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后危机时代美国财政可持续性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
美国国债绝对额已跃居世界首位,美国财政可持续性受到世界各国的广泛关注。通过构建财政可持续性分析框架,结合经验数据实证分析,结果表明,尽管美国财政现阶段仍然处于可持续水平,但已经出现偏离稳态的迹象。进一步研究发现,未来美国债务货币化程度将不断加深,由此促使未来国债利率负担不断攀升,同时债务高位运行将导致经济增速回落,财政偏离可持续性水平的现象难以改变,如果美国没有调整财政政策,那么财政发生危机的概率极高。  相似文献   

1998年以来,我国连续7年实施积极的财政政策。2008年,为了应对世界金融危机,我国又重启积极的财政政策。积极的财政政策在促进经济增长的同时也使得财政赤字显著增加和国债规模显著扩大,这就不可避免地引起人们对我国财政可持续性的担忧。文章根据政府跨时预算约束理论,利用协整方法对1952—2007年我国财政可持续性的状况进行实证分析。结果显示:从长期来看,1952—2007年,我国的财政是可持续的;从短期来看,1952--1978年、1979—1994年,我国的财政也是可持续的;但1995—2007年,我国的财政收支之间不存在协整关系,财政赤字政策不可持续。  相似文献   

日前,国家计委宏观院投资研究所"国债政策可持续性与财政风险问题"课题组邀请财政部财科所、国家计委综合司、计委经济协调司以及社科院财贸所的有关专家学者,就国债政策目标、国债发行空间、财政风险度量等问题进行了探讨,现综述如下.  相似文献   

PPP模式即公私合作模式,是公共基础设施中的一种融资模式,在该模式下,鼓励社会资本与政府进行合作,参与公共基础设施建设。在不增加财政风险的情况下,推广PPP项目可以缓解地方政府融资难的问题,保持基础设施建设的持续运作,对财政可持续性具有积极影响。  相似文献   

韩聪 《天津经济》2023,(8):36-38
税收分权作为地方政府财政自主性的重要体现,对地方财政可持续性发展将产生深远影响。本文在阐明税收分权的理论背景和定义的基础上,剖析了税收分权与地方财政可持续性的关系,论述了税收分权的影响因素及其效果。研究结论表明,地方政府的财政管理能力、经济发展水平、税收策略以及财政责任和债务管理都会对分权效果产生影响。  相似文献   

国债政策可持续性与财政风险的理论解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国债政策的可持续性指的是基于某些经济约束条件下的、根据经济发展需要、考虑多种经济要素协调性的国家债务的长期发展战略和模式。国债政策的可持续性与财政风险是一个问题的两个方面。国债政策作为宏观调控的重要手段 ,必须反映经济稳定、持续增长的内在需要 ,并为这种内在需要服务。宏观经济对于国债的负担能力是财政稳定运行的基础 ,也是国债政策作用的现实基础。对国债负担或风险的分析不应局限在某些固定的界线范围 ,而应从各国经济发展的具体情况出发进行研究  相似文献   

债务危机背景下欧盟财政一体化的进展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于主权债务危机的成因,经济学家较集中的论断是欧元区成员国在货币一体化的同时缺乏财政一体化。然而,在被认为是欧盟推进财政一体化重要举措的财政契约签订后,主权债务危机的阴影继续蔓延至西班牙和塞浦路斯。如何评价财政契约对财政一体化的影响,财政一体化对缓解债务危机有什么作用,本文从财政职能、经济增长和危机根源等角度进行了深入的分析,并指出财政契约和今后的财政一体化进程都将在众多挑战中艰难推进。  相似文献   

债务可持续性是评估债务风险的重要指标。我们通过在对债务可持续性分析的基础上初步判断:2008年以来我国经济增速放缓,导致金融部门债务可持续性呈下行趋势。通过进一步构建SVAR模型,发现短期内经济增长冲击和金融利润率对金融债务杠杆率变化影响甚微,但往后的三到四年影响将逐渐体现。针对这一分析结果,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to analyze the responsiveness of fiscal sustainability to the endogenous fiscal discipline that will be strengthened by the EMU. This discipline arises in response to the harmonization of tax systems, the loss of control of current and prospective money financing, and the deepening of financial market-based discipline. The model developed in this paper is a generalization of Blanchard's 1984 model, in which the interest rate is determined endogenously. This provides the framework to analyze more features of the linkage between sustainability and endogenous fiscal discipline. This paper also presents a new intratemporal fiscal sustainability index.  相似文献   

Fiscal policy independence in a European Monetary Union   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Do plans for a monetary union in Europe call for limits on the freedom of the country members of the union to use fiscal policy? In order to provide a tentative answer, we simulate the IMF model MULTIMOD, given various shocks, in the case of a European Monetary Union consisting only of France and Germany. The results clearly indicate the possible value of allowing unfettered use of fiscal policy in both countries. The reasons lie partly in differences in the initial position of the two, partly in differences in their preferences. We also examine the change in the policy significance of the current account in the monetary union. Current account imbalances clearly cease to have the same significance in a monetary union; but they do not therefore become irrelevant.  相似文献   

We assessed the sustainability of fiscal policy in the 28 European Union countries over the 1980-2015 years. Panel unit root tests in the presence of cross-sectional dependence showed that government revenues, expenditures, the primary balance, and debt were non-stationary series. However, cointegration tests reveled that a long-run relationship exists between government revenues and expenditures as well as between government primary deficit and debt. The results of causality tests were in line with the neutrality hypothesis: government revenues do not cause the expenditures, and vice versa. Furthermore, mixture models analyses indicated the presence of three homogeneous clusters, one of which included Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain (PIIGS), whose coefficient of 0.68 indicates the absence of sustainability, since government expenditures grow faster than revenues.  相似文献   

我国财政货币政策反经济周期作用实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章回顾了改革开放以来我国5轮经济周期和8次主要反经济周期的财政货币政策。通过构造实际经济增长率、广义货币增长率和财政赤字增长率三变量VAR模型对财政货币政策的反经济周期作用进行实证分析,发现货币政策的作用时效和强度均优于财政政策,同时二者存在双向联动倾向。另外,文章也分析了政策出现不同效果的原因,认为我国反经济周期应构建以货币政策为主、财政政策为辅的调控体系。  相似文献   

This Manifesto challenges a pernicious orthodoxy that has gripped Europe's policy makers. It is that demand and supply side policies must have different aims, that a limited number of supply side policies are to be devoted to fighting unemployment, and that demand management (and particularly monetary policy) is to be devoted solely to fighting inflation.We are confident that if our proposals are given proper attention by governments and monetary authorities, unemployment can be reduced significantly in a matter of a few years.  相似文献   

欧盟蔬菜市场与中国欧盟蔬菜贸易分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是世界上最大的蔬菜生产国,欧盟是最大的蔬菜贸易区域.两者间蔬菜贸易发展迅速.本文运用显示性比较优势指数、贸易强度指数、产业内贸易指数和出口产品相似度指数等分析了中国与欧盟蔬菜贸易的互补性和竞争性.研究结果表明中国与欧盟在主要蔬菜出口市场上的竞争性不强,双边蔬菜贸易存在单向的互补性.中国应加强与欧盟在农业领域的合作以获得更多贸易以外的利益.  相似文献   

文章采用TVP-VAR模型系统考察了我国非金融企业部门、金融部门、居民部门、政府部门四部门杠杆分别对总产出和资产价格波动的时变影响,从产出效应和潜在风险两方面实证检验了各部门杠杆率的可持续性。研究发现:杠杆率过快增长会加重资产价格波动,使金融不稳定性上升,削弱杠杆率对产出增长的促进作用。当前,非金融企业部门、政府部门、居民部门杠杆对产出仍有较显著的正向影响,而金融部门杠杆上升对产出的正向影响最小,对资产价格波动的正向影响最大。进一步,文章实证研究了杠杆率变动在部门间的信息溢出,发现政府部门加杠杆将显著推升全社会杠杆率,金融部门杠杆率上升对非金融企业部门杠杆有挤出作用,居民部门杠杆则可以分担部分非金融企业和政府部门的过剩杠杆。因此,当前应优先调控金融部门杠杆,减少资金在金融体系内空转套利,其他三个部门则应保持杠杆率总量的平稳。研究结论对于宏观金融稳定和结构性去杠杆政策的实施有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, interest-rate convergence in Europe is related to the behavior of integrated federal political systems. Our main results are: Before the final fixing of exchange rates, national interest rates will converge toward the German bond yield in countries eligible to become EMU members in part because no-bailout clauses are not credible in the starting period of EMU. Should such clauses become more credible after 2002 because the EU government and its redistributive mechanisms remain weak, the market-discipline hypothesis has a greater chance to apply. But it may still prove unequal to the task of discouraging excessive fiscal deficits on its own.  相似文献   

增值税转型对新疆财政收支影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自2004年下半年开始在东北试点增值税转型的改革拉开了增值税转型的序幕,并有望近期在全国推广。本文在分析转型对财政收入影响的机理上,通过实证分析估算出了增值税转型对新疆和地州(市)财政收支的影响程度。  相似文献   

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