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This paper examines the empirical performance of various option‐pricing models in hedging exotic options, such as barrier options and compound options. A practical and relevant testing approach is adopted to capture the essence of model risk in option pricing and hedging. Our results indicate that the exotic feature of the option under consideration has a great impact on the relative performance of different option‐pricing models. In addition, for any given model, the more “exotic” the option, the poorer the hedging effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the three-parameter symmetric variance gamma (SVG) option pricing model and the four-parameter asymmetric variance gamma (AVG) option pricing model empirically. Prices of the Hang Seng Index call options, which are of European style, are used as the data for the empirical test. Since the variance gamma option pricing model is developed for the pricing of European options, the empirical test gives a more conclusive answer than previous papers, which used American option data to the applicability of the VG models. The present study uses a large number of intraday option data, which span over a period of 3 years. Synchronous option and futures data are used throughout the study. Pairwise comparisons between the accuracy of model prices are carried out using both parametric and nonparametric methods.The conclusion is that the VG option pricing model performs marginally better than the Black–Scholes (BS) model. Under the historical approach, the VG models can moderately iron out some of the systematic biases inherent in the BS model. However, under the implied approach, the VG models continue to exhibit predictable biases and its overall performance in pricing and hedging is still far less than desirable.  相似文献   

The critical role of interest rate risk and associated regime-switching risk in pricing and hedging options is examined using a closed-form valuation model. Equity call options are valued under the proposed 2-dimensional Markov-modulated model in which asset prices and interest rates exhibit Markov regime-switching features. In addition, the relationship between cyclical structures and option prices are analyzed using a time-varying transition probability matrix. The proposed model can enhance the forecast transition probabilities in an out-sample period. The cycle-stylized effect of an economy exhibits different impacts on option prices and hedging strategies in a short- and a long-cycle economy. Our closed-form formula based on more realistic specifications with respect to business-cyclical structures in various financial markets is more appropriate for pricing and hedging options.  相似文献   

The canonical valuation, proposed by Stutzer [1996. Journal of Finance 51, 1633–1652], is a nonparametric option pricing approach for valuing European-style contingent claims. This paper derives risk-neutral dynamic hedge formulae for European call and put options under canonical valuation that obey put–call parity. Further, the paper documents the error-metrics of the canonical hedge ratio and analyzes the effectiveness of discrete dynamic hedging in a stochastic volatility environment. The results suggest that the nonparametric hedge formula generates hedges that are substantially unbiased and is capable of producing hedging outcomes that are superior to those produced by Black and Scholes [1973. Journal of Political Economy 81, 637–654] delta hedging.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in developing more realistic option pricing models. Empirically, however, it is not known whether and by how much each generalization improves option pricing and hedging. We fill this gap by first deriving an option model that allows volatility, interest rates and jumps to be stochastic. Using S&P 500 options, we examine several alternative models from three perspectives: (1) internal consistency of implied parameters/volatility with relevant time-series data, (2) out-of-sample pricing, and (3) hedging. Overall, incorporating stochastic volatility and jumps is important for pricing and internal consistency. But for hedging, modeling stochastic volatility alone yields the best performance.  相似文献   

We discuss the pricing and risk management problems of standard European-style options in a Markovian regime-switching binomial model. Due to the presence of an additional source of uncertainty described by a Markov chain, the market is incomplete, so the no-arbitrage condition is not sufficient to fix a unique pricing kernel, hence, a unique option price. Using the minimal entropy martingale measure, we determine a pricing kernel. We examine numerically the performance of a simple hedging strategy by investigating the terminal distribution of hedging errors and the associated risk measures such as Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall. The impacts of the frequency of re-balancing the hedging portfolio and the transition probabilities of the modulating Markov chain on the quality of hedging are also discussed.  相似文献   

We extend the benchmark nonlinear deterministic volatility regression functions of Dumas et al. (1998) to provide a semi-parametric method where an enhancement of the implied parameter values is used in the parametric option pricing models. Besides volatility, skewness and kurtosis of the asset return distribution can also be enhanced. Empirical results, using closing prices of the S&P 500 index call options (in one day ahead out-of-sample pricing tests), strongly support our method that compares favorably with a model that admits stochastic volatility and random jumps. Moreover, it is found to be superior in various robustness tests. Our semi-parametric approach is an effective remedy to the curse of dimensionality presented in nonparametric estimation and its main advantage is that it delivers theoretically consistent option prices and hedging parameters. The economic significance of the approach is tested in terms of hedging, where the evaluation and estimation loss functions are aligned.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with that of the modified Black model in both pricing and hedging short sterling options. Using high‐frequency data, standard and hybrid ANNs are trained to generate option prices. The hybrid ANN is significantly superior to both the modified Black model and the standard ANN in pricing call and put options. Hedge ratios for hedging short sterling options positions using short sterling futures are produced using the standard and hybrid ANN pricing models, the modified Black model, and also standard and hybrid ANNs trained directly on the hedge ratios. The performance of hedge ratios from ANNs directly trained on actual hedge ratios is significantly superior to those based on a pricing model, and to the modified Black model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the economic benefits of using realized volatility to forecast future implied volatility for pricing, trading, and hedging in the S&P 500 index options market. We propose an encompassing regression approach to forecast future implied volatility, and hence future option prices, by combining historical realized volatility and current implied volatility. Although the use of realized volatility results in superior performance in the encompassing regressions and out-of-sample option pricing tests, we do not find any significant economic gains in option trading and hedging strategies in the presence of transaction costs.  相似文献   

Local risk minimization and total risk minimization discrete hedging have been extensively studied for European options [e.g., Schweizer, M., 1995. Variance-optimal hedging in discrete time. Mathematics of Operation Research 20, 1–32; Schweizer, M., 2001. A guided tour through quadratic hedging approaches. In: Jouini, E., Cvitanic, J., Musiela, M., Option pricing, interest rates and risk management, Cambridge University Press, pp. 538–574]. In practice, hedging of options with American features is more relevant. For example, equity linked variable annuities provide surrender benefits which are essentially embedded American options. In this paper we generalize both quadratic and piecewise linear local risk minimization hedging frameworks to American options. We illustrate that local risk minimization methods outperform delta hedging when the market is highly incomplete. In addition, compared to European options, distributions of the hedging costs are typically more skewed and heavy-tailed. Moreover, in contrast to quadratic local risk minimization, piecewise linear risk minimization hedging strategies can be significantly different, resulting in larger probabilities of small costs but also larger extreme cost.  相似文献   

This article attempts to extend the complete market option pricing theory to incomplete markets. Instead of eliminating the risk by a perfect hedging portfolio, partial hedging will be adopted and some residual risk at expiration will be tolerated. The risk measure (or risk indifference) prices charged for buying or selling an option are associated to the capital required for dynamic hedging so that the risk exposure will not increase. The associated optimal hedging portfolio is decided by minimizing a convex measure of risk. I will give the definition of risk-efficient options and confirm that options evaluated by risk measure pricing rules are indeed risk-efficient. Relationships to utility indifference pricing and pricing by valuation and stress measures will be discussed. Examples using the shortfall risk measure and average VaR will be shown. The work of Mingxin Xu is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant SES-0518869. I would like to thank Steven Shreve for insightful comments, especially his suggestions to extend the pricing idea from using shortfall risk measure to coherent ones, and to study its relationship to utility based derivative pricing. The comments from the associate editor and the anonymous referee have reshaped the paper into its current version. The paper has benefited from discussions with Freddy Delbaen, Jan Večeř, David Heath, Dmitry Kramkov, Peter Carr, and Joel Avrin.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pricing and hedging options on a zero-coupon bond in a Heath–Jarrow–Morton (1992) framework when the value and/or functional form of forward interest rates volatility is unknown, but is assumed to lie between two fixed values. Due to the link existing between the drift and the diffusion coefficients of the forward rates in the Heath, Jarrow and Morton framework, this is equivalent to hedging and pricing the option when the underlying interest rate model is unknown. We show that a continuous rangeof option prices consistent with no arbitrage exist. This range is bounded by the smallest upper-hedging strategy and the largest lower-hedging strategy prices, which are characterized as the solutions of two non-linear partial differential equations. We also discuss several pricing and hedging illustrations.  相似文献   

The existence of noise trading in equity markets has possible economic implications for arbitrage, and asset pricing. In terms of pricing, noise trading can lead to excess volatility which has been shown to influence the value of options and futures. Furthermore, option research shows that modeling volatility leads to improved hedging performance. To this end, we derive a general hedging model for equity index futures in the presence of noise trading. Our analysis shows how the level and dynamics of noise trading should influence a hedger's behavior. Finally, we empirically test our model using the NASDAQ-100 index futures and FTSE 100 index futures over the period of January 1998 to May 2003.  相似文献   

Model risk causes significant losses in financial derivative pricing and hedging. Investors may undertake relatively risky investments due to insufficient hedging or overpaying implied by flawed models. The GARCH model with normal innovations (GARCH-normal) has been adopted to depict the dynamics of the returns in many applications. The implied GARCH-normal model is the one minimizing the mean square error between the market option values and the GARCH-normal option prices. In this study, we investigate the model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model fitted to conditional leptokurtic returns, an important feature of financial data. The risk-neutral GARCH model with conditional leptokurtic innovations is derived by the extended Girsanov principle. The option prices and hedging positions of the conditional leptokurtic GARCH models are obtained by extending the dynamic semiparametric approach of Huang and Guo [Statist. Sin., 2009, 19, 1037–1054]. In the simulation study we find significant model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model in pricing and hedging barrier and lookback options when the underlying dynamics follow a GARCH-t model.  相似文献   

This paper describes and applies a nonparametric model for pricing multivariate contingent claims. Multivariate contingent claims are contracts whose payoffs depend on the future prices of more than one underlying variable. The pricing however of these kinds of contracts represents a challenge. All known models are adaptations of earlier ones that have been introduced to price plain vanilla calls and puts. They are imposing strong assumptions on the distributional properties of the underlying variables. In contrast, this study adopts a methodology that relaxes such restrictions. Following [Barone-Adesi, G., Bourgoin, F., Giannopoulos, K., 1998. Don’t Look Back, Risk 11 (August), 100–104; Barone-Adesi, G., Engle, R., Mancini, L., 2004. GARCH Options in Incomplete Markets, mimeo, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland; Long, X., 2004. Semiparametric Multivariate GARCH Model, mimeo, University of California, Riverside], multivariate pathways for a set of underlying variables are constructed before the option payoffs are computed. This enables the covariances, in addition to the means and variances, to be modelled in a dynamic and nonparametric manner. The model is particular suitable for options whose payoffs depend on variables that are characterised by high nonlinearities and extremes and on higher order multivariate options whose underlying variables are more unlikely to conform to a common theoretical distribution.  相似文献   

This paper derives the pricing bounds of a currency cross-rate option using the option prices of two related dollar rates via a copula theory and presents the analytical properties of the bounds under the Gaussian framework. Our option pricing bounds are useful, because (1) they are general in the sense that they do not rely on the distribution assumptions of the state variables or on the selection of the copula function; (2) they are portfolios of the dollar-rate options and hence are potential hedging instruments for cross-rate options; and (3) they can be applied to generate bounds on deltas. The empirical tests suggest that there are persistent and stable relationships between the market prices and the estimated bounds of the cross-rate options and that our option pricing bounds (obtained from the market prices of options on two dollar rates) and the historical correlation of two dollar rates are highly informative for explaining the prices of the cross-rate options. Moreover, the empirical results are consistent with the predictions of the analytical properties under the Gaussian framework and are robust in various aspects.  相似文献   

The QLBS model is a discrete-time option hedging and pricing model that is based on Dynamic Programming (DP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). It combines the famous Q-Learning method for RL with the Black–Scholes (–Merton) (BSM) model's idea of reducing the problem of option pricing and hedging to the problem of optimal rebalancing of a dynamic replicating portfolio for the option, which is made of a stock and cash. Here we expand on several NuQLear (Numerical Q-Learning) topics with the QLBS model. First, we investigate the performance of Fitted Q Iteration for an RL (data-driven) solution to the model, and benchmark it versus a DP (model-based) solution, as well as versus the BSM model. Second, we develop an Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) setting for the model, where we only observe prices and actions (re-hedges) taken by a trader, but not rewards. Third, we outline how the QLBS model can be used for pricing portfolios of options, rather than a single option in isolation, thus providing its own, data-driven and model-independent solution to the (in)famous volatility smile problem of the Black–Scholes model.  相似文献   

This work addresses the problem of optimal pricing and hedging of a European option on an illiquid asset Z using two proxies: a liquid asset S and a liquid European option on another liquid asset Y. We assume that the S-hedge is dynamic while the Y-hedge is static. Using the indifference pricing approach, we derive a Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation for the value function. We solve this equation analytically (in quadrature) using an asymptotic expansion around the limit of perfect correlation between assets Y and Z. While in this paper we apply our framework to an incomplete market version of Merton’s credit-equity model, the same approach can be used for other asset classes (equity, commodity, FX, etc.), e.g. for pricing and hedging options with illiquid strikes or illiquid exotic options.  相似文献   

Quality options for Japanese Government Bond Futures contracts are analysed using a discrete trinomial tree approach based upon a two-factor Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1990b) model. The impacts of the quality option on hedging effectiveness are investigated. In general, the pure quality option is found to be relatively small and, while the quality option does not have a dramatic impact upon hedging, accounting for the quality option can improve the performance of optimal hedging strategies.  相似文献   

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