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在现代化进程中,职业妇女扮演着社会与家庭诸多方面多重的角色,在时间、精力、能力和资源分配上具有丰富多彩的特点,同时又容易发生冲突。究其原因,主要有社会生产力、职业女性双重角色评价标准、男女价值观以及传统文化的影响等。基于这样的原因,从职业与家庭之间寻求新的角色平衡、家务劳动社会化、实现夫妻角色互补、形成社会支持系统、塑造职业妇女的良好形象等方面入手来达到女性的职业角色与家庭角色的调适显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Aggregate measures of purchasing influence generally produce similar results whether husbands or wives serve as the respondents. However, this study indicates that wives should not be used as surrogates for husbands in studies measuring retail store images. The findings of this study indicate that developing marketing strategies based on the images held by wives may not be successful in dealing with the male segment of the market. There is substantial within-couple variation in the evaluation of specific aspects of specific retail stores. However, both groups do appear to use similar evaluative criteria. The differences are in the evaluation of the store characteristics, not in the underlying criteria.  相似文献   

作者对米兰·昆德拉的小说《笑忘录》中的牧歌图景进行了较为全面的论证和评析。通过对圆舞牧歌、夫妻牧歌、诗人牧歌、童真牧歌这四种不同模式的牧歌图景的分析,挖掘出隐藏在多幅牧歌图景背后的哲学、政治或人生语义。同时也说明牧歌图景的运用是昆德拉对小说形式的大胆革新。  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the reliability and validity of self-report measures of three separate constructs hypothesized to operate in husband and wife decision making for durable goods purchases. In addition to the traditional construct of Influence, Importance, and Participation in the decision were also examined through the use of constant sum scaled responses for both husbands and wives. Following Davis’ (1976) admonition to focus on the decision process, the present study conceptualized the purchase decision as consisting of three stages with multiple subdecisions in each stage. The results of a multitrait-multimethod matrix analysis support the use of a constant sum scaling approach to measuring the three constructs. The findings also indicate the existence of two dimensions within the purchase decision process for the durable goods of automobiles and family room furniture. These dimensions were labeled resource allocation and variant selection decisions. The findings also suggest that importance is a global construct in decision making while influence and participation are more purchase situation specific.  相似文献   

从品牌选择看品牌个性与生活方式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过选择数码相机市场,运用问卷调查法,比较了用户对品牌个性感知的差异。进一步,利用生活方式区分了不同使用者的特征,比较了不同使用者选择的品牌个性是否存在差异。结果表明,对于数码相机来说,按品牌个性可以划分为真挚胜任、坚固、精致和刺激四个维度,不同的品牌具有不同的品牌个性;对于消费者来说,按生活方式可以划分为中庸领导者、工作社交者、自得其乐者、时尚工作者和传统时尚兼顾者。生活方式不同,消费者青睐的品牌个性也不同。  相似文献   

Since restrictions were eliminated by the Supreme Court in 1977, it was to be expected that advertising would increase among professionals in all fields. Both within and across various professions, however, practitioners have been found to advertise their services in markedly varying ways and degrees. The present study attempts to analyze those factors which relate to differentials in the acceptability of various advertisements by three groups of professional practitioners: accountants; dentists; and, lawyers. Utilizing Guttman scaling techniques and multiple regressions analysis, three of five components of professionalism, “collegial maintenance of standards.” adherence to a “code of ethics” and “professional identification,” all emerged as significant differentiators of practitioners’ use of advertisements. In addition, several background factors, years in practice, specific occupation, and location of practice, also were found to be significantly related to professionals’ use of advertisements.  相似文献   

This study explores the ethical perceptions of advertising professionals regarding two child-oriented television advertising issues: deceptive messages and host selling. Differences in ethical evaluative and decision processes are investigated for both issues, using two evaluative rules. The results indicate that variations in advertisers’ ethical judgments and ethical intentions are affected by the type of rule(s) used during the evaluative process, and by the degree to which the rules are embraced. The article concludes with recommendations for advertising management and implications for future research. She graduated with honors in 1989 from Mississippi State University with a D.B.A. in marketing. She has practical experience in marketing research and her research interests are ethics and social responsibility, and professional services marketing. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Michigan State University in 1980. He is the coauthor of two books on business ethics and has contributed numerous articles on ethics to various academic and applied business journals. He received his D.B.A. in marketing from Louisiana State University in 1969. He has coauthored two books on business ethics and has published articles on ethics in marketing journals. He is a frequent lecturer on business ethics. She graduated in 1990 from Mississippi State University with a D.B.A. in management. Her research interests are business ethics and student ethics, and corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

完善我国别居制度若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
别居是介于正常的婚姻关系和离婚状态之间的、反映夫妻共同生活暂时中止的一种婚姻家庭关系。别居制度会引起婚姻、家庭关系发生一定的变化,但我国目前法律对别居制度规定存在欠缺,目前法律仅承认别居是一种事实,因此有必要对我国别居制度的设立和完善中存在的一些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Many universities have increased the emphasis on faculty research and publication productivity as a means of enhancing their reputation. Such emphasis contributes to the increased competition for available journal space, heightened pressures on the efficiency of the editorial system, and increases the temptation to lower ethical research and publication standards. A survey of 328 marketing academicians about their perceptions of ethical and unethical research and publication practices for academicians, editors, and review board members revealed wide variation among respondents’ perceptions of what constitutes ethical academic conduct. In particular, the respondent’s level of publication experience was found to be significantly related to his/her assessment of the ethicality of research practices. The authors suggest that a recognized code of ethics for the marketing academic community would be valuable in maintaining professional standards, increase justice in the academic reward system, and further the growth of knowledge in our discipline.  相似文献   

This study examines hypotheses about variables affecting focus group research use in organizations. A total of 248 moderators (128 from the United States, 67 from Germany, and 53 from Japan) provided data for this analysis of the relationships between research objectives, moderators, other variables, and the instrumental (direct application to solving a specific problem) and noninstrumental (conceptual and symbolic) uses of focus group research. The results of regression analyses showed that moderators and research objectives play important roles in the reporting and uses of focus group research and that these effects do not differ by country. Prior to joining the faculty at Hofstra in 1990, McDonald spent 12 years working for various companies and advertising agencies. Before that, he taught marketing for several years at the University of Illinois. McDonald earned his Ph.D. in behavioral science from the University of Chicago. He has presented papers on numerous marketing topics before professional associations. McDonald’s articles have appeared in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Direct Marketing, The Gerontologist, and many others.  相似文献   

新生代农民工——作为“中国在特殊的历史时期出现的一个特殊的社会群体”,对他们婚姻与家庭的问题研究,是学界关注的一个重要领域。当前,我国学者在婚姻观念、通婚圈、择偶、婚前性行为等方面取得了重要成果.但是对新生代农民工的婚姻模式和家庭稳定性的关系研究明显不足,有待系统和深入。  相似文献   

通过对旅游电子商务课程设置背景的分析和研究,提出了培养具有完备的知识体系和高度网络认知和运用能力的复合型旅游专业人才是课程建设的重要目标,将课程的理论体系分成:基础知识模块、专业理论模块、网络应用模块和辅助应用模块四大模块进行构建,将课程的实践体系分成基础技能实践模块和网络运营实践模块进行建设,建立了一个完整的、实用的旅游电子商务理论和实践体系。  相似文献   

法律职业伦理是构建一个高度职业化、精英化的法律职业共同体的精神核心。长期以来,我国法律历史传统、外部司法环境及法律职业者自身因素的影响,导致在我国法律职业共同体形成的过程中法律职业伦理普遍滞后。重塑我国法律职业伦理,应着力从强化法律职业伦理教育、提升法律职业门槛、树立法律职业道德、落实法律职业监督等方面展开实效应对。  相似文献   

创业战略的维度构建——概念内涵及发展模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现有文献中,新创企业的战略研究通常借鉴了成熟企业的战略研究范式,然而,由于企业发展阶段的不同,新创企业的战略出发点、具体的竞争方案选择与实施,必然与成熟企业存在差异.从这一点出发.本文对创业战略的概念内涵进行了界定,提出了两类维度构成方式,并且采用大样本统计数据予以检验.进而结合创业过程的特点,探讨创业战略的发展模式和应用价值.  相似文献   

Contrary to existing literature in the sociology of occupations, a survey of practicing attorneys does not reveal an overwhelming inverse relationship between attorney professionalism and attitudinal dispositions toward legal service advertising. Only on the professional dimension of self-regulation are attorneys found to significantly oppose the advertising of their services. Based on these findings, advertising by professionals should not be viewed as necessarily antithetical to the delivery of professional services or the self-image of the professional practitioner.  相似文献   

As modern marketing institutions spread among advanced industrial countries, it is reasonable to expect similar social reactions across culture. One hard to measure aspect of new and changing distribution methods is the dysfunctional or negative consequences evoked in consumers. In the study by Pruden and Leonardi, an effort is made to empirically link a social condition of increased instability in the market to an increased sense of alienation from the marketplace among a sample of citizens in a medium sized city in France. In earlier and related studies Pruden, Longman and Shuptrine found significant associations among social conditions, alienation in the marketplace and a demand for political intervention. The present study sought answers to four questions: 1.) Is the French consumer alienated from the marketplace? 2.) Do increasing instability in the geographical, economical or marketplace patterns of the French family increase feelings of alienation? 3.) Does the French consumer support the French consumer movement? 4.) Does support of the French consumer movement increase with increasing alienation? In sum, the evidence was mixed with regard to the degree of alienation of the consumer. The most striking characteristic of the findings was the high level of stability present among respondents.  相似文献   

本文利用机构相对长时间持股的上市公司为样本,考察了专业机构投资者和董事会这两种重要内外部治理机制在改善公司治理方面的交互效应。董事会的公司治理指标选择了独立董事比例和董事会的领导权结构。模型采用动态矩方法进行估计,结果表明:机构投资者和独立董事没有独立促进公司治理,但却通过交互影响来间接发挥了改善公司治理的作用;董事会领导权结构既没有表现出独立的治理作用,也没体现出交互效应。本文的研究结论为客观合理看待专业机构投资者和独立董事的治理价值提供了视角。  相似文献   

The present study investigates consumer responses to price-matching guarantees (PMGs) in the Internet environment and contrasts them with their responses in a traditional bricks-and-mortar retail environment. The effect of store reputation on consumer responses to price-matching policies is also investigated in both Internet and bricks-and-mortar retail settings. Two studies using a 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects full factorial experimental design with two levels of PMG presence (PMG present, PMG absent), two levels of retail environment (Internet, bricks-and-mortar), and two levels of store reputation (no/low reputation, high reputation) were conducted. In study 1 reputation was manipulated using store names, while in study 2 the reputation was manipulated using store characteristics. The findings of two studies suggest that consumer reactions to price-matching guarantees, such as store price perceptions, postpurchase search intentions, and willingness to claim a refund if a lower competitive price is found, differ across the two purchase environments.  相似文献   

From beverages to consumer electronics, marketers are using color in innovative ways. Despite this, little academic research has investigated the role that color plays in marketing. This paper examines how color affects consumer perceptions through a series of four studies. The authors provide a framework and empirical evidence that draws on research in aesthetics, color psychology, and associative learning to map hues onto brand personality dimensions (Study 1), as well as examine the roles of saturation and value for amplifying brand personality traits (Study 2). The authors also demonstrate how marketers can strategically use color to alter brand personality and purchase intent (Study 3), and how color influences the likability and familiarity of a brand (Study 4). The results underscore the importance of recognizing the impact of color in forming consumer brand perceptions.  相似文献   

采用问卷方式,以深圳为例,对深圳地区部分酒店企业和高职类酒店管理专业在校学生进行了调查。调查根据行业管理人员和学生对20项从业技能与能力在其职业生涯中的重要程度进行排序,并比较排序差异。调查发现二者对自我管理、主动性、创造性思维、外语运用等6项技能与能力的排序存在显著差异。分析了差异产生的原因,并就工学结合模式下我国高职类酒店管理专业的教学改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

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