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Labor-managed firms are often asserted to display perverse short-run behavior and defective investment incentives. These criticisms rely upon assumed departures from the neoclassical framework of complete and competitive markets, including restricted trading in worker memberships. This paper treats management by capital and by labor as special cases within a common analytical setting, and shows that there is no basis for distinguishing between these two principles of organizational design in a competitive-market environment: capital can be collectively owned by a labor-managed firm without undermining investment incentives. Future debate should thus center on identification of pertinent market failures.  相似文献   

This article explains the lasting transition crisis of Russian agriculture by applying Hayami & Ruttan's theory of induced innovation. The empirical analysis uses Russian farm data. For various types of farms factor intensities and partial factor productivities are calculated to identify differences in productivity between them. We identify the mechanism through which institutional frictions in Russia influence the choice of technology and the adaptation of technological change. Finally, policy recommendations are derived to make technical change more consistent with relative factor supplies and prices, and improve productivity, especially of inefficient farm types. In our view nothing speaks in favour of expensive Western ‘high-tech’ machinery imports to enhance the efficiency of Russian farms (especially larger ones). Until now the poor operation of domestic markets in Russia has obstructed a sufficient supply of Russian technology consistent with relative scarcities.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on investigating financial asset returns' extreme risks, which are defined as the negative log-returns over a certain threshold. A simple agent-based model is constructed to explain the behavior of the market traders when extreme risks occur. We consider both the volatility clustering and the heavy tail characteristics when constructing the model. Empirical study uses the China securities index 300 daily level data and applies the method of simulated moments to estimate the model parameters. The stationarity and ergodicity tests provide evidence that the proposed model is good for estimation and prediction. The goodness-of-fit measures show that our proposed model fits the empirical data well. Our estimated model performs well in out-of-sample Value-at-Risk prediction, which contributes to the risk management.  相似文献   

The place of technology in the management of change is examined in the light of the cultural environment that mediates that relationship. The utility and limitations of such an examination are emphasized. Some factors that encouraged technological developments in the United States and some behaviors and institutional arrangements that reinforced these developments are specified. The favorable and unfavorable consequences for the management of change today are examined in the context of these persisting culture patterns. Because of the apparant inevitability of social turbulence in the next couple of decades, guiding social change to a different and appropriate valuing of technology, with corresponding changes in behavior and institutions, will require the development of social theory and technologies far beyond those presently available. The chances of succeeding seem slim.  相似文献   

于博 《经济研究导刊》2013,(29):191-192
近些年来,以管理会计和财务会计作为主要组成部分的现代会计应运而生,并且成为了我国会计专业十分重要的两门课程。财务管理与管理会计这二者之间的关系、异同和有机结合已经成为了当前财务管理理论研究十分重要的课题。究竟怎么样才能够将财务管理和管理会计这二者的作用充分发挥出来,将企业自身的经营和管理进行完善,已经成为了人们亟须解决的问题。总的来说,财务管理和管理会计这二者不仅存在很大区别,而且更加具有十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

袁力 《经济研究导刊》2013,(11):177-179
传播淫秽电子信息的行为主观上既可出于直接故意也可出于间接故意;出于间接故意实施的客观上必须发生特定的危害结果才能成立传播淫秽物品罪。在对特定危害结果的认定上,不能机械适用最高人民法院和最高人民检察院《关于办理利用互联网、移动通讯终端、声讯台制作、复制、出版、贩卖、传播淫秽电子信息刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(一)第3条的规定。网络环境之下,亟待提高传播淫秽物品罪的法定刑。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展及市场环境的不断变化衍生了许多新的业务,财务会计对这些变化的适应需要一定的时间,在给企业及决策者提供的财务信息时不够全面。而管理会计相对于财务会计更加具有灵活性,能够迅速适应市场经济产生的各种新鲜事物。而且管理会计的视角也更加广阔,能够较为敏锐地看到更长远的经济变化,有利于企业的长远战略目标的实现。可见,管理会计在财务管理中发挥着关键性作用。本篇文章将对当前我国的管理会计在财务管理中的发展现状做简要的分析探讨,并对管理会计的完善提出一些建议,希望文章内容可以给相关的读者对管理会计在财务管理中的发展与完善工作一定的启示。  相似文献   


To determine the cost-effectiveness of febuxostat vs allopurinol for the management of gout.


A stochastic microsimulation cost-effectiveness model with a US private-payer perspective and 5-year time horizon was developed. Model flow based on guideline and real-world treatment paradigms incorporated gout flare, serum uric acid (sUA) testing, treatment titration, discontinuation, and adverse events, chronic kidney disease (CKD) incidence and progression, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) incidence. Outcomes were estimated for the general gout population and for gout patients with CKD stages 3/4. Modeled treatment interventions were daily oral febuxostat 40–80?mg and allopurinol 100–300?mg. Baseline patient characteristics were taken from epidemiologic studies, efficacy data from randomized controlled trials, adverse event rates from package inserts, and costs from the literature, government sources, and expert opinion. Eight clinically-relevant incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated: per patient reaching target sUA, per flare avoided, per CKD incidence, progression, stages 3/4 progression, and stage 5 progression avoided, per incident T2DM avoided, and per death avoided.


Five-year incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the general gout population were $5377 per patient reaching target sUA, $1773 per flare avoided, $221,795 per incident CKD avoided, $29,063 per CKD progression avoided, $36,018 per progression to CKD 3/4 avoided, $71,426 per progression to CKD 5 avoided, $214,277 per incident T2DM avoided, and $217,971 per death avoided. In patients with CKD 3/4, febuxostat dominated allopurinol for all cost-effectiveness outcome measures.


Febuxostat may be a cost-effective alternative to allopurinol, especially for patients with CKD stages 3 or 4.  相似文献   

赵娜 《经济经纬》2003,(6):71-74
党的十六大提出全面建设小康社会,解决好经济快速稳定增长和控制人口是关键问题之一,人口可持续发展追在眉睫。河南省人口可持续发展的关键是解决好人口数量多、素质低下,人口产业结构变化缓慢,老龄化速度加快等阻碍全面建设小康社会的严重问题。对策是:河南省要控制人口数量,提高人口质量。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a semiparametric framework for selecting either a Gaussian or a Student's t copula in a d-dimensional setting. We compare the two models using four different approaches: (i) four goodness-of-fit graphical plots, (ii) a bootstrapped correlation matrix generated in each scenario with the empirical correlation matrix used as a benchmark, (iii) Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) as risk measures, and (iv) co-Value-at-Risk (CoVaR) and Marginal Expected Shortfall (MES) as co-risk measures. We illustrate this four-step procedure using a portfolio of daily returns of six international stock indices. The VaR results confirm that the t-based copula model is an attractive alternative to the Gaussian. The ES analysis is less conclusive, and indicates that risk managers should jointly use the risk measure as well as the copula model. The results highlight the importance of promoting stress testing rather than ES in the risk management industry, particularly in the aftermath of a financial crisis.  相似文献   

西部地区农业科技推广体系建设的现状、问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,西部地区农业科技推广体系事业取得了较大的进展,但也面临若干难题,如公益性推广经费不足、体系不健全、推广人员的知识水平不高、农民接纳能力低等。为建设一个以政府公益性农技推广体系为主体.由科研部门、教学部门、科技企业、农业专业技术协会等共同参与的多元化科技推广体系,需采取加强财政投入力度、强化基层公益性农技推广、完善多元化推广体系、加快人才培训等措施。  相似文献   

中国企业的内部控制制度基本上是在借鉴西方惯例并吸取中国理论界意见的基础上形成,并由政府机构直接颁布,而不是从中国内部控制实践中推导而来.它是一种通过"逆向生成"的演绎法完成的纯政府模式.中国内部控制制度模式必须朝着"以政府为导向,引入市场规则"的方向发展.  相似文献   

内部控制、内部控制信息披露均嵌合于公司治理,三者有着产生发展的同源性、终极目标的内在一致性以及手段上的重叠性;在具有内在一致性并具有价值递进关系的目标结构牵引下,构成了有机链接的嵌合结构性框架;以内部控制为起点,以内部控制信息披露为链接载体,有效链接内部治理与外部治理,形成起点决定终点,终点制约起点的互动运行模式。本文建议,应当注重内部控制设计与公司治理结构的协调,尽快推出内部控制信息披露质量指数以强化对上述治理框架的实际治理能力。  相似文献   

规范公司治理结构与治理行为初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶祥松 《现代财经》2001,21(2):26-28
现阶段规范我国有公司治理结构主要是:切实保障股东大会有效行使职责,发挥股东大会的作用,适当扩大董事会的规模和优化董事会结构,强化监事会的监督作用,规范公司治理行为主要是:构建对经营者的激励和约束机制,对经营者的激励包括精神激励和物质激励,对经营者的约束包括内部约束和外部约束。  相似文献   

庞鸿藻 《时代经贸》2007,5(5X):51-52,55
文章在对集团化经营的基本问题分析的基础上,结合我国当前物流行业发展中面临的具体情况,就物流业实施集团化经营所涉及的物流业集团化经营战略发展和物流业集团内部管理体制创新战略作出具体分析。  相似文献   

高校档案人员是高校档案事业的主体,档案人员素质的高低,关系到高校档案部门的职能发挥,全面提高档案人员的整体素质,是高校档案工作质量提高的重要保证。本文系统地阐述了高校档案管理人员应具备无私奉献精神、优质的服务意识、过硬的业务技能、良好的工作作风和心理素质。  相似文献   

基于大股东控制所产生的控制权私人收益,我们通过一个严格的数学模型发现:由于大股东控制而产生的控制权私人收益将导致企业投资于高风险项目;大股东持股比例的增加将降低企业的投资风险;公司其他中小股东对大股东的制衡能力越强,公司的投资风险将会降低;相比于非生产性大股东的公司,生产性大股东的公司将会投资于更高风险项目。我们的研究对于认识大股东控制下的公司投资行为,以及通过如何改进股权结构.加强中小投资者利益保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

承包商在签订工程合同之后便进入工程施工阶段,此时与最终的工程利润直接相关的是对工程成本的控制,控制工程成本最根本的策略就是工程费用的合理运用和严格管理,通俗地说,就是对现场施工的各项支出严格管理,建立相对完善的制度,杜绝那些不必要的支出浪费。对必须支出的费用要合理运用,使每一笔支出费用的机会成本最小,也就是讲究“花钱的技巧”。能否在工程项目管理中很好地做到这两点,对一项工程能否盈利以及最终利润的大小起着至关重要的作用。当今的国际工程承包市场竞争激烈,许多承包商不得不采取“无利润投标”方式夺取合同…  相似文献   

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