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我国目前小驼峰调速制式共有四种。文章对这四种制式进行了分析,并根据西南地区的6,10,16股道驼峰的使用情况作了投资估算,认为四种制式各有千秋,可结合具体情况选用。  相似文献   

正如我们所预计的那样,今春“世界屋脊”上的国际登山运动确实掀起了一股举世瞩目的“希夏邦玛热”。而且,各路英雄通过艰苦卓绝的努力,创造出了一系列骄人的成绩。今春共有6支登山队同登希夏邦玛峰,136名各国登山队员在海拔4950米以上的山区行动起来,  相似文献   

徐继刚  雷猛  王雷 《中国储运》2011,(12):113-114
红外光谱能够获得与汽油辛烷值相关的光谱信息,本文研究了红外光谱特征吸收峰法和红外光谱全光谱法预测汽油辛烷值。结果表明:红外光谱法能够进行汽油辛烷值的快速测定,红外光谱全光谱法优于红外光谱特征吸收峰法。  相似文献   

2001年全国共有443名民警以身殉职。公安部党委决定今年元旦、春节期间,在全国公安战线开展以“弘扬英烈正气,共铸金盾辉煌”为主题的慰问牺牲民警家属和英雄模范活动。从一月五日开始,公安部陆续派出10个慰问团,分别由部领导率队赴各地慰问、走访英烈家属。图为一月十日罗峰副部长慰问一级英模、浙江省湖州市公安局交警大队副大队长沈克诚烈士的母亲及妻子、女儿,向他们颁发“公安英烈牌匾”和慰问金。公安部慰问公安英烈家属@薛莉  相似文献   

崖峰 《交通财会》1996,(7):35-36
进口汽车车购费简化计算方法探讨崖峰在征收进口汽车车辆购置附加费过程中,由于计算繁复因而效率低,且易出差错。有必要找出一种简便快捷准确的一种计算方法。本文就进口车购费简化的计算方法进行探讨。根据国家现行有关规定国外进口的车辆,其车购费以计算进口环节各项...  相似文献   

一、辽宁省道路货运业发展的概况。截止到2000年底,全省共有营业性载货汽车23.8万辆,完成货运量6.45亿吨,周转量209.3亿吨公里,分别占五种运输方式的80.5%和12%;全省共有货运零担站32个,集装箱中转站31个,集装箱专用车辆1453台,完成集装箱运输量91.2万标准箱,占全省港口集装箱吞吐量的74.8%。  相似文献   

上海市嘉定区公共交通由三种方式组成。一是地面公交。地面公交是嘉定区公共客运的主体,共有线路78条,其中市通郊线路30条,郊通郊线路20条,区域线路28条,嘉定公交线网正从辐射型向网络型发展。二是区域性出租车。2001年4月底,嘉定区率先在市郊组建区域性出租车,逐步增加市场投放量,到2007年底,共有731辆区域性出租车,全部为双班车。  相似文献   

韵升,一个发轫于八音琴的传奇品牌,垄断国内八音琴95%市场份额,在中国,“韵升”几乎成了八音琴的代名词,八音琴的国际市场占有率韵升也达到了50%。目前宁波韵升已形成年产3000万只八音琴的生产能力,共有五代40余种近千款系列产品,生产和销售规模居世界第一。  相似文献   

车辆通行费征收环节管理初探赵金峰近几年由于人们对营造对外开放和优化硬环境的渴求,“路通百兴,大路大富”公路交通的作用已被广大人民群众所承认。“贷款修路,收费还贷,有偿使用。滚动发展”,车辆通行费作为一种特殊的公路规费,为适应我国社会主义市场经济发展的...  相似文献   

治保主任管交通豆张庄乡位于天津市武清城区西部,辖区面积56平方公里,共有驾驶人1775人,机动车756辆。104国道贯穿全境,国道、区级、乡村公路共有10条,总通车里程为71.75公里。全218个自然村中有15个村庄毗邻104国道,  相似文献   

苏瑾 《西藏旅游》2009,(6):124-125
穿上学士服,戴上学士帽,是件很神圣的事情。那一刻,宣告着“我们毕业了。”如果再到西藏来一次毕业旅行,将这件神圣的事情升华到极致,就更完美了。  相似文献   

This paper utilises a Markov regime-switching model to explore the influences of macroeconomic and weather conditions on the business cycle of Taiwan’s adventure tourism, that is, white-water rafting. The number of rafting participants is used to identify two stages of the business cycle of the white-water rafting industry: the peak and the trough. Our empirical evidence reveals that unemployment has a negative effect on the number of rafting participants in the troughs while it has a positive effect on the number of rafting participants in the peaks. It follows that economic recession would adversely affect the number of participants in adventure tourism in the troughs, while it is not true in the peaks. Moreover, we show that the more the sunshine hours, the more participants travel on white-water rafting in the peaks. However, temperature is not a determinant of demand for adventure tourism under a subtropical climate, which contradicts much of literature.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified links between the built environment (BE) and transit use. However, little is known about whether the BE predictors of bus, train, tram and other transit modes are different. Studies to date typically analyze modes in combination; or analyze one mode at a time. A major barrier to comparing BE impacts on modes is the difference in the types of locations that tend to be serviced by each mode. A method is needed to account for this ‘mode location bias’ in order to draw robust comparison of the predictors of each mode.This study addresses this gap using data from Melbourne, Australia where three types of public transport modes (train, tram, bus) operate in tandem. Two approaches are applied to mitigate mode location bias: a) Co-located sampling – estimating ridership of different modes that are located in the same place; and b) Stratified BE sampling – observations are sampled from subcategories with similar BE characteristics.Regression analyses using both methods show that the BE variables impacting ridership vary by mode. Results from both samples suggest there are two common BE factors between tram and train, and between tram and bus; and three common BE factors between train and bus. The remaining BE predictors – three for train and tram and one for bus - are unique to each mode. The study's design makes it possible to confirm this finding is valid irrespective of the type of locations serviced by modes. This suggests planning and forecasting should consider the specific associations of different modes to their surrounding land use to accurately predict and match transit supply and demand. The Stratified sampling approach is recommended for treating location bias in future mode comparison, because it explains more ridership variability and offers a transferrable approach to generating representative samples.  相似文献   

想过骑游拉萨么?别以为骑游只是阳朔、丽江的专利,别以为高高在上的圣城跟轻松悠闲绝缘,别以为骑上自行车逛拉萨是件不可能的事情-要玩就找个高起点!  相似文献   

市场经济环境下,加强合同管理关系铁路企业经营成效。分析市场经济条件下铁路企业合同管理的特点及存在的问题,提出加强合同管理的对策。  相似文献   

针对哈尔滨至大连客运专线大型站房进行比较研究,通过具体个案展示新时期铁路站房设计的共性和个性,分析其中各种因素的不同指导作用,为今后的铁路站房设计和建设提供可以借鉴的经验和理论指导。  相似文献   

Although an objective and increasingly common technique in marketing, media and psychology, psychophysiological measures are rarely used in tourism research to detect tourism consumers’ spontaneous emotional responses. This study examines the use of psychophysiological measures in tourism and in particular explores the usefulness of skin conductance (SC) and facial electromyography (EMG) methods in tracking emotional responses to destination advertisements. Thirty-three participants were exposed to three destination advertisements while their self-report ratings, real-time SC and facial EMG data as well as post hoc interview data were obtained. The results demonstrate that, compared with self-report measures, psychophysiological measures are able to better distinguish between different destination advertisements, and between different dimensions of emotion. Participants’ affective experience reported in post hoc interviews was found to be consistent with emotional peaks identified from continuous facial EMG and SC monitoring. These results validate the ability of psychophysiological techniques to capture moment-to-moment emotional responses and it is concluded that psychophysiological methods are useful in measuring emotional responses to tourism advertising. Methodological insights regarding the constraints associated with the use and application of psychophysiological methods are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nature of seasonality (deterministic and/or stochastic) in dry bulk freight rates, and measures and compares it across freight rates of different vessel sizes (Capesize, Panamax and Handysize), contract duration (spot, 1-year and 3-year time charters) and market conditions (peaks and troughs). Although, there is no evidence of stochastic seasonality, deterministic seasonality in freight rates is found to be varying from −18.2% to 15.3% in individual months within a year. Spot rates for larger vessels exhibit higher seasonal fluctuations compared to smaller vessels, although differences in seasonal fluctuations between sectors are eliminated as the contract duration increases. Also, for each vessel size, the seasonality declines as the contract duration rises. Asymmetries in seasonal fluctuations in freight rates over different market conditions are attributed to the high and low elasticities of supply expected under the respective market conditions. The results have implications for tactical shipping operations such as timing of dry-docking, chartering strategies and switching between freight markets.  相似文献   

铁路客运合同立法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
铁路客运合同立法直接关系到铁路承运人与旅客之间的权利义务,是铁路立法的重要内容。探讨铁路客运合同的性质和特征、铁路旅客车票的法律属性、铁路客运合同的成立与生效以及铁路承运人的安全保障义务和列车晚点责任等热点问题,以供铁路立法参考。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的集装箱多式联运联盟合作伙伴的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集装箱多式联运是一个复杂的大系统,其多式联盟的组成首先要选择正确的合作伙伴。建立基于遗传算法的集装箱多式联运联盟合作伙伴选择的模型,从联盟的运营成本、运营时间和运营风险的最小化进行择优,同时给出应用算例进行验证,并利用MATLAB7.0求解,得到能以最佳性能完成运输任务的联盟伙伴组合。  相似文献   

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