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近二十年来,武汉市从法规制度到工程建设实施了一系列水环境治理举措,主要河流的水环境质量趋好,但湖泊富营养化占比总体呈增长趋势,治理效果存在局限性,仍有一些重难点问题亟待解决.本文以典型案例为出发点,提出精准施策、水环境与内涝同治、治理应关注整体空间及创新治理思路四方面治理建议,为武汉市水环境治理提供思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

分析了乐平市乐安河流域在水环境、水生态、水土保持方面存在的主要问题.以问题为导向,从水污染治理、水源地保护、水生态修复、水土保持、水生态环境管理能力建设等方面提出治理思路与对策措施,以期为乐安河流域保护与治理工作提供支撑.  相似文献   

本文分析了区域的社会经济概况、水质状况和存在的水环境问题,提出了通过区域绿色发展促进水质保护的必要性和总体思路,提出产业转型源头减排、污染治理末端控制、生态修复强化截污、强化监督落实责任四位一体的对策建议,以期为本地区和相关部门开展水质保护提供参考.  相似文献   

为进一步完善水灾害防治、水资源保障、水生态修复、水环境治理的"四位一体"长江大保护与水安全保障体系,文章通过梳理长江大保护与水安全领域的科技创新实践成果与亟待突破的技术瓶颈,从加强基础领域研究、突破"卡脖子"重大技术难点、构建新时期科技创新供给机制等方面提出相关建议,可为"十四五"时期进一步推动长江流域生态文明建设,实现高质量发展提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

山岳型旅游地水环境管理比较与模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文以牯牛降风景区(观音堂核心景区)、普陀山风景区、黄山风景区3个不同发展阶段的山岳型旅游地为案例,对水环境管理现状、水环境管理驱动力和管理方法进行了比较研究,发现山岳型旅游地水环境管理都不同程度地受到外界控制、道德规范、经济限制等驱动力的影响.在此基础上,从管理的角度提出了以道德影响为主,外部控制和经济限制影响为辅,形成意识管理、政策管理和技术管理三者齐头并进的山岳型水环境管理模式.  相似文献   

高原湖泊历来受政府和人民的高度关注,滇中湖区水环境整体较好,但在经济快速发展的进程中,湖泊水环境呈现下降趋势,保护水环境任重道远。利用3S技术(RS、GIS、GPS技术)可以研究各湖区的周边土地利用对水环境影响,但在该研究中,需要基于遥感影像,所以如何有效获取遥感数据是本研究的基础和关键。地理空间数据云平台可以为用户研究提供免费的遥感数据,解决3S技术中需要的遥感数据,为此,以抚仙湖为例,探讨使用不同方式在地理空间数据云平台下载遥感数据,以顺利完成3S技术分析湖区周边土地利用对水环境的影响。  相似文献   

水利科学技术发展和创新是长江大保护与长江经济带高质量发展的重要引擎.本文剖析了新时期长江水资源保护与利用科技发展面临的机遇和挑战,建立长江水资源保护与开发技术评价方法,评估现有关键技术水平并追踪当前热点和未来发展趋势.从水资源节约保护、水环境改善优化、水生态保护修复和水灾害风险防控等多目标协同治理角度,梳理相关研究成果及其应用前景,筛选和集成适用于未来长江经济带高质量发展的长江水资源保护与利用技术,研究未来10年、20年、30年不同发展阶段的长江水资源保护与开发的科技发展规划、基础研究和技术研发目标和主要任务,制定"四水"问题系统治理技术体系框架、技术路线图,提出基于"四水"多目标协同治理的长江水资源保护与利用技术方略,为长江大保护与长江经济带高质量发展提供支撑.  相似文献   

多元协同治理是乡村各利益主体通过合作共同处理乡村公共事务、提高乡村治理水平的一种方式。乡村企业在参与乡村治理的过程中发挥了重要作用,成为乡村多元协同治理体系中重要的一员。为剖析乡村企业参与多元协同治理的实践形态、演进逻辑及治理机制,本文基于社会嵌入理论,通过对QS民宿企业进行纵向单案例分析,构建了乡村民宿参与乡村多元协同治理的理论框架,并在此基础上剖析企业参与乡村治理过程中“主体—嵌入—行动及互动—客体”的动态因果关系,分析了关系和契约治理机制在企业参与乡村治理不同阶段治理绩效的变化过程及其对多元协同治理演进的影响。分析表明:QS企业参与的乡村多元协同治理随着企业嵌入乡村的阶段而发展,其嵌入乡村的治理机制也在发生动态演进;企业嵌入乡村的关系治理和契约治理机制呈现出阶段性变化特征。本文建立了乡村民宿企业参与乡村治理的社会嵌入分析框架,揭示了关系治理与契约治理在企业参与乡村治理演进过程中的动态适应规律,拓宽了乡村治理的研究视角,为进一步推进乡村协同治理、实现良性共治提供了思路。  相似文献   

我国是农业大国。在当前的乡村建设工作开展上,乡村治理有非常突出的价值和意义。通过乡村生态旅游产业的发展,能够为我国更好开展乡村基本治理工作提供一定的支撑和保障,促使我国在进行乡村治理的过程中取得更为突出的治理效果。为此本文在研究的过程中,立足乡村振兴背景,就生态旅游对基本治理的价值进行了探讨。通过本文的探讨,为更多乡村更好发展生态旅游,以及推动乡村生态旅游对乡村基本治理的价值发挥。  相似文献   

杨昀  保继刚 《旅游研究》2020,12(3):13-23
政府角色如何定位对旅游地能否实现可持续发展具有重要影响。文章以阳朔遇龙河景区为例,探讨其旅游地发展历程中政府角色定位的演变,解读不同阶段治理失灵的原因。研究发现:在旅游探查期,社区自主发展,政府基本缺位;在旅游参与期,政府以“规划者”角色介入,并主导运营管理,治理角色不中立,导致治理权威受损;在旅游大发展前期,政府治理目标部分错位加上在资源欠缺、政策准备不充分的情况下急于强制干预,最终导致治理失灵;在旅游大发展期,政府的治理能力和治理资源跟不上旅游规模的扩张,缺乏长效监管机制,难以实现有效治理。  相似文献   


Residences located close to urban parks frequently sell at a premium. The increased home values represent a ‘capitalization’ of a park’s value to proximate homeowners and this phenomenon has been termed ‘the proximate principle’. The evolution of the principle from squares and gardens in small private estates to large park areas occurred with the development of Regent’s Park in London. The proximate principle’s dissemination into the new industrial cities of the UK first emerged at Prince’s Park in Liverpool, but it was still confined to private developments. Its transition into the public sector occurred with the development of Birkenhead Park. The data showing that Birkenhead Park was potentially a self‐financing venture funded by the enhanced value of proximate profits were widely disseminated and provided the financial rationale for many subsequent urban parks in other UK cities. This principle was absorbed by Frederick Law Olmsted on two early visits to Birkenhead Park and incorporated into the design of Central Park in New York City, the first large urban park in the US. Olmsted meticulously documented the impact of Central Park on adjacent property values and demonstrated that the park made a ‘profit’. These data were crucial in verifying the legitimacy of the proximate principle and in providing the justification for large urban parks in a host of other US cities. Although these data are naïve when viewed through the lens of modern social science, recent studies using sophisticated techniques have confirmed the fundamental legitimacy of the proximate principle.  相似文献   

邹统钎 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):63-68
本文比较了成都农家乐与北京民俗村的发展历程、发展模式与政府规制办法,指出乡村性是乡村旅游的核心,乡村旅游的标准管理、规模经营与经营者的“飞地化”导致乡村性的消失,主张乡村旅游应从主题、地格与氛围三方面塑造与维系乡村性,应该强化特色分类管理、合理规划、坚持“本地化”与改进土地政策以保持乡村旅游的健康发展。  相似文献   

Sean Ryan 《Leisure Studies》2013,32(3-4):265-284
This paper makes the suggestion that the field of outdoor recreation needs to move toward recognizing human agency when constructing definitions of wilderness if it wishes to address the ecological crisis. In an attempt to show this, this paper begins with an overview of two trends in outdoor recreation - the emphasis on minimum impact wilderness techniques and the various technological innovations that have occurred in the past few years. The next section explores some consequences associated with these trends (e.g. what definition of human beings is being suggested through an emphasis on minimum impact practises? What kind of sub-textual message of nature, and hence human beings, is technology promoting?). Each of these two trends is shown to relate to each other in ways that are simultaneously conflicting, ironic and complimentary. The next section offers one critical postmodern alternative to the ontologically absolute type of knowledge often generated within the discourse of outdoor recreation. This alternative arises from embracing the creative role human agency has in defining and explaining what nature and humans are, from decentring ontologically absolute knowledge in favour of a discursively conditioned image of the cyborg, which blurs the boundaries between human/animal, human/machine, and material/non-material. The fifth section looks at some possible hopeful results of adopting cyborg imagery in outdoor recreation as a means to address the ecological crisis.  相似文献   

中国旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业结构合理化和高级化两个维度考察了中国旅游产业结构变迁的特征,通过构建计量模型分析了旅游产业结构变迁对中国旅游经济增长的影响,并验证了该影响的可靠性。结果表明:(1)整体看我国旅游产业结构的高级化程度在提升、合理化程度在波动中下降,但区域差异明显;(2)旅游产业结构变迁对我国旅游经济增长的影响具有区域普遍性和持久性,但影响力在下降;(3)旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长影响力的大小具有时段性特征,但比较而言,旅游产业结构合理化是推动旅游经济增长的基础性动力。针对上述结论,文章进一步讨论了其成因并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Oligopoly and the resort cycle in the Bahamas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Markusen's “profit cycle” and the influence of oligopoly are applied to Butler's notion of the resort cycle. The stagnation and decline associated with the latter stages of the resort cycle can be explained by industrial organization and the oligopolistic position of the major suppliers. The study area of Paradise Island (Bahamas) appears to be a clear example of how the corporate strategies of a major supplier can dramatically influence the resort cycle process. Resorts subjected to long-term oligopoly can experience eventual declines in the number of visitors because of an emphasis on market share and competitive stability, at the expense of innovation and diversification.  相似文献   

Lending to the industry has seemed to occur in 5-year cycles where lenders alternate between a period of marked flexibility with generous lending terms and then followed by a period of austere lending terms. During the last decade of the 20th century indications are that there is prudence both in the demand and supply markets and some expect that this environment will persist long enough into the new millennium to prevent the recurrence of the boom and bust cycle of hotel financing. With many new financial instruments and new sources of financing introduced in the last decade of the century this paper presents the results of a Delphi study about lodging financing in the next millennium. It highlights the predictions of selected experts from the lodging and financial services industries.  相似文献   

This article presents cost effective guidelines to assist hotels of all sizes with the usage of electronic data interchange (EDI) in the Internet e-business era. The evolution of web-based EDI makes it easier for hotels of all sizes to support their business processes with traditional EDI technology, but without the extensive capital outlay in computer hardware and software. This is an attempt to encourage investment in basic EDI technologies before implementing more sophisticated applications. The focus is to allow hotels of all sizes to improve their competitive advantage with successive EDI technological advances.  相似文献   

地名在风景名胜区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱昌春 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):19-22
文章全面介绍了中国以风景名胜命名政区的历史与现状,对其中合理与不合理的原因进行了分析,尤其对徽州地区改名黄山市带来的负面影响进行了深入分析,并据此对风景名胜区发展提出了几条建议。  相似文献   

试论京郊乡村旅游发展中的问题与对策   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
刘爱服 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):68-71
北京作为中国的首都和国际著名的历史文化名城,旅游业正在突飞猛进地向前发展。在北京市居民的经济收入普遍提高的情况下,其旅游需求出现巨大的变化。北京的城市居民已不满足于对一般名胜古迹的欣赏,而是选择了依山傍水、空气清新的京郊乡村旅游。然而,京郊乡村旅游在大力发展的同时,也出现了许多这样和那样的问题与不足,并大有制约京郊乡村旅游向前发展的趋势。笔者针对当前京郊乡村旅游在发展中存在的问题进行了论述,并提出了自己的建议及对策。  相似文献   

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