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Aghion和Howitt把熊彼特主义的"创造性破坏"模型与劳动力市场搜寻匹配理论结合起来建立了一个分析经济增长与失业关系的框架.在该框架中,经济增长存在着加重失业的"创造性破坏"效应和缓解失业的资本化效应.一些学者在此框架基础上讨论了劳动力市场不完全情况下经济增长与失业的关系以及就业政策对经济增长和失业相互关系的影响."创造性破坏"的框架,把技术进步作为切入点,为认识增长与失业的相互关系提供了一个全新的分析视角.  相似文献   

We study capital accumulation and innovation as determinants of long-run growth by adding capital to our earlier model of creative destruction. No special functional forms are imposed on the aggregate production function. The equations describing perfect foresight equilibrium are identical to those of the augmented Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, except that the rate of technological change is a function of the stock of capital per effective worker. Contrary to previous models, a subsidy to capital accumulation will raise the long-run growth rate. The key assumption is that capital is used in R and D. Some evidence is presented on the capital intensity of R and D.  相似文献   

熊彼特曾试图建立一个以创新为动力的内生经济变迁理论。在沉寂多年以后,熊彼特的这一经济理论在20世纪90年代以后复活。演化新熊彼特主义借用生物学隐喻构建了企业的行为模式,使创新得以内生化,并类比生物学中的自然选择过程描述了经济动态过程。新古典熊彼特主义增长理论则将熊彼特"创造性破坏"思想模型化,通过引入研发生产函数和对创新组织的探讨将技术创新内生化,深入地研究了与经济增长相关的市场结构问题。三支理论在方法论和学术传统上的差别导致了它们对创新机制以及经济变迁的不同理解。文章系统地梳理了熊彼特主义经济理论的主要发展并对之进行了比较、评价和展望。  相似文献   

创新作为企业最基本的活动,已经成为产业组织理论中的热点问题。蕴含创造性破坏思想的产业创新带来了产品的更新换代,本文对产业创新模型为的研发投入进行了分析,发现存在三种可能的均衡结果,分别为静态均衡,两期循环和非增长陷阱,产业稳定增长要避免非增长陷阱的情况。在对静态均衡进行了福利分析之后,发现企业在利润最大化目标下决策的经济增长速度可能会高于或低干社会最优水平,潜在的可能就是经济高速增长与高消费者福利不能同时满足。  相似文献   


We study aspects of economic growth in a stylized smart city with two distinct features. First, the modeled inhabitants of this city are smart because they possess skills. Using the language of Richard Florida, these inhabitants comprise the city’s creative class and hence they possess creative capital. Second, the city is smart because it uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) and we model one specific kind of ICT use. In this setting, we first derive expressions for three growth related metrics. Second, we use these metrics to show that the economy of smart city A converges to a balanced growth path (BGP). Third, we compute the growth rate of output per effective creative capital unit on this BGP. Fourth, we study how heterogeneity in initial conditions affects outcomes on the BGP by introducing a second smart city B into the analysis. At time t?=?0 two key savings rates in city A are twice as large as in city B. We compute the ratio of the BGP value of income per effective creative capital unit in city A to its value in city B. Finally, we compute the ratio of the BGP value of skills per effective creative capital unit in city A to its value in city B.  相似文献   

In this article, a new numerical procedure is used to compute the equilibrium of a vintage capital growth model with nonlinear utility, where the scrapping time is nonconstant. We show that equilibrium investment and output converge nonmonotonically to the balanced growth path due to replacement echoes. We find that the average age of capital is inversely related to output, which is consistent with recent micro evidence reinforcing the importance of the embodied question. We also find that an unanticipated permanent increase in the rate of embodied technological progress causes labor productivity to slowdown in the short run.  相似文献   

Output Variability and Economic Growth: the Japanese Case   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the empirical relationship between output variability and output growth using quarterly data for the 1961–2000 period for the Japanese economy. Using three different specifications of GARCH models, namely, Bollerslev's model, Taylor/Schwert's model, and Nelson's EGARCH model, we obtain two important results. First, we find robust evidence that the “in‐mean” coefficient is not statistically significant. This evidence is consistent with Speight's (1999) analysis of UK data and implies that output variability does not affect output growth. In other words, this finding supports several real business cycle theories of economic fluctuations. Second, we find no evidence of asymmetry between output variability and growth, a result consistent with Hamori (2000) .  相似文献   

改革以来,经济周期性波动的变化特征说明了我国经济的稳定性与抗风险能力增强;经济波动的根源是生产与消费的矛盾,矛盾激化到一定程度,经济运行就表现较大幅度的波动;市场条件与生产条件相背离是生产与消费矛盾激化的市场表现;生产条件短期是难以改变的,而市场条件的改变又是相对迅速的,宏观调控的重要作用就是要适时地调整并改变市场条件,使之与生产条件相适应;需要注意的是,这种调整应该适时适度,否则,反而会进一步加剧经济的较大幅度波动。  相似文献   

Technological Progress, Job Creation, and Job Destruction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
New technology embodied in capital equipment can be adopted either through destruction of existing jobs and the creation of new ones or by renovation, updating the job's equipment. Under the assumption that the destruction of jobs generates worker layoffs, we show that higher productivity growth induces lower unemployment when renovation costs are low, but that the response of employment to growth switches from positive to negative as the cost of updating existing technology rises above a unique critical level. The effects of idiosyncratic productivity differences and cross sector mobility on the aggregate relationship between growth and unemployment are also studied.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: D92, E24, J41, J63, J64.  相似文献   

新创意经济是伴随着信息化的发展而产生的,它推动了创意产业的发展,产生了巨大的经济效应,改变了人们的生活方式,体现出巨大的优越性。同时,新创意经济在发展过程中也暴露出了一些问题,例如知识产权问题。解决这些问题需要政府、高校、企业以及社会各界的共同努力,以使新创意经济在信息社会发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

中国区域经济增长差异及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国经济的高速增长,区域经济差异日益突出。此项研究通过对地区经济差异的统计描述,并运用经济计量模型,在传统的资本要素和劳动力要素的基础上,增加了技术要素和制度要素两个变量来考察区域经济增长的差异,得出了结论和启示。  相似文献   

本文从创造性破坏的视阈,对企业动态能力的构建进行探析,通过对企业动态能力与创造性破坏之间关联的分析,指出企业动态能力的形成发展实质上是一个不断创造性破坏的过程。强调企业动态能力的构建必须以破为首,破除企业核心刚性与组织惰性等四大障碍;创造为本,重在创新。并从构建企业动态能力的视角,探讨企业创造性破坏的目标指向、路径与方略。  相似文献   

We show that regional instability, defined as politicalinstability in neighboring countries, has a strong negative effecton a country's economic performance. The magnitude of this negativeexternality is similar in size to that of an equivalent increasein domestic political instability. We also identify two mainchannels through which regional instability lowers economic performance.First, regional instability disrupts trade flows. The sharesof merchandise and manufactured trade are lower in countrieswith high regional instability. Second, regional instabilityleads to increased military outlays. Defense expenditures arehigher in countries with high regional instability. In contrast,the share of government expenditures allocated to education islower in countries with politically unstable neighbors. Our resultssuggest the existence of negative spillovers among politicallyunstable neighboring countries. These adverse regional influencesshould be taken into account when projecting the future economicperformance of countries. The evidence presented also suggeststhat the gains from reducing regional instability extend farbeyond the welfare of the country experiencing political unrest.Policies directed at settling current territorial disputes ina peaceful and orderly manner can have large beneficial effectsfor parties not directly involved in the conflict.  相似文献   

闲暇时间与经济增长--兼对中国数据的实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏翔 《财经研究》2005,31(10):95-107
文章放宽了国外对闲暇研究的假设条件,突出考虑闲暇时间对人力资本形成的作用和对技术进步的外部性,将闲暇时间引入增长模型研究了闲暇与增长的动态关系,并对中国1981~2003年的经济数据进行了实证检验.实证检验结果表明,健康的闲暇活动能促进经济增长,但工业化阶段居民较低的闲暇偏好会拉低经济增长率,因此总体上闲暇时间对我国经济增长展现出微小的负作用.为此文章提出,应在加大精神文明建设力度的同时,合理安排契合本国经济发展阶段的公休假制度.  相似文献   

中国经济增长与就业增长的非一致性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国国民经济增速较快,但在GDP保持高速增长的同时,就业率并没有保持相应的同步增长.导致这一问题出现的原因是多方面的,其中最重要的原因是地方政府对经济增长的过分偏好和对就业问题的相对忽视.要解决这一问题,就要从中国国情出发,充分发挥政府部门作用,以实现经济与就业的同步增长.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to understand and measure the effects of political borders on economic growth and per capita income levels. In our model, political integration between two countries results in a positive country size effect and a negative effect through reduced openness vis-à-vis the rest of the world. Additional effects stem from possible changes in other growth determinants, besides country size and openness, when countries are merged. We estimate the growth effects that would have resulted from the hypothetical removal of national borders between pairs of adjacent countries under various scenarios. We identify country pairs where political integration would have been mutually beneficial. We find that full political integration would have slightly reduced an average country's growth rate, while most countries would benefit from a more limited form of merger, involving higher economic integration with their neighbors.  相似文献   

Drawing on the structurationist notion of ‘technologies-in-practice’, this article analyses the different types of technological actions that users perform, after technological change, in order to keep a declining technology alive over time. The research question of the article is: How do technologies-in-practice based on the application of new technology hamper the creative destruction of old technology? The case study of ham radio technology and amateur radio operators is explored. The results of the investigation support the development of a technology-in-practice ‘experimentation’ and four inductive research propositions.  相似文献   

城市化驱动经济增长的机制与实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市化与经济增长是当前中国面临的重要问题.城市化和经济增长是紧密联系又互相促进的,城市化水平的提高对国民产出的增长具有促进作用.城市化推进是其运行中各要素之间相互作用、相互影响的过程,这些要素之间的关系构成了城市化驱动经济增长的机制.中国城市化进入快速发展阶段后,农村剩余劳动力的无限供给满足了城市化的需要,城市化通过刺激投资规模扩张、产业结构优化和人力资本提升作用于经济增长.  相似文献   

经济增长对自然资源消耗和环境污染是不可避免的,然而,当经济增长对自然资源与环境资源的需求超过其承载力的阈限时,就会出现由于资源枯竭与环境恶化的非和谐增长.在对和谐增长相关理论进行梳理的基础上,以我国经济增长对资源、环境的超阈限影响为背景,分析三重失灵对和谐增长的影响,并将和谐增长纳入制度和谐的框架内,试图从制度约束上探讨长期和谐增长的保障机制.  相似文献   

经济增长与收入差距:一个基于主体的经济模拟途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提供了一个基于主体的转轨经济模型,用于分析经济转轨过程中经济增长和收入差距的动态关联性.模拟实验结果表明:随着经济的持续增长,收入差距经历一个先扩大后缩小的过程;实施适度的累进税政策会在缩小收入差距的同时,促进经济高速增长.  相似文献   

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