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近年来河南零售业得到了不同程度的发展,河南零售业具有接近市场和经营灵活等优势,但在经营理念、技术条件、规模和人力资源等方面同外资企业相比还存在许多不足。本文提出零售企业要提高竞争力,必须在经营理念和经营技术上持续创新,发展连锁经营,扩大规模;重新进行市场定位,创新经营特色,实施差异化经营,吸收先进技术,持续创新。  相似文献   

中国零售业在全球金融危机的大环境下逆势增长的优异表现,既增强了内资零售企业的市场发展信心,也获得更多外资零售企业的广泛关注。但是,我国零售业仍然存在企业规模偏小,市场集中度低;外资大量涌入中国市场,抢占我国市场;技术落后,管理低效等问题。本文结合多年的经验,理论联系实际,探讨了我国零售业存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

<正>一、“创新、合作、发展”是中国零售业的“主旋律”零售业是中国市场最活跃的领域之一。改革开放28年来,社会消费品零售总额年均增长15%,比GDP增长快5.4个百分点。中国零售业不仅规模扩大,更重要的是结构持续优化,经营业态日益丰富,经营技术日新月异,现代化水平迅速提升。  相似文献   

李蕊 《中国流通经济》2012,26(9):97-103
2008年以来,外商在我国零售业的投资在规模和空间布局等方面呈现出新的特点和动向,引发了业界关于外资迅速扩张是否会造成零售业被外资控制、外资企业是否会抢占内资零售业优势资源等争议性话题,文章分别使用省际面板数据、地区面板数据、业态面板数据,实证分析了外资扩张对内资零售企业的影响。研究表明,整体而言,外商在我国零售业投资的加速扩张,并没有挤占内资零售企业的优势资源,外资零售企业市场份额的扩大并没有对内资零售企业构成明显的就业挤出效应。内资零售企业在面对外资零售企业迅速扩张以及由此带来的竞争压力时,应着力通过跨地区并购、跨行业并购、自愿连锁、内资并购外资等方式壮大自身规模,实现优势资源的重组,发挥规模效应,同时需要反思内资零售业目前联营模式过多、自营模式过少的弊端,通过提高自采比例、培育自有品牌等方式提升核心竞争力。  相似文献   

零售业营销创新之管见   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在经济全球化、竞争国际化的时代背景下,零售业面临的变革已是大势所趋.基于我国零售市场态势,针对我国零售业发展中存在的问题,零售业营销创新是提高企业竞争力的正确选择.为此,零售业必须实现营销理念创新、企业规模创新、管理创新、技术创新和服务创新.  相似文献   

我国已经加入世界贸易组织 ,外商纷纷抢滩我国零售市场 ,使我国零售业面临着前所未有的竞争态势。外资零售业在经营理念、技术手段、经营规模、商品价格和人力资源等方面具有明显的优势。我国零售业应采取继续推广和完善连锁经营 ;大力发展特许经营 ;组建具有中国特色的综合商社 ;创新经营特色 ;发展电子商务等对策 ,为零售业开辟更为广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

林诗琦 《商》2013,(15):76-76
当前,全球宏观环境持续恶化,让人无法不对传统百货业乃至整个零售业未来的发展有所担忧。低成本时代一去不返、门店续租风险加大、电商革命来临、利润增长放缓等,传统百货业发展遇到史无前例的冲击。随着市场竞争日趋激烈,传统百货企业必须尽快适应新环境改变生存方式,从经营理念,管理技术,业态模式以及规模效应等方面进行创新,实现转型。  相似文献   

家电连锁零售业现状与发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放20多年来,我国家电零售业得到迅速发展,规模不断扩大,形成了大型连锁店。相对于传统家电零售业而言,无论是业态分布,还是企业功能、经营理念、经营方式等都有了较大的改善,但是由于我国加入WTO后,外资零售业的大规模进入我国家电零售业,市场的竞争日趋激烈,零售企业仅靠商品价低、品种多,很难赢得竞争优势。因此,在新的市场环境下,家电零售企业要想增强自身竞争力,不仅要在规模上扩大,还要在人才、管理、服务上寻求突破。  相似文献   

我国零售业现状分析及零售业企业的发展对策建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济的发展,我国零售业市场出现了多种零售业态,内资企业间及内资企业与外资企业间展开了激烈的竞争。为了应对加入WTO和外资零售企业带来的冲击,对我国零售业企业提出了利用本土化优势、发展农村市场、进行企业联合、加强技术手段的应用和发展自有品牌的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国本土商业零售业的缺陷及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘爱军 《商业研究》2007,(11):105-110
科学考察我国本土商业零售业的缺陷是提升其竞争力的前提与基础。我国本土商业零售业主要存在经营理念滞后、经营成本过高、规模不太合理、业态结构单一等缺陷,因而创新经营理念、完善经营机制、拓展经营格局、创新经营模式是提升本土商业零售业竞争力的根本举措。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the evolution of Russian food retailing and linkages between and among firms in the food supply chain. Intermediation theory is used to develop a conceptual framework. Intermediaries have played an important role throughout the Russian food supply chain fulfilling the function of matching sellers and buyers. Tighter vertical linkages between firms in the Russian food industry are becoming more prevalent, and the roles of intermediaries may be performed by agents acting on behalf of a vertically integrated principal. The food retailing sector in the Russian Federation is evolving to be a source of information from the consumer to upstream firms.  相似文献   

"万村千乡"市场工程建设理论指导和模式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,目前在我国农村具有良好发展前景的农家店零售业态有廉价式农家店、超市式农家店、便利式农家店、邮购式农家店、仓储和量贩式农家店、专业式农家店等。不同的零售业态面对不同的目标市场,吸引不同的农民消费者,适应不同地区、处于不同经济发展阶段的消费者的消费特点。文章提出,在农村实施"万村千乡"市场工程,建立农家店就是要努力把成本降下来,形成以低成本经营为主的长效机制,尽快完成从政府输血到企业造血的转变,而实行连锁规模经济是解决这一问题的有效途径。农家店选择连锁规模经济组织的模式有特许连锁模式、自由连锁模式、志愿连锁模式。  相似文献   


This study examines the factors affecting retailers perceptions of the Internet as a potential retail channel. It examines the environmental factors as well as the organizational factors impacting on the potential of Internet retailing. Results are reported from 102 South African retailing chain organizations across all categories. The authors discuss the results and provide some guiding points for retailers who intend to use the Internet as a retailing channel in the future.  相似文献   

Little empirical research has been done on how to help retailing firms survive recessions. Using the “natural experiment” of the Great Depression and the theoretical lens of organizational ecology, we explore survival of retailers during 1929-1939 to test whether strategic competitive advantages related to human capital, the liability of newness, organizational form, and legitimacy facilitated survival through this upheaval. Consistent with theory from organizational ecology, survival was positively influenced by the average wage paid in the population, the average age of the population, chain store penetration, and an interaction of level of chain store penetration and age. The study offers recommendations for research and practice to retailers. The most important application for retailing managers is that high wage employees, presumably of higher quality, help retailers survive recessions better than low wage employees.  相似文献   

This special issue explores multi-dimensional retail transitions in Southeast Asia against the backdrop of the ongoing globalization of retail capital. As an introduction to the special issue, this paper does three things. First, it introduces the rationale for, and wider context to, the special issue. Second, it offers a contemporary snapshot of the leading retail markets in Southeast Asia in order to highlight the considerable national variation in market conditions that exists, and thereby to situate the papers that follow. Third, it reviews the existing literature on retail transformations in Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on three areas: deregulation and reregulation with respect to retailing, competitive impacts of foreign retailers on domestic firms, and the supply network impacts of inward investment in retailing. The paper concludes by outlining a brief research agenda for work on retail transitions in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

全球化竞争以及网络化购物方式的冲击,使得我国制造商与零售商不同程度地陷入了发展困境。本文以零供发展困境为切入点,突破零供纵向竞争的研究框架,从发展中国家基于本土市场需求构建国内价值链的视角,探讨零售商与制造商采用协同战略,以不同的角色共同合作创造价值,从而培育一批本土企业成为全球价值链的“链主”以及全球创新链的主导者,进而使得“中国制造”超越国际代工、实现内生化产业升级以及经济结构的战略转换。  相似文献   

The horseshoe shape offers a model from which the complex relationships currently linking most Chinese and United States supply chain partners can be productively visualized. Wielded metaphorically, the horseshoe also illustrates how a momentous global trend may be rising within many Chinese-American supply chains, and why that trend might impose serious threats against United States economic interests for years to come. Because the trend exists independent of almost all domestic firms’ potential responses, only rarely can an associated domestic threat be eliminated within a particular United States/Chinese supply chain. Most United States firms possess a critical capability that could diminish the force of the emerging Chinese threat: the ability to manage and execute key supply chain functions more creatively. As the horseshoe illustrates, many domestic firms may soon be compelled to become more creative. To address this need, a supply chain creativity matrix model is developed in this article. The model demonstrates how domestic supply chain firms can stimulate and identify superior ideas amongst their managerial and subordinate ranks, therefore expanding the firm's creative efficiency in the strategic execution of key supply chain functions. Those firms should be better able to defend themselves against these emerging Chinese threats.  相似文献   

COVID-19 primarily spreads through close contact between humans and has affected retailing industries extremely hard. To manage the situation retailers have turned to service innovation to change their operations to make consumers feel safe while shopping. This research focuses on the role of service innovativeness in retailing firms during the COVID-19 pandemic through an empirical study of almost 6000 consumers of 28 retailing firms. The results suggested that retailers with high service innovativeness performed COVID-19 imposed innovations better to improve their relative attractiveness. For retailers with physical stores, changes to the servicescape and the offering were found to be the key antecedents of service innovativeness. The findings on COVID-19 imposed service innovations demonstrate the importance of service innovativeness in successfully changing retailing services to adjust to the restrictions from governments and safety needs of customers.  相似文献   

Cost-based retailing has evolved as a strategy for some high growth retal firms, led apparently by Wal-Mart. These firms do not margin manage in the tradition of retailing as taught in business schools. They try to lower prices and costs in the context of a systems driven organization. A series of in depth interviews with the executives of twenty-four retail chains with supermarket, drug, and/or mass merchandising formats is reported on. Some differences between cost driven and margin driven firms are delineated. Some limitations of the cost driven concept are offered along with some ramifications for the study of marketing and channels.  相似文献   

We develop a two equation error correction model to investigate determinants of and dynamic interaction between changes in profits and number of firms in retailing. An explicit distinction is made between the effects of actual competition among incumbants, new firms competition and potential competition from firms outside the market. Effects of cost, demand and general income changes on profitability are investigated to gain insight in the role of retailing in the cost, demand and wage inflationary processes. The relative importance of profitability, growth and unemployment as determinants of net entry are studied. The model is tested using a panel data set of 36 Dutch shoptypes covering the 1977–1988 period.  相似文献   

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