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Routines, genes and program-based behavior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is argued that the ‘routines as genes’ and the ‘routines as skills’ analogies are misleading in several respects. Neither genes, nor skills, nor routines program behavior, if this is taken to involve, first, that they do so in a way that excludes conscious, deliberate choice and, second, that they determine behavior. On a proper understanding of ‘gene’, ‘skill’ and ‘routine’, conscious, deliberate choice is not ruled out when genes, skills or routines are operating. Once we shift from analogy to ontology, genes and skills appear as basic constituents of routines. Routines cannot exist unless specific genes and skills are in place in the individuals involved in the operation of the routines. Both genes and skills can be said to act unconsciously as ‘If ..., then ...’ programs. Even complete knowledge of genes and skills of the individuals involved would fall far short of predicting individual and firm behavior, however. What would still be missing, it is argued, is knowledge about organization, the specific ways in which genes, skills and individuals are connected with one another, and knowledge of context-dependence, what environmental stimuli activate specific chains of genes, skills and individuals.
Jack J. VromenEmail:

本文论述了生态经济是实现可持续发展的必然选择,环境审计是实现生态经济的保证,在阐述二者关系的基础上,提出我国开展环境审计的构想。  相似文献   

徐建平  梅胜军 《技术经济》2019,38(10):54-64
从持续性变革视角出发,将组织变革视为组织惯例不断演化的动态学习过程,采用半结构化访谈和焦点小组访谈的方式进行资料收集,选择19家(组)企业的高层管理者、中层管理者以及普通员工为对象进行访谈,其中包括5组焦点小组访谈。着重捕捉组织变革过程中组织成员行为模式、组织运作游戏规则以及员工集体共识的变化,旨在把握组织变革以及组织惯例的可能关键要素。在此基础上,采用扎根理论研究方法对访谈所获取材料进行分析,发现组织惯例的概念构思由交互共识、内隐规范以及行动逻辑三个维度构成。  相似文献   

This paper makes an overall introduction of ecological residence (ER), a new type of eco-building and studiesits origin, definition, status quo and characteristics. Firstly, it shapes like a forest seen from afar and like a garden seeninside; secondly, its environment should be up to the natural level; thirdly, designing, management, green energyutilization and sanitation should be up to environmental standard; fourthly, the green ecology concept is not only appliedto building but also rooted in the residents. In this paper, the features of ecological residence are summarized - coziness,health, high-efficiency and beauty, and principles of ecological residence are proposed - ecology-based, human-oriented,local-conditions-based and systematic. Also, techniques, problems and various understandings are discussed for theenhancement of ecological residence.  相似文献   

Traditional logistics takes economic interest as the final goal. The.frequency and changes of logistics activities have brought severe negative effects to the environment. At present, logistics industry, has become the dominant industry in the third industries, and it is also the main driver for economic development, As more emphasis has been attached to the philosophy of sustainable development, low carbon emission and environmental protection, environmental logistics has become the trend of logistics management. In this paper, basic theories of logistics, development economics etc. are employed, the dialectical relationship between environmental logistics and sustainable development are analyzed through statistics, and proposals are put forward to develop environmental logistics.  相似文献   

在大学衍生企业创业实践中,与产业主体间缺乏合作默契已成为大学衍生企业向产业网络嵌入的重要阻滞因素。针对该问题,基于网络惯例新视角,从大学衍生企业学术创生背景带来的异质性入手,构建“学术印记—网络惯例—产业网络嵌入”作用模型,探索技术动荡性的调节效应。运用多元回归分析等方法,对379家大学衍生企业调研数据进行实证检验。结果表明,大学衍生企业学术印记对网络惯例建立具有积极促进作用。同时,在向产业嵌入过程中,网络惯例对产业网络嵌入两个维度的作用机制存在差异,与结构嵌入存在倒U型关系,但正向促进关系嵌入。技术动荡性在“学术印记—网络惯例—产业网络关系嵌入”关系中具有正向调节作用。  相似文献   

国外持续发展研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从“持续发展”提出的背景,“持续发展”的基本意图与本质,研究与讨论的热点诸方面,概述了国外“持续发展”研究动态。并介绍了近年来活跃在“持续发展”研究领域的一些国际机构。  相似文献   

为探索服务经济时代服务企业如何充分利用外部合作关系实现开放式服务创新,基于动态能力理论,以组织惯例更新为中介变量、共享愿景为调节变量,构建关系学习影响开放式服务创新的理论模型,并运用回归分析和Bootstrap方法,对376份样本数据进行实证分析。结果表明,信息共享、共同理解和特定关系记忆均会对开放式服务创新产生不同程度的积极影响;关系学习的3个维度(信息共享、共同理解和特定关系记忆)通过组织惯例更新的中介作用影响开放式服务创新;共享愿景在共同理解对组织惯例更新的驱动作用中发挥显著正向调节作用,但在信息共享和特定关系记忆影响组织惯例更新方面不具有显著调节作用。  相似文献   

通过选取苏浙皖三省电子信息企业进行实证分析,揭示多市场接触与企业突破式创新之间的关系,并探讨技术联盟形成的中介效应以及组织惯例、势力范围的调节作用。结果显示:多市场接触对竞争企业间技术联盟形成与企业突破式创新均具有正向影响;技术联盟对多市场接触与企业突破式创新的关系起部分中介作用;组织惯例和势力范围均正向调节多市场接触与企业技术联盟的关系;企业拥有的组织惯例越成熟以及企业间势力范围不对称性越显著,技术联盟在多市场接触与突破式创新之间的中介作用就越强。结论进一步丰富了多市场接触和突破式创新相关研究,为企业应对不断变化的外部环境,寻求可持续创新发展提供了理论参考,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

网络组织内部结构优化与运行效率提升离不开惯例这一重要的知识资源,作为描述联盟组织行为方式的一般术语,联盟惯例表现为稳定的做事方式、标准化的作业程序和统一的行为准则等多种形式,并且在协调主体之间合作关系、增强组织内部稳定程度以及提升经验信息交流效率等方面发挥着重要作用。基于上海、南京和杭州地区261家企业调研数据,从惯例多元性视角出发,将联盟惯例解构为行动逻辑、内隐规范和交互共识,研究不同治理机制下联盟企业提升合作绩效的问题,同时揭示多元联盟惯例在研发联盟治理过程中的作用机理。研究结果表明:契约治理机制与研发联盟绩效之间存在倒U型关系,关系治理机制与研发联盟绩效之间存在正向关系;联盟惯例的3个维度对其调节效应不同,其中,行动逻辑和内隐规范对契约治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系均有显著正向调节效应,而交互共识对契约治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系有显著负向调节效应,同时,交互共识对关系治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系有显著正向调节效应。  相似文献   

网络组织内部结构优化与运行效率提升离不开惯例这一重要的知识资源,作为描述联盟组织行为方式的一般术语,联盟惯例表现为稳定的做事方式、标准化的作业程序和统一的行为准则等多种形式,并且在协调主体之间合作关系、增强组织内部稳定程度以及提升经验信息交流效率等方面发挥着重要作用。基于上海、南京和杭州地区261家企业调研数据,从惯例多元性视角出发,将联盟惯例解构为行动逻辑、内隐规范和交互共识,研究不同治理机制下联盟企业提升合作绩效的问题,同时揭示多元联盟惯例在研发联盟治理过程中的作用机理。研究结果表明:契约治理机制与研发联盟绩效之间存在倒U型关系,关系治理机制与研发联盟绩效之间存在正向关系;联盟惯例的3个维度对其调节效应不同,其中,行动逻辑和内隐规范对契约治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系均有显著正向调节效应,而交互共识对契约治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系有显著负向调节效应,同时,交互共识对关系治理机制与联盟绩效之间的关系有显著正向调节效应。  相似文献   

Natural capital contributes to the quality of life of a region in two complementary ways: first, by directly providing environmental services that cannot be imported, and second, by supplying the natural resources that, through a human controlled production process, become valuable to humans. The evolution of the combination of these two components of the quality of life determines the path of development a region takes. Environmental services also determine the ability of natural capital to regenerate itself. Ecosystems and other components of the regional natural capital produce environmental services that provide life-support functions necessary for natural capital reproduction. The destruction of this critical natural capital impairs the internal sources of improvement of the quality of life of a region, leading to a non-sustainable path of development. This article describes a model of the relationship between natural capital and quality of life that provides a stricter definition of sustainable development through explicit characterization and classification of natural capital according to its ability to produce life-supporting environmental services, by its substitutability, and by its possible reconstruction. Application of this model then shows that there are 51 possible regional development paths, only 32 of which are sustainable and only 14 of which are sustainable while also providing improvements in quality of life. Only six of these 14 sustainable development paths are attained with economic growth, however, while the other eight paths increase quality of life by increasing the production of environmental services. The model could help in the development of institutional interventions that would promote regional development paths that are sustainable.  相似文献   

家族企业在世界经济中扮演着重要角色,备受国内外学者关注。通过研究家族参与管理和CEO长期任职与企业创新绩效之间的关系,探讨了长期导向的中介效应与组织惯例的调节作用。基于浙皖家族企业样本实证分析,得出以下结论:家族参与管理和企业创新绩效之间存在倒“U”型关系;家族企业CEO长期任职对长期导向的形成有积极正向影响;长期导向在CEO长期任职与家族企业创新绩效间起中介作用;组织惯例正向调节家族参与管理对创新绩效的影响,正向调节长期导向对创新绩效的影响。通过探究管理层行为对企业创新绩效的影响,丰富了国内家族企业研究成果,也为家族企业响应不断变化的外部环境、实现可持续创新发展提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

基于河南省部分企业样本数据,实证考察了网络惯例不同构成对双元创新的影响,探讨了外部环境不确定性的不同情境特质对二者关系的调节作用。结果表明,网络惯例的不同维度具有差异化效能,即行为默契正向影响双元创新,而规范共识对双元创新呈倒U型影响。同时,环境动态性能够增强行为默契与双元创新的关系,而削弱规范共识与突破式创新的关系;环境丰富性对于网络惯例与双元创新关系的影响多不显著,只能增强行为默契对渐进式创新的促进作用。研究结论有助于企业依托宏观环境,有针对性地开发、部署网络惯例,以高效开展双元创新活动。  相似文献   

晏军  侯静 《时代经贸》2006,4(12):81-82
绿色物流是实现可持续发展战略的必然要求,本文分析了绿色物流的概念和内涵,提出了绿色物流对可持续发展的重大意义.同时对可持续发展战略意义上绿色物流的实施提出了具体的建议:循环物流战略、绿色供应链、绿色物流政策及绿色物流技术。  相似文献   

The establishment of an information system is meaningful to develop a dynamic assessment of environmental quality and degradation. In this paper an original, empirical framework called Factor Weighting Model (FWM) is proposed to integrate different indicators into a composite index. The FWM is able to work with variables depicting different themes (e.g. climate, soil, landscape, demography, economy) collected at various geographical and temporal scales. Three case studies carried out at different spatial scales were considered as examples of FWM application to a composite index of Land Degradation. It consists of several variables collected from various data sources and available at different temporal and spatial scales, which are aggregated into some thematic indicators. The FWM approach was applied separately for each case study to the single variables transformed into sensitivity indicators through standard procedures. A multiway factor analysis (MDA) was carried out to explore over time the relationships among indicators. The importance of the environmental indicators was estimated by attributing a percent weight to each of them according to MDA outputs. Climate and soil dimensions account for the highest weights in all the cases considered. These findings are in accordance with the results obtained in previous studies. The implications of FWM in the assessment of environmental quality are finally discussed.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地处山东省的东北部,是我国唯一一个尚未全面开发的大河三角洲.由于自身成陆时间较晚,整个生态环境依然十分脆弱,再加上以石油为主体的工业污染的屡禁不止,开发建设中可持续发展的压力不言而喻,并由此引起了各级政府的高度重视.继2009年国务院批复了《黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划》之后,2010年,国家发改委又批复了《黄河三角洲可持续发展实验区建设规划》,黄河三角洲地区的建设与发展已成为国家区域协调发展战略的重要组成部分.可以说,在黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设的历史进程中,加快可持续发展实验区建设是落实国家“十一五”规划和区域发展战略的重要体现,也是保护自身及渤海湾生态环境、确保黄河三角洲可持续发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

基于众创团队簇多阶段信任关联中存在的主体地位差异性、信任情景不确定等问题,以网络信任惯例为切入点,系统提出了团队簇协作能力互信机制分析框架。以网络信任惯例研究的复杂节点信任行为、循环交互信任模式和拓展演化信任路径为分析维度,从多团队协作互信存在的多主体、多阶段、动态性信任情景出发,总结了协作能力互信机制的概念,并梳理出机制研究关注的多元信任对象、动态信任基础以及信任机制的长效稳定性导向。借助和谐主题辨析的EOL模型,归纳出多团队协作创新在初创期、发展期和转型期面临的知识位势、角色互惠以及能力跃迁要求下的协作能力互信主题,构建了包括面向初创期认知信任、发展期结构信任以及转型期情感信任在内的互信机制,拓展了网络惯例内涵的应用范围,解构了团队簇协作能力互信的概念特征和问题导向,基于和谐主题辨析方法,丰富了协作信任效应的研究思路,对建立完善复杂动态竞争环境中的多团队间创新信任协作机制具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

In an important contribution in Ecological Economics, van de Bergh (2010) correctly concludes that sustainability does not imply zero externalities. However, he continues with the Delphic statement "(Delphic statements were uttered by the renowned oracle of ancient Greece at Delphi. They were phrased in such a way as to be self-fulfilling because alternative interpretations covered every possibility.)" "Without externalities the problem of sustainability vanishes". If this statement refers to an impossible economic process that produces no externalities then he is right. However, it might be interpreted as stating that whenever environmental policy internalizes environmental externalities then sustainability will be ensured. In this note, I assert that in the real world where externalities prevail, their internalization or neutralization in the traditional way cannot lead to sustainability. Only if internalization takes a very specific form that results in the inviolable preservation of environmental rights of future generations in pure biological terms can sustainability be ensured. After revised the original commentary I resubmit it. The issues raised by the editor have been carefully considered.  相似文献   

SEEA-2003: Accounting for sustainable development?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The revised SEEA-2003 elaborates physical and hybrid environmental-economic accounts, details valuation techniques for natural resources, but rejects monetary valuation of environmental degradation as “modeling”. Preference for physical accounting and corresponding loss of systemic coherence (as compared to the SEEA-1993) prevents meeting the proclaimed objective of assessing sustainable development.  相似文献   

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