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王娇  杨得草 《现代食品》2022,28(1):10-13
鲜切果蔬因其丰富的营养,新鲜、方便的特性广受消费者欢迎,然而鲜切果蔬在加工、贮藏、销售等过程中,由于机械损伤、自身生理作用、微生物的侵染等因素易导致其变质衰老的进程加快,影响产品的货架期。本文从物理、化学、生物及果蔬贮藏新技术等方面论述了鲜切果蔬的保鲜技术,以期为今后鲜切果蔬的加工与生产提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

果蔬保鲜是一项既实用又迫切需要解决的难题,致力于研究该技术的外国科学家,最近推出一批果蔬保鲜新技术。可食性果蔬保鲜剂:英国研制成一种可食用的果蔬保鲜剂。它是由蔗糖、淀粉、脂肪酸和聚脂物调配成的半透明乳液,可用喷雾、涂刷或浸渍的方法覆盖于柑桔、苹果、西瓜、香蕉和西红柿、茄子等表面,保鲜期可达200天以上。由于这种保鲜剂在水果表面形成了一层密封薄膜,故能阻止氧气进入水果内部,从而延长了水果熟化过程,起到保鲜作用。这种保  相似文献   

冬枣:冬枣皮薄光滑。肉质细嫩。味清甜多汁,冬枣自然保鲜期只有7天。目前的保鲜方法主要有:(1)冷藏。采用0.03毫米~0.06毫米PE、无毒PVC等打孔塑料小包装或透气性较好的薄膜贮藏,二氧化碳不能超过5%。(2)气调贮藏。采用塑料盘盛装,温度控制在0℃,氧气3~5%。二氧化碳低于2%。贮藏3个月左右。好果率可达85~90%。  相似文献   

电解水作为一种无残留的物理灭菌和保存方法,能够抑制褐变、延缓衰老、保持果实品质,近年来被广泛应用于果蔬采后消毒和保存.本文综述了近年来电生功能水的概况、保鲜的原理以及在果实采后贮藏中的应用,对延缓果蔬衰老、提高果实品质提供参考.  相似文献   

速冻是一种快速冻结的低温保鲜法。所谓速冻果蔬,就是将经过处理的果蔬原料,采用快速冷冻的方法,使之冻结,然后在-180 c-20℃的低温下保存待用。速冻保藏,是当前果蔬加工保藏技术中能最大限度地保存其果蔬原有风味和营养成分较理想的方法。一、选料。加工速冻果蔬的原料要充分成熟,色、香、味能充分显现,质地坚脆,无病虫害、无霉烂、无老化枯黄、无机械损伤的果蔬作加工原料,最好能做到当日  相似文献   

In this article, we study the heterogeneity of fruit and vegetable consumption patterns in France. A finite mixture of AIDS models is used to describe food demand patterns revealing different preferences over distinct classes. We obtained six different clusters, which reflect specific socio-demographic characteristics and different income and price elasticities. This approach is appropriate for targeting specific public nutritional policies. Our main results show that unlike the other clusters in which the usual price and income policy tools may be used, the lowest income cluster with the lowest consumption, remains insensitive to economic variables.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of variance and econometric analysis are used in conjunction to analyze China's rural household consumption behavior across households that differ in the level of self-sufficiency relative to the production/purchase of fruits and vegetables. There is a significant difference in consumption patterns for different households with different levels of self-sufficiency. Households that purchase but do not produce fruits and vegetables exhibit a notably more market-oriented price responsive behavior. The consumption decisions of households that produce fruits and vegetables, but do not purchase them, are influenced more heavily by implicit income effects than by implicit price effects.  相似文献   

对泡沫形成的机理以及影响泡沫稳定性的表面张力、液体黏度和表面黏度因素进行归纳综述,然后结合油脂加工实际生产中引起油脂起泡的极性化合物及聚合物、磷脂含量、脂肪酸组成、三酰甘油构型等因素进行详细介绍,为油脂工业对起泡控制提供参考。  相似文献   

Increases in U.S. consumer incomes result in an increase in imports' share of U.S. consumption. Although U.S. consumers reduce the quantity demanded in response to higher import prices, the reduction is sufficiently inelastic that exporter revenue increases. U.S. Free Trade Agreements have made fresh fruits and vegetables available throughout the year and may also have broadened the U.S. marketing window for imports. Now U.S. food safety regulations favor large operations that can absorb the fixed and seasonal food safety related costs. Therefore, the brunt of the increased import competition is borne by small and medium-size producers.  相似文献   


This study analyses the factors that determine Turkey's fresh and processed fruit and vegetable exports to the European Union (EU) using a gravity model. Panel data from 1995 to 2001 for 13 EU member countries are utilized. The explanatory variables are GDP, population, distance, Turkish population living in EU member countries, and being non-Mediterranean. Results indicate that the size of the economy, EU population, Turkish population in the EU, and addressing the tastes and preferences of non-Mediterranean countries are significant factors that affect Turkish fruit and vegetable exports. The results suggest that marketing strategies targeting the population of Turkish people in EU countries and non-Mediterranean member countries enhance the export performance of fruit and vegetable exports.  相似文献   

百香果的果皮、种子、花、叶等副产物富含多种生物活性物质,具有极高的营养价值和经济价值,然而这些副产物几乎都被当作废物丢弃,造成极大的污染和资源浪费.因此有必要对百香果副产品进行综合利用,从而提高百香果附加值.本文综述了近几年来百香果皮、种子、花、叶等副产物在食品、农业、医药、化妆品及工业中的利用研究进展,以期为百香果副...  相似文献   

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