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This paper describes the educational experience of students enrolled on the BA (Hons) International Accounting and Finance degree at the University of Brighton, who undertake a case study visit to Kraków, Poland to study the transition of an economy and an enterprise and at the same time acquire skills relevant for international business. The paper is supported by a questionnaire survey of all five cohorts of students who followed this course. Three of these cohorts have now left the University and are in a position to reflect on their educational experience in the light of the skills required in their current employment. The course is also proposed as a forerunner of an MBA to be followed by the student later in their development.  相似文献   

This article aims to reveal the impact of the retail internationalization process on the Ukrainian agribusiness. Building on an in-depth survey, we delineate major changes that occur owing to the process. Talking about global retailers, an essential part of their business is connected with selling high-quality products. Because (food) quality and thereby food safety processes are considered to be the highest priority, we concentrate on the agri-food business. Our interest in Ukraine is kindled by ongoing verticalization addressed by foreign retailers and imitated by local firms. As a result, overall quality improvements are observed.  相似文献   

Based on a spatially augmented gravity model, the current paper isolates spatial interrelationships in foreign direct investment (FDI) to Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) not only across the destination but also across the origin country dimension of FDI. Results show that (i) spatial interrelationships across destination countries are present and are consistent with the predominance of vertical-complex FDI in total FDI; (ii) spatial correlation across origin countries is given in earlier years of transition, while spillover and competition effects cancel over the whole sample period; and (iii) agglomeration forces gain in importance for FDI to CEECs.  相似文献   

Here we use co-word analysis on extant literature to map the intellectual structure of research addressing the impact of economic transition on Central and Eastern European enterprises during the 1989–2013 period. We collected and analyzed 2053 scholarly papers from the most comprehensive management databases, which were then used to develop. This paper contributes to the economic transition literature by providing an empirically derived framework based on the extant literature. This framework describes the main factors affecting enterprises during the transition process, the relationships among these factors and their evolution.  相似文献   


Regional players among the MNCs operating in Central and Eastern Europe have to decide if they should regard their businesses as a collection of individual markets or as a homogeneous region. The purpose of this paper is to examine if and how regionalization concepts have actually been implemented by foreign MNCs in CEE. The analysis focuses on the preconditions for the emergence of a regional strategy, on the identification of the main areas of regional integration, and the relationship between strategy and organizational structure. By using a longitudinal case study approach a better insight is gained on how regional strategies have emerged during the internationalization process of the firm and, if they have emerged, in which way they have manifested themselves in business decisions. The findings raise new questions about the regionalization construct with regard to the operationalization of regionalization, the relationship between strategy and structure, and its applicability to services.  相似文献   


During the last fifteen years there has been a substantial restructuring of retailing in Europe. The implications of this reach beyond Europe. The restructuring involves not only competitive relationships amongst retailers but also involves new forms of relationships with suppliers. A new perspective of the role of retailing is emerging that places retailing in a global framework of international store operations, international sourcing of products, international flows of management and managerial know-how, and international awareness by consumers of the retailers who are becoming international brands. The aim of this paper is to place the restructuring in context, to consider the nature of it and to explore how the new global framework will begin to have effects for distribution industries in Asia.  相似文献   

What are the borrowing strategies and practices of European members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA)? The authors had extensive discussions with bankers in the leading financial centres in Europe. Some of their findings are presented in the following article.  相似文献   


The extent of case methodology use in teaching business courses in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the United States (US) differ. This paper discusses the reasons for these differences utilizing the available literature and the author's recent experiences in teaching business courses in CEE under the Fulbright Scholar Program. It also presents a framework for developing and delivering case-based business courses with the objective of maximizing teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   


The question of why multinational companies (MNCs) choose to locate in one region rather than another has been an important topic in IB research for many years, but has recently received even more attention. This paper presents the results of an econometric investigation of the locational determinants of Italian firms in Central and Eastern Europe. Italian firms have been very active investors in the CEE countries. Our results broadly confirm the findings of previous studies, but we also find that both trade liberalisation and market liberalisation are important influences upon the location decision. If the CEE governments wish to attract further (Italian) foreign investment, then further liberalisation of their domestic economies should be a policy priority.  相似文献   

Since the collapse of the USSR, most Central and East European countries have been integrated into global economic institutions through membership in the WTO and EU significantly changing the regional business climate. Through an in-depth analysis of a petroleum pipeline project initiated in Ukraine, a country on the EU's periphery, this research presents a framework based on institutional climate and stakeholder levers of influence for explaining the type of existing and evolving business relationships in the region. A relational matrix for Eastern Europe is developed with a set of guidelines for global firms and investors seeking markets in the region.  相似文献   

This article reviews retail change in Europe over the past 20 years. The sociocultural context of retailing in Europe is briefly discussed before macro level changes in the relative scale of Europe's largest retail organizations over this period are explored. Three underlying themes to retail change are then discussed – the emergence of new markets, in relation to geographical, product, service and channel diversity; the evolution of the retailer as a brand, encompassing an holistic multifaceted conceptualization involving product, store and organizational dimensions; and the role of time as a competitive element through consumer and business behaviours, and in terms of the pace of strategy implementation. Finally, looking forward the study concludes with a number of underlying themes in the approaches taken by European retail organizations  相似文献   

The economies of Central and Eastern Europe were hit particularly badly by the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009. This raises the question of whether the severe economic downturn had any effect on the strategic orientation of foreign multinational corporations operating in Central and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the discussion of the effects of the recent crisis on strategies of multinational corporations. The crisis brought the successful economic catching-up process of the reforming countries over the previous decade to an abrupt halt, shattering the image of Central and Eastern Europe as a growth region. Multinational firms are now in the process of reviewing their original internationalization strategies for the region. The author argues that the business model that guided the expansion into Central and Eastern Europe still remains valid.  相似文献   


This article seeks to identify why international retail chains (IRCs) sometimes fail to successfully establish operations in foreign markets. The study focuses on the quality of managerial decision-making as a cause of failure. Four such causes are identified relating to the quality of: (1) strategic decision-making, (2) tactical decision-making, (3) decision-making by the management of the local entity (LE), and (4) cooperation between the IRC and its LE. Based on survey data from Israel, we find that causes (1), (3) and (4) are most critical. These results highlight that to avoid retail failure, strategic decisions, such as ensuring clear, distinct and superior values adapted to local consumer preferences, should take precedence over tactical ones. Furthermore, to ensure high quality of local management and smooth cooperation with their LEs, IRCs should strive to control local management and coordination mechanisms.  相似文献   


Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are of crucial importance for the process of reintegration of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the global marketplace. This paper explores the motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies in the FDI process taking place in CEE. The degree to which the motives of the three parties have been achieved is evaluated. The motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies are related to the strategic priorities of the FDI companies. The way in which these priorities have been realized is discussed. Recommendations for foreign investors' behavior in the CEE context are presented at the end of the article. The research data come from four countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors associated with the intention of multinational corporations operating in Europe to implement SMS advertising. It hypothesizes that managerial intentions to use this medium are related to the perceptions of four factors: (1) the ability to build brand image; (2) the ability to use location-based marketing; (3) the perceptions of how well consumers accept SMS advertising; and (4) the perceptions of the technological infrastructure. Results support the notion that managers from the European Union, Japan, and the United States will be more likely to adopt SMS advertising if they perceive it has the ability to help build the brand. They are also likely to perceive information security as a threat to the ability to “push” the product through the wireless channel. Results also suggest that managers give significant weight to the penetration of the technological infrastructure needed to run the ads through SMS-based messaging service.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an information theory-based framework about cross-border acquisitions in the financial intermediation industry. We argue that even though “soft” information embedded in customer relationships of local banks can, in principle, help multinational banks (MNBs) overcome informational disadvantage in host countries, the cost of verification of this private information may, paradoxically, make local banks with significant customer relationships unattractive for cross-border acquisition. Further, we propose that the relationship between the amount of customer information embedded in an incumbent bank and the likelihood of its acquisition by a MNB is modified by the institutional distance between the home and host countries of the MNB. Specifically, the strength of the negative relationship increases with institutional distance between home and host countries because the verification cost of private information increases with institutional distance. Our hypotheses find support in the context of Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   


Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have become a popular research venue due to their transitioning into market based economies. For international business scholars this represents a unique opportunity, as one of the key driving forces is the privatization of state-owned enterprises. Due to the market's great potential, many multinational enterprises are entering CEE countries and realizing that a transfer of market knowledge (i.e., customer tastes, distribution methods/channels, etc.) from the host country to the multinational, as well as from the multinational to the host country (i.e. technology, management/marketing capabilities, etc.), is essential.

The lack of host country skills have made knowledge transfer difficult. Also, the tacit nature of some of the most important knowledge embedded within the host country's organization and the multinational makes knowledge diffusion a daunting task to manage. However, successful knowledge management will assist in positive performance measures so researchers are examining knowledge management and its constructs (acquisition, transfer, conversion, and application).

Our research explores the linkage between knowledge management and performance in host country firms in a CEE country, Croatia. We also explored antecedents of successful knowledge management that of networks and human resources (boundary spanners). Finally we explored whether cultural distance moderates these relationships in the knowledge management process.  相似文献   

Conscious of the nutritional failings of the current food systems, there has been a call in the last decade or so to move beyond sustainable consumption and towards sustainable diets defined as healthy diets that also optimize the environment, food quality, socio‐cultural values, the economy and governance. Previous studies have shown how local food initiatives can lead to greater levels of sustainable consumption and healthier diets and have focused on the key role played by the conscious‐consumer. Analysing various types of local food initiatives—from community‐oriented to more private‐run activities—they have described the processes that local food initiatives set in motion to empower conscious‐consumers and to ultimately change habits and routines. Taking the specific case of a business‐oriented box delivery scheme in Italy, the article sheds further light on the mechanisms that enable clients to consume in more sustainable and healthier ways, with a central role played by learning, commitment and empowerment. Obstacles however exist in the form of the way people's everyday lives are structured, and the competing values that people draw upon in making their food choices. Support is therefore needed from public institutions to make it easier for people to choose healthier and more sustainable food provisioning systems.  相似文献   

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