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企业社会责任与财务绩效相关性研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐洁 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(3):184-185
近年来,社会责任问题突显,企业是否愿意履行社会责任,与企业财务绩效是否存在相关关系,怎样的相关关系,总结并回顾了关于企业社会责任与财务绩效相关性研究的国内外研究概况及成果。  相似文献   

企业社会责任已经成为理论界与实业界关注的一个的焦点,有关企业社会责任与企业财务绩效关系的研究也成为学术研究的热点。近年来,该领域出现了大量的研究成果,其中许多成果昭示着未来颇有价值的研究领域,但未能形成统一的理论研究框架,为此,将从利益相关者理论做出尝试,以期为后人深入研究该领域提供一个新视觉。  相似文献   

本文基于利益相关者理论,以2010—2017年25家酒类上市公司为研究样本,并给7个利益相关者赋予相应的权重,对我国酒类上市公司履行企业社会责任与财务绩效相关性进行实证研究,研究结果表明:企业财务绩效与股东、顾客、供应商、员工、政府以及环境的衡量指标呈正相关,与债权人的衡量呈负相关,即样本公司积极履行社会责任将更有益于提升企业财务绩效。  相似文献   

房地产行业是关系国计民生的重要行业,与人们日常生活紧密相关。本文选取2013年在沪深交易所上市的50家房地产企业作为研究样本,应用SPSS 19.0软件对数据进行描述性统计分析和相关性分析,并通过多元线性回归,得出房地产企业履行社会责任与财务绩效正相关的结论。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,企业损害利益相关者利益,不履行社会责任的例子数不胜数,当前越来越多的声音呼吁企业承担更多的社会责任。因而承担社会责任会对企业产生怎样的影响,怎么样产生影响,越来越受到社会各界的关注。本文首先站在利益相关者的角度,界定企业社会责任的指向对象和内容。其次.以经验证据研究了企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系。最后,对于企业如何正确处理社会责任和财务绩效的关系提出建议。  相似文献   

本文以利益相关者理论为基础,将社会责任划分为八个方面分别对企业财务绩效的影响进行了分析,从而寻找企业社会责任与财务绩效的关系。  相似文献   

选取我国43家能源行业上市公司2007-2009年的相关财务数据为样本,在国内外已有理论的基础上,通过建立多元线性回归模型来探讨能源企业社会责任与财务绩效的关系。实证结果表明:能源企业履行社会责任与企业财务绩效呈正相关关系,即企业积极参与社会责任实践有利于提高企业财务绩效。  相似文献   

企业在追求自身经济利益的同时,引发了如环境污染、偷税漏税以及忽视食品安全生产等一系列的社会问题与矛盾。社会责任作为热点议题不得不引起学者们的重视,通过对我国社会责任在被动到主动的发展过程中有关社会责任与财务绩效的研究,从机理、方法和实证角度性探析企业社会责任履行的理论机制,归纳总结社会责任与绩效的现有成果。  相似文献   

食品行业是关系国计民生的主导行业,与人们的日常生活密切相关,而近年来食品行业的社会责任问题不断出现,带来了较高的社会成本和严重的后果,其社会责任的履行问题受到了众多学者和政策制定者的广泛关注。本文通过对沪深两市中40家食品行业上市公司2011年的社会责任表现数据进行实证分析,对食品行业企业社会责任与财务绩效间的关系进行检验。  相似文献   

企业社会责任一直是人们关注的话题。企业的每一步发展行为都要重视对社会的影响,尤其是在制定财务目标时,必须兼顾其社会责任。实现财务目标与社会责任的统一是当今企业面临的重要问题,企业的持续经营以及财务目标的实现离不开其对相关社会责任的关注与承担。  相似文献   

李建升  李巍 《财贸研究》2011,22(2):136-143
企业社会责任与企业财务绩效的关联性决定企业的社会责任态度和行为。通过对浙江纺织行业样本企业数据的计量分析发现,前期企业财务绩效和后期企业的社会责任状况显著正相关;而前期企业社会责任和后期企业财务绩效之间、同期企业社会责任和企业财务绩效之间呈负相关趋势,但统计不显著。出现这种结果的原因可能在于当前中国社会责任市场缺乏,企业社会责任行为的推动力是行政力量而非市场力量,企业社会责任不能顺利转化或提升企业绩效。构建社会责任市场以实现企业和社会的双赢,将有效改善中国企业社会责任状况并促使持久的企业社会责任行为。  相似文献   

Stakeholder theory provides a framework for investigating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance. This relationship is investigated by examining how change in CSP is related to change in financial accounting measures. The findings provide some support for a tenet in stakeholder theory which asserts that the dominant stakeholder group, shareholders, financially benefit when management meets the demands of multiple stakeholders. Specifically, change in CSP was positively associated with growth in sales for the current and subsequent year. This indicates that there are short-term benefits from improving CSP. Return on sales was significantly positively related to change in CSP for the third financial period, indicating that long-term financial benefits may exist when CSP is improved.  相似文献   

Adapting to the cultural environment surrounding, a firm is of paramount importance in international marketing practices. Extant marketing literature provides meager guidance to marketers on how to adapt to cultural factors to turn corporate social responsibility strategies into financial outcomes. To address this gap, we utilize the instrumental stakeholder theory and Hofstede's cultural framework to investigate the moderating effect of indulgence versus restraint culture on the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). Applying a panel data regression analysis to a dataset of CSP and CFP data for 3753 firms from 43 different countries, we demonstrate that CSP has a positive effect on CFP. However, we show that CSP has a weaker effect on CFP in firms located in indulgent countries. Therefore, to generate financial outcomes, we recommend managers to allocate more resources to CSP initiatives if the firm is operating in a culturally restrained country.  相似文献   

信誉是企业利益相关者对企业的一种综合评价,社会责任影响利益相关者行为,因此对企业信誉可能产生积极的影响。通过问卷调查的实证分析,发现顾客责任、环境责任和慈善责任对企业信誉有显著的正向影响,而政府责任和员工责任对企业信誉影响不明显。  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility and Resource-Based Perspectives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) because they consider that some kind of competitive advantage accrues to them. We contend that resource-based perspectives (RBP) are useful to understand why firms engage in CSR activities and disclosure. From a resource-based perspective CSR is seen as providing internal or external benefits, or both. Investments in socially responsible activities may have internal benefits by helping a firm to develop new resources and capabilities which are related namely to know-how and corporate culture. In effect, investing in social responsibility activities and disclosure has important consequences on the creation or depletion of fundamental intangible resources, namely those associated with employees. The external benefits of CSR are related to its effect on corporate reputation. Corporate reputation can be understood as a fundamental intangible resource which can be created or depleted as a consequence of the decisions to engage or not in social responsibility activities and disclosure. Firms with good social responsibility reputation may improve relations with external actors. They may also attract better employees or increase current employees’ motivation, morale, commitment and loyalty to the firm. This article contributes to the understanding of why CSR may be seen as having strategic value for firms and how RBP can be used in such endeavour. Manuel Castelo Branco is Invited Lecturer of Accounting at the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho. His research has been published in journals such as the Social Responsibility Journal and Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Lúcia Lima Rodrigues, Ph.D is Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho. She is the Head of the Department of Management and the Director of the Master in Accounting and Management. She is the Editor of the Portuguese Journal of Accounting and Management, Editor for Europe of the international journal Accounting History. She is referee in several Portuguese and International journals. Her research has been published in several major international journals in Accounting such as The Accounting Historians Journal, Accounting Education: An International Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and Accounting Forum.  相似文献   

如何协调解决经济目标与社会目标的利益冲突,实现两者的统一,是我国企业面临的现实问题。本文运用内容分析法,通过对四个中国上市家电企业的多案例研究,发现商务模式对企业社会责任与企业绩效冲突与否起到关键性的作用。当企业采取共享型商务模式时,企业社会责任活动有利于提升企业绩效;反之,当企业采取非共享型商务模式时,企业社会责任与企业绩效就会出现冲突。  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the relationship between a firm’s fulfilling of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and performance. We developed a CSR index (CSRI) to quantitatively evaluate CSR, which consists of four dimensions measuring a firm’s contributions to the economy, society, environment, and corporate governance, respectively. With data from publicly-listed firms in Taiwan during the period of 2004–2009, results of quantile regression show that fulfilling CSR has a significantly positive impact on firm performance, and that the impact in a more profitable firm tends to be significantly greater than that in a less profitable firm. Specifically, when a firm is more profitable, its management would be more willing to implement CSR. The implication is that a firm could pursue better performance while serving as a good corporate citizen.  相似文献   

This paper examines voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting as a form of moral discourse. It explores how alternative stakeholder perspectives lead to differing perceptions of the process and content of responsible reporting. We contrast traditional stakeholder theory, which views stakeholders as external parties having a social contract with corporations, with an emerging perspective, which views interaction among corporations and constituents as relational in nature. This moves the stakeholder from an external entity to one that is integral to corporate activity. We explore how these alternative stakeholder perspectives give rise to different normative demands for stakeholder engagement, managerial processes, and communication. We discuss models of CSR reporting and accountability: EMAS, the ISO 14000 series, SA8000, AA1000, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the Copenhagen Charter. We explore how these models relate to the stakeholder philosophies and find that they are largely consistent with the traditional atomistic view but fall far short of the demands for moral engagement prescribed by a relational stakeholder perspective. Adopting a relational view requires stakeholder engagement not only in prescribing reporting requirements, but also in discourse relating to core aspects of the corporation such as mission, values, and management systems. Habermas’ theory of communicative action provides guidelines for engaging stakeholders in this moral discourse. MaryAnn Reynolds is an Associate Professor of Accounting in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University. Dr. Reynolds teaches intermediate financial accounting and is published in the areas of corporate social, environmental and ethical reporting. Kristi Yuthas is the Swigert Endowed Information Systems Professor in the School of Business Administration at Portland State University. Dr. Yuthas teaches accounting and information systems and is published in the areas of social and ethical impacts of management information systems.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and common prosperity have the consistency of philosophy and goal. In the process of delivering CSR, enterprises can merge their tangible and intangible assets to realize a positive cycle of sustainable development and common prosperity. Enterprises can also open up space for both commercial and social value by integrating altruism with self-interest, public welfare with utilitarianism, cost with capital, and today's developmentwith tomorrow's development. Indeed, the unification of commercial value and social value can extend pathways to common prosperity and improve common prosperity. By way of the super CSR, enterprises can spread the wealth of their culture and values to society through material products, ethical products, and intergenerational inheritance based on the high compatibility of enterprise high-dimensional culture, enterprise craftsmanship, and enterprise civilizations. They can thus play a leading role in promoting the ethical wealth of the whole of society. Public and private enterprises should maximize their respective advantages in promoting common prosperity of society for realizing the common progress of the people, and should strike a balance between efficiency and fairness.  相似文献   

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