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传统经济理论认为,社会必要劳动时间规定商品的价值量,这在物质生产领域无疑是正确的,不可辩驳的,但是,一旦进入信息生产,特别是技术商品生产领域,劳动价值论便需要加以修正。毫无疑问,信息商品不论价值大小都是白劳动创造的,可信息商品价值量的大小却不是由社会必要劳动时间决定的。为了说明这一点:必须涉及到信息商品的生产特点。  相似文献   

根据经济学的相关原理,对档案与档案信息的商品属性、档案信息商品的价值与价格、成本效益等问题进行分析,试图为档案信息开发与服务提供基础性的理论支撑.  相似文献   

从经济理论的角度来看,商品的价格应是商品内在品质与价值的表现,人们在商品中凝结了多少劳动商品便有多大的价格,但实际不然。尤其在市场机制作用下,价格可以大幅度的偏离价值坐标,以高价或低价的方式同样使商品成为消费者的抢手货,使企业盈利。这种  相似文献   

计量就是根据特定规则把数额分配给事物或事项,是主体认识客体的过程。要完成这一过程,必须明确以下三点:①计量的对象,即计量的客体;②计量的属性;③计量的尺度与规则。作为以提供财务信息为主的财务会计,对其进行计量是会计系统的核心职能。会计计量具有以下显著的特点。 一、会计计量的对象 会计对象是指在市场经济条件下,在每一个会计主体范围内,财务会计能够反映和控制的经济事物与经济行为,通常被称为价值运动或价值增值运动。一个主体单位时间的价值增值可以表示其经济效益。对于什么是经济价值,目前比较流行的观点有两种: 1.劳动价值论。马克思对于劳动价值论的核心思想是:①商品的价值量是由社会必要劳动时间决定的;②商品价值以交换价值为其表现形式,在商品社会,即为货币价值形式;③商品按照价值进行等价交换,价格围绕价值上下波动是价值规律的表现形式。 可见,劳动价值论有以下特点:①价值是面向过去和现在的。价值量建立在客观交易的基础上,比较可靠;②无法解释价值之谜;③无法解释当今众多的创新金融工具的价值。 二边际效用价值论。新古典经济学派代表萨缨尔森继承和发展了边际效用价值论,其核心思想是:①效用是物品能满足人们某种需要的能力,效用和稀缺...  相似文献   

品牌商品是融品牌与商品于一体的综合体,品牌商品所反映出的有用性不仅包含同类一般商品所具有的物的有用性,而且更多地展现了该商品品牌所蕴涵的质量、科技、艺术、信誉、现代理念及时尚等方面的信息。品牌商品的价值量远远大于同类一般商品,而广告在品牌商品使用价值和价值形成与实现的过程中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

假冒伪劣商品已成为我国市场经济发展的一大公害,它严重扰乱了社会主义市场经济的正常秩序,阻碍了我国社会经济的健康发展.在商品市场上,无论是信息对称还是信息不对称都会存在假冒伪劣商品.对市场起监督管理作用的政府部门加大对造假者的惩罚力度可以增加其造假成本,并能够有效降低造假者造假概率.  相似文献   

商品的包装是保护商品促进消费的重要依托,而商品包装的视觉传达设计主要是由文字、图形、色彩构成.如何使商品包装设计达到良好的信息传达功能和美好的视觉传达效果,是包装设计研究的重要课题.本文主要就多样统一、对比、比例等形式美规律在包装视觉传达设计中的运用和表现进行深入浅出的探讨,使现代包装设计更具文化艺术性,在满足消费者物质需求的同时更达到精神感动的心理需求,以提高商品的市场价值和社会价值.  相似文献   

信息经济时代,企业经营管理的是价值,包括企业本身的价值。价值运筹实质是超越传统的商品经营、资本经营而上升到“价值经营”的最高境界。因此,用这新视角来看企业的价值,将会发现相当一部分国有企业帐面上虽资不抵债,但还不是“一钱不值”。只要改变策略,在国有企业资产重组中使企业有盈利时在高价位出售,就能使各方面都得到实惠。而以全员价值运筹开展企业管理创新可以使企业盈利,而且还能使一大批中小企业找到自己在企业生态中的定位而重现生机。  相似文献   

马克思劳动力商品理论是剩余价值理论的重要组成部分,也是马克思主义经济理论中重要的组成部分。文章介绍了马克思劳动力商品理论形成和发展的过程;劳动力成为商品需要具备人身自由和一无所有这两个条件;劳动力商品和一般商品一样都具有价值和使用价值。马克思劳动力商品理论具有重要的理论意义和实践意义,对于认识当今资本主义本质具有重要的指导意义。当然,马克思劳动力商品理论也需要发展。  相似文献   

本从对我国当前经济理论界有关价值决定论分岐的分析入手,坚持认为人类活劳动是商品价值的唯一来源,生产要素所有权是价值分配的决定因素。  相似文献   

马克思的劳动价值论既有科学性,又有局限性。因此,必须继承和发展马克思的劳动价值论,使它反映当代经济发展的实际和要求。  相似文献   

Managing the co-creation of value   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Central to service-dominant (S-D) logic is the proposition that the customer becomes a co-creator of value. This emphasizes the development of customer–supplier relationships through interaction and dialog. However, research to date suggests relatively little is known about how customers engage in the co-creation of value. In this article, the authors: explore the nature of value co-creation in the context of S-D logic; develop a conceptual framework for understanding and managing value co-creation; and utilize field-based research to illustrate practical application of the framework. This process-based framework provides a structure for customer involvement that takes account of key foundational propositions of S-D logic and places the customer explicitly at the same level of importance as the company as co-creators of value. Synthesis of diverse concepts from research on services, customer value and relationship marketing into a new process-based framework for co-creation provide new insights into managing the process of value co-creation.  相似文献   

作为网络服务提供商,其首先是一个企业,然后才是一个IT企业,只要是企业就有一定的规律与同样的运作原理,企业只有具备自身的赢利能力与创新能力,才能生存.所以网络企业必须深入传统企业领域,树立正确的经营理念、市场理念和健康的企业文化,强化长期服务意识,加强企业内部管理,明确服务定位,并拥有很强的系统集成能力,从战略的角度出发,深入到产业中去,才能为客户提供有价值的服务.  相似文献   

Intelligence generation and superior customer value   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It has become conventional wisdom that an organization's ability to continuously generate intelligence about customers' expressed and latent needs, and about how to satisfy those needs, is essential for it to continuously create superior customer value. However, intelligence generation typically has been treated as a generic firm activity. The authors propose that there are four distinct modes of intelligence generation, each of which is part of a welldeveloped intelligence-generation capability. The article reports the results of an exploratory study that supports this proposition. Stanley F. Slater is the vice chancellor for academic affairs and a professor of business administration at the University of Washington, Bothell. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of market-based organizational learning and market strategy implementation. He has published more than 30 articles in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theStrategic Management Journal, and theJournal of Management, among others. He has won “Best Paper” awards from the International Marketing Review and from the Marketing Science Institute. He currently serves on five editorial review boards including those of theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. John C. Narver is a professor of marketing in the Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Washington, Seattle. His general research interests lie in the area of strategic marketing. His current research is primarily concerned with the creation and effects of a market orientation in an organization. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theStrategic Management Journal, theAcademy of Management Journal, and theJournal of Market-Focused, Management, among other scholarly journals. He has won the “Best Paper” award from the Marketing Science Institute.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,企业的实力和活力主要表现为市场竞争力。企业的竞争力包括资本竞争力、技术竞争力、人才竞争力和文化竞争力。其中以“信用”作为支撑的文化竞争力是企业最强有力的竞争力。社会呼唤信用,国民崇尚信用,信用问题越来越受到社会和公众的关注和重视。  相似文献   

Service,value networks and learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Both supply chain management (SCM) and marketing in general have been moving from models and purposes narrowly focused on goods to more general models and purposes associated with partnerships, value networks, service provision, and value creation. Some of this movement has been captured in what has become known as service–dominant (S–D) logic. This article applies S–D logic to thinking about SCM in terms of service provision, in which goods are seen as service distribution or provisioning mechanisms, explores and elaborates on the concept of a value network, and develops a model of the firm as an essential service provisioning agent in a complex and adaptive value network. Research and managerial opportunities are also explored.  相似文献   

Although firms spend more than $26 billion annually on sales contests, no empirical research has investigated the effects of contests on individual customers. While some short-term firm effects of contests have been documented, the impact on long-term customer value has remained a matter of speculation. This research investigates the long-term customer impact of sales contests, by applying the customer value framework. We add to previous research that has used customer value of marketing programs by employing the acquired, retained, and add-on framework to segment customers based on their purchase history. We develop hypotheses drawing on theories in the buyer behavior, customer loyalty, and sales management domains. By disaggregating the overall customer value into initial and subsequent components, we demonstrate a greater long-term value per customer in the retained customer cohort and lower short-term and long-term value per customer among the two other cohorts (acquired and add-on customers). There is no adverse impact on other drivers of customer value such as customer churn and purchase frequency. While our study focuses on individual customer effects, we note the significantly higher volume of customers during the contest leads to a positive aggregate-level assessment. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for managers and researchers.  相似文献   

我国出口企业面临着越来越严峻的形式和考验,影响我国出口额的因素有很多,其中人民币实际有效汇率是影响我国出口额的最主要因素,就此提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

可持续发展是当代社会对我国经济、政治等方面发展的内在要求.税制改革要考虑可持续发展.增值税在我国正在发挥筹集财政收入、调控经济的重要职能作用.从可持续发展角度对增值税价值进行深刻的分析,在得出增值税适合物质生产水平欠发达的时代、增值税只能且只能作为中央税种、增值税会随着经济和社会的发展,逐渐由别的税种替代等.在此几个判断的基础上,认为增值税在我国的当前发展阶段有存在的社会环境和技术保障、增值税应由共享税改为中央税、要逐步引导增值税的收入效应让所得税替代、财产税应成为地方税制的主体.  相似文献   

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