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In this study, we evaluate the option prices on two assets under stochastic interest rates when the stochastic process that underlying asset prices follow is depending on a correlated bivariate Markov-modulated geometric Brownian motion model with jump risks. More specifically, we conduct the joint dynamic modeling by identifying two independent compound Poisson processes with the log-normal jump sizes to describe both individual jumps and systematic cojumps. Facilitating the cojumping behavior this way with the time-inhomogeneity of the volatility, option pricing expressions are readily obtainable since the Gerber–Siu’s approach is employed to determine a pricing kernel. The empirical results and numerical illustrations are provided to show the impact of cojumps and stochastic volatilities on option prices.  相似文献   

In this study we test the efficiency of asset markets at intervals as short as 30 seconds. We also describe the properties of a simple new stochastic process as a potential model of the behaviour of asset prices and test it on intra-daily Deutsche Mark futures prices. According to this process, asset prices are constant between economically relevant events, which occur at the random times generated by a Poisson process. At the moments of these events, prices jump to new values; the size of the jump is drawn from a normal distribution. Tests of this process indicate that it cannot be rejected for most of the days in the sample.  相似文献   

Zhao  Xia  Zhang  Bo 《Quality and Quantity》2012,46(1):341-349
The aim of this study is to investigate the prices and optimal exercise strategies of certain perpetual American options on the asset under stochastic discount interest model. This is different from Gerber and Shiu (N Am Actuar J 2(3):101–112, 1998), in which the interest force was a constant; here we suppose that the accumulated interest function is perturbed by the standard Brownian motion and Poisson process. We obtain an explicit expression of optimal option-exercise boundary in the case of perpetual put option. Moreover, we get a corresponding result when the individual claim is described by an exponential distribution. Finally, we analyze the influence of certain coefficients in stochastic interest model on the optimal option-exercise boundary.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to study the optimal dividend barrier strategy in risk analysis of an insurance company under stochastic discount interest. Based on stochastic perturbation methodology, we first describe the random of interest by Wiener Process and Poisson process and yield some theoretical results satisfied by optimal dividend barrier. In the case of an exponential individual claim distribution, a group of barrier values are obtained. Meanwhile we also discuss the effect of stochastic interest on the barrier by data analysis and direct interpretations about interest models. It is found that the barrier is more sensitive to constant interest force than other parameters in interest model and the effect of diffusion coefficient on barrier is less sensitive than that of Poisson coefficient. These all provide insights into the effect of stochastic interest on the optimal barrier, and show the importance of introducing stochastic interest. Finally, we propose several meaningful and follow-up problems, for example, changing the criterion of finding the optimal barrier and discussing under more extended risk models.  相似文献   

This paper presents an existence theorem for a class of backward stochastic integral equations. The main contribution is a generalization of Duffie and Epstein's [Duffie, D., Epstein, L., 1992. Stochastic differential utility, (Appendix C with Skiadas C.), Econometrica 60, 353–394.] existence theorem of intertemporal recursive utility to allow the information structure to be driven by a Lévy jump process. The existence theorem applies also for a more general class of utility functions, such as recursive utility with habit-formation, and can be used to prove the existence of an equilibrium asset price process as a unique solution to the stochastic Euler equation derived by Ma [Ma, C., 1993b. Valuation of Derivative Securities with Mixed Poisson–Brownian Information and Recursive Utility, McGill University, mimeo.].  相似文献   

We consider a general jump-diffusion market with regime-switching where the jump risk is modeled as a Markov-modulated Poisson random measure. In this incomplete market, we price the variance-swaps using a combination of the Esscher transform and change of measure on time-inhomogeneous Markov chains. We study the dynamic optimal investment problem of the variance-swaps and characterize the optimal feedback strategy. Moreover, a closed-form solution to the HJB PDE associated with the stochastic control problem is established and the verification theorem is proved. The numerical analysis based on a two-state Markov chain uncovers some robust features of the optimal investment strategy.  相似文献   

Given that underlying assets in financial markets exhibit stylized facts such as leptokurtosis, asymmetry, clustering properties and heteroskedasticity effect, this paper applies the stochastic volatility models driven by tempered stable Lévy processes to construct time changed tempered stable Lévy processes (TSSV) for financial risk measurement and portfolio reversion. The TSSV model framework permits infinite activity jump behaviors of returns dynamics and time varying volatility consistently observed in financial markets by introducing time changing volatility into tempered stable processes which specially refer to normal tempered stable (NTS) distribution as well as classical tempered stable (CTS) distribution, capturing leptokurtosis, fat tailedness and asymmetry features of returns in addition to volatility clustering effect in stochastic volatility. Through employing the analytical characteristic function and fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique, the closed form formulas for probability density function (PDF) of returns, value at risk (VaR) and conditional value at risk (CVaR) can be derived. Finally, in order to forecast extreme events and volatile market, we perform empirical researches on Hangseng index to measure risks and construct portfolio based on risk adjusted reward risk stock selection criteria employing TSSV models, with the stochastic volatility normal tempered stable (NTSSV) model producing superior performances relative to others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a market model with prices and consumption following a jump-diffusion dynamics. In this setting, we first characterize the optimal consumption plan for an investor with recursive stochastic differential utility on the basis of his/her own beliefs, then we solve the inverse problem to find what beliefs make a given consumption plan optimal. The problem is viewed in general for a class of homogeneous recursive utility, and later we choose a logarithmic model for the utility aggregator as an explicitly computable example. When beliefs, represented via Girsanov’s theorem, get incorporated into the model, the change of measure gives rise, up to a transformation, to a backward stochastic differential equation whose generator exhibits a quadratic behavior in the Brownian component and a locally Lipschitz one in the jump component, which is solvable on the basis of some recent results.  相似文献   

We propose a new nonlinear time series model of expected returns based on the dynamics of the cross‐sectional rank of realized returns. We model the joint dynamics of a sharp jump in the cross‐sectional rank and the asset return by analyzing (1) the marginal probability distribution of a jump in the cross‐sectional rank within the context of a duration model, and (2) the probability distribution of the asset return conditional on a jump, for which we specify different dynamics depending upon whether or not a jump has taken place. As a result, the expected returns are generated by a mixture of normal distributions weighted by the probability of jumping. The model is estimated for the weekly returns of the constituents of the SP500 index from 1990 to 2000, and its performance is assessed in an out‐of‐sample exercise from 2001 to 2005. Based on the one‐step‐ahead forecast of the mixture model we propose a trading rule, which is evaluated according to several forecast evaluation criteria and compared to 18 alternative trading rules. We find that the proposed trading strategy is the dominant rule by providing superior risk‐adjusted mean trading returns and accurate value‐at‐risk forecasts. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent non-parametric statistical analysis of high-frequency VIX data (Todorov and Tauchen, 2011) reveals that VIX dynamics is a pure jump semimartingale with infinite jump activity and infinite variation. To our best knowledge, existing models in the literature for pricing and hedging VIX derivatives do not have these features. This paper fills this gap by developing a novel class of parsimonious pure jump models with such features for VIX based on the additive time change technique proposed in Li et al., 2016a, Li et al., 2016b. We time change the 3/2 diffusion by a class of additive subordinators with infinite activity, yielding pure jump Markov semimartingales with infinite activity and infinite variation. These processes have time and state dependent jumps that are mean reverting and are able to capture stylized features of VIX. Our models take the initial term structure of VIX futures as input and are analytically tractable for pricing VIX futures and European options via eigenfunction expansions. Through calibration exercises, we show that our model is able to achieve excellent fit for the VIX implied volatility surface which typically exhibits very steep skews. Comparison to two other models in terms of calibration reveals that our model performs better both in-sample and out-of-sample. We explain the ability of our model to fit the volatility surface by evaluating the matching of moments implied from market VIX option prices. To hedge VIX options, we develop a dynamic strategy which minimizes instantaneous jump risk at each rebalancing time while controlling transaction cost. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through a simulation study on hedging Bermudan style VIX options.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that equilibrium valuation is a powerful method to generate endogenous jumps in asset prices. We specify an economy with continuous consumption and dividend paths, in which endogenous price jumps originate from the market impact of regime-switches in the drifts and volatilities of fundamentals. We parsimoniously incorporate regimes of heterogeneous durations and verify that the persistence of a shock endogenously increases the magnitude of the induced price jump. As the number of frequencies driving fundamentals goes to infinity, the price process converges to a novel stochastic process, which we call a multifractal jump-diffusion.  相似文献   

This work presents intensity-based credit risk models where the default intensity of the point process is modeled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process completely driven by jumps. Under this model we compute the default probability over time by linking it to the characteristic function of the integrated intensity process. In case of the Gamma and the Inverse Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes this leads to a closed-form expression for the default probability and to a straightforward estimate of credit default swaps prices. The model is calibrated to a series of real-market term structures and then used to price a digital default put option. Results are compared with the well known cases of Poisson and CIR dynamics. Possible extensions of the model to the multivariate setting are finally discussed.  相似文献   


We consider stochastic partial differential equations appearing as Markovian lifts of matrix-valued (affine) Volterra-type processes from the point of view of the generalized Feller property (see, e.g., Dörsek and Teichmann in A semigroup point of view on splitting schemes for stochastic (partial) differential equations, 2010. arXiv:1011.2651). We introduce in particular Volterra Wishart processes with fractional kernels and values in the cone of positive semidefinite matrices. They are constructed from matrix products of infinite dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes whose state space is the set of matrix-valued measures. Parallel to that we also consider positive definite Volterra pure jump processes, giving rise to multivariate Hawkes-type processes. We apply these affine covariance processes for multivariate (rough) volatility modeling and introduce a (rough) multivariate Volterra Heston-type model.


This work deals with parameter estimation for the drift of jump diffusion processes which are driven by a Lévy process and whose drift term is linear in the parameter. In contrast to the commonly used maximum likelihood estimator, our proposed estimator has the practical advantage that its calculation does not require the evaluation of the continuous part of the sample path. In the important case of an Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck‐type jump diffusion, which is a widely used model, we prove consistency and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal portfolio choice in a multi-asset Wishart-model in which return variances and correlations are stochastic and subject to jump risk. The optimal portfolio is characterized by the positions in stock diffusion risk, variance-covariance diffusion risk, and jump risk. We find that including jumps in the second moments changes the optimal positions and particularly variance-covariance hedging demands significantly. Erroneously omitting these jumps gives rise to substantial model risk. Furthermore, variance-covariance jump risk can have a significant impact on potential utility gains when the market is completed by adding derivatives. As a robustness check, we compare our results to those obtained for other parametrizations of Wishart-models from the literature as well as to various single-asset models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient option pricing model that incorporates stochastic interest rate (SIR), stochastic volatility (SV), and double exponential jump into the jump-diffusion settings. The model comprehensively considers the leptokurtosis and heteroscedasticity of the underlying asset’s returns, rare events, and an SIR. Using the model, we deduce the pricing characteristic function and pricing formula of a European option. Then, we develop the Markov chain Monte Carlo method with latent variable to solve the problem of parameter estimation under the double exponential jump-diffusion model with SIR and SV. For verification purposes, we conduct time efficiency analysis, goodness of fit analysis, and jump/drift term analysis of the proposed model. In addition, we compare the pricing accuracy of the proposed model with those of the Black–Scholes and the Kou (2002) models. The empirical results show that the proposed option pricing model has high time efficiency, and the goodness of fit and pricing accuracy are significantly higher than those of the other two models.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time model of a financial market with one risky asset and one risk-free asset, where the asset price and wealth dynamics are determined by the interaction of two groups of agents, fundamentalists and chartists. In each period each group allocates its wealth between the risky asset and the safe asset according to myopic expected utility maximization, but the two groups have heterogeneous beliefs about the price change over the next period: the chartists are trend extrapolators, while the fundamentalists expect that the price will return to the fundamental. We assume that investors’ optimal demand for the risky asset depends on wealth, as a result of CRRA utility. A market maker is assumed to adjust the market price at the end of each trading period, based on excess demand and on changes of the underlying reference price. The model results in a nonlinear discrete-time dynamical system, with growing price and wealth processes, but it is reduced to a stationary system in terms of asset returns and wealth shares of the two groups. It is shown that the long-run market dynamics are highly dependent on the parameters which characterize agents’ behaviour as well as on the initial condition. Moreover, for wide ranges of the parameters a (locally) stable fundamental steady state coexists with a stable ‘non-fundamental’ steady state, or with a stable closed orbit, where only chartists survive in the long run: such cases require the numerical and graphical investigation of the basins of attraction. Other dynamic scenarios include periodic orbits and more complex attractors, where in general both types of agents survive in the long run, with time-varying wealth fractions.  相似文献   

Asset pricing with loss aversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of standard preferences for asset pricing has not been very successful in matching asset price characteristics, such as the risk-free interest rate, equity premium and the Sharpe ratio, to time series data. Behavioral finance has recently proposed more realistic preferences such as those with loss aversion. Research is starting to explore the implications of behaviorally founded preferences for asset price characteristics. Encouraged by some studies of Benartzi and Thaler [1995. Myopic loss aversion and the equity premium puzzle. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 (1), 73–92] and Barberis et al. [2001. Prospect theory and asset prices. Quarterly Journal of Economics CXVI (1), 1–53] we study asset pricing with loss aversion in a production economy. Here, we employ a stochastic growth model and use a stochastic version of a dynamic programming method with an adaptive grid scheme to compute the above mentioned asset price characteristics of a model with loss aversion in preferences. As our results show using loss aversion we get considerably better results than one usually obtains from pure consumption-based asset pricing models including the habit formation variant.  相似文献   

We provide a full analytical treatment of a multi-asset market model in which speculators have the choice between two risky and one safe asset. As it turns out, the dynamics of our model is driven by a four-dimensional nonlinear map and may undergo a transcritical, flip or Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. While the first bifurcation is associated with an undervaluation of the risky assets, the latter two may trigger (complex) endogenous dynamics. To facilitate our analysis, we first study a simpler two-dimensional setup of our model in which speculators can only switch between one risky and one safe asset.  相似文献   

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