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In developing countries, corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes help in uplifting local communities by complementing governments’ efforts in providing public services in areas such as education, health, environment and security. But in the tourism industry, CSR has also been closely linked to responsible tourism in which tourism operators’ focus on protecting resources that attract tourists for business sustainability. This paper examines the drivers and barriers of CSR adoption in the tourism industry in Malawi. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and thematically analysed. The study reveals that the major drivers of CSR in the tourism industry in Malawi are community expectations, management values and commitment, cost reduction, natural and cultural resource management, competitive advantage and company size. The barriers to CSR adoption include lack of resources, lack of clear CSR policy and government support, lack of coordination, mismanagement of CSR resources by communities and lack of awareness.  相似文献   

Mozambique’s tourism sector could play a key role in the country’s socio-economic development, especially in the region of Cabo Delgado where the demand for tourist services is expected to increase. Nonetheless, several constraints (e.g. the lack of adequate training) are hindering the capacity of local people to take full advantage of this opportunity. Qualitative research has been performed in order to align vocational training programmes with the needs of the emerging tourism sector. Local and foreign key informants were interviewed in order to gain a better understanding of training needs and to gain insights into developing training programmes that can enhance local people’s employability. The main findings highlight the lack of symbolisation of tourism and its correlates from local communities. Therefore, rather than just delivering technical skills, training programmes should also promote a ‘culture of tourism’ and a more favourable attitude towards ‘working in the tourism sector’.  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈区域内旅游资源丰富,具有很强的合作互补性。虽然旅游合作已有20多年的历史,但成效甚微。其原因主要在于缺乏明确的合作结构模式、政府未能发挥引导的作用、合作深度不够等。通过分析京津冀都市圈地区目前的旅游发展空间结构,提出对旅游合作结构模式进行重构的必要性,确立了适当的指导思想和总体原则,并构建了"三点"、"五圈"的旅游经济合作结构模式。  相似文献   

熊亚丹 《特区经济》2011,(9):146-149
鄱阳湖生态经济区一体化演进推动旅游产业在区域内不断集聚。环鄱区内旅游业地缘关系紧密,通过分析旅游产业密集带旅游资源、旅游市场与旅游企业发展水平现状,针对旅游产业密集带构建中存在的缺乏整体旅游规划、旅游内部发展不平衡与利益补偿机制不完善问题,提出应采取政府主导、企业运作、社区参与的旅游合作发展模式。  相似文献   

会奖旅游通过有效集成会展与旅游共享资源,产生关联效应、规模效应,带动区域经济增长。福建拥有独特旅游资源和品牌,同时也有成熟的商务客流接待基础,会奖旅游发展却相对滞后,行业和行政层面的重视程度也不高。会奖旅游涉及旅游业、会展业乃至各行业的商贸活动,各地区各行业协同合作才会取得有效成果。运用协同学的圈层理论,试图构建中心--节点结构的会奖旅游圈层;根据协同系统中子系统的自组织性,做好目的地会奖旅游路线的连结,明确福建省会奖旅游圈层内的枢纽-网络结构;通过协同子系统之间的伺服、竞争和涨落,组织好各区域会奖旅游市场、资源、产品等要素,建立制度、政策、营销、信息等行政管理层面的协同机制。  相似文献   

The concept of tourism‐led socio‐economic development is neither new nor peculiar to South Africa. This study draws on the international experience of the Malindi‐Mombasa coastal development corridor in Kenya, the Goa Coast of India, the Kulu Valley and Bhutan in the Himalayas, the Gambia, Dominica, Belize and the Maldives. It assesses the results achieved in these tourism programmes against the strategic objectives of those South African SDIs that place a heavy emphasis on the country's tourism potential. The SDIs, as described elsewhere in this collection, represent a new paradigm adopted by the South African government, aimed at moving away from a protected and isolated approach to economic development, towards one in which international competitiveness, regional cooperation and a more diversified ownership base are paramount. The key objectives of the tourism‐led development corridors, including the Wild Coast and Lubombo SDIs, are to generate sustainable economic growth and development; generate sustainable long‐term employment creation; maximise the extent to which private sector investment and lending can be mobilised into the process; change the ownership base of the industry so that people previously excluded from the mainstream of the economy by discriminatory practices can play a meaningful role as workers, managers and owners of new tourism enterprises; and to exploit the opportunities that arise from new tourism and ecotourism developments for the creation of upstream and downstream business opportunities, especially small businesses owned by previously marginalised groups.  相似文献   

高谋洲 《乡镇经济》2008,24(3):78-81
乡村旅游发展的实践证明,它具有促进农村产业结构优化的功能,但在发挥这一功能方面它也面临很多困难和问题。为了规避或矫正乡村旅游在此方面的不足,发展乡村旅游时,必须加强整体规划和机制设计,提高乡村旅游地农民的参与范围和程度;提高建设规划水平,在保持乡村整体风貌的基础上进行标准化建设;充分利用价格机制,调节游客流量;充分发挥社区和乡村旅游合作经济组织的作用,克服乡村旅游经营分散性带来的弊端;加大政府的指导和管理力度,保证乡村旅游健康持续发展。  相似文献   

我国从1994年开始实行的分税制改革增强了中央政府的宏观调控能力,但却使地方政府承担了更多的支出责任。虽然分税制改革增强了民族地区地方政府的财力,增加了民生支出,使得民族地区基本公共服务均等化功能不断增强,居民收入水平不断提高,但同时民族地区仍然存在财力不足、中央与地方政府财权与事权划分不合理、转移支付制度不完善等问题。因此,本文认为应转变政府和财政职能,优化财政支出结构;合理划分各级政府事权范围,进一步明确各级财政支出职责;建立转移支付的激励约束机制;加强县级政府提供基本公共服务的财力保障。  相似文献   

Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) is a transboundary protected area that straddles the borders of Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The park's development was partly motivated by the ecological objective of re-establishing traditional migratory wildlife routes once fences between the three countries are dismantled. Besides biodiversity conservation benefits, the park may also provide a basis to generate revenue for conservation and local economic development through tourism. This paper describes current state and private sector tourism within the GLTP and planning initiatives that may promote responsible tourism, and describes the achievements by community-based tourism enterprises and public–private partnerships in generating economic, social and environmental benefits. The livelihoods of people living in the park are outlined in relation to government policies on land redistribution, resettlement and options for the future, and progress in biodiversity conservation and responsible nature-based tourism development within the GLTP over the past five years is evaluated.  相似文献   

重庆缙云山旅游商品的开发与营销对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
敬洪飞  杨晓霞  黄倩 《特区经济》2008,(11):165-166
本文通过对缙云山旅游商品的开发现状和游客旅游购物行为的分析,发现存在品种单一、缺乏特色、实用性不强、市场管理混乱等问题,并从开发特色旅游商品、市场营销和市场管理等方面提出缙云山旅游商品开发与营销的对策。  相似文献   

冯四朵 《科技和产业》2022,22(10):82-87
河源市埔前镇高埔岗是河源旅游度假产品发展的聚集区,该地辖区内开发了客天下水晶温泉度假区、春沐源小镇、巴伐利亚庄园、七寨湖公园、大水井民宿区等休闲度假文旅项目,吸引大量省内外游客前来度假旅游。随着当地旅游业快速发展,如何处理好当地居民、旅游相关企业、旅游景区以及政府管理部门之间的关系,是社区治理的重要问题。为了更好地厘清当地旅游社区治理的发展现状和存在问题,从当地居民对旅游影响感知的角度出发,探索当地旅游发展对社区产生的影响,并发现在旅游社区治理过程中存在的主要问题,为旅游社区参与和社区治理提供理论参考和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

Community development and conservation programmes have recently been combined in the form of community-based natural resource management programmes. Community participation is recognized as an integral component of these programmes. Communities, however, often lack the administrative or technical knowledge to participate fully in the planning and implementation of the programmes. As government and non-governmental organisations also become involved, the design of programmes becomes more complex. Given the diversity of experience, knowledge and interests of these stakeholders, disagreements in the design of programmes among and within groups are almost unavoidable. Using informal semi-structured interviews, workshops and document analysis that involved the indigenous peoples, non-governmental organisations and the Government of Botswana, we identified the main issues that affect the design of programmes in the northern Okavango panhandle in Botswana. These are savings, capacity building and training, research, community health, cattle industry, conservation of the Okavango Delta, employment, economic diversification, natural resource management, land tenure, cultural identity, traditional leadership, language and representation in and responsiveness of the national government. Strategies for dealing with these issues are discussed.  相似文献   

陈雪琼 《科技和产业》2011,11(5):132-136
目前我国出境旅游获取信息途径相对比较传统,影响民众的出境旅游质量。本文明确政府、媒介企业及受众三者之间共同建立良好的信息传播平台是确保我国出境旅游信息通畅的最主要的前提,并提出我国出境旅游信息途径拓宽的具体举措。  相似文献   

城乡统筹下的乡村旅游发展政府作为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑛 《改革与战略》2011,27(2):33-36
在城乡统筹发展背景下,如何科学发展乡村旅游是旅游地政府面临的一个难题。文章认为,发展乡村旅游政府必须有所作为;政府应当在制度、组织、职务三大方面加强作为;在乡村旅游发展的初始阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段,政府应依次按照开拓者、规范者、协调者的角色作为;评估政府发展乡村旅游的作为绩效应以乡村旅游发展战略为中心,综合考虑政策保障、旅游宣传促销、经济业绩、学习与成长、游客评价五个评估因子。  相似文献   

李雅静 《特区经济》2013,(9):107-109
本研究重新思考旅游人才的概念,提出中国作为旅游接待大国,需要全民作为接待者为旅游业助力。因此广义的旅游人才应包含所有热爱中国,热爱家乡,并通过自身知识及努力对旅游产业做出贡献的国民。为弥补传统的旅游人才培养体系在全民皆需要旅游教育方面的缺失,本研究提出以"全民旅游"为理念进行"三个面向"的旅游教育改革,并设计构建针对全民的三维立体旅游人才培养系统。  相似文献   

This article analyses strategies for 'pro-poor tourism' (PPT), ie strategies that increase the benefits to poor people from tourism development. Based on an international review of six pro-poor tourism case studies, it outlines the wide range of pro-poor tourism strategies used and their impacts to date, with particular focus on southern African case studies. By analysing their progress, problems and the critical factors influencing them, the article identifies implications for the way forward. This review underpins four propositions. First, despite commercial constraints, much can be done to enhance the contribution of tourism to poverty reduction, and a 'PPT' perspective assists in this endeavour. Secondly, PPT strategies can, and should be, incorporated by all actors in tourism, whether in government or business, at local or policy level. Thirdly, a wide range of impacts on poor people, going well beyond jobs, need to be recognised and enhanced. Finally, PPT strategies are difficult, but particularly relevant in southern Africa given the challenges of economic and political transformation, as well as the opportunity to influence international discussions on 'sustainable tourism' at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002.  相似文献   

程成  栾坤  何政 《特区经济》2012,(7):155-157
现阶段,中国和东盟各国的旅游发展水平不一、各有特点,彼此之间存在有一定的竞争性,从而表现出旅游市场分隔,旅游供给分割,双边合作多于多边合作,缺乏制度性安排的合作机制,跨多国旅游线路少、缺乏跨国旅游便利化措施,旅行社直接对接不足,缺乏国际性旅游人才,交通标准和规格存在差异,旅游通道对接障碍等制约瓶颈。为此,亟待建立信任机制、信息交互机制、旅游利益补偿和旅游行为约束机制,构建跨国旅游联盟发展机制和合法化的制度规范机制,以消除这些瓶颈制约,实现旅游发展的制度化、长期化,推动中国-东盟区域旅游一体化进程。  相似文献   

在社会主义新农村建设的背景下,发展我国乡村旅游具有重要的意义。然而,当前我国乡村旅游发展还存在许多问题,治理这些问题,需要做到,政府主导,规划先行;建立"大管理"机制;加大对乡村旅游环境的保护;加大乡村旅游开发力度,打造乡村旅游特色产品等。  相似文献   

塑造可持续发展的城市旅游形象--以广州市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塑造可持续发展的城市旅游形象是提升城市地位,促进城市旅游业发展的有效手段。文章首先对城市旅游形象和城市形象概念进行了描述;再从城市形象的地缘、人文和政策三大识别系统出发,对广州的城市旅游形象进行分析,肯定了"花都、商都、岭南文化名城"的城市旅游形象定位的合理性  相似文献   

黔东南乡村旅游发展探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何武 《特区经济》2008,235(8):153-155
随着人们的观念由观光旅游转向休闲度假,在城市周边,逐渐形成的乡村旅游正为旅游的发展释放出新的活力。黔东南旅游资源丰富,资源组合状况较好,既有喀斯特地貌的奇山秀水和原始生态的完美组合,又有古朴独特,原汁原味的民风民俗,可根据已有精品旅游景点和红色旅游资源,充分利用其众多民风民俗资源,开发具有发展潜力的乡村旅游品牌精品,而村寨中人民也将由乡村旅游获得充满幸福与文明的生活。  相似文献   

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