life in America Series. Louis S. Gerteis . From Contraband to Freedman: Federal Policy Toward Southern Blacks, 1861–1865. Burton I. Kaufman . Efficiency and Expansion. Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration, 1913–1921. Mira Wilkins . The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise: American Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970.  相似文献   

H. C. Darby (Ed.). A New Historical Geography of England. R. Welldon Finn . Domesday Book: A Guide. Edmund King . Peterborough Abbey, 1086–1310: A Study in the Land Market. R. M. Timson (Ed.). The Cartulary of Blyth Priory. Angela Conyers (Ed.). Wiltshire Extents for Debts, Edward I-Elizabeth I. G. R. Elton . Reform and Renewal. Thomas Cromwell and the Common Weal. W. R. D. Jones . The Mid-Tudor Crisis, 1539–1563. Joan Day . Bristol Brass: The History of the Industry. Michael Havinden (Ed.). Husbandry and Marketing in the South-West, 1500–1800. Exeter Papers in Economic History, no. 8. (Exeter: University of Exeter. 1973. Pp. 74. 75p.) M. Perceval -Maxwell . The Scottish Migration to Ulster in the Region of James I. J. S. Morrill . Cheshire, 1630–1660: County Government and Society during the English Revolution. Louise B. Taylor (Ed.). Aberdeen Shore Work Accounts, 1596–1670. F. M. L. Thompson . Hampstead: Building a Borough, 1650–1964. Melvin H. Jackson and Charles De Beer . Eighteenth-Century Gunfounding: The Verbruggens at the Royal Brass Foundry. J. R. Ward . The Finance of Canal Building in Eighteenth-Century England. John G. Gazley . The Life of Arthur Young, 1741–1820. John Nelson Tarn . Five Per Cent Philanthropy: An Account of Housing in Urban Areas between 1840 and 1914. Enid Gauldie . Cruel Habitations: A History of Working-Class Housing, 1780–1918. Frank W. Fetter and Derek Gregory . Monetary and Financial Policy: Government and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Commentaries on British Parliamentary Papers. Peter Harnetty . Imperialism and Free Trade: Lancashire and India in the mid-Nineteenth Century. P. H. J. H. Gosden . Self-Help: Voluntary Associations in Nineteenth-Century Britain. W. Hamish Fraser . Trade Unions and Society: The Struggle for Acceptance, 1850–1880. W. A. Thomas . The Provincial Stock Exchanges. H. E. S. Fisher and W. E. Minghinton (Eds.). Transport and Shipowning in the West-country. Exeter Papers in Economic History, no. 7. (Exeter: University of Exeter. 1973. Pp. 71. 6 plates. 75p.) D. H. Aldcroft . Studies in British Transport History, 1870–1970. James Hinton , The First Shop Stewards' Movement. REVIEW OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE 1973 (i) Medieval (ii) 1500–1700 (iii) 1700–1800 Since 1800 GENERAL Roderick Floud (Ed.). Essays in Quantitative History. Richard G. Wilkinson . Poverty and Progress: An Ecological Model of Economic Development. M. I. Finley (Ed.). Studies in Ancient Society. Past and Present Series. Wilhelm Abel . Massenarmut und Hungerkrisen im vorindustriellen Europa. Frederic G. Lane . Venice: A Maritime Republic. Ralph Davis . The Rise of the Atlantic Economies. G. L'E. Turner and T. H. Levere . Martinus van Marum, Life and Work (Ed. by E. Lefebvre and J. G. De Bruijn). Vol. IV, Van Marum's Scientific Instruments in Teyler's Museum. W. L. Blackwell (Ed.). Russian Economic Development from Peter the Great to Stalin. Marcus Arkin . Storm in a Teacup: The Later Tears of John Company at the Cape. Hoh Cheung and Lorna H. Mui (Eds.). William Melrose in China, 1845–1885: The Letters of a Scottish Tea Merchant. R. C. J. Stone . Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and its Fall. Alice Teichovaa . An Economic Background to Munich: International Business and Czechoslovakia, 1918–1938. M. Keating . The Australian Workforce, 1910–11 to 1960–1. Kazushi Ohkawa and Henry Rosovsky . Japanese Economic Growth: Trend Acceleration in the Twentieth Century. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Clarence H. Danhof . Change in Agriculture: The Northern United States, 1820–1870. John W. Blassingame . Black New Orleans. Michael P. Conzen . Frontier Farming in an Urban Shadow. Margaret Walsh . The Manufacturing Frontier: Pioneer Industry in Antebellum Wisconsin, 1830–1860. Ira Rosenwaike . Population History of New York City. Howard P. Chudagoff . Mobile Americans: Residential and Social Mobility in Omaha, 1880–1920. Urban Life in America Series. Robert Sobel . The Age of Giant Corporations: A Microeconomic History of American Business, 1914–1970. Robert K. Murray . The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory and Practice in the Harding-Coolidge Era. Michael Hudson . Super Imperialism. Robert W. Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman (Eds.). The Reinterpretation of American Economic History.  相似文献   


Book Reviews in this Article: N. B. Harte (Ed.). The Study of Economic History: Collected Inaugural Lectures, 1893–1970. B. P. Wolffe . The Royal Demesne in English History: The Crown Estate in the Governance of the Realm from the Conquest to 1509. S. F. Hockey . Quarr Abbey and its Lands, 1132–1631. M. T. Clanchy (Ed.). Civil Pleas of the Wiltshire Eyre, 1249. P.J. Bowden . The Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England. Karl S. Bottigheimer . English Money and Irish Land. The “Adventurers” in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. A. J. Holland . Ships of British Oak: The Rise and Decline of Wooden Shipbuilding in Hampshire Francis E. Hyde . Liverpool and the Mersey. The development of a port, 1700–1970. Gordon Jackson . Hull in the Eighteenth Century. A Study in Economic and Social History. J. D. Marshall . Old Lakeland. Some Cumbrian Social History. L. Bradley (Ed.). Smallpox Inoculation. An Eighteenth Century Mathematical Controversy. A. E. Musson (Ed.). Science, Technology, and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century. R. M. Hartwell . The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth. W. D. Jones . “Prosperity” Robinson. The Life of Viscount Goderich 1782–1859. Archibald Prentice . Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester. Intended to Illustrate the Progress of Public Opinionfrom 1792 to 1832. R. B. Jones . Economic and Social History of England 1770–1970. John Thomas . A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain. G. Stedman Jones . Outcast London: a Study in the Relationship between Classes in Victorian Society. Joseph Mitchell . Reminiscences of My Life in the Highlands. Donald N. Mc Closkey (Ed.). Barry Turner . Free Trade and Protection. P. Mathias and A. W. H. Pearsall (Eds.). A. H. Shorter . Paper Making in the British Isles. An Historical and Geographical Study. W. J. Reader . Imperial Chemical Industries: A History J. B. F. Earle . A Century of Road Materials: The History of the Roadstone Division of Tarmac Ltd. W. R. Garside . The Durham Miners 1919–1960. Elias H. Tuma . D. S. Chambers (Ed.). Patrons and Artists in the Italian Renaissance. Henry Kamen . The Iron Century. Social Change in Europe, 1550–1660. P. J. Bakewell . Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico, Zacatecas 1546–1700. K. N. Chaudhuri . The Economic Development of India under the East India Company 1814–58. A Selection of Contemporary Writings. N. G. Butlin . Ante-bellum SlaveryA Critique of a Debate. W. Arthur Lewis (Ed.). Tropical Development 1880–1913: Studies in Economic Progress. Giorgio Fuà (Ed.). Lo sviluppo economico in Italia. A. Fanfani . Storia Economica. Giovanni Aliberti . Paolo Sica . L'immagine della città da Sparta ad Atene . G. Galanti . Delia descrizione geografica e politico delle Sicilie. Edited by F. Assante and D. Demarco. (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Antonio Ivan Pini . Problemi demografici bolognesi del Duecento. Athos Bellettini . La popolazione delle campagne bolognesi alla metà del secolo XIX. Mino Martelli . Storia del Monte di Pietà in Lugo di Romagna Marco Brazzale . Il mercato del sale nella Repubblica veneta nella seconda metà del XVI secolo. Domenico Gioffrè . Il mercato degli schiavi a Genova nel secolo XV. Marzio Achille Romani .  相似文献   

D. E. Greenway (Ed.). Charters of the Honour of Mowbray, 1107–1191. Ian Kershaw . Bolton Priory: The Economy of a Northern Monastery 1286–1325. Colin Platt . Medieval Southampton. The Port and Trading Community, A.D. 1000–1600. David G. Hey . An English Rural Community: Myddle under the Tudors and Stuarts. N. B. Harte and K. G. Ponting (Eds.). Textile History and Economic History Geoffrey W. Oxley . Poor Relief in England and Wales, 1601–1834. Blair Worden . The Rump Parliament, 1648–1653. G. E. Aylmer . The State's Servants. The Civil Service of the English Republic, 1649–1660. B. L. Anderson (Ed.). Capital Accumulation in the Industrial Revolution. Everyman's University Library Readings in Economic History and Theory. John Booker . Essex and the Industrial Revolution. Jean Lindsay . A History of the North Wales Slate Industry. Ray A. Kelch . Newcastle. A Duke without Money: Thomas Pelham-Holles 1693–1768. R. J. Adam (Ed.). Papers on Sutherland Estate Management, 1802–1816. Eric Richards . The Leviathan of Wealth: The Sutherland Fortune in the Industrial Revolution. A. Allan Maclaren . Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Tears in Aberdeen Bruce Lenman University of St Andrews Phillip S. Bagwell . The Transport Revolution from 1770. P. L. Payne . British Entrepreneur ship in the Nineteenth Century. F. R. Jervis . Bosses in British Business. Managers and Management from the Industrial Revolution to the Present Day Eugene C. Black (Ed.). Victorian Culture and Society Graeme Duncan . Marx and Mill. Two Views of Social Harmony and Social Conflict. A. Sutcliffe (Ed.). Multi-Storey Living, The British Working-Class Experience. A. E. Musson . Trade Union and Social History. Kenneth D. Brown (Ed.). Essays in Anti-Labour History: Responses to the Rise of Labour in Britain. E. L. Taplin . Liverpool Dockers and Seamen, 1870–1890 Pamela and Harold Silver . The Education of the Poor; the History of a National School, 1824–1974 T. G. Cook (Ed.). Education and the Professions. Alan A. Jackson . Semi-Detached London. Suburban Development, Life and Transport, 1900–1939. GENERAL A. H. M. Jones . The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History. Richard Duncan -Jones . The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies. Louis P. Cain and Paul J. Uselding (Eds.). Business Enterprise and Economic Change. Essays in Honor of Harold F. Williamson. Elisha P. Douglass . The Coming of Age of American Business, Three Centuries of Enterprise, 1600–1900. Ian M. Drummond . Imperial Economic Policy, 1917–1939: Studies in Expansion and Protection. Craufurd D. W. Goodwin . The Image of Australia: British Perception of the Australian Economy from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century. R. S. Gilbert . The Australian Loan Council in Federal Fiscal Adjustments, 1890–1965. Michael Adas . The Burma Delta: Economic Development and Social Change on an Asian Rice Frontier, 1832–1941. Richard D. Wolff . The Economics of Colonialism: Britain and Kenya, 1870–1930. SCANDINAVIA S. A. Hansen . Økonomisk vækst i Danmark, 1720–1970, I-II. (Copenhagen: The Institute of Economic History, University of Copenhagen. 1972 and 1974. Pp. 315 and 320. No price.) Francis Sejersted . Ideal, teori og virkelighet. Nicolai Rygg og pengepolitikken i 1920-årene. Claudio Rotelli . Una campagna medievale. Storia agraria del Piemonte fra il 1250 e il 1450. M. Luzzatti . Giovanni Villani e la compagnia dei Buonaccorsi. Mario Romani (Ed.). Contributi dell' Istituto di Storia economica e sociale. Vol. 1: Aspetti di vita agricola lombarda (secoli XVI-XIX). (Milan: Vita e Pensiero. 1973. Pp. 307. L. 11,000.) Mario Abrate . Popolazione e peste del 1630 a Carmagnola. Giuseppe Felloni . Gli investimenti finanziari genovesi in Europa tra il Seicento e la Restaurazione. A. Placanica . La Cassa Sacra e i beni della Chiesa nella Calabria settecentesca. Alberto Cova . Il Banco di S. Ambrogio nell' economia milanese dei secoli XVII e XVIII. Bruno Caizzi . L'Economia lombarda durante la Restaurazione (1814–1859). Giovanni Vigo . Istruzione e sviluppo economico in Italia nel secolo XIX. Giorgio Doria . Investimenti e sviluppo economico a Geneva alla vigilia della prima Guerra mondiale. Vol. II: 1883–1914.  相似文献   

W. G. V. Balchin (Ed.). Swansea and Its Region. Mary D. Lobel and Alan Crossley J. S. Cockburn and T. F. T. Baker (Eds.) C. F. Innocent . The Development of English Building Construction B. P. Wolffe . The Crown Lands 1461–1536. An Aspect of Yorkist and Early Tudor Government. C. G. Cruickshank . The English Occupation of Tournai, 1513–1519. John Pound . Poverty and Vagrancy in Tudor England. Eileen Mc Cracken . Keith Thomas . Religion and the Decline of Magic. Alan Macfarlane . A. P. Hands and Irene Scouloudi . R. G. Wilson . Gentlemen Merchants. The Merchant Community in Leeds, 1700–1830. C. J. Hunt . The Lead Miners of the Northern Pennines in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. David Syrett . Shipping and the American War, 1775–83. A Study of British Transport Organization. Harold Pollins . Britain's Railways: An Industrial History. Sidney and Beatrice Webb . The History of Trade Unionism. O. A. W. Dilke . The Roman Land Surveyors: an Introduction to the Agrimensores. David Herlihy (Ed.). The History of Feudalism. David R. Ringrose . Transportation and Economic Stagnation in Spain 1750–1850. D. A. Brading . Miners and Merchants in Bourbon Mexico, 1763–1810. Philip Taylor , The Distant Magnet, European Emigration to the U.S.A. C. B. Schedvin . Australia and the Great Depression. A Study of Economic Development and Policy in the 1920s and 1930s. Gillian T. Cell . English Enterprise in Newfoundland 1577–1660. Kenneth A. Lockridge . A New England Town, The First Hundred Years: Dedham, Massachusetts, 1636–1736. Robert S. Starobin . Industrial Slavery in the Old South. Roy V. Scott . The Reluctant Fanners: The Rise of Agricultural Extension to 1914. Alfred S. Eichner . The Emergence of Oligopoly: Sugar Refining as a Case Study. Mira Wilkins . The Emergence of Multinational Enterprise: American Business Abroad from the Colonial Era to 1914. James D. Norris . A Zn: A History of The American Zinc Company. Richard A. Easterlin . Population, Labor Force, and Long Swings in Economic Growth: The American Experience. John W. Bennett . Hutterian Brethren: The Agricultural Economy and Social Organization of a Communal People. PERIODICAL LITERATURE: UNITED STATES OTHER  相似文献   

Review in this Article S. Horrocks . Lancashire Business Histories. With an Introduction by W. H. Chaloner. Bulletin of the Cleveland and Teesside Local History Society. No. 14. H. M. Colvin (Ed.). Building Accounts of King Henry III. Marie Clough (Ed.). Two Estate Surveys of the Fitzalan Earls of Arundel. W. O. Ault . Open-Field Farming in Medieval England: A Study of Village By-Laws. Historical Problems: Studies and Documents, No. 16. M. G. A. Vale . English Gascony, 1399–1453: A Study of War, Government and Politics during the later stages of the Hundred Years'War. D. M. Woodward . The Trade of Elizabethan Chester. Occasional Papers in Economic & Social History, No. 4. D. M. Barratt . Ecclesiastical Terriers of Warwickshire Parishes, Volume 11, Parishes Lo to W. With a Memoir of Sir William Stratford Dugdale. Wilfrid R. Prest , The Inns of Court Under Elizabeth I and the Early Stuarts. Alfred Plummer . The London Weavers'Company, 1600–1970. N. J. Smith . Poverty in England 1601–1936. Illustrated Sources in History Series. R. E. Sandell (Ed.). Abstracts of Wiltshire Inclosure Awards and Agreements. M. A. Faraday (Ed.). Herefordshire Militia Assessments of 1663. Barry Supple . The Royal Exchange Assurance. A History of British Insurance 1720–1970. J. Geraint Jenkins (Ed.). The Wool Textile Industry in Great Britain. James R. Nicolson . Shetland. R. A. Church . Kenrick's in Hardware: a Family Business 1791–1966. John Hurt . Education in Evolution: Church, State, Society and Popular Education, 1800–1870. Gerald Burke . Towns in the Making. S. G. Checkland . The Gladstones, A Family Biography 1764–1851. E. A. Wrigley (Ed.). Nineteenth Century Society: Essays in the Use of Quantitative Methods for the Study of Social Data. C. H. Feinstein . National Income Expenditure and Output of the United Kingdom 1855–1965. Studies in the National Income and Expenditure of the United Kingdom, No. 6. Marcelle Kooy (Ed.). Studies in Economics and Economic History. Essays in honour of Professor H. M. Robertson. Colin Renfrew . The Emergence of Civilisation. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C. P. A. Brunt . Social Conflicts in the Roman Republic. Anthony Molho . Florentine Public Finances in the Early Renaissance, 1400–1433. A. H. de Oliveira Marques . Daily Life in Portugal in the Late Middle Ages. Translated by S. S. Wyatt. David S. Macmillan . Canadian Business History: Select Studies, 1497–1971. J. R. Fisher . Government and Society in Colonial Peru: The Intendant System 1784–1814. George D. Green . Finance and Economic Development in the Old South: Louisiana Banking, 1804–1861. Sherry H. Olson . The Depletion Myth: A History of Railroad Use of Timber. J. C. Toutain . La Consommation alimentaire en France de 1789 à 1964. Pierre Merlin . L'Exode Rural, followed by two studies of migration by R. Hérin and R. Nadot. Julian Bharier . Economic Development in Iran 1900–1970. Brinley Thomas . Migration and Urban Development. J. D. Gould . Economic Growth in History: Survey and Analysis. Rondo Cameron (Ed.). Banking and Economic Development. Some Lessons of History. Martin Wolfe (Ed.). The Economic Causes of Imperialism. David Ward . Cities and Immigrants. Heinz Stoob . Forschungen zum Städtewesen in Europa, vol. I: Räume, Formen und Schichten der mitteleuropäischen Städte. Wolfgang von Stromer . Oberdeutsche Hochfinanz 1350–1450. (Beihefte zur Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, vol. 55–57. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner. Hugo Ott . Studien zur spätmittelalterlichen Agrarverfassung im Oberrhingebiet. Otto Büsch (Ed.). Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der frühen Industrialisierung vornehmlich im Wirtschaftsraum Berlin/Brandenburg. Otto Büsch : Industrialisierung und Gewerbe in Raum Berlin/Brandenburg 1800–1850. Fritz Karl . 150 Jahre Staatsschuldenverwaltung 17.1.1820–17.1.1970. Ein Gang durch anderthalb Jahrhunderte deutscher Finanzeschichte. Karl -Heinz Manegold . Universität, Technische Hochschule und Industrie. Ein Beitrag zur Emanzipation der Technik im 19. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bestrebungen Felix Kleins. Bodo von Borries . Deutschlands Aussenhandel 1836–1856. Eine statistische Untersuchung zur Frühindustrialisierung. Rudolf Lenz . Kosten und Finanzierung des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges 1870–1871. Dargestellt am Beispiel Württembergs, Badens und Bayerns. Rainer Tetzlaff . Koloniale Entwicklung und Ausbeutung. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1885–1914. Hans Georg Lehmann . Die Agrarfrage in der Theorie und Praxis der deutschen und internationalen Sozialdemokratie. Hannes Heer . Burgfrieden oder Klassenkampf. Zur Politik der sozialdemokratischen Gewerkschaften 1930–1933. Horst Kern and Michael Schumann . Industriearbeit und Arbeiterbewußtsein. Eine empirische Untersuchung über den Einfluß der aktuellen technischen Entwicklung auf die industrielle Arbeit und das Arbeiterbewußtsein.  相似文献   

N. J. Mayhew (Ed.). Edwardian Monetary Affairs (1279-1344). British Archaeological Reports, 36. (Oxford: 1977. Pp Martin Biddle (Ed.). Winchester in the Early Middle Ages: An Edition and Discussion of the Winton Domesday. Winchester Studies, I. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp J. M. Kaye (Ed.). The Cartulary of God's House, Southampton, Southampton Records Series, vols. XIX and XX. (Southampton: Southampton University Press. 1976. Pp D. C. Coleman . The Economy of England, 1450-1750. (London: Oxford University Press. 1977. Pp B. A. Holderness . Pre-industrial England: Economy and Society, 1500-1750. (London: Dent. 1976. Pp D. G. Coleman and A. H. John (Eds.). Trade, Government and Economy in Pre-Industrial England: Essays Presented to F. J. Fisher. (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1976. Pp Peter Clark and Paul Slack . English Towns in Transition, 1500-1700. (London: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp T. S. Willan . The Inland Trade: Studies in English Internal Trade in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (Manchester: The University Press. 1976. Pp Eric Pawson . Transport and Economy: The Turnpike Roads of Eighteenth-Century Britain. (London: Academic Press. 1977. Pp Kenneth Rogers . Wiltshire and Somerset Woollen Mills. (Edington: Pasold Research Fund Ltd. 1976. Pp Malcolm I. Thomis. Responses to Industrialisation: The British Experience, 1780-1850. (Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 1976. Pp Barry Gordon . Political Economy in Parliament, 1819-23. (London: Macmillan. 1976. Pp S. G. Checkland . The Upas Tree: Glasgow, 1875-1975. A Study in Growth and Contraction. (Glasgow: University of Glasgow Press. 1976. Pp Frank Bealey . The Post Office Engineering Union: The History of the Post Office Engineers, 1870-1970. (London: Bachman & Turner. 1976. Pp John Lovell . British Trade Unions, 1875-1933. (London: Macmillan for The Economic History Society. 1977. Pp Bob Holton . British Syndicalism, 1900-14: Myths and Realities (London: Pluto Press. 1976. Pp Asa Briggs and John Saville (Eds.). Essays in Labour History, 1918-39. (London: Croom Helm. 1977. Pp P. H. J. H. Gosden . Education in the Second World War: A Study in Policy and Administration. (London: Methuen. 1976. Pp GENERAL G. E. Fussell . Farms, Farmers and Society: Systems of Food Production and Population Numbers. (Lawrence, Kansas: The Coronado Press. 1976. Pp GENERAL G. E. Fussell . Farms, Farmers and Society: Systems of Food Production and Population Numbers. (Lawrence, Kansas: The Coronado Press. 1976. Pp Benjamin Z. Kedar . Merchants in Crisis: Genoese and Venetian Men of Affairs and the Fourteenth-Century Depression. (New Haven & London: Yale University Press. 1976. Pp G. E. Mingay . The Agricultural Revolution: Changes in Agriculture, 1650-1880. Documents in Economic History, edited by Sidney Pollard. (London : A. & C. Black. 1977. Pp P. J. Marshall . East Indian Fortunes: The British in Bengal in the Eighteenth Century. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp Steven L. Kaplan . Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1976. 2 vols. Pp James H. Bater . St Petersburg: Industrialization and Change. (London: Edward Arnold. 1976. Pp J. Forbes Munro . Africa and the International Economy, 1800-1960. (London : Dent. 1976. Pp Carlos Manuel Pelaaez and Wilson Suzigan , História Monetária do Brasil: Análise da Política, Comportamento e Instituições Monetárias. (Rio de Janeiro: I.P.E.A./I.N.P.E.S. 1976. Pp Graeme M. Holmes . Britain and America: A Comparative Economic History, 1850-1939. (Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 1976. Pp Cyril Ehrlich . The Piano: A History. (London: Dent. 1976. Pp Fritz Stern . Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichröder and the Building of the German Empire. (London: Allen & Unwin. 1977. Pp Richard Rudolph . Banking and Industrialization in Austria-Hungary: The Role of Banks in the Industrialization of the Czech Crownlands, 1873-1914. (Cambridge: The University Press. 1976. Pp D. G. Paterson . British Direct Investment in Canada, 1890-1914. (Toronto & Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. 1976. Pp Benjamin M. Rowland (Ed.). Balance of Power or Hegemony: The Interwar Monetary System. (New York: New York University Press. 1976. Pp Philippe Wolff (Ed.) Guide Internationale d'Histoire Urbaine, I–Europe. International Commission for the History of Towns. (Paris. 1977. Pp UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Stanley Lebergott . The American Economy: Income, Wealth, and Want. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1976. Pp Lee Soltow . Men and Wealth in the United States, 1850-70. (New Haven & London: Yale University Press. 1975. Pp Alan L. Olmstead . New York City Mutual Savings Banks, 1819-61. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1976. Pp Paul A. David , Herbert G. Gutman , Richard Sutch , Peter Temin , and Gavin Wright . Reckoning with Slavery: A Critical Study in the Quantitative History of American Negro Slavery. Introduction by Kenneth M. Stampp Stephen J. De Ganio . Agriculture in the Post-bellum South: The Economics of Production and Supply (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 1974. Pp Michael Schwartz . Radical Protest and Social Structure: The Southern Farmers’Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880-1900. (New York: Academic Press. 1976. Pp  相似文献   

GREAT BRITAIN A. Crossley (Ed.). The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Oxford. E. W. Ives . The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England. Thomas Kebell: A Case Study. Rosemary O'Day . Education and Society, 1500-1800: The Social Foundations of Education in Early Modern Britain. Harold Silver . Education as History: Interpreting Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Education. D. M. Palliser . The Age of Elizabeth: England under the later Tudors, 1547-1603. Christopher Hill , Barry Reay & William Lamont , The World of the Muggletonians. Philip Jenkins . The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry, 1640-1790. Neil R. Wright . History of Lincolnshire, Volume XI: Lincolnshire Towns and Industry, 1700-1914. Ian Inkster & Jack Morrell (Eds.). Metropolis and Province: Science in British Culture, 1780-1850. Michael Sanderson . Education, Economic Change, and Society in England, 1780-1870. C. J. A. Robertson . The Origins of the Scottish Railway System, 1722-1844. Jill Quadragno . Aging in Early Industrial Society: Work, Family and Social Policy in Nineteenth Century England. Heather A. Clemenson . English Country Houses and Landed Estates. David Englander . Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, 1838-1918. Melanie Tebbutt . Making Ends Meet: Pawnbroking and Working Class Credit. Jay Winter (Ed.). The Working Class in British History: Essays in Honour of Henry Pelling. Peter Young . Power of Speech: A History of Standard Telephones and Cables, 1883-1983. Edwin Green & Michael Moss . A Business of National Importance: The Royal Mail Shipping Group, 1902-1937. Keith Jeffery And Peter Hennessy . States of Emergency: British Governments and Strikebreaking since 1919. Charles Feinstein (Ed.). The Managed Economy: Essays in British Economic Policy and Performance since 1929. GENERAL Enrique Giménez López . Alicante en el siglo XVIII: economía de una ciudad portuaria en el antiguo régimen. GENERAL Charles M. de la Roncière . Prix et Salaires à Florence au XIVe Siècle, 1280-1380. Martine Segalen . Love and Power in the Peasant Family: Rural France in the Nineteenth Century. Robert Frankenstein . Le prix du réarmement français, 1935-1939. W. O. Henderson . Friedrich List: Economist and Visionary, 1789-1846. J. Thomas Lindblad . Sweden's Trade with the Dutch Republic, 1738-1795. Richard Wall (Ed.), in collaboration with Jean Robin and Peter Laslett . Family Forms in Historic Europe. A. Rupert Hall . The Revolution in Science, 1500-1750. Patrick O'Brien (Ed.). Railways and the Economic Development of Western Europe, 1830-1914. Gloria L. Main . Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650-1720. Peter D. Mc Clelland and Richard J. Zeckhauser . Demographic Dimensions of the New Republic: American Interregional Migration, Vital Statistics, and Manumissions, 1800-1860. Julia A. Matthei . An Economic History of Women in America: Women's Work, the Sexual Division of Labour, and the Development of Capitalism. Patrick A. Dunae . Gentlemen Emigrants: From the British Public Schools to the Canadian Frontier. Raymond W. Goldsmith . The Financial Development of India, 1860-1977. Paul Mosley . The Settler Economies: Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1963. Tom Kemp . Industrialization in the Non-Western World. Orlando Patterson . Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study. Nathan Rosenberg . Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article: W. E. Wightman . The Lacy Family in England and Normandy, 1066-1194. H. S. Bennett . Life on the English Manor: A Study of Peasant Conditions, 1150-1400. Margaret Wood . The English Mediaeval House. D. Portman . Exeter Houses, 1400-1700. Patrick Collinson . The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. Calendar of the Patent Rolls. Preserved in the Public Record Office. Elizabeth I. Margaret Cash (Ed.). Devon Inventories of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. P. E. Jones (Ed.). The Fire Court: Calendar to the Judgments and Decrees of the Court of Judicature appointed to determine differences between landlords and tenants as to rebuilding after the Great Fire. G. E. Fussell . The English Dairy Farmer, 1500-1900. A. Andréadès . History of the Bank of England, 1640-1903. P. G. M. Dickson . The Financial Revolution in England. A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756. Robert Munter . The History of the Irish Newspaper, 1685-1760. W. A. Mc Cutcheon . The Canals of the North of Ireland. J. D. Williams . Audley End. The Restoration of 1762-1797. W. E. Minchinton (Ed.). Politics and the Port of Bristol in the Eighteenth Century. Stanley D. Chapman . The Early Factory Masters. The Transition to the Factory System in the Midlands Textile Industry. Phyllis Deane . The First Industrial Revolution. J. Child . Industrial Relations in the British Printing Industry. The Quest for Security. Werner von Siemens . Inventor and Entrepreneur: Recollections of Werner von Siemens. Kurt Grunwald . Türkenhirsch: A Study of Baron Maurice de Hirsch, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. J. D. Bailey . A Hundred Tears of Pastoral Banking. A History of the Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company, 1863-1963. F. B. Smith . The Making of the Second Reform Bill. W. R. Powell (Ed.). A History of the County of Essex. Peter Mathias . Retailing Revolution. A History of Multiple Retailing in the Food Trades based upon the Allied Suppliers Group of Companies. Marc Bloch . French Rural History: an Essay on its Basic Characteristics. J. P. Nettl . Rosa Luxemburg. Erich Gruner and Karl Frei . Die schweizerische Bundesversammlung, 1848-1920 L'Assemblée fédérale suisse, 1848-1920. Richard Colebrook Harris . The Seigneurial System in Early Canada. Geographical Study. Ashin Das Gupta . Malabar in Asian Trade, 1740-1800. David Birmingham . Trade and Conflict in Angola.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article The Victorian History of the Counties of England. A History of Wiltshire, Vol. X, edited by Elizabeth Crittall. Anne Daly (Ed.). Kingston Upon Thames Register of Apprentices, 1563–1713. Anthony Fletcher . A County Community in Peace and War: Sussex, 1600–60. Michael Van Cleave Alexander . Charles I's Lord Treasurer: Sir Richard Weston, Earl of Portland. C. D. Chandaman . The English Public Revenue, 1660–88. G. E. Mingay (Ed.). Arthur Young and His Times. Anthony Slaven . The Development of the West of Scotland: 1750–1960. A. J. Taylor (Ed.). The Standard of Living in Britain in the Industrial Revolution. Alan Armstrong . Stability and Change in an English County Town: A Social Study of York, 1801–51. Keith Burgess . The Origins of British Industrial Relations: The Nineteenth-Century Experience. Raphael Samuel (Ed.). Village Life and Labour. E. G. West . Education and the Industrial Revolution. P. H.J. H. Gosden and A.J. Taylor (Eds.). Studies in the History of a University. Barrie M. Ratgliffe (Ed.). Great Britain and her World, 1750–1914. Derek H. Aldcroft . British Transport since 1874- (Newton Abbot: David & Charles. Sir Norman Chester . The Nationalisation of British Industry, 1945–51. W. W. Rostow . How It All Began: Origins of the Modern Economy. William J. Barber . British Economic Thought and India, 1600–1858. A Study in the History of Development Economics. Guy Routh . The Origin of Economic Ideas. George R. Feiwel . The Intellectual Capital of Michal Kalecki: A Study in Economic Theory and Policy. Stanley L. Engerman and Eugene D. Genovese (Eds.). Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Edward A. Alpers . Ivory and Slaves in East Central Africa. Changing Patterns of International Trade to the Later Nineteenth Century. K. G. Davies . The North Atlantic World in the Seventeenth Century. Roger Anstey . The Atlantic Slave Trade and British Abolition, 1760–1810. Nicolas Sanchez Albornoz . Materiales para la historia económica de Espana. Los precios agrícolas en la segunda mitad del siglo xix, vol. 1, trigo y cebada. Recopilación, análisis y estudio preliminar. Paul A. David . Technical Choice, Innovation and Economic Growth: Essays on American and British Experience in the Nineteenth Century. Charles , Louise , and Richard Tilly . The Rebellious Century, 1830–1930. Harold F. Williamson (Ed.). Evolution of International Management Structures. Paul Bairoch . The Economic Development of the Third World since 1900. Comitato Italiano per lo Studio della Popolazione (Ed.). Le fonti della demografia storica in Italia. Dante E. Zanetti . La demograjia delpatriziato milanese nei secoli XVII, XVIII, XIX. Con una Appendice Genealogica di Franco Arese Lucini. Paola Massa . Un impresa serica genovese della prima meta del Cinquecento. Antonio di Vittorio . Gli Austrian e il Regno di Napoli, 1707–34. M. Vaini . La disiribuzione della proprietà terriera e la società mantovana dal 1785 al 1845. Vincenzo Giura . La questione degli zolji siciliani, 1838–41. L. Dal Pane . Industria e Commercio nel Granducato di Toscana neWeta del Risorgimento. Anna Dell 'Orefice . II Reale Istituto dell’Incorraggiamento di Napoli e ? opera sua, 1806–60. Giulio Guderzo . Finanze epolitica in Piemonte alle soglie del decennio cavouriano. Gianni Toniolo (Ed.). Lo sviluppo economico italiano. Francesco Balletta . Il Banco di Napoli e le rimesse degli emigrati (1914–25). Institut International ? Histoire de la Banque. Arvo M. Soininen . Vanha maataloutemme (Traditional Agriculture in Finland in the 18th and 19th Centuries). Per Schybergson . Hantverk ochfabriker. Finlands konsumtionsvaruindustri, 1815–70. I: Helhetsutveckling (Diss.); II: Branschutveckling; III: Tebellbilagor. William M. Lafferty . Economic Development and the Response of Labor in Scandinavia. A Multi-level Analysis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article GREAT BRITAIN John Patten . English Towns, 1500-1700. C. E. Challis . The Tudor Coinage. Brian Austen . English Provincial Posts, 1633-1840: A Study Based on Kent Examples. Joyce Oldham Appleby . Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England. Gordon Jackson . The British Whaling Trade. Scottish Industrial History: A Miscellany. Hugh Malet . Bridgewater, The Canal Duke, 1736-1803 John Roach . Social Reform in England, 1780-1880. Martin Tillmanns . Bridge Hall Mills: Three Centuries of Paper and Cellulose Film Manufacture. Raymond Cowherd . Political Economists and the English Poor Laws. Eric J. Evans (Ed.). Social Policy, 1830-1914. Franclois Crouzet . ?Économic de la Grande-Bretagne Victorienne. Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie . The First Fabians. GENERAL T. W. Hutchison . On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge. P. A. Uselding (Ed.)- Research in Economic History, Vol. 2, 1977. R. E. F. Smith . Peasant Farming in Muscovy. E. Ashtor . Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages. Wendy R. Childs . Anglo-Castilian Trade in the Later Middle Ages. David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisgh -Zuber . Les Toscans et leurs familles; une étude du catasto florentin de 1427. B. H. Slicher van Bath and A. C. Van Oss . Geschiedenis van maatschappij en cultuur. Charles Tilly (Ed.)- Historical Studies of Changing Fertility (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1978. Alfred Hoffmann (Ed.)- Österreich-Ungarn als Agrarstaat. Roman Sandgruber . Österreichische Agrarstatistik, 1750-1918). J. Mokyr . Industrialization in the Low Countries, 1795-1850. M. Artola (Ed.). El latifundio. Propiedady explotación, ss xviii-xx. Patrick O'Brien and Caglar Keyder . Economic Growth in Britain and France, 178O-1914: Two Paths to the Twentieth Century. Martin Kitchen . The Political Economy of Germany, 1815-1914. A. J. H. Latham . The International Economy and the Underdeveloped World, 1865-1914. Nora Levin . Jewish Socialist Movements, 1871-1917: While Messiah Tarried. Laura Randall . An Economic History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century. Sang -Chul Suh . Growth and Structural Changes in the Korean Economy, 1910-40.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Zvi Razi . Life, Marriage and Death in a Medieval Parish. Economy, Society and Demography in Halesowen, 1270–1400. Carl J. Dahlman . The Open Field System and Beyond. A. Hassell Smith , Gillian M. Baker , and R. W. Kenny (Eds.). The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, Vol. I, 1556–1577. Gordon Marshall . Presbyteries and Profits. Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland, 1560–1707. R. H. Campbell . The Rise and Fall of Scottish Industry, 1707–1939. Peter Roebuck . Yorkshire Baronets, 1640–1760. Families, Estates and Fortunes. Michael Turner . English Parliamentary Enclosure. Dennis R. Mills . Lord and Peasant in Nineteenth Century Britain. William Petersen . Malthus. Hugh Cunningham . Leisure in the Industrial Revolution c. 1780-c. 1880. Maxine Berg . The Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy, 1815–1848. Paul Mc Hu GH. Prostitution and Victorian Social Reform. P. J. Cain . Economic Foundations of British Overseas Expansion, 1815–1914. Francois Béadarida . A Social History of England, 1851–1975. Malcolm Elliott . Victorian Leicester. Jean Robin . Elmdon: Continuity and change in a North- West Essex Village, 1861–1964. Patrick Joyce . Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England. Jerry White . Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887–1920. Douglas Antony Farnie . The Manchester Ship Canal and the Rise of the Port of Manchester, 1894–1975. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. XXV: Activities 1940–1944. Shaping the Post-War World: the Clearing Union. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. XXVI. Activities, 1941–1946. Shaping the Post-War World. Bretton Woods and Reparations. Evan Ira Farber (Ed.). Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886–1974. Cinzio Violante . Economia, società, istituzioni a Pisa net Medioevo. Michel Balard . La Romanie Génoise (XIIe-debut du XVc siécle). David Herlihy . Cities and Society in Medieval Italy. Samuel H. Baron . Muscovite Russia. Paul Bushkovitch . The Merchants of Moscow, 1580–1650. Vicente Péarez Moreda . Las crisis de mortalidad en la España interior (siglos XVI-XIX). N. J. G. Pounds. An Historical Geography of Europe, 1500–1840. Immanuel Wallerstein . The Modern World-System II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600–1750. A. Verhulst and C. Vandenbroeke (Eds.). Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant, 14de-18de Eeuw. Productivité agricole en Flandre et en Brabant 14e-18e siècle. Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch. Jaarboek, Vol. XLII. Robert Louis Stein . The French Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century. An Old Regime Business. Sidney Ratner , James H. Soltow and Richard Sylla . The Evolution of the American Economy. William L. Marr and Donald G. Paterson . Canada: An Economic History. John Graham Smith . The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France. K. N. Chaudhuri and Clive J. Dewey (Eds.). Economy and Society: Essays in Indian Economic and Social History. Malcolm Lyall Darling . The Punjab Peasant in Prosperity and Debt. Leon Swartzberg . The North Indian Peasant Goes to Market. Alois Mosser . Die Industrieaktiengesellschaft in Österreich, 1880–1913. James P. Johnson . The Politics of Soft Coal: The Bituminous Indus try from World War I Through TheNew Deal. Gianni Toniolo . L'economia dell’Italia fascista. Eugene Zaleski . Stalinist Planning for Economic Growth, 1933–1952. Thomas G. Rawski . China's Transition to Industrialism: Producer Goods and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. R. H. Sabot . Economic Development and Urban Migration: Tanzania, 1900–1971.  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article: Roger Finlay . Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London, 1580–1450. John Bowle . John Evelyn and his World: A Biography. L. M. Cullen . The Emergence of Modern Ireland, 1600–1900. Bruce Lenman . Integration, Enlightenment, and Industrialization: Scotland, 1746–1832, The New History of Scotland, 6. Christopher Harvie . No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland, 1914–1980. R. A. Cage . TheScottish Poor Law, 1745–1845. Sean Mcconville . A History of English Prism Administration: Volume I, 1750–1877. Victor Bailey (Ed.). Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Anne Digby and Peter SEARBY (Eds.). Children, School, and Society in Nineteenth Century England. I. G. Jones . Explorations and Explanations: Essays in the Social History of Victorian Wales. G. E. Mingay (Ed.). The Victorian Countryside. H. I. Dutton and J. E. King . Ten Per Cent and No Surrender: The Preston Strike, 1853–4. Robert Gray . The Aristocracy of Labour in Nineteenth-centuty Britain, 1850–1914. Anthony Sutcliffe (Ed.). British Town Planning: The Formative Years. Jim Tomlinson . Problems of British Economic Policy, 1870–1945. Alan Forrest . The French Revolution and the Porn. Richard F. Kuisel . Capitalism and the State in Modern France: Renoeation and Economic Management in the Twentieth Century. W. H. Schroeder and R. Spree (Eds.). Histotische Konjunklurforschung. David Abraham . The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis. La Banque en Belgique . Financiewezen in Belgie, 1830–1980. Revue de la Banque. Bank- Financimezen. Cahier 8/9. September 1980. Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui . The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, 1100–1600. Francesco Facchini , Alle origini di Brescia Industriale: Insediamenti produttivi e composizione de classe dall' Unita al 1911. Lutgardo Garcia Fuentes . El Comercio Espanol con America, 1650–1700 Fritz Hodne . Norges flkonomiske hisrorie, 1815–1970. Thomas C. Owen . Capitalism and Politics in Russia: A Social History of the Moscow Merchants, 1855–1905. Jon V. Kofas . Financial Relations of Greece and the Great Powers, 1832–1862. Sidney Pollard . Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe, 1760–1970. E. L. Jones . The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. Michael R. Godley . The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernization of China, 1893–1911. Fred Bateman and Thomas Weiss . A Deplorable Scarcity: The Failure of Indusnialization in the Slave Economy. Margaret Walsh . The American Frontier Revisited A. J. H. Latham . The Depression and the Developing World, 1914–1939. E. J. Hobsbawm , Witold Kula , Ashok Mitra , K. N. Raj and Ignacv Sachs (Eds.) Peasants in Histmy: Essays in Honour of Daniel Thorner. Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb (Eds.). Marriage and Fertility: Studies in Interdisciplinary History. Rudolf Hilferding . Finance Capital: A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development. Lawrence Stone . The Past and the Present.  相似文献   

P. D. A. Harvey . Manorial Records. P. D. A. Harvey (Ed.). The Peasant Land Market in Medieval England. Peter Clark . The English Alehouse: A Social History, 1200–1800. Angus Mc Laren . Reproductive Rituals: The Perception of Fertility in England from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. L. Stone and J. C. Fawtier Stone . An Open Elite?: England, 1540–1880. Stephen Fisher (Ed.). British Shipping and Seamen, 1630–1960: Some Studies. Donald Woodward (Ed.). The Farming and Memorandum Books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642. Clifford Gulvin . The Scottish Hosiery and Knitwear Industry, 1680–1980. James Walvin . English Urban Life, 1776–1851. Ian R. Christie . Stress and Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: Reflections on the British Avoidance of Revolution. Oliver M. Westall (Ed.). The Historian and the Business of Insurance. Gertrude Himmelfarb. The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age. B. R. Mitchell. Economic Development of the British Coal Industry, 1800–1914. Dorothy Thompson. The Chartists. R. F. Bud and G. K. Roberts. Science versus Practice: Chemistry in Victorian Britain. Asa Briggs and Anne Macartney. Toynbee Hall: The First Hundred Years. Alan Clinton. Post Office Workers: A Trade Union and Social History. Harvey J. Kaye. The British Marxist Historians: An Introductory Analysis. GENERAL Steven Laurence Kaplan . Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour Trade during the Eighteenth Century. Bernard Lepetit . Chemins de Terre et Voies D'Eau: Réseaux de Transports et Organisation de l'Espace en France, 1740–1840. Jean -Claude Perrot and Stuart J. Woolf . State and Statistics in France, 1789–1815. William J. Callahan . Church, Society, and Politics in Spain, 1750–1874. Miriam Halpern Pereira . Política y economía: Portugal en los siglos XIX y XX. A. de Maddalena and H. Kellenbenz (Eds.). Finanze e ragion di Stato in Italia e in Germania nella prima Età moderna. David F. Good . The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750–1914. Michael Mesch . Arbeiterexistenz in der Spätgründerzeit: Gewekschaften und Lohnen-twicklung in Österreich, 1890–1914. Henry Kamen . European Society, 1500–1700. G. D. Feldman , C. L. Holtfrerich , G. A. Ritter and P.-C. Witt (Eds.). The Experience of Inflation. Glenn Yago . The Decline of Transit: Urban Transportation in German and US. Cities, 1900–1970. Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole (Eds.). Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modem Era. Stanley Lebergott . The Americans: An Economic Record. William R. Brock . Investigation and Responsibility: Public Responsibility in the United States, 1865–1900. Thomas K. Mc Craw . Prophets of Regulation. Hugh Rockoff . Drastic Measures: A History of Wage and Price Controls in the United States. D. H. Akenson . The Irish in Ontario: A Study in Rural History. Robert L. Tignor . State, Private Enterprise, and Economic Change in Egypt, 1918–1952. H. Medick and D. W. Sabean (Eds.). Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship. R. A. Cage (Ed.). The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterprise, 1730–1914. Akio Okochi and Shigeaki Yasuoka (Eds.). Family Business in the Era of Industrial Growth: Its Ownership and Management. D. C. M. Platt . Foreign Finance in Continental Europe and the USA, 1815–1870: Quantities, Origins, Functions, and Distribution. Thomas P. Hughes . Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880–1930. Philip D. Curtin . Cross-cultural Trade in World Industry.  相似文献   

D. M. Owen (Ed.). The Making of King's Lynn: A Documentary Survey. Roger J. P. Kain and Hugh C. Prince . The Tithe Surveys of England and Wales. Alexander Grant . Independence and Nationhood: Scotland, 1306–1469. Ralph A. Houlbrooke . The English Family, 1450–1700. Kenneth R. Andrews , Trade, Plunder, and Settlement. J. A. Sharpe . Crime in Early Modern England, 1550–1750. C. A. F. Meekings , S. Porter , and I. Roy (Eds.). The Hearth Tax Collectors’Book for Worcester, 1678–1680. Robert Newton . Eighteenth-Century Exeter. Aubrey Newman (Ed.). Politics and Finance in the Eighteenth Century: Dame Lucy Sutherland. Susan A. Knox . The Making of the Shetland Landscape. Ivan Waddington . The Medical Profession and the Industrial Revolution. Francois Crouzet . The First Industrialists: The Problem of Origins. N. L. Tranter . Population and Society, 1750–1940: Contrasts in Population Growth. T. M. Devine (Ed.). Farm Servants and Labour in Lowland Scotland, 1770–1914. Alan Fox . History and Heritage: The Social Origins of the British Industrial Relations System. Noel W. Thompson . The People's Science: The Popular Political Economy of Exploitation and Crisis, 1816–34. Carolyn Steedman . Policing the Victorian Community. Jane Lewis . Women in England, 1870–1950: Sexual Divisions and Social Change. Youssef Cassis . Les Banquiers de la City à I′époque Edouardienne. Kenneth D. Brown (Ed.). The First Labour Party, 1906–1914. M. J. Daunton (Ed.). Councillors and Tenants: Local Authority Housing in English Cities, 1919–1939. Elizabeth Durbin New Jerusalem: The Labour Party and the Economics of Democratic Socialism. GENERAL Liam Kennedy and Philip Ollerenshaw (Eds.). An Economic History of Ulster, 1820–1939. (Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1985. Pp. 248. £25.) Harry A. Miskimin . Money and Power in Fifteenth-Century France. David R. Ringrose . Madrid and the Spanish Economy, 1560–1850. Ole Hyldtoft . Københavns Industrialisering, 1840–1914. Jan de Vries . European Urbanization, 1500–1800. Barbara M. Tucker . Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790–1860. B. W. Higman . Slave Populations of the British Caribbean, 1807–1834. Christopher Abel and Colin M. Lewis (Eds.). Latin America, Economic Imperialism, and the State: The Political Economy of the External Connection from Independence to the Present. Eliyahu Ashtor . Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages. William T. Rowe . Hankow: Commerce and Society in a Chinese City, 1796–1889. Tim Wright. Coal Mining in China's Economy and Society, 1895–1937. Penelope Francks. Technology and Agricultural Development in Pre-War Japan. N. G. Owen. Prosperity without Progress: Manila Hemp and Material Life in the Colonial Philippines. J. Forbes Munro. Britain in Tropical Africa, 1880-1960: Economic Relationships and Impact. Philip Mc Michael. Settlers and the Agrarian Question: Capitalism in Colonial Australia. Katrina Alford. Production or Reproduction?: An Economic History of Women in Australia, 1788-1850. C. C. Eldridge (Ed.). British Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. William N. Parker. Europe, America, and the Wider World: Essays on the Economic History of Western Capitalism, Vol. 1, Europe and the World Economy. Studies in Economic and Social History  相似文献   

The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Stafford
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T. S. W illan . Elizabethan Manchester
R osemary O'D ay . The English Clergy: the Emergence and Consolidation of a Profession, IKG:
P eter M athias . The Transformation of England. Essays in the Economic and Social History of England in the Eighteenth Century.
I an H. A dams (Ed.)
J anet R oebuck . Urban Development in Nineteenth-Century London: Lambeth, Battersea, and Wandsworth, 1838–88.
F rank W hitson F etter
B arry G ordon
T ony M ason
I. C. R. B yatt
J. M ellino (Ed.). Housing, Social Policy, and the State. (London: Croom Helm.
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H ans P eter B leuel
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Book review in this Article Robert A. Dodgshon . Land and Society in Early Scotland. Keith Wrightsok , EngliskSociety, 1580.1680. Eileen and Stephen Yeo (EDS.). Popular Culture and Class Conflict, 1590.1914: Explorations in the History of Labour and Leisure. Keith Lindley . Fenland Riots and the English Revolution. Peter Clark (Ed.). Country Towns in Pre.industrial England. R. S. Neale . Bath: A Social History, 1680.1850. R. W. Malcolmson . Life and Labour in England, 1700.1780. Eric Richards . A History of the Highland Clearances: Agrarian Transformation and the Evictions, 1746.1886. Oliver Mac Donagh . The Inspector General: Sir Jeremiah Fitzpatrick and Social Reform, 1783.1802. David Jones . Crime, Protest, Community, and Police in Nineteenth.Century Britain. Markus Elsasser . Die Rochdaler Pioniere: Religiose Einfliisse in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Entstehung der Rochdaler Pioniergenossenschaft von 1844. James Epstein . The Lion of Freedom: Feargus O'Connor and the Chartist Movement, 1832.1842. Joyce M. Bellamy and John Saville (Eds.). Dictionary of Labour Biography. Volume VI. W. Hamish Fraser . The Coming of the Mass Market, 1850.1914. F. M. L. Thompson (Ed.). The Rise of Suburbia. Peter J. Aspinall and Daphne M. Hudson (Edited and with contributions by RICHARD LAWTON). Ellesmere Port: The Making of an Industrial Borough. Richard Clark . Anglo.American Economic Collaboration in War and Peace, 1942.1949. Edited by Alec Cairncross. Frances Cairncross (Ed.). Changing Perceptions of Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of the Seventieth Birthday of Sir Alec Cairncross. Sidney Pollard . The Wasting of the British Economy. Richard Bonney . The King's Debts: Finance and Politics in France, 1589.1661. Wolfram Engels and Hans Pohl (Eds.), German Yearbook onBusiness History, 1981. G. Sivery . Structures agraires et vie rurale dans le Hainaut a la fin du Moyen Age. Paul M. M. Klep . Bevolking en Arbeid in Transformatie: Een Onderzoek in Brabant, 1700.1900. G. L. de Brabander . Regional Specialization, Employment, and Economic Growth in Belgium between 1846 and 1970. William M. Bowsky . A Medieval Italian Commune: Siena under the Nine, 1287.1355. Joseph Goy and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie . Tithe and Agrarian History from the Fourteenth to the Nineteenth Century: An Essay in Comparative History. Translated by Susan Burke. Michael W. Flinn . The European Demographic System, 1500.1820. Bruce Mc Gowan . Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade and the Struggle for Land, 1600.1800. Clive Trebilcock . Göran Ahlström . Engineers and Industrial Growth. Edwin J. Perkins . The Economy of Colonial America. Thomas Dublin (Ed.). Noble David Cook . Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520.1620. Walter Rodney . A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881.1905. W. G. Rimmer . Portrait of a Hospital: The Royal Hobart. Harvey J. Graff . Literacy and Social Development in the West: A Reader. Henri Baudet and Henk van der Meulen (Eds.). Consumer Behaviour and Economic Growth in the Modern Economy.  相似文献   

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