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The Spring Festival. China's traditional lunar new year, has a history of a thousand more years, in the meantime, the influence of its cultural and tradition has been globally appreciated, for instance, in America, Briton,Australia.New Zealand, Ihe Asian countries ,etc.,wherever the Chinese people live ,the sounds of the Chinese gongs and drums of the Spring Festival celebration can be heard. Why?  相似文献   

Luggage is always something very ordinary in the daily life,but sometimes,maybe you don't believe,it plays unusual role in the diplomatic affairs. Sponsored by Beijing Oriental Sunshine Public Relations and Shanghai Diplomats Group,the"Diplomat Luggage Series Party and Product Introduction"was held on July 12th 2007 at Beijing Duty Free Shop for diplomatic missions and promoting the"Diplomat"brand.This activity attracted diplomats from Bulgaria, Belarus,Kuwait,etc. The diplomats gave high praises to the party,and the luggage exhibited as well.Some diplomats bought the luggage,some others got a luck draw.They said the China-made luggage would accompany them to travel across the world.The activity was in a leisure,happy and exciting atmosphere. The worldly renowned Diplomat Luggage Corporation,a senior traveling goods manufacturer,was founded in 1971 China,developed in the United States,marketing throughout Asia,the Middle East, Europe,the Americas,Africa,Australia and so on around the world.It has been there for 35 years of brilliant history. By right of its rich professional technique and product experience,Diplomat Luggage has been constantly absorbing the world new trends and information for over 35 years,and has never stopped to produce luggage that well meet the needs of customers. During the party China's Foreign Trade interviewed Harris Huang,CEO of China Head Office, Diplomat Luggage Corporation.The following are his comments. By Editor  相似文献   

近日,与地产界的思想家卢铿先生交流,听他讲小户大家。在我看来,这是一个很学术的概念,更是一个颇具可操性的方法。小家碧玉与大家闺秀,是中国千百年来生生不息的两家人。到如今,当大户与吃大户又成了两种新动向。卢先生倡导并推进的小户大家,是一个硬币的两个面,是一种矛盾统一体,说的是一种生活理念甚至是一种生态理念。所谓小户,是将户型做小,  相似文献   

<正>对于有眼光的人来说,商机无处不在。对于坚守诚信,视质量为生命的生意人来说,没有他做不成的生意。有些人一味地认为只有做大生意才挣钱,看不起小生意,殊不知,只要有市场,小生意也能赚大钱。  相似文献   

NEW YORK Big company efforts in social media have mostly failed to this point. Facebook's application platform has become a graveyard of failed attempts to harness the platform, while other brands have suffered embarrassments at their ham-handed attempts to influence the blog world.  相似文献   

邱玉 《广告大观》2007,(2S):66-67
在烘焙业最为密集的厦门,区域性品牌很多,但真正全国性的品牌还未成形。安德鲁森从各区域性品牌中脱颖而出,立志打造第一个全国性的品牌。安德鲁森具备强烈的品牌意识,以高品质优服务赢得了民心,“国际化”的CI识别系统,独具匠心的品牌营销传播活动,不断地创新求变,引领着行业的潮流。  相似文献   

On February 5th,the last trading day in the Year of the Pig,continued the falling trend in China's A-share market,and large companies like PetroChina lifted restrictions on sales of large volume heavyweight shares.The Shanghai Stock index dropped by 1.55 percent,which completely broke people's belief in the stock market as China moved into the New Year.  相似文献   

After experiencing two years of a bull market,the A-share market will be faced with more change and uncer- tainty in the Year of the Rat, and for China's stock market as a whole it will also be an extraordinary year.  相似文献   

新年献词$《化工科技市场》编辑部  相似文献   

<正> 今年是我国在各方面取得辉煌胜利的一年。11月世贸组织多哈会议通过了我国入世的决定,宣告了我国已经成为 WTO 的正式成员国,这是值得庆贺的具有历史意义的一件大事。我国入世标志着我国深化经济改革和扩大对外开放进入了一个新的里程碑,它将使我国在经济全球化的高潮中坚定地融入世界经济的主流,从而获得参与经济全球化带来的利益,加快我国经贸事业的持续发展。  相似文献   

在新世纪的第一年已经过去,崭新而充满希望的2002年到来之际,《化工科技市场》全体同仁向广大读者致以新年的祝福,祝愿您新年快乐,马到成功!  相似文献   

Organized by The Building Materials Industry Branch, CCPIT, China Stone Materials Industry Association and CIEC Exhibition Company Ltd., The 14th China( Beijing )Stonetech 2007 has gone through a history of 14 years. In 2007, the exhibition will have a new concept: "Innovation, Resource, Energy Saving, Brands".  相似文献   

姜蕊 《广告大观》2007,(2S):130-130
作为引领营销方向的创新合作.国内最大的互联网服务提供商腾讯与可口可乐的3D社区、QQ秀、线下广告等的合作取得了极大的成功。2006年12月15日,腾讯《QQ宠物》联手可口可乐iCoke社区,合力推出大家的新年伙伴——可乐猪”乐乐”.意欲将其打造成2007年最火爆的网络卡通形象。可乐猪“乐乐”将作为2007年“金猪年”的新年形象大使,和可口可乐的“阿福”,“阿娇”一起.以节日祝福形式渗透千万家。  相似文献   

中国迅速控制疫情,产能恢复得早,在出口方面实现逆势增长。李江认为,国内严格的疫情防控为夕卜贸出口创造了机会。2021年年末,每天一大早来到办公室的李江,便忙着开例会、听业务员汇报新进业务情况、盯盘、开发终端客户……李江说,往年12月都是业务淡季,但是2020年自己所在的国际业务部门矿产二部订单却很火热,业绩接近翻倍了。  相似文献   

在面对当前的金融业变革,区域性小银行表现得体力不支。只有避开行业锋芒,在侧翼“杀出血路”,才能找到生存的机会。在这一总体思路的引导下,公司为商业银行找到了建立一个完善品牌的方案。  相似文献   

2007年将有更多的网民选择网络过年,春节联欢晚会网络版的出现也意味着互联网春节营销更加细腻,网络春晚、网上购物、假日搜索等红火了网络春节营销,2007年的网络春节有更多的看点。  相似文献   

红霞海上来.照我华筵开。 新年里.呼朋引伴的时节,怎么少得了那抹生动明丽的红?打开收拢一年的箱盒坛罐,带着新春的喜意.红.跳脱而出.点上微光氤氲的烛台.醉于醇厚诱人的美酒.落在结满相思的枝头……  相似文献   

Spring Greetings It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity to wish a pros- perous and peaceful New Year in 2008 to all distinguished readers of China’s Foreign Trade.With the Country’s continued fast economic development,I believe the year 2008 will be a unique period of time in the history of China,with the upcoming"Beijing Olympic 2008".I am also pleased and consider myself lucky to be a part of this colorful historical event.  相似文献   

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