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本文分别从防护装置、防爆措施和安全管理等方面介绍了港口散粮输送设备的安全防护措施.  相似文献   

总结福建煤炭集团公司在福建天湖山能源公司含春矿安装斜井跑车防护装置试点工作的经验,介绍经多次改进并进行过现场破坏性试验取得成功的、自主研发的fad-08-600型斜井跑车防护装置原理及性能.  相似文献   

一问 国家规定投放市场的三轮车必须经质量监督部门进行技术鉴定。因此购车时应首先询问是否通过鉴定,有无鉴定证书。否则,质量没有保证,一定不要购买。 二看 应仔细检查安全防护装置和重要零部件的制造质量特别应注意:①发动机动力装置应有安全防护罩。③前照  相似文献   

由西安铁路科研所与北京中铁公司联合研制的ZTF2002型双信道双向数列车尾部安全防护装置,已在大准铁路使用多年并运行稳定。阐述了ZTF2002型列车尾部装置的主要用途,并在与前几代装置作出对比的基础上,阐述了其先进的构造和性能,并提出常见问题及解决方案。  相似文献   

陈强  蒋盛  张翼 《中国电子商务》2014,(11):245-245
近年来,随着我国的社会主义建设的不断深入,国家的工程建设正在不断扩大建设,因此起重器械在工程中的应用正变得越来越频繁。尤其是起重机的使用在大型工程技术中更加普遍,但是由于起重机非常巨大,操作的过程中具有很高的危险性,所以如何确保起重机的安全保护接地对于工程施工具有非常重要的意义。起重机的安全使用为工程安全施工提供了保障,本文主要从起重机的接地保护接地、外部接地、防护装置等进行主要检查,检查过程中对于三个部分进行检查内容研究,并且在检查的内容上提出了具体的检查方法,切实有效的为工程施工安全提供保障。  相似文献   

双信道双向数传列尾主机全自动检测台,是确保双信道双向数列车尾部安全防护装置正常使用的关键。文章分析了全自动检测台的组成,对全自动检测台的主要功能进行介绍,研究了主要故障的解决方案。应用全自动检测台对列尾装置主机进行的检测,仅仅是手段而不是目的——目的应该是通过检测,发现故障主机,判断故障位置,最终排除故障,使这一安全设备在铁路运输中发挥出应有的安全作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了ZDC30-1.0跑车防护装置在邢台矿的应用情况,并对该系统的工作原理、主要组成、功能特点等作了详细的说明.  相似文献   

高精、高速、高自动化机床的发展不仅需要高性能的机床整体结构,还需要各种基础元部件、NC系统、刀具等,此外还要求有一些能配套的高性能防护装置等等。日本机床技术发展之所以比较迅速,在于能互相协作,互相促进,开发出各种配套的高性能机、电、气、光以至各种防护装置等。日本的光商公司为配合高精、高速、高自动化机床的发展,开发出了多种型式、系列的导轨防护罩。它是一个生  相似文献   

在钢结构工程中,地脚螺栓是将钢结构上部与基础进行连接的重要部件,其腐蚀情况将严重影响钢结构的安全使用,故在使用过程中需重点保养。将现有的防腐蚀技术运用于地脚螺栓养护时,存在施工不便、造价高、寿命短等问题。本文论述了一种新型的螺栓螺母防护装置,可以在不改变螺栓材质、施工工艺及防腐技术的情况下,对螺栓进行单独防护,结构简单、加工方便、施工迅速、防护效果好。  相似文献   

本文通过对个人防护装置以及防护等级的介绍,对监测人员在突发环境事故应急监测过程中的个人防护问题进行了阐述.  相似文献   

以电池检测安全性系统为研究对象,以CNAS-CL01:2006(ISO/IEC17025:2005)《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》为依据,基于相关IEC、GB、UL、EN电池检测标准要求、实践分析以及电池产品的特殊性,从设施环境安全性和检测设备安全性出发,对电池检测实验室建筑结构、消防、排烟、环保、电气控制、监控、管理等领域开展相关安全性系统的探索研究,研究成果应用于上海出入境检验检疫局机电中心电池检测实验室。  相似文献   

降脂调料香辣油是采用复合植物油脂、蜂胶、辛香料等原料,经萃取、乳化、调制等工艺研制而成的一种风味和保健兼顾的新型调料香油。  相似文献   

Injuries related to agricultural equipment are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, in both high-income and low-income countries. Tractors are most often associated with severe injuries and fatalities. All age groups sustain injuries. Injuries to children are also prevalent because the sites of agricultural work overlap homes in rural areas. In the majority of papers reviewed, preventive methods are mostly targeted at behaviour modification and effective medical facilities, whereas only a few authors have highlighted design changes and passive measures for injury control. The effectiveness of suggested interventions is not discussed in the majority of papers except those related to roll-over protection structures, fodder cutting machines and thresher safety devices.  相似文献   

预付款消费近年来呈现几何式增长趋势,尤其在健身、美容、美发等行业。这种消费方式在给经营者带来利润,消费者带来便利的同时,问题也逐渐凸显。本文将从预付款消费的概念、现实中存在的主要问题以及法律适用等方面展开论述,并结合即将修订出台的消费者权益保护法,试提出预付款消费的规制方法。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的不断发展和普及,计算机网络带来了无穷的资源,但随之而来的网络安全问题也显得尤为重要,局域网内的安全问题引起了我们的重视,局域网内网的安全隐惠给我们带来了许多麻烦,来自网络内部的计算机客户端的安全威胁缺乏必要的安全管理措施,安全威胁较大。未经授权的网络设备或用户就可能通过到局域网的网络设备自动进入网络,形成极大的安全隐惠。本文分析了局域网中存在的安全保密威胁,并提出了局域网保密和安全防范的措施。  相似文献   

In the last few years mobile devices have reached a large amount of consumers in both developed and high-growth world economies. In 2013, 97% of the Italian population owns a mobile phone, and 62% owns a smartphone. Application software for mobile devices is largely proposed to consumers, and several mobile applications were oriented toward the improvement of road safety and road accident risk reduction. In this paper, we describe the results of a survey oriented to preventively investigate on the willingness to receive and/or to give information about road condition by means of mobile devices. Road users were informed about the characteristics of a mobile application, and then they were invited to complete a questionnaire. Experimental data were used for capturing road user attitudes toward the use of the smartphone to improve road safety, and to establish the preferences for the different features of the proposed mobile application. To this end, we choose to use the ordered probit model methodology. We demonstrate that the adopted methodology accounts for the differential impacts of the willingness to receive and/or to give information about road conditions on the overall willingness to receive and/or to give information through an application software for mobile devices.  相似文献   

李华 《商业研究》2012,(5):189-193
频繁发生的食品安全事故进一步拷问企业家的良心,然而食品安全法律制度的完善不仅需要完善监管制度,同时还要加强对事故受害人的保护。从以往对食品安全事故处理来看,受害人利益保护问题主要是靠政府来解决,这就使政府从一个监管者变为责任事故的承担者,不仅角色错乱而且会使受害人形成一种错误的心理依赖和路径依赖。本文分析了食品安全强制责任保险的可行性,提出构建我国的食品安全强制责任保险制度应由保险公司对受害人予以赔付,以完善我国食品安全法律制度的内容。  相似文献   

本文介绍了现代建筑电气的防雷击电磁脉冲设计的方法和措施,包括电磁屏蔽、接地、等电位联结以及电涌保护器(SPD)的设置和安装。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of cost-benefit analysis in evaluating consumer product safety standards and applys such analysis to an evaluation of flammability standards for children's sleepwear. The cost of safety standards includes the costs of standard development and enforcement and the changes in producer and consumer surpluses due to product regulation. The benefits from safety standards are the reduction in product accidents and the direct and indirect costs of such accidents. The cost of the O-6X Children's Sleepwear Standard was based on the change in consumer surplus since it was assumed that supply was perfectly elastic. The benefits were due primarily to the reduction in burn injuries. Cost-benefit ratios ranged from 0.62 to 0.84 assuming that the standard provided 100% protection. The cost-benefit ratios also indicate the degree of protection required by the standard. Thus a ratio of 0.62 implies that 62% protection is required if benefits are to equal costs.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current consumer protection laws status in Tanzania with special focus on selected areas, including product safety and product liability, quality of goods and services, and telecommunication consumer protection. A case study on status of consumer protection in Tanzania is rendered to reveal the realities of consumer protection in the country. The paper also reflects the desired state of consumer protection in the country and how it can be achieved. Furthermore, the paper highlights the influence laws from other jurisdictions and international organisations have on the Tanzania consumer protection laws and regime.  相似文献   

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