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如今,我国的交通运输业发展得越来越快,我国的路桥工程也在不断地发展、进步。随着生活水平的提高,人们的出行越来越依赖于路桥工程的基础建设,人们对于路桥工程的施工质量要求也越来越高,因此,相关企业和部门必须有效地提高路桥施工的相关技术。作为路桥工程施工过程中的通用技术,预应力技术的提高能够有效地加强路桥施工的质量。本文将从路桥工程中预应力技术的概念出发,阐述路桥施工中预应力技术的应用以及应用过程中的注意点[1]。  相似文献   

水利水电工程的施工环境较为特殊,涉及的实际情况也极为复杂,因此需借助一定技术辅助施工来提高施工效率与质量.边坡开挖支护技术的优势在此类特殊施工环境、且难度较大的施工中可充分发挥,以促进工程的安全性、稳定性提升.阐述了边坡开挖技术对水利水电工程的重要性,分析了边坡开挖技术的实际应用问题,探讨如何分析施工场地实际情况、把握...  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,城市基础建设步伐也随之加快,在城市基础建设中,道路建设则为重中之重。目前,道路建设发展迅速,土建工程技术也日益成熟,土建施工的技术与方法控制系统也取得很大进步。但在道路建设施工过程中,仍存在一些不可忽视的问题,主要存在为道路路基路面的质量问题、道路建设过程中的技术问题,上述问题都会影响道路质量,从而影响人民生命财产安全。本文主要探讨道路建设中土建施工技术的重要性以及土建施工技术质量如何影响道路质量等方面问题,提出了提高土建施工技术质量的几点措施以及道路施工中进场出现问题的整改方法,以供其他相关工作人员进行参考。  相似文献   

在社会经济飞速发展的背景下,人们对于生活的质量提出了更高的要求,为了满足这一需求,园林施工反季绿化施工技术应运而生。在园林绿化的施工当中,大多数植物需要合适的温度、土壤,才能获得比较高的成活率。目前,在经济和科学技术快速发展的今天,我国城市园林施工反季节绿化技术得到了很好的运用。但是,在具体施工的过程中,由于受到种植区域不同的影响,在土壤以及天气气候方面都有明显的差别,对反季绿化施工造成了阻碍。所以,展开对园林绿化施工反季绿化技术的探讨是势在必行的。这篇文章主要讲述了,园林施工反季技术的运用。  相似文献   

着当前社会经济的进步,我国房建工程施工发展极为迅速,以现浇梁板模板施工技术的应用为例,其在最大限度保障我国房建工程施工质量同时,提升了整个房建工程的施工效率,对我国相关房建施工水平和相关企业经济效益的提升意义重大。接下来本文将对房建施工中现浇梁板模板施工技术探讨,进行一定的分析说明,并对其进行相应的整理和总结。  相似文献   

作为我国基础设施中重要的组成部分之一,路桥工程发挥着重要的作用。在路桥建设过程中,路基路面施工是两个核心部分。从某种程度上说,路基路面的施工质量直接决定了整个路桥工程的建设质量。如何提升路面路基施工质量,是当前路桥建设过程中施工企业致力研究的内容,也是本文阐述的重点内容。笔者结合自身的工作经验,首先针对当前路桥工程建设中路基路面存在的问题进行简单的分析,在这个基础上就路桥路面施工技术阐述一下自己的见解。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,建筑行业也经历了一次技术的革新,在我国建筑工程的建设过程中已经出现了很多的问题,主要体现在工程管理过程中,以及现场的施工质量控制中,本文主要讨论一下工程管理和施工质量控制都存在那些问题,解决这些问题的实际策略有那些。  相似文献   

房屋建筑的施工质量是和人民的安全直接挂钩的。施工质量的高低直接决定了整个工程质量的高低,施工质量的高低也是施工企业竞争力的重要体现。施工质量直接决定了建筑物的性能和使用寿命,所以提高房建工程的施工质量管理是非常有必要的。本文就对通过对房建工程施工质量管理与控制进行探讨,就施工质量管理中的问题进行分析,最后制定了相应的措施[1]。  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化建设的进程不断加快,也促进了我国建筑工程施工项目质量管理的不断发展,作为建筑工程施工过程中最关键的一个环境,项目施工质量管理在施工的过程中开展一系列的工作确保整体建筑的质量,所以工程施工项目质量管理工作的顺利开展尤为重要。基于此背景,本文首先介绍了现阶段建筑工程项目施工质量管理中存在的一些问题,然后结合实际工作,提出了加强施工项目质量管理的有关策略,以期为我国建筑工程施工项目的质量管理工作有所启示。  相似文献   

渗透是房建施工中一个最为常见的问题,房屋如果在建设的过程中出现了渗透将会对房屋的建设质量造成非常大的影响,也不利于我们的生活。所以说我们在房建中应该非常注意这一个问题。在房建施工的过程中对这一问题得到很好的解决关键是能否合理的运用好施工技术,应为房建施工在房建中有着非常重要的作用。本文对这一项技术做了一个合理的分析,希望能够对房建起到一点借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Due to the declining fortunes in agriculture, mining and manufacturing sectors, many developing countries have turned to tourism as a panacea to the numerous economic problems facing them. However, emphasis in Kenya has been mainly on beach and wildlife tourism, to the total exclusion of cultural tourism.

This paper discusses critically the contribution of international tourism in the conservation of cultural heritage in Kenya. The cultural impacts of international tourism are found to be both positive and negative and much more pronounced at the coast and in Maasailand.

Doxey's irritation index (irridex) is used as the main theoretical framework in the paper. Although Doxey suggests that in the last stage of tourism development the local communities are likely to be antagonistic to the tourists, in the case of the Maasai, the relation between them and the tourists has been rather harmonious. This could be so because the local community is actively involved in tourism development and derives benefits from the industry. The issues discussed in the paper are relevant to other parts of the world including Asia Pacific region. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for proper visitor management through planning to minimize negative cultural impacts on local communities.  相似文献   

This study contributes to a body of knowledge concerning tourists' perception of authenticity for indigenous souvenirs in Taiwan. Researchers evaluated, designed, and produced souvenir cups chosen to represent Taiwan's indigenous Paiwan culture. Markers, designs, and materials were researched and selected in order to examine tourists' perceptions of authenticity. Tourists were asked to evaluate the cups and to explain their perceived authenticity and willingness to purchase. The findings suggest that tourists perceive modern design combined with indigenous markers to be more authentic than traditional design. The apparent traditionalism of aboriginal souvenirs does not determine the degree of authenticity. Tourists' perception is specifically grounded in the visuality of the souvenir and their willingness to purchase is also associated with authenticity in design.  相似文献   


TQM, and its application to the hospitality and tourism industries, has begun to receive more attention in the literature. However, few articles focus exclusively upon TQM in the restaurant industry and fewer still have examined the relationship between TQM and employee training. This article examines this relationship through interviews with managers with two prominent restaurant chains in Canada.  相似文献   

The paper by Rodenburg (Annals VII:2:177–196) on the effect of scale in tourism development in Bali raises important questions relating to tourism development in Third World countries. One fundamental question is whether large-scale development is inevitable in such countries, or whether there is persuasive evidence to support smaller and craft scale enterprises. This article undertakes a critical review of Rodenburg's analysis and concludes that large scale developments are likely to be inevitable because of external economies of scale and market structures in international tourism, but that the consequences of such developments can be foreseen and therefore mitigated by appropriate pre-project planning.  相似文献   

Women represent a majority of the tourism workforce globally, yet they remain under-represented in management roles and over-represented in part-time/casual work and low paid jobs. Prior research suggests women in employment, generally, and in tourism employment, specifically, experience gender discrimination, labour market and workplace segregation, work/family conflict, and other barriers to their employment and career progression. This paper presents results from an international survey of women's employment in the tourism sector, and analyses 363 responses representing the views of employers, employees, government officials, non-government organization representatives and academics across a range of tourism industries in 21 APEC member economies. The results reveal continued segregation of women across the economies, but also highlight national cultural barriers and intersectionality which affect women's employment and progression in tourism employment. Human resource management strategies, policy interventions, and implications to reduce gender segregation, increase representation in management, and provide equal employment opportunities are presented.  相似文献   

Appreciative inquiry is a participatory research method based on positive psychology. Founded upon grounded theory and the social constructivist paradigm, appreciative inquiry is a simple, effective, and epistemologically sound tool to understand the rural population’s knowledge, needs, and priorities without alienating them from research. Based on the study conducted to comprehend the interrelationships among conservation, livelihood, and tourism development in three rural communities located in the vicinity of Chitwan National Park, Nepal, this study argues that appreciative inquiry can be a useful tool for conducting tourism research in rural communities. This study employs five steps, including grounding, discovery, dream, design, and destiny.  相似文献   

While there has been a plethora of research on community participation in tourism, most has relied upon a single survey or other form of data acquisition that lacks a dynamic component. Therefore, there is a need for longitudinal research to examine any changes in that participation. This article explores the evolution of participation in tourism in two communities, Nanshan and Tangfeng, in Hainan, China. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 villagers, and secondary data were collected to supplement the qualitative research. It postulates four stages of community involvement in sharing benefits and decision making: impactee, beneficiary, client, and owner. It is found that, in the cases under consideration, the evolution of participation has been slow, and the benefits to the communities from tourism and access to decision-making power are limited, with the power structure involved with tourism resorts being the main reason for this slow progress. Three suggestions are proposed to address this situation: capacity building, partnership, and institutional empowerment.  相似文献   

Like other special interest tourism products, homestay as a community-based tourism product has shown substantial growth in terms of number of visits in recent years. Nevertheless, compared to other special interest tourism products, visitor behavior in homestay tourism has been neglected by the literature. This study fills this void by investigating the relationships between perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention, and by examining the moderating influence of psychographics in a homestay tourism context. Respondents were visitors who visited selected homestay villages in Malaysia. Multi-group structural equation analysis was used to test for group differences in the structural weights.  相似文献   

国外旅游地感知意象研究的地方观解构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张中华  文静  李瑾 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):43-49
本文回顾了地方理论的基本内涵及旅游研究中地方理论研究的国外研究进展,分析了地方依附应用旅游观光意象研究的内涵,探讨游客观光意象与地方依附感之间的关系,地方依附感的旅游学认知架构,以及游客对旅游地意象感知的地方依附程度.最后从旅游规划管理和旅游业发展的角度,提出了地方理论应用旅游营销研究的现实意义.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research note is to extend Agrusa's (2000) philosophical inquiry into the possible effects of gambling offerings on Japanese tourists visiting Hawaii. More specifically, the researchers empirically assess attitudinal and behavioral responses among American and Japanese tourists vacationing in Waikiki Beach to the possible implementation of gambling in the island state. The results indicate that both Japanese and American tourists view gambling in Hawaii negatively, or with ambivalence, regardless of their country-of-origin or gender. Overall, this note provides evidence that supports Agrusa's inquiry.  相似文献   

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