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融资融券是否通过影响投资者情绪,进一步对市场参与主体行为业绩,以及市场整体稳定性产生影响?本文认为,当前融资融券所表现出的"强杠杆、弱风险对冲"特征对投资者情绪起到助长的净效应;进一步,包含融资融券在内的投资者情绪对市场波动性具有加剧效应。从参与者层面,消极型投资者受投资者情绪影响所导致的业绩波动程度大于积极型投资者;在融资融券开展不同时期内,投资者情绪对投资者业绩波动呈现出先抑后扬的表现。从市场整体稳定性层面,本文发现投资者情绪对内地A股市场的加剧波动影响程度最大,而对香港中概股市场及海外(非港)中概股市场1也存在不同程度的情绪传染。  相似文献   

本文利用TGARCH模型研究了融资融券制度对上证50和深证成指日收益率波动性的影响。研究结果表明,实行融资融券后,上证50和深证成指日收益率的波动均有所下降,融资融券具有一定的稳定市场的作用,其中上证50的表现好于深证成指。但是收益率波动的下降都比较少,短期内融资融券对市场的作用不明显。由于初期的入市资金有限,因此融资融券业务对市场的影响主要在心理层面上,对市场的直接影响很小。但是随着试点规模的扩大,将会有越来越多的信用资金进入股市,因此融资融券业务对股市的影响是渐进的,其长期影响则是深远的。  相似文献   

当今,传统的资产定价理论假设已经很难解释资本市场异化现象.将行为金融学纳入其中,从影响投资者的情绪几方面因素出发,投资决策的非稳健性,从而影响资产定价.最后,为稳定资本市场,保护投资者权益,提出一些建议.因此,研究次问题对解释金融资产异化现象具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

郑罡 《中国外资》2012,(22):150-151
A股融资融券业务于2010年3月31日推出至今已经有两年时间,本文选取在A股可融资融券品种的上市公司当中同时具有A股和H股的企业作为样本,通过分析这些样本A股和H股价格收益率波动的差异来研究融资融券对A股价格收益率波动的影响,并提供相关建议。  相似文献   

当今,传统的资产定价理论假设已经很难解释资本市场异化现象。将行为金融学纳入其中,从影响投资者的情绪几方面因素出发,投资决策的非稳健性,从而影响资产定价。最后,为稳定资本市场,保护投资者权益,提出一些建议。因此,研究次问题对解释金融资产异化现象具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

融资融券业务在A股市场推出已经是指日可待。所谓融资,就是投资者以现金或证券为质押,从券商处借钱买入看好的股票,并在约定的期限内偿还借款本金和利息;而融券则是从券商处借入证券卖出,并在约定的期限内买入并归还相同  相似文献   

融资融券业务因为杠杆机制和卖空机制,对证券市场产生了非常大的影响,其在提高市场流动性的同时也增加了证券市场的风险。投资者作为融资融券市场的重要参与者,其风险的控制就显得尤为重要。本文首先提出了投资者参与融资融券所面临的风险,然后针对融资融券中投资者的风险控制提出了相关对策,以期对当前融资融券市场中的业务风险控制起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

没有钱(但要有券)可以向券商借,没有券(但要有钱)也可以向券商借,融资融券对于投资者来说,是多么大的诱惑!  相似文献   

利用VAR模型、协整分析及脉冲响应等方法,对我国股票市场融资融券试点运行以来的交易情况做实证检验,发现融资交易和融券交易都与股市波动协整,且融券卖空对指数波动的影响要大于融资交易,同时实证结果表明融资融券对股市波动的整体贡献很小,股市波动更多源于外在因素及自身的惯性影响。在"转融通"机制推出之后,融资融券发展的关键还是要控制卖空,其运行模式可以从单轨制到双轨制、中央结算机制逐步改进,且每种模式下都要兼顾市场效率与风险控制。  相似文献   

个体投资者在我国资本市场中占主体地位,其交易行为极易受到情绪影响,从而令投资者情绪在我国证券市场中扮演着重要角色,因此,关于投资者情绪的研究也成为重要的学术热点。基于此,重点梳理出国内外现有的有关投资者情绪的相关文献,以便为国内学者从事类似研究时提供相应的参考和指导。在进行文献梳理时,主要围绕投资者情绪与市场收益的关系以及基于投资者情绪的资产定价模型两个方面。其中,投资者情绪与市场收益关系的研究又具体分为投资者情绪对收益波动率影响的研究,投资者情绪对证券收益影响的研究以及投资者情绪对市场异象的解释三个角度。最后,指出了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of investor trading behavior and investor sentiment on futures market return. We find that the spot investor trading behavior, futures investor trading behavior, spot market sentiment, and futures market sentiment all have positive effects on daily futures returns in Chinese financial market. More importantly, we show that the effect of (spot) futures investor trading behavior has better explanatory power than (spot) futures market sentiment on futures returns. Further supporting our results, high investor trading behavior and high investor sentiment strengthen the positive relation between sentiment-returns and behavior-returns.  相似文献   

This article examines how investor sentiment affects positive feedback trading behavior. By analyzing the daily closing total return of CSI 300 index and its individual returns of stocks, we find that relatively high or low sentiment induces active positive feedback trading. With a specific indicator of sentiment, we explain the microstructure setting of the relationship between positive feedback trading and sentiment. We adopt the classical feedback model from Sentana and Wadhwani (1992) to measure positive feedback trading behavior. By adding sentiment factor to the model, we successfully explain how sentiment influences the behavior of both feedback traders and rational investors. The empirical findings suggest that positive feedback traders are more likely to trade when the prices of most securities move forward together. When the sentiment of feedback traders is at an intermediate level, the feedback trading behavior is insignificant.  相似文献   

Using options price data on the Taiwanese stock market, we propose an options trading strategy based on the forecasting of volatility direction. The forecasting models are constructed with the incorporation of absolute returns, heterogeneous autoregressive-realized volatility (HAR-RV), and proxy of investor sentiment. After we take into consideration the margin-based transaction costs, the results of our simulated trading indicate that a straddle trading strategy that considers the forecasting of volatility direction with the incorporation of market turnover achieves the best Sharpe ratios. Our trading algorithm bridges the gap between options trading, market volatility, and the information content of investor overreaction.  相似文献   


Although extensive literature has suggested that investor sentiment may be one of the most important factors in explaining investor trading frequency and trading strategies, how individual investors are significantly influenced by sentiment remains underexplored. The feature of numerous individual investors in the Taiwan stock market provides an avenue to examine the relationship of investor sentiment to trading frequency and positive-feedback trading according to intraday data. Using a vector autoregression model to measure feedback trading in one-minute intervals, we find that trading frequency appears to increase in periods of rising market, suggesting that investor sentiment–driven trading increases market trading frequency without relying on past experiences to conduct trading behavior.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between investor sentiment and stock returns on the Istanbul Stock Exchange, employing vector autoregressive (VAR) analysis and Granger causality tests. The sample period extends from July 1997 to June 2005. In the VAR models, stock portfolio returns and investor sentiment proxies are used as endogenous variables. Two dummy variables accounting for natural and economic crises are used as exogenous variables. The analysis results suggest that, excepting shares of equity issues in aggregate issues, stock portfolio returns seem to affect all investor sentiment proxies, namely closed-end fund discount, mutual fund flows, odd-lot sales-to-purchases ratio, and repo holdings of mutual funds. Investor sentiment does not appear to forecast future stock returns; only the turnover ratio of the stock market seems to have forecasting potential.  相似文献   

本文分析中国投资者分类情绪及信心变化与中国股票市场波动的同期及动态影响。实证结果表明:就同期而言,中国投资者对国内经济基本面的信心变化以及中国股票市场波动,将影响投资者对国际经济金融环境的信心;就中长期而言,中国投资者情绪中关于国内经济基本面和国内经济政策的信心变化是影响中国股票市场过度波动的重要原因;中国投资者关于国际经济金融环境的信心深受国内经济基本面的信心变化的影响,中国投资者对A股市场估值的判断,受投资者对A股市场的股票估值信心以及国内经济基本面信心变化影响较大。  相似文献   

This paper shows that traders in index futures markets are positive feedback traders—they buy when prices increase and sell when prices decline. Positive feedback trading appears to be more active in periods of high investor sentiment. This finding is consistent with the notion that feedback trading is driven by expectations of noise traders. Consistent with the noise trading hypothesis, order flow in index futures markets is less informative when investors are optimistic. Transitory volatility measured at high frequencies also appears to decline in periods of bullish sentiment, suggesting that sentiment‐driven trading increases market liquidity.  相似文献   

针对股市非理性投机泡沫研究的不足,通过引入投资者情绪构建基于噪声交易者模型的非理性投机泡沫模型,以此研究噪声交易者的认知偏差,其在投资过程中所带有的情绪及其对风险资产历史基础价值冲击的过度反应对股市投机泡沫的影响。结果表明:市场中带情绪的噪声交易者数量越多,股价中的非理性投机泡沫成分越大,其波动程度也越剧烈。  相似文献   

Initial margin requirements represent: (1) a cost impediment to the wealth constrained investor and (2) a potential way of mitigating excessive volatility. However, prior empirical research finds that margins are not an effective tool in reducing volatility. We consider the possibility that margins primarily affect certain stocks and investors. Specifically, we test whether margins affect individuals who, as a group, we believe to be the investors most affected when margin requirements change. Our initial empirical tests, however, do not support this contention.  相似文献   

融资融券交易正式启动对我国股票市场将产生什么样的波动性影响,是学术界和理论界共同关注的焦点。本文在前人研究基础上,从我国实际情况出发,以标的证券指数——上证50指数与深证成指指数作为影响我国股票市场的代表展开实证,运用GARCH族模型,引入虚拟变量D,其中D用来刻画融资融券推出前后对我国股票市场的影响。通过建模,得出融资融券试点一年多时间以来有利于减小我国股票市场波动性的结论。  相似文献   

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