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One of the cornerstones of the National Program for Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis and Tuberculosis in Brazil is the voluntary accreditation of free herds. We developed a stochastic cost–benefit analysis model for two types of dairy herds (high yield Holstein‐Zebu crossbred females and lower productivity smaller scale herds) to identify the technical and economic constraints of this process. The initial prevalence of infected animals and the impact of the disease in the structure and performance of the herd were derived from secondary data. Information on the costs and benefits of herd sanitation were compiled into a cost–benefit model at the herd level. The last step consisted of a scenario simulation to evaluate the impact of alternative policies to the certification process. For each scenario, we calculate the probability over time of a Benefit–Cost Ratio greater than 1 and of an Internal Rate of Return above 1% (the discount rate used in the model). Results show that larger and more intensive dairy farms, and also herds affected by brucellosis compared with tuberculosis‐positive herds, are more likely to achieve financial gains from the certification investment. The compensation for culled animals is important in the initial phase of herd sanitation and the premium payment on milk would help farmers to achieve a return on the investment over time. The model can be adapted to different and dynamic production, epidemiological and economic settings.  相似文献   

本文从抵押品和运营资本两个角度对保证金进行理论分析和案例考察。理论分析表明,抵押品的产生源于交易双方的信息不对称,抵押品促进信任建立、交易达成作用的发挥需满足一系列临界条件:对受托人而言,抵押品的价值要落入一个有界闭区间;对信托人而言,抵押品价值需要高于临界值。对实际案例的考察表明,保证金发挥抵押品和运营资本的双重作用,既约束了养殖户的机会主义行为,也使得公司获得了足够的流动资金。以保证金为核心的准纵向一体化治理模式实现了交易双方的激励兼容,进而提高了公司+农户合约的稳定性。  相似文献   

技术性贸易壁垒的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要从进口国的角度分别在小国假设和大国假设下对实施技术性贸易壁垒的不同经济效果从经济学的角度做出了分析。本文指出,以产业保护为目的的技术性贸易壁垒会降低一国的福利水平,而以保护消费者为目的的技术性贸易壁垒在技术标准选择适度的情况下可以提高一国的福利水平,在进口商品含有对国内生产不利的有害因素时,实施技术性贸易壁垒要优于禁止贸易的状况。  相似文献   

橡胶农场经济发展状况评价的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据橡胶农场经济发展状况和实证统计数据,运用因子分析和聚类分析方法,对2003年海南农垦79个橡胶农场的经济发展状况进行了评价和分类,为制订海南农垦经济发展战略提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻抛秧是一项省工、省力、省种、省秧田、省生产总成本 ,增产增收的水稻种植新技术。为了探索该项技术在本地区的经济效益 ,笔者连续三年对全区十几个县市的塑料软盘育秧抛秧 (以下简称盘育 )、旱床育秧手插秧 (以下简称旱育 )、湿润育秧手插秧 (以下简称湿育 )的投入、产量、效益等情况进行了调查研究与综合分析。一、早、晚稻盘育、旱育、湿育的物质投入  根据对吉安地区 1 996— 1 998年三年的调查实证表明 (表 1、表 2 ) ,盘育早、晚秧的成本与旱育秧苗基本持平 ,而比湿育早、晚秧每公顷减少物质费用 45 3 6元。每公顷用工投入费用…  相似文献   

农民增收难的经济学分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民收入水平低下、增收难已成为当前我国面临的重大经济和社会问题。如何促进农民增收,理论界进行了广泛的探讨,党和政府也采取了许多积极措施。本文试图从农产品的供求和农业生产力水平两个角度对形成农民增收难的原因进行深入分析,并提出运用退出机制和补偿机制来解决农民增收难问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines how unilateral economic sanctions affect the U.S. farm economy. A key result is that the total impact of unilateral sanctions on the U.S. economy is larger than the direct impacts on industries whose exports have been constrained (in some cases more than twice as large). Thus, while the direct burden of sanctions may fall on a narrow set of industries, the analysis reveals the extent to which the impacts spill over into other sectors of the economy, an area to date that has not received adequate attention.  相似文献   

If the dairy industry is to improve its income position, areas for potential improvement must be investigated. From a brief analysis of dramatic changes in butter manufacturing in Alberta and operating efficiency of dairy plants a number of significant opportunities for enhancing income are revealed .  相似文献   

本文在对农户参加合作社的动机、合作社选择农户的基准进行描述的基础上,通过计量分析,探讨了合作社对农户经济的影响。结果表明,一方面,合作社限制小规模农户入社;另一方面,对新旧合作社的理解和对人民公社的反感也导致了部分农户不愿入社。此外,用日均劳动收入测算的结果表明,合作社对小规模农户效果明显,对大规模农户效果不显著。因此,农民对合作社的不理解和入社条件的限制,让相应小规模农户失去了提高收入的机会。  相似文献   

农业灌溉水价制度的经济学分析--以浙江省水库灌区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以水库资源发达、农业灌溉用水多的浙江省为例,基于制度演化的理论视域对我国现行农业灌溉水价制度进行经济学分析,以期推动我国农业灌溉水价制度的革新与完善。  相似文献   

订单农业运行机制的经济学分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对订单农业的制度特征进行经济学分析,认为企业、农户违约行为存在着内在制度性原因,并认为在现行订单农业制度框架下违约行为不是一种偶然的市场现象,而是契约主体之间博弈能力悬殊所导致的理性经济行为。为此,应当从制度上对订单农业进行改进和完善。  相似文献   

农村人情消费的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国农村中的人情消费业已成为农民的主要经济负担之一,在其存在、滋长的背后有着深刻的社会学和经济学原理,国内的经济学文献很少系统地涉及这方面的内容。本文从经济学的角度讨论了人情消费的影响,并运用博弈论知识分析了在农民普遍厌烦的状况下人情消费仍然得以存在并持续增长的原因。  相似文献   

The contingent value method is employed to estimate economic damages to households resulting from rendering plant emissions in a small town. Household willingness to accept (WTA) and willingness to pay (WTP) are estimated individually and in aggregate. The influence of household characteristics on WTP and WTA is examined via regression models. The perception of health risk is an important determinant of household valuation, while income appears insignificant. Both WTA and WTP results indicate that a potential Pareto-improvement is possible with the incorporation of current abatement technology La méthode des valeurs contingentes est utilisée pour évaluer les dommages économiques causés aux ménages par les émissions d'une usine d'équarrissage dans une petite localité. Les valeurs WTA et WTP des ménages sont estimées séparément puis sous formes agrégee. L'influence des caractères du ménage sur la WTP et la WTA est examinée au moyen de modèles de régression. La perception du risque pour la santé est un déterminant important de la valeur accordée par le ménage, alors que le niveau de revenu n'aurait qu'une influence négligeable. Les valeurs WTA et WTP obtenues laissent voir qu'un critère Pareto serait possible avec la mise en place des techniques modernes antipollution  相似文献   

The Uruguay Round Agreement on agriculture has contributed to the increase in U.S. and world rice trade since 1994. Despite this, the Japanese and Korean rice markets continue to be characterized by high levels of trade intervention. This article attempts to analyze both import markets incorporating econometric estimates and public choice theory in a game-theoretic framework. Various scenarios are analyzed. The results show that the overall Nash equilibrium occurs with a 4% tariff reduction for Japan and Korea under the U.S. Market Development Program, which includes the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program.  相似文献   

This paper provides a twofold focus on wildlife habitat enhancement and development in Alberta: (1) from the user perspective based on measures of willingness to pay for an incremental increase in wildlife habitat; and (2) from the perspective of a private landowner, who possesses certain attitudes and characteristics conducive to providing an incremental increase in habitat under specified conditions that benefit the user  相似文献   

我国现行农地征用制度存在诸多问题,致使耕地锐减、农民的利益得不到保障。土地收益分配是农地征用制度改革的关键,本文建立了农地非农化的社会福利分配模型,该模型建立在农地非农化市场均衡基础上,对市场中供求双方的福利进行了分析,并得出通过调整供求曲线弹性可以调整供求双方福利。然后引入该模型对我国的农地征用的社会福利进行分析,并对现行的农地征用过程中维护土地市场稳定、保障农民利益、政府收取费用比例及农地征用补偿标准提出政策建议。  相似文献   

中国玉米市场经济分析--内蒙古玉米市场案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从西方经济学的需求函数出发,结合内蒙古的实际案例进行实证分析,找出影响玉米需求量的八个主要影响因素。运用相关性分析影响因素之间的相互关系,通过主成分筛选变量法剔除自变量之间的多重共线性,确立了玉米市场影响的主要因子。根据所选定的主要因子,建立线性回归模型,并且进一步分析了内蒙古玉米市场供求不均衡的原因及实现玉米市场供求均衡的三种可能途径,指出各种途径实现的现实可能性。最后就如何实现内蒙古玉米市场供求均衡提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of farmers' responses to agricultural stabilization and insurance policies. In particular, price insurance, gross revenue insurance, crop insurance, price plus crop insurance and portfolio insurance are examined. Stochastic dominance arguments assert that the level, type and net cost of agricultural insurance all interact to affect farmers' cropping decisions. Direct Expected Utility Maximization Models confirm the stochastic dominance arguments showing that in most cases agricultural insurance encourages risk-neutral behavior; that is, risk sharing augments risk taking. Agricultural insurance cannot therefore be deemed production neutral, and some output effects may be observed.
L'auteur examine les réactions des agriculteurs aux politiques d'assurance et de stabilisation agricole, en particulier l'assurance-prix, l'assurance-revenu brut, l'assurance-récolte, l'assurance-prix-récolte et l'assurance portefeuille. Les arguments de dominance stochatisque permettant d'établir que le niveau, le type et le coût net de l'assurance-agricole se combinent dans leur influence sur les décisions de mise en culture de l'exploitant. Le modèle de maximisation de l'utilité espérée directe (MUED) confirme les arguments de dominance stochatisque en ce sens que dans la plupart des cas l'assurance-agricole encourage un comportement de neutralité à l'égard du risque, c'est-à-dire que la participation au risque stimule la prise de resiques. L'assurance-agricole ne peut donc pas être considérée comme n'ayant pas d'influence sur la productivité, ce qu'on a d'ailleurs pu constater d'après certains effets de production.  相似文献   

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