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Contemporary debate in Indonesia over ‘people's economy’ and ‘globalisation’ recalls the vigorous 1950s debate over ‘dualism’. Taking as a case study the rise and eclipse of railways, this paper argues that the colonial phenomenon of dualism can with hindsight be reinterpreted as a phase in a previous cycle of globalisation. However, economic history has overlooked the remarkable vitality of the small-scale transport sector. Focus on the small-scale sector highlights the inadequacies of familiar paradigms and suggests the need to reconceptualise long-term socioeconomic change. This analysis has important implications for responses to the current wave of globalisation and how they may be manifest in a more democratic post-Soeharto Indonesia.  相似文献   

张丽 《南开经济研究》2006,18(6):103-122
在对以往“衰退论”、“增长论”、“内卷论”和“停滞论”进行回顾和评论的基础上,作者提出了中国近代农村经济“非平衡化与不平衡”的观点,认为中国近代农村经济的最大特点就是其与国际经济和国内工商业经济发展之间越来越紧密的联系,虽然在某一时期、某一地区或某一部门,“衰退论”、“增长论”、“内卷论”和“停滞论”都曾有其一定的真实性,但是“衰退”、“增长”、“内卷”或“停滞”本身并不足以全面反映当时中国农村经济的发展状况。中国传统农村经济“旧平衡的瓦解和新平衡的缺失”才是当时中国农村经济的整体发展趋势和主要特性。  相似文献   

发展经济学在不同阶段的发展思路和指导方针,决定了上个世纪发展中国家对外贸易发展战略的演进历程.从强调以进口替代为主的内向型发展战略到实行以出口替代为主的外向型发展战略,再到进一步关注区域贸易制度的创新,实行区域一体化的对外贸易发展战略.从总体上看,这一演进历程促进了发展中国家的对外贸易政策与优化本国产业结构、加快资本积累以及技术进步等目标的有效结合,从而为发展中国家自身经济目标的实现创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

In a series of recent studies, several economic historians (most prominently Richard Sylla) argue that successful economies experience “financial revolutions” before undergoing rapid growth. In the U.S., they suggest Hamilton masterminded the financial revolution by putting the public finance in order and facilitating private banks. Might Matsukata, they continue, have done the same in Japan? Japan did indeed experience a financial revolution in the late 19th century. Matsukata, however, did not mastermind the revolution in advance of private-sector demand. Instead, private investors created much of the financial infrastructure in response to demand from industrial firms. What is more, most firms (at least in the pivotal silk industry) raised the funds they needed through trade credit rather than securities markets or banks.  相似文献   

The Covid-19 virus has spread across the world with alarming speed, infecting millions and causing economic disruption on an unprecedented scale. In this survey, we examine the impact of the outbreak on the Indonesian economy, as well as the government’s response to the public health crisis and its provisions for the emerging economic crisis. Indonesia’s delay in responding to the health crisis while Covid-19 spread in neighbouring countries in January–February 2020 has been costly for the health of the population. The government’s policy responses have so far been aimed at steadying the ship, addressing both the needs of the poor and the potentially poor (vulnerable) groups. At the time of writing, Covid-19 had not been tamed in Indonesia by any means. Hence, its implications for economic growth, jobs and welfare remained uncertain, as policy discussions were all about opening up the economy from virus-imposed restrictions across the country, under what has been termed the ‘new normal’.  相似文献   

20世纪初期的中日煤炭贸易不仅表现在互相输出,更体现在煤炭贸易日益紧密,中日双方市场依存度不断加大.中日间特殊的地理环境因素、煤炭质量的差异、煤炭价格的互为竞争是形成这种贸易格局的重要原因.  相似文献   

西奥多.德莱赛的处女作《嘉莉妹妹》是美国现代文学最有历史意义的著作之一。坚持梦想,自我实现,独立性,保持传统观念是嘉莉这类新女性的个性,从中可以探究美国底层阶级的女性如何在当时的大环境中"适者生存"。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of monetary arrangements on trade integration and business cycle correlation in late 19th century Europe. We estimate a gravity model and show that tighter monetary integration was associated with substantially higher trade, as in recent studies using contemporary data. For instance, the Austro-Hungarian monetary union improved trade between member states by a factor of 3. To explain this, we build and estimate a simple model where greater monetary integration weakens the current account constraint by fostering business cycle co-movements.  相似文献   

Indonesia produces more than three-quarters of the world's output of nutmeg and mace. In 1986 the government introduced export regulations that facilitated cartehsation of the market. This led to a dramatic rise in world prices. Problems such as accumulation of unsold stocks in Indonesia and smuggling of nutmeg and mace through Singapore led the government to abolish the regulations in 1990. World prices fell steeply, and since then have remained low. Indonesian nutmeg and mace exporters have called for the reregulation of the market. This paper assesses the case for reregulation, considering the costs and benefits to affected parties within Indonesia and the long-term sustainability of regulation.  相似文献   

We analyse the relationship between board structure and firm performance in family‐controlled firms using a sample of Indonesian non‐financial companies. We find that the share of independent directors on the board has an insignificant relationship with firm performance. We suspect that the result is driven by the lack of institutional reforms in relation to the appointment of independent directors. Our analysis shows strong empirical support for the proposition that family control (family ownership and family involvement on the board) is negatively related to firm performance. However, the significant effect of family ownership disappears when family involvement on the board is taken into the model. This result indicates that family ownership is more detrimental to firm performance whenever the family is highly involved in control decisions. Our results suggest that Indonesia needs to implement governance reforms that prevent majority owners from exercising excessive control over firms.  相似文献   

Non-tariff regulations on imports and exports have spread in Indonesia since 2011. I report findings of a study of many of these regulations, in which a variety of methods were used to estimate the associated nominal rates of protection. These findings were then used to estimate effective rates of protection (ERPs) across 140 tradable-goods sectors in the Indonesian economy in early 2015, taking into account also the effects of the most-favoured-nation and preferential-import tariff schedules, anti-dumping and safeguard duties, export levies, duty drawbacks and exemptions, domestic sub-sidies, and excise taxes. I find that the magnitude and dispersion of ERPs were higher in 2015 than in early 2008, for which a similar study was previously conducted, and that much of the variability was related to quantitative trade restrictions. In particular, the regulations examined boosted a measure of the cost of living by 7.6% in 2015, compared with 2.5% in 2008.  相似文献   

Fixed exchange rate regimes can be regarded as a “rule with escape clauses,” allowing the monetary authorities to temporarily suspend convertibility and enact a discretionary policy only under well-understood contingencies, such as wartime emergencies and financial panics. Seen from this perspective, adherence to the specie convertibility rule enables peripheral countries to establish credibility of the nation’s economic policy and, thus, to obtain access to the core countries’ capital markets. An example of a peripheral country is Greece during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The evidence assembled in the paper suggests that Greece tried very hard to adhere to “good housekeeping rules.”  相似文献   

随着双边贸易规模的不断扩大,中国和印尼不可避免地承受着与之紧密相连的环境压力。以投资为主要纽带的环境保护合作,不仅可以带动双方环保产业的发展,促进清洁能源的开发与利用,还能够有效减缓与绿色壁垒有关的贸易摩擦,推动双方贸易的深化与拓展。  相似文献   

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