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世界机电经贸信息家电行业一直冲杀在我国改革开放的最前沿,经历了市场化的洗礼和入世后的震荡调整,其市场表现具有一定的代表性。同时,家用电器作为与百姓生活息息棚关的居家用品,也倍受公众注目。请问,您对我国家电行业的整体发展态势作何评价?  相似文献   

金额单位:万美元朋科9634科70 55 49 37 34 3319qd乃‘声1 In︸n︸Ij汽11Un曰︺nUn﹄nU亡刁月/j斗O口众U月皿.1六艺q︺巧J月咔n︺亡J‘JO曰︸内日八卜U,1 1 OU泥呀,厂.八乙n︺月咔1 CU‘心勺︺‘︺勺子‘︺诵﹃八0 lr了八曰.no六卜U 7.,J‘八Z。Un曰︸R︸nJ月O内卜Un甘‘︺民“  相似文献   

2003年是中国机电行业值得纪念的一个坐标:家电、汽车、船舶、工程机械等行业的出口额和产值持续高攀,并没有因为非典时期产业界普遍的停工停产而受到滞怠。一系列的大事件小事情似乎更像是湖面上激起的涟漪,渐渐平淡、消弭。而中国的机床出口也在机电行业出口的潮涨潮落中演绎着自己的进退法则。  相似文献   

我国摩托车行业出口问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析我国摩托车行业的产品出口量巨增,行业利润却锐减的现状,以及我国摩托车出口存在的产品竞相降价、市场过度集中、出口严重无序、产品单一、缺乏售后服务体系及出口产品形象不佳等主要问题,提出了加速摩托车行业内部整合、加强对摩托车行业清理整顿、积极开拓新的国际市场和提高产品国际竞争力等对策。  相似文献   

我国摩托车出口存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国摩托车出口数量剧增,但行业利润锐减,摩托车行业和出口企业面临不少问题.由于出口目标市场过度集中,出口产品结构单一,产品形象欠佳,加上出口市场秩序严重无序,导致价格竞争成为出口企业唯一的竞争手段,是行业利润下降的主要原因,缺乏完善的售后服务体系极大地影响了中国摩托车产品在国际市场上的销售.文章提出了相应的对策:要加强摩托车行业清理整顿;加速摩托车行业内部资源整合;提高产品技术含量,实施品牌战略,完善销售和售后服务体系,提升产品在国际市场的竞争力;积极开拓新的国际市场.  相似文献   

金额单位:万美元,00OU工比.U47191 08 06 0302O叨,了。。1﹃心月咔1 q.。uC‘‘64.62的38。,洲18 27 729973一149氏曰曰︸门甘八了‘哪1052--225 64,4692泪荆郁126 83.2 1129 8.576,9划194.2哪哪885 44.899.5叭41. 329双21. 24. 29. 69. 8. 3711 13.42 .405 0.2 0.3 0.2 00242.  相似文献   

吴国华 《国际贸易》2002,(12):13-15
在世界经济衰退和国际贸易投资萎缩的形势下,2002年我国外贸出口实现了高速增长.前11个月,出口增幅节节攀升,累计增长21.6%,比2001年同期增幅高出15.6个百分点,预计全年可比2001年增加出口500多亿美元.这种高速增长态势能否在2003年延续下去?  相似文献   

航运业是国际贸易乃至世界经济的风向标,国际贸易的繁荣兴旺最早体现在航运及其主要产品集装箱的旺盛需求上。2003年中国的集装箱出口充分反映了这样一种因果关系:世界经济逐步复苏、中国外贸强劲增长、港口集装箱吞吐量迅速扩大,这些因素直接加大了集装箱的采购力度。得益于这些利好因素,2003年中国出口集装箱无论从数量还是金额均达到历史最高水平,在国际集装箱市场的占有率达到90%,稳距世界第一大集装箱产销大国的龙头地位。  相似文献   

摩托车是目前我国重要的机电出口产品,也是全球化特征最明显的机电产品之一。经过多年的努力开拓,我国摩托车已成功地进入了160多个国家的市场。2003年我国摩托车产量为1465.7万辆,摩托车及摩托车发动机出口达529万台(辆),出口金额达13.5亿美元。世界摩托车市场的走向 有关专家分析,未来几年世界摩托车市场将继续维持以经济适用、价廉物美、  相似文献   

继8月销量稳步增长之后,上海大众“飓风行动”拉动效应继续显现。10月8日出台的全国乘用车统计数据显示,在整体市场低迷的情况下,9月份上海大众以26698辆销量延续了8月的增长势头。  相似文献   

2002年钢材市场供需两旺 今年以来,国家继续实行积极的财政政策,努力扩大内需,促进机电产品和金属制品出口,在全球经济增长缓慢的大格局中,我国经济取得了超出预期的快速增长,钢材市场供需两旺,价格持续回升.  相似文献   

6款新桑塔纳3000已于近期上市。此次上市的桑塔纳3000最值得期待的是其搭载了享有黄金排量美誉的2.0升发动机,在保持桑塔纳一贯经济实惠的优点之外,动力性更加强悍。除此之外,在内饰和配置上,新桑塔纳3000也有较多创新,并直接提供豪华型配置。  相似文献   

We analyse the number of different HS8 products in the EU countries’ exports in 1995–2015. We review what share, or coverage, of the total possible number of these products the countries have exported each year. The EU15 countries have typically witnessed a slow rise in this coverage rate, that is, a widening of their extensive margins. The exception is Finland where the share has declined considerably. On the other hand, Ireland, Greece, Portugal and the new member countries have seen a dramatic increase in their export product coverage. We analyse how the development in the coverage rate and, as a comparison, the diversification of exports as measured by the Herfindahl–Hirschman index are associated with GDP per capita growth. We find that changes in the former measure are positively associated with economic growth after we have controlled for GDP per capita catching‐up as well as investment and export activity. We also find that smaller EU economies do not specialise more than large ones in their exports as could perhaps be assumed.  相似文献   

FDI in post-production services and product market competition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post-production services, such as sales, distribution, and maintenance, comprise a crucial element of business activity. We explore an international duopoly model in which a foreign firm has the option of outsourcing post-production services to its domestic rival or providing those services by establishing its own facilities through FDI. We demonstrate that trade liberalization in goods may hurt domestic consumers and lower world welfare, and that the negative welfare impacts are turned into positive ones if service FDI is also liberalized. This finding yields important policy implications, given the reality that the progress of liberalization in service sectors is still limited.  相似文献   

<正> 有关资料表明,中国社会的稳定、工商业资本的原始积累、经济的软着陆以及"高增长、低通胀"的好形势,50%得益于以粮食为主的食品类商品价格的稳定。回顾历史,可以充分肯定中国粮食经过粮改已彻底走出了短缺阴影。但现实中却出现了"卖粮难"、"谷  相似文献   

在中国加入WTO效应的作用和世界经济复苏的国际环境影响下,我国外贸出口出现了加速增长势头,外贸出口对经济增长的拉动作用明显增大.2003年我国外贸进出口将持续平稳增长,机电产品和高新技术产品的出口将增长迅猛,非国有经济的出口比重将上升.与此同时,利用外资和引进外资也将保持高增长的态势,外资的投资领域也将大大拓宽.另外,在引进来的同时,我国企业走出去直接投资的时机和条件也已基本成熟.  相似文献   

在经历了去年一年车市的“井喷”之后,北方汽车交易市场今年一季度的销售仍呈持续增长态势,颇有车市阳春的景象。  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of market structure in emerging markets banking systems during the 1990s. While a significant process of bank consolidation has been taking place in these countries, reflected in a sharp decline in the number of banks, this process has not systematically been associated with increased concentration as measured by standard indices. Moreover, econometric estimates based on the Panzar and Rosse (1987) methodology suggest that overall, markets have not become less competitive in a sample of eight European and Latin American countries. Lowering barriers to entry, such as allowing increased participation of foreign banks, appears to have prevented a decline in competitive pressures associated with consolidation.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the insight that multinational companies might delay the adjustment of the ownership structure of their foreign subsidiaries despite the fact that the fundamentals call for an immediate adjustment (hysteresis). Based on company-level data, we empirically investigate the company and industry conditions that influence the strength of the hysteresis in adjusting this ownership structure. Exchange rate volatility and adjustment cost strengthen the hysteresis in ownership adjustment decisions, while the growth of sales in the foreign market weakens it.  相似文献   

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