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This review of the accounting education literature includes 291 articles and 104 instructional cases published over the 3-year period, 2010–2012, in six journals: (1) Journal of Accounting Education, (2) Accounting Education: An International Journal, (3) Advances in Accounting Education, (4) Global Perspectives on Accounting Education, (4) Issues in Accounting Education, and (6) The Accounting Educators’ Journal. This article updates prior literature reviews by organizing and summarizing recent additions to the accounting education literature. These reviews are categorized into four sections corresponding to traditional lines of inquiry: (1) curriculum, assurance of learning (AOL), and instruction; (2) educational technology; (3) faculty issues; and (4) students. Suggestions for educational research in all content areas are presented. For the first time in this series of literature reviews, we assess the data collection and empirical analysis methods and recommend adoption of more rigorous techniques moving forward. Articles presenting teaching materials and educational cases published in the same six journals during 2010–2012 are presented in an appendix, categorized by the courses for which they are appropriate.  相似文献   

By reviewing a subset ot the accounting education literature published during the period 1997–1999, this paper updates literature reviews by Rebele, Apostolou, Buckless, Hassell, Paquette, and Stout [Rebele, J.E., Apostolou, B.A., Buckless, F.A., Hassell, J.M., Paquette, L.R., & Stout, D.E. (1998a). Accounting education literature review (1991–1997), part I: curriculum and instructional approaches. Journal of Accounting Education, 16(1), 1–51.] [Rebele, J.E., Apostolou, B.A., Buckless, F.A., Hassell, J.M., Paquette, L.R., & Stout, D.E. (1998b). Accounting education literature review (1991–1997), part II: students, educational technology, assessment, and faculty issues. Journal of Accounting Education, 16(2), 179–245.]; Rebele, Stout, and Hassell [Rebele, J.E., Stout, D.E., & Hassell, J.M. (1991). A review of empirical research in accounting education: 1985–1991. Journal of Accounting Education, 9(2), 167–231.]; and Rebele and Tiller [Rebele, J.E., & Tiller, M.G. (1986). Empirical research in accounting education: a review and evaluation. In A. C. Bishop, E. K. St. Pierre & R. L. Benke (Eds.), Research in accounting education (pp. 1–54). Harrisonburg, VA: Center for Research in Accounting Education, James Madison University]. We review published articles related to the topics of assessment, curriculum and instructional approaches, educational technology, faculty issues, and students from the following five journals: Journal of Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, Accounting Education, The Accounting Educators’ Journal, and Advances in Accounting Education. A large number of accounting educators have contributed to the literature between 1997 and 1999, with over 390 different authors cited in the body of the text (30 authors published two articles, 11 published three, and one author published four articles). More than 120 individuals are cited as authors of cases and instructional resources (seven authors published two cases and one published three). Recommendations for research are offered at the end of each major section. An appendix identifies instructional cases and educational resources published during the 1997–1999 period by journal and topic.  相似文献   

This paper updates the work of Rebele, Stout, and Hassell (A review of empirical research in accounting education: 1985–1991. Journal of Accounting Education, I, 167–231, 1991) and Rebele and Tiller (Empirical research in accounting education: A review and evaluation. In A. C. Bishop, E. K. St. Pierre and R. L. Benke (Eds), Research in Accounting Education, 1–54. Harrisonburg, VA: Center for Research in Accounting Education, James Madison University, 1996) by reviewing a subset of the accounting education literature published during the period 1991–1997. Specifically, we review articles (both empirical and nonempirical) related to the accounting curriculum and instructional approaches in accounting that were published in the following journals: Journal of Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, The Accounting Educators' Journal, and Accounting Education: A Journal of Theory, Practice and Research. A second paper, Part II, will review articles published in these same journals during the period 1991–1997 on the topics of assessment, use of technology, students, faculty concerns, cases, and instructional resources.  相似文献   

This paper updates literature reviews by Rebele et al. (1991)and Rebele and Tiller (1986)by reviewing a subset of the accounting education literature published during the period 1991–1997. In a preceding paper (Part I), Rebele et al. (1998)reviewed accounting education articles related to two topics: curriculum and instructional approaches. In this paper (Part II), we review articles related to the topics of students, educational technology, assessment and faculty issues, published primarily in the following five journals: Journal of Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, The Accounting Educators' Journal, Accounting Education: A Journal of Theory, Practice and Research and Accounting Perspectives. Recommendations for future research are offered at the end of each major section. An appendix identifies instructional cases and educational resources published in accounting education journals during the 1991–1997 period.  相似文献   

<正>1.Why carry out accounting research in the banking industry?1.1.Why focus on the banking industry?The banking industry is critically important to national an...  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed discussion of an annual (and cost-effective) professional-development event we call the Accounting Student–Practitioner Day (ASPD). This program brings together, for a single day, students, accounting faculty, and accounting professionals in a conference-like setting. The conference format provides a unique, and formal, link between the classroom environment and the professional world students will be entering. The program is attended by accounting and non-accounting students from our university, senior students from area high schools, and undergraduate students from other universities in the area. Specific objectives of the program are to help students learn what it takes to become an accounting professional, to provide students with information that facilitates their career-choice decision, and to encourage networking and community-building activities. Assessment data indicate that the ASPD program is successful in terms of its stated objectives. The relatively low cost of operating the program makes it attractive for other accounting programs. The paper includes a set of recommendations for those faculty interested in implementing an ASPD program at their own institution.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that wage and productivity profiles of individual workers do not coincide at all ages. We give an overview of the theories which provide a rationale for this, and discuss the empirical literature. Human capital theories typically imply that wages rise with tenure, so that job reallocation at old age would imply a wage cut. Incentive theories typically imply that wages exceed productivity at the end of a worker’s career. Bargaining power of unions may also lead to ‘overpayment’ of older workers. Some general conclusions regarding the wages of older workers are formulated on basis of the authors’ reading of the empirical literature.  相似文献   

编者按2008年初我们对中国经济仍充满信心,后市的走势却出人意料,各大券商研究所的年度策略也都沦为一纸笑谈。2009,A股市场又将何去何从?纵然无奈,但在现实的情况下,  相似文献   

站在08年末回望,全球经济危机余寒未了。对于梦想的破灭,似乎没有人愿意做过多回忆。但对于2009年,投资者还是充满期待。"守望2009"一共分为上下两部分,本期荟萃了09年市场走势预测,投资主题前瞻等内容。希望能为大家提供一点参考。  相似文献   

In response to repeated calls for changes in accounting education, the Accounting Education Change Commission was formed and several universities have embarked on a variety of programs to improve accounting education in the U.S. Overseas accounting education models exist that may assist in the reform process. This paper reports on accounting education in New Zealand, and specifically at the University of Otago, which embraces many of the attributes sought in the United States. We assess the influence of the accounting profession on education in New Zealand and describe important features of the accounting degree program. Finally, experience in New Zealand suggests U.S. reformers should examine overseas models of accounting education and that important changes may be required by the accounting profession and employers for significant reforms to occur in accounting education in the U.S.  相似文献   

一区域经济运行与金融稳定 (一)经济系统稳健性分析. 2008年,广东经济继续保持平稳运行,产业结构继续改善,但在接连遭遇冰冻雨雪、超强台风和洪灾等自然灾害以及国际金融危机深化的冲击下,增速明显放缓.  相似文献   

6.1●美国纽约证券交易所(NYSE)与欧洲泛欧证券交易所(Euronext)达成"对等合并协议(merger ofequals)"。合并后的新公司将同时在NYSE和Euronext巴黎交易所上市。董事长由Euronext现任董事长担任,总裁则由NYSE现任CEO出任。●德国证交所表示,其与泛欧  相似文献   

一、区域经济运行与金融稳定(一)经济金融总体运行状况。2005年广东省完成生产总值21701.28亿元,同比增长12.5%,全省金融机构本外币各项贷款余额23261.21亿元,同比增长10.0%。从趋势上看,在国家宏观经济调控等多种因素作用下,信贷资金需求下降,经济增长对信贷投入依赖程度降低,资金运用效率明显提高,信贷投放增速比地区生产总值增速、物价之和低4.81个百分点,为过去十年来第三个低位点。每单位信贷资金生产总值产出从1999年末的0.67提高到2005年末的0.93,表明广东在新一轮经济周期中,正逐步摆脱过去信贷高投入、低产出的粗放型增长模式,经济金融良性互动关系进一步加强。  相似文献   

银行理财产品年度报告(2009年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着新年钟声的敲响,2009年离我们远去。2009年是充满机会的一年,全球经济逐渐走出危机,国际经济金融形势整体向好,美元指数下跌,大宗商品价格突飞猛涨。A股市场从年初的1800多点到8月份的3400多点,给了股民希望,但是紧接着的巨幅震荡也让很多股民重回起点。  相似文献   

The aristocracy played a significant role in the development of the British economy in the first half of the nineteenth century, not only as the owners of most of the agricultural land but also as promoters of urban development, transportation links and mineral extraction. One of the most important aristocratic families was that of the Marquesses of Bute, who made a crucial contribution to the development of the city and port of Cardiff and the South Wales coal industry. During this period, however, the Butes seldom lived on their Glamorgan estate, and they thus had to institute systems whereby the estate could be managed at a distance. This paper examines the accounting information used to manage a large aristocratic estate, and considers its relevance in the light of the economic, political and social objectives of the nineteenth century British aristocracy.  相似文献   

8.1●纳斯达克股票市场有限公司宣布,经批准,该公司即日起成为全国性证券交易所,与全美证券经纪商协会分离,成为独立的自律监管组织。●美国证券交易委员会批准纽约证券交易所集团旗下的NYSE Arca推出新的期权电子交易平台,以提高系统的撮合速度、透明度和可靠性。●泛欧交易所  相似文献   

We provide an updated study of accounting research in the Asia–Pacific region using the publication records of six premier accounting journals (top-6) from 1991 to 2010, and augment the findings with the broader range of publications from an additional twenty accounting journals during the same period. Overall, the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the region produced 7.7 and 11.1 % of the total weighted number of articles (wt-articles) in the top-6 and 20 accounting journals. Interestingly, HEIs in the region exhibit a trend toward an increase in the yearly wt-articles and relative percentage of the total. The general performance of the accounting programs in the region is persistent during 1991–2010. The Asia–Pacific accounting programs are particularly successful in placing publications in journals such as Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. The accounting research productivity, however, is dominated by select institutions in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Singapore. Several institutions in these four countries/areas maintain a consistently high ranking. In terms of top-6 accounting journal publications, the top five institutions are the University of New South Wales, Nanyang Technological University, the University of Melbourne, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The percentage share of the research output among the top five institutions is high, suggesting that a high hurdle is set for up-and-coming institutions to move up the rankings.  相似文献   

Over 31 finance companies (non-bank deposit takers) failed in New Zealand over the 2006–2009 period. With an estimated loss of over NZ$3 billion, there was public outcry and a parliamentary inquiry into the causes of the failures, but few have asked if this was a predictable event. We find that failed finance companies have lower capital adequacy, inferior asset quality, more loans falling due, higher earnings and lower cash flows. Furthermore, failed companies have a longer audit lag and some trustees appear to have a greater percentage of failed firms than others. Our logistic model can successfully classify failure one year before for 88.7% of companies. Our logistic model (neural network) can also correctly classify up to 87.5% (83.3%) of a holdout sample. Our results are of interest to regulators and practitioners, as we show that publicly available data could distinguish between failed and non-failed finance companies.  相似文献   

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