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Open access resources are frequently not managed efficiently, resulting in falling stock levels and a declining income for fishermen. In the late 1970's, the policy response to this problem was the implementation of 200-mile fishing zones, which enabled the European Union to formulate and implement the Common Fisheries Policy, aimed at (among other things) conservation and distribution of available stocks. In Germany, this shift from an open access regime towards a common property regime had favourable outcomes. The trend of falling prices was reversed. The conclusion was that intertemporal efficiency had increased as a result of (inter)governmental policy. Apparently, a wedge was formed between price and marginal harvesting costs, implying that scarcity rent had returned as a component of prices.  相似文献   

This paper developes a bioeconomic model to analyse the economic losses from the reduced harvesting of prey species resulting from an increase in the stock of a natural predator. Examples of large mammals creating economic damage are whales and African elephants. The economic losses depend critically on the actual management of the prey stock, although the three measures we develop are equal when the stock is managed so as to maximize the sustained economic rent from the prey species. Predation losses are illustrated by the case of the Northeastern Atlantic Minke whale, where the estimate of the average predation cost per whale in 1991–1992 is between $US 1780 and $US 2370, using Norwegian cost and earnings data. A ten percent stock increase is estimated to cause a loss of almost $US 19 million to the fishers of the prey species. If half of this cost were assigned to Norway it would be equivalent to 2.8 and 6.7 percent of the gross profits of the Norwegian cod and herring fisheries, respectively.  相似文献   

欧盟极为重视科学资源的开放共享,积极制定科学信息开放获取政策,采取了一系列行动措施,把推动科学信息的快速传播作为建设欧洲研究区、加速创新的关键手段之一。2007年,欧盟出台了"数字化时代科学信息的开放、传播和保存"建议,积极推动科学信息的开放、扩散和保存,提高欧洲知识竞争力'让科研成果尽快惠及欧盟经济和社会。2012年,欧盟再次提出"更好地获取科学信息,促进公共研发投入产生更好的效益"建议,进一步采取措施,加大力度推动公共资金资助的科研成果广泛传播和有效利用。通过对欧盟科学资源开放共享政策和措施进行分析研究,希望为我国相关机构和科技人员借鉴欧盟科学资源开放共享的理念和经验、探索适合我国国情的科技信息系统提供参考。  相似文献   

Open access policies in telecommunications, including interconnection and unbundling, are implemented by regulators in an effort to increase competition in the sector. Lack of cooperation from incumbents is pervasive, given their incentives to engage in non-price discrimination and the moral hazard resulting from the inability of regulators to monitor the contract. We build a relationship between the access price and non-price discrimination, neither assuming a pre-determined market strategic interdependence or a specific demand function format. When the access charge is liberalized, the incentive for non-price discrimination disappears. It may be optimal for the regulator to set a second-best regulated access price to avoid non-price discrimination.  相似文献   

The fishery for Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea is one of the most valuable fisheries in the North Atlantic. After the introduction of Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction, cod is a shared stock between Norway and Russia. Overfishing of quotas has been a concern for a number of years. The purpose of this article is to analyse cooperative and non-cooperative management of the Northeast Atlantic cod fishery. This will be done in a game theoretic context, based on different assumptions regarding important variables such as cost of effort and initial stock size. The game theoretic analysis will be based on an empirical bioeconomic model developed and estimated by Hannesson (Mar Policy 31:698–705, 2007; J Bioecon forthcoming). The case of cooperative management is analysed for different cost parameters and starting values of the stock. An interesting result is that the optimal policy gives rise to pulse fishing. As this involves effort (and harvests) varying from year to year, potentially imposing substantial social costs on the industry in years when the fishery is closed, a policy of constant effort is also considered. Finally, non-cooperative management is analysed.  相似文献   

Expansion of human populations and activities has caused increased conflicts between wildlife and humans. As a result, the distinction between resource and pest species has become blurry. We propose an economically-based classification of species based on a multi-use bioeconomic model. The classification of the steady state population of a species is shown to depend on both species' density and economic factors. We extend earlier work on multi-use(resource-pest) species by applying the theoretical model to a developing country context where property rights to wildlife are imperfectly enforced, so that second-best trade measures are often applied by the international community to promote conservation. Upon calibrating the model using data for the African elephant, we derive three further results. First, when comparing the optimal stock of a multi-use species to the open access stock, we find that the ranking in terms of abundance is ambiguous. Second, and consistent with existing literature on resource management in a second-best world, our case study supports the idea that trade bans have ambiguous effectson wildlife abundance. Third, due to a bifurcation effect characterizing the multi-use model's solution, strategic and temporary subsidizing by the North may enable them to free ride on conservation efforts of the South henceforth.  相似文献   

周妍  张然  陈文 《铜陵学院学报》2012,11(1):118-120
为了适应现今社会对大学生要求不断变化,大学的培养模式也在不断改变。由单一型人才培养模式转变为复合型人才培养模式,在高等学校开设《机器人技术》公选课是势在必行的。根据理论和实践的教学经验,文章探讨了一种适应于公选课的《机器人技术》教学改革方案,具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

项巍 《城市建设》2010,(3):402-402
本文首先论述了农电接入网的需求分析及建设原则;继而分析了当前农电通信网存在的主要问题;最后提出了MSTP在农电接入网中的方案设计,以期对我国当前MSTP在农电接入网中的应用有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国经济的高速发展带动了城市化的快速发展,面对城市发展进程中的诸多压力,科学地做好城市规划和设计成为当务之急。城市的空间弹性蕴含在城市开放空间之中,本文通过对城市开放空间各要素的生态设计,以期促进城市空间结构优化,推进生态城市建设的目标。  相似文献   

开源正成为新一代人工智能发展的全球趋势。本文从开源政策、开源组织、开源基础设施三个方面,基于典型实践案例,总结了国外人工智能开源生态的运营模式和主要特征。研究发现,欧美等发达国家的人工智能开源生态已进入到一个元素基本完整、运营基本顺畅的发展阶段,并通过所有权中立、社区治理专业化、顶尖企业引领、商业模式创新等方式实现开源生态的可持续运营。建议围绕打造良好的人工智能开源政策环境、推动开源组织有序分工合作、夯实开源基础设施等方面,进一步完善我国人工智能开源生态。  相似文献   

廖颖 《时代经贸》2012,(10):5-6
近年来开放存取出版模式因其信息传播的即时性与学术资源的开放性得到了业界广泛关注,其质量评价也成为本领域研究热点。在此背景下,对开放存取期刊质量的同行审议评价法、引文分析评价法和网络计量评价法的利弊作了阐述,提出加强和改进评价工作的对策。  相似文献   

In recent years a group of researchers at Cambridge (UK) have (re)introduced conceptions of open and closed systems into economics. In doing so they have employed these categories in ways that, in my assessment, both facilitate a significant critique of current disciplinary practices and also point to more fruitful ways of proceeding. In an issue of this journal, Andrew Mearman has advanced three criticisms of the Cambridge position which, if valid, would seriously undermine this assessment. Below I defend the Cambridge position against Mearman's criticisms.  相似文献   

叶堂林 《经济经纬》2004,(5):95-98,147
开放经济条件下我国农业如何发展日益成为社会各界关注的焦点。对我国农业国内外竞争环境的公平性的定量分析说明,我国农业与国外农业及非农产业之间的竞争具有不公平性。我们应尽快采取相应的对策,改善我国农业的竞争环境,促进农业的发展。  相似文献   

郑琴琴 《经济管理》2007,(21):37-40
在开放市场条件下,我国本土专业服务企业如何实现持续发展是一个非常值得思考的问题。本文分析了我国专业服务企业的发展现状以及所面临的发展障碍,对我国本土专业服务企业的定位和成长路径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

笔者通过对开放经济条件下财政政策有效性检验变量的确立,借助协整和因果检验方法,考察了财政政策整体及其构成措施的效力,并根据其表现和特点概括出现阶段我国财政政策执行的效果和原则。  相似文献   

开源经济是基于开源软件基础上发展起来的一种新的生产方式,它之所以受到学界的关注是因为开源经济对现有的西方经济学理论提出了严峻的挑战:参与者利己与利他双重行为倾向违背了西方经济学的经济人假设;开源经济的生产组织方式和治理机制相比传统企业制度在某些方面表现出显著的高效性;开源软件生产克服了公共物品供给的难题等。但是,开源经济与马克思主义的社会主义经济学却具有很强的一致性。开源经济的研究对于在现时检验和发展马克思主义经济学具有重要的理论价值。  相似文献   

Building on early advances in development economics, the theoretical construct of new economic geography asserts that geography plays a crucial role in educational human capital accumulation. Based on this expectation, this study investigates the impact of market access on provincial human capital accumulation in Turkey. Results indicate that market access matters for understanding why some regions lag behind others in terms of average years of schooling. Our results are robust to the inclusion of spatial mechanisms, different specifications of the spatial weight matrix, endogeneity and alternative measurements of market access and to a host of other factors that affect regional human capital accumulation.  相似文献   

何郁冰  曾益 《技术经济》2012,(12):28-32,67
从开放式创新的概念、动因及模式出发,对开放式创新与企业竞争优势间关系的理论研究、实证研究进行述评,并指出现有研究对管理实践的启示、存在的不足以及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

曹颖  张米尔  田丹 《技术经济》2012,(10):19-24
分析了软件企业组织间合作创新的过程。研究表明:获取外部组织间流动的知识是企业成功创新的关键;深度的外部组织网络的合作和管理能为企业创新提供知识和资源;广度的组织合作关系有利于企业发现新技术和新市场。  相似文献   

开放经济下货币政策国际传导机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对在开放经济条件下,以货币供应量、利率、汇率为载体进行的货币政策的国际传导机制进行了深入剖析。认为货币政策在国际间的传导方式是公开的,其对他国货币政策的影响是间接的、双向的。这就要求货币当局在制定和实施货币政策时必须考虑国际经济因素的影响,也促使各国在货币政策上进行协调与合作,以尽可能地保证一国货币政策目标的实现和共同福利的最大化。  相似文献   

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