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The main purpose of this paper is to develop a method and an algorithm for the aggregation as well as disaggregation of n-way tables, thereby minimizing a set of suitable criteria. One should observe that there is no real difference between aggregation and disaggregation when using this method. Here are presented some basic facts about a mainly one-dimensional method and an outline showing how the method may be extended to more complex cases.  相似文献   

李春昉  赵绍丰  郭际 《价值工程》2010,29(15):121-122
对策论是运筹学的一个分支,是有关多人在竞争状态下的决策行为的数学理论。对策论按不同的分类方法有多种类别,如果局中人可以和其他局中人联合成一体统一行动与其他局中人对抗,这种对策称为多人合作对策。本文主要讨论多人对策中的一个例子。  相似文献   

企业营销文化是贯穿于企业整个营销活动过程中的一系列文化理念、指导思想以及与营销理念相适应的规范制度等的总称。  相似文献   

Munda  Giuseppe 《Quality and Quantity》2022,56(5):3259-3277
Quality & Quantity - When a public administration wishes to implement policies, there is a previous need of comparing different options to assess their social attractiveness. A fair policy...  相似文献   

改革开放、大搞市场经济20年来,在中国960万平方公里的热土上,一个极具时代特征、极富前卫魅力的新现象,即一批领航企业的萌芽、生成和日益崛起,他们是现今中国经济生活中最具影响力的事物,他们最大特点是朝气蓬勃、富有活力;日复一日、年复一年持久不懈地创新,创新,再创新.他们在一再为社会创造出了大额度财富的同时,逐步形成了一系列时代领航者理念、新文化特质及其组织惯例,即企业核心竞争力.他们用自己的领跑实践和辉煌业绩,向世人表述着中国市场经济的希望和未来.  相似文献   

In this article, the beginnings of a new approach to the theory of aggregation are developed. The basic idea is that aggregation should involve two things: (a) data over which social preferences are defined should be mapped into a smaller-dimensional space, and (b) there should exist an ordering on that lower-dimensional space such that an improvement in this criterion implies an improvement for any of a class of social preference functions and of a class of individual preference relations defined over the original space. Results are developed which show that this conception of aggregation can yield meaningful results; particularly with respect to comparisons of ‘real national income’ in two situations, for a given economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the aggregation of preferences with a finitely additive measure space of agents. We consider three types of non-dictatorship axioms: non-dictatorship, coalitional non-dictatorship, and atomic non-dictatorship. First, we show that the existence of an atom is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a social welfare function that satisfies weak Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and coalitional non-dictatorship. Second, we simultaneously impose non-dictatorship and coalitional non-dictatorship, and specify a necessary and sufficient condition for the finitely additive measure that guarantees the compatibility among the axioms. Third, we impose all non-dictatorship axioms and show that the corresponding measure is extremely restricted.  相似文献   

Names are important. Being remembered by name is universally appreciated and associated with respect. Thus, correct use of names and titles can be extremely advantageous in relationships. This is particularly true in the health care setting.  相似文献   

中国将在2012年前全面推进省直管县财政改革财政部9日发布关于推进省直接管理县财政改革的意见称,2012年底前,力争全国除民族自治地区外全面推进省直接管理县财政改革,近期首先将粮食、油料、棉花、生猪生产大县全部纳入改革范围。☆6月份财政收支情况:全国财政收入同比增长19.6%  相似文献   

We investigate the structure of fuzzy aggregation rules which, for every permissible profile of fuzzy individual preferences, specify a fuzzy social preference. We show that all fuzzy aggregation rules which are strategy-proof and satisfy a minimal range condition are dictatorial. In other words, there is an individual whose fuzzy preferences determine the entire fuzzy social ranking at every profile in the domain of the aggregation rule. To prove this theorem, we show that all fuzzy aggregation rules which are strategy-proof and satisfy the minimal range condition must also satisfy counterparts of independence of irrelevant alternatives and the Pareto criterion. There has been hardly any treatment of the manipulability problem in the literature on social choice with fuzzy preferences.  相似文献   

It is shown that discontinuities of the individual demand pattern due to non-convex preferences are smoothed out by aggregation, if the distribution of the demand characteristics is ‘suitably diffused’.  相似文献   

This paper develops an analytical framework tointegrate static and dynamic effects of theoreticallyrelevant and practically applied investment-decisioncriteria on the marginal rate of substitution betweeninvestment and labour. The new propositions are relatedto the ranking of relative present value, Kalecki'sindex of efficiency and the static version ofrecoupment period criteria. Investors in post-communisteconomies have switched from the recoupment period tothe criteria based on discounting. This is aninstitutional change typical for these economies. Itimplies a choice of techniques with lower investmentintensity, which is best supported by government'spolicy to promote labour mobility.  相似文献   

Likelihood of a model and information criteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Aggregation is commonly associated with loss of information. In contrast, this paper shows that aggregation can actually enhance information down‐the‐road by deterring information cascades. In particular, when hierarchical tiers forward only aggregate recommendations rather than nitty‐gritty details, it increases the uncertainty faced by subsequent tiers. This makes individuals at higher levels more willing to rely on and convey their own views rather than simply rubber stamping suggestions from lower levels. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2004,119(2):355-379
In this paper, we consider temporal aggregation of volatility models. We introduce semiparametric volatility models, termed square-root stochastic autoregressive volatility (SR-SARV), which are characterized by autoregressive dynamics of the stochastic variance. Our class encompasses the usual GARCH models and various asymmetric GARCH models. Moreover, our stochastic volatility models are characterized by multiperiod conditional moment restrictions in terms of observables. The SR-SARV class is a natural extension of the class of weak GARCH models. This extension has four advantages: (i) we do not assume that fourth moments are finite; (ii) we allow for asymmetries (skewness, leverage effect) that are excluded from weak GARCH models; (iii) we derive conditional moment restrictions and (iv) our framework allows us to study temporal aggregation of IGARCH models.  相似文献   

<正>有的病人或家属心情不好就拿电梯司机撒气,我们的管理人员改变了原来说教的办法,改为每天的晚例会带着这帮开电梯的小姑娘做游戏、跳绳、唱歌,通过文体活动来缓解她们工作的压力。2014年4月10日,光大置业有限公司(下简称"光大置业")通过公开的市场招投标程序,接到空军总医院物业服务中标通知书。作为公司空军总  相似文献   

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