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在由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中。最重要的是提高经营管理者的素质,也就是企业法人的素质。实践证明,一个好的经营管理者,可以使绝境中的企业起死回生,由弱到强,发展壮大;一个素质差的经营管理者,可以把好企业弄跨,也可以把困境中的企业推向绝境。目前企业经营管理者存在的主要问题有: 1、企业的经营管理者大多都由政府任命,难以摆脱传统体制,致使政企不分的问题长期得不到解决。  相似文献   

朱基强调要全面提高国企管理人员素质本刊讯国务院总理朱基日前在国有重点骨干企业领导人培训班座谈会上指出,企业经营管理者素质的高低,决定着企业的兴衰成败。当前,国企经营管理者队伍总体是好的,为推进企业改革和发展做出了重要贡献。但是确实也有不少企业领导人思想因循守旧,抱残守缺,缺乏现代企业经营管理的意识和知识,不能适应迅速发展的形势要求,有些人甚至滥用权力,以权谋私,严重违法乱纪,腐败蜕化,给国家造成重大损失。因此,必须采取切实有效措施,显著提高国企经营管理者的综合素质。他强调,国企领导人都要认真按照中央的要求,…  相似文献   

本文通过调查,分析了目前北京市工业系统企业经营管理者的素质状况,近5年企业经营管理者参加培训的情况和效果,企业经营管理者培训工作中的典型经验和存在问题,"十五"期间企业经营管理者的培训需求,在此基础上,提出了加强和改进企业经营管理者培训工作的建议.  相似文献   

当代企业的竞争是科技的竞争、生产力的竞争和人才的竞争,而不论是科技还是生产力,归根到底都要依靠高素质的人才队伍。所以对于现代企业来说,一切管理手段的提升都要从管理队伍的建设和人员素质提升做起,尤其是企业信息化管理建设对人才队伍的素质要求更高,需要企业经营管理者投入更大的精力。本文重点探讨如何有效提高企业信息化管理队伍的总体素质和质量。  相似文献   

深化国有企业改革是一项系统工程,需要多方面共同努力,其中很重要一条就是要认真总结十多年来的经验教训,切实加强企业领导班子建设,培养和造就高素质的经营管理者队伍。企业领导班子的性质、地位和作用,不同于党政领导班子,企业领导班子成员特别是一把手的素质要求...  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的深入和现代企业制度的建立,企业经营管理者的素质和培训问题已成为影响企业发展的重要因素。为了深入了解变革时代我国企业经营管理者的素质与培训状况,中国企业家调查系统与国家经贸委、中国经济效益纵深行组委会“管理培训工程”办公室共同组织了“1998·中国企业经营管理者成长与发展专题调查”。国务院发展研究中心情报中心。国务院研究室工交司。国家经贸委企业司、国家统计局综合司、中国企业管理协会研究部、原国家计委综合民人事部流动调配司、国家税务总局政策法规司。国家国有资产管理局企业司。国家经贸…  相似文献   

激励和约束是加强企业经营管理者队伍建设不可或缺的两个方面。当前对企业经营管理者不仅存在约束不力的问题,而且缺乏科学合理的激励机制。为了建立这样一种激励机制,我们湘潭市近几年来进行了以下尝试,并取得了初步成效。引入竞争机制,建立企业家人才市场。竞争是市场经济的基本特征,其结果必然是优胜劣汰。因此,要把企业经营管理者推向市场,实行其与企业之间的双向选择,通过竞争,实现人才资源的优化配置,同时激励企业经营管理者不断提高自身素质。目前,国内有些地方已就建立企业家人才市场进行了有益探索,湘潭市也正在作这方…  相似文献   

付万兵 《活力》2004,(4):107-107
近年来。党和国家对国有企业的发展极为重视,其中最重要的就是建设高质的企业经营管理者队伍。大量事实说明,一个企业的兴衰成败特别是我们林业企业,面临着“双危”(资源危机、资金危困)的情况下,与企业经营管理者的素质关系极大,在很多情况下甚至是决定性的。中央提出,用三年左右的时间,使大多数中型国  相似文献   

社会主义企业经营管理者的素质与实现“两个转变”———胡锦涛同志谈造就高素质的管理者队伍胡锦涛同志在《努力培养和造就一支高素质的社会主义企业经营管理者队伍》一文中指出,实现“九五”计划和2010年远景目标,“需要有数量众多、素质优良的各类人才,包括一大...  相似文献   

按照市场经济要求探索建立国企经营管理者激励机制,极大地调动了经营管理者的积极性和创造性,对培养造就高素质经营管理者队伍,促进企业深化改革、转换机制,提高企业市场竞争能力、科技创新能力和抗御风险能力起了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

肖红艳 《物流科技》2012,(4):116-120
餐饮服务的质量主要由环境质量、设施质量、产品质量和服务水平等构成。其中产品质量的重要性不言而喻。菜品作为产品的重要组成部分,其质量的稳定与提高一直深受广大餐饮企业管理者和餐饮消费者的关注。通过对菜品质量重要性以及影响菜品环节的阐述,分析我国现在餐饮企业菜品质量管理中存在的问题,提出相应的有效对策,以提升菜品质量管理水平。  相似文献   

张晓华 《价值工程》2012,31(26):241-242
文化差异在企业管理者的英语运用中不容忽视,企业管理者在注重提高自己英语交际能力的同时,必须要了解中西文化差异,这样才能够更好的利用英语提高企业的竞争力。企业管理者在英语运用中尽量能够在了解国外文化的同时体现出我国的民族特色,这样才能够在很大程度上提高企业的影响力与管理水平,使企业能够得到更加长远的发展。本文将要探讨的重点就是企业管理者在英语运用中的文化差异以及企业管理者必须在英语运用中重视文化差异。通过对这两点的分析更加深刻的阐述文化差异在企业管理者的英语运用中不容忽视。  相似文献   

We demonstrate how one can measure overall quality in texts gathered from interviews by means of PERTEX text analytic method. We compare text analytic measures and content for locally active Scandinavian small business managers and globally operating Indian IT managers when recapitulating the reasons behind company growth. Using Ward’s clustering method (J Am Stat Assoc 58:236–244, 1963) on a binary matrix for connections between textual components, we suggest using the ESS value from clustering to calculate AFFI as an overall measure of quality. By further splitting the AFFI into three sub-components we are also able to display the degree of fragmentation, focus and integration in the text. We show how AFFI measures differ between managers with a causation or effectuation orientation irrespective of their role as small business manager or as an established global manager. Hence, we posit that effectuation and causation orientations may be generic characteristic of managers in general.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, our world has changed dramatically due to the growing phenomenon of globalization and revolution in information technology. There is tremendous demand on companies to lower costs, enlarge product assortment, improve product quality, and provide reliable delivery dates through effective and efficient coordination of production and distribution activities. To achieve these conflicting goals, companies must constantly re-engineer or change their business practices and employ information systems.In 1990s, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as an enabling technology, which integrates various functional (operations, marketing, finance) information systems into a seamless suite of business applications across the company and thereby, allowed for streamlined processing of business data and cross-functional integration. Thus, ERP systems provide an enticing solution to managers who have struggles with incompatible information systems and inconsistent operations policies. However, successful implementation of ERP systems requires active participation from senior-level managers from various functional areas so as to delineate its impact on the business level as well as functional level strategies.In this paper, we have endeavored to provide operations managers a brief overview of ERP systems and highlight its implications for operations function. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to give a broad based overview of enterprise resource planning systems. Using SAP R/3 as an example system, we discuss how an ERP system can assist in enhancing strengthening business strategy and making consistent operations decisions: process design, production planning and scheduling, inventory management, quality management, human resource management.  相似文献   

Chinese business managers, in general, have been portrayed as valuing harmony and peace and having a tendency to avoid confrontation for fear of disturbing relationships involving mutual dependence. This is held to be a reflection of traditional Confucian cultural values.

This paper is an exploratory study which attempts to establish the relationship between the traditional, Confucian cultural values and the modes of conflict resolution preferred by Chinese business managers. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument was employed in this study to describe the preferred conflict resolution modes of Chinese business managers. The results show that compromising tend to be the most preferred conflict resolution mode of Chinese business managers because of the latter's predominantly humanistic, Confucian self-concept.

However, other modes, that is, collaborating, competing, avoiding and accommodating, are also being employed by Chinese business managers as a strategic and political variation of that Confucian self-concept.  相似文献   

Research on managerial decision making (MDM) is often conducted using business students. By using students as subjects in experiments, researchers assume that the results generalize to managers. To test this assumption, the decision making of managers was compared to that of graduate and undergraduate business students using a complex decision task in which all subjects were equally naive. There were no significant differences between the managers and graduate business students. The undergraduate students, however, made more costly decisions, used less effective decision heuristics, and were more erratic than the managers and graduate students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine how country workforce characteristics shape the willingness of managers to delegate authority to subordinates. Using data from worldwide surveys, we tested to what extent country-specific factors, such as workforce competence, motivation, and probity, shape the willingness of managers to grant decisional power to subordinates. The results show that the willingness to delegate across the 47 countries might be explained by a combined effect of workforce competence, motivation, and probity, labeled quality of country labor. It is argued that in countries where managers perceive that the labor quality is lower (lack of competence, motivation, and probity), the managerial willingness to hand over power to subordinates decreases. The findings of this study have both theoretical and practical implications for the managerial practice of firms doing business internationally. These findings will assist companies and managers to better understand why delegation might not work as expected in one country, whereas the same practice is both effective and indicated in other countries.  相似文献   

对日本朝日啤酒公司的个案分析发现:企业持续不断地提升产品和服务的品质,就能创造顾客价值、提供顾客喜爱的长期畅销商品,使产品生命周期延长,以节约开发成本和新产品的营销费用,并且保护环境。通过高层管理者持续地强调品质管理所形成的新的经营模式,同样能够构筑企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

党中央做出“大规模培训干部,大幅度提高干部队伍素质”的总体部署,国有企业领导人员教育培训是我国三支队伍(党政干部、企业经营管理人员和专业技术人员)建设的重要内容之一。实施国有企业领导人员教育培训,必须结合企业实际,认真定位;必须体现岗位职务特色,创新培训方式;必须加强制度建设,建立长效培训机制。  相似文献   

陈保国 《价值工程》2012,31(20):36-37
施工质量的优劣直接关系到企业的经济效益、人们的财产安全以及社会的稳定。目前企业和施工项目领导已经清晰的认识到,高质量的建筑产品和服务是市场竞争的有效手段,是占领建筑市场和发展企业的重要保证。由此可见,质量管理水平的高低直接关系到企业兴衰的命运,作为项目管理人员一定要与国际项目管理工作接轨,使企业质量管理更上新台阶。  相似文献   

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