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剧情回放   乔致庸在发现通顺店胡麻油掺假之后,意识到包头复字号的危局是冰冻三尺非一日之寒.经过明察暗访,他发现各店不守店规、任用私人、店大欺客等弊端甚多,积习已久.针对这些情况,乔致庸决定大刀阔斧地进行变革.他召集各店掌柜,清理门户,将几位大掌柜依据犯下的错误都给予了相应的处分;修改多年沿用的店规,准许出徒的伙计顶一厘身股,且身股随着工龄相应递增;在大家的积极参与下,革新店规二十一条.   ……  相似文献   

剧情回放   在太原赶考时曾和乔致庸有过数面之缘的穷秀才孙茂才,在得知乔家有难来投奔乔家帮忙.乔致庸一躬到地“茂才兄专程而来,必有好主意能救乔家渡过这一劫!“孙茂才道:“留我陪你也行,不过是要付银子的!可怜茂才,今年乡试又名落孙山,想来想去,只好改弦易辙,来商家帮闲,挣几两银子活命.“乔致庸问他要多少银子,茂才一年要3000两.乔致庸大笑:“读书人做了县令,一年俸禄加上皇上奖赏的养廉银,也不过区区几百两,你怎么要这么多银子?“茂才站起:“既如此,在下告辞!“乔致庸早觉得孙茂才是个奇才,拦住他:“只要乔家能渡过眼前这一劫,到了年底,我给你3000两银子!“   ……  相似文献   

精彩台词   就这么一条茶路,从武夷山贩茶到蒙古的恰克图的茶路,已经断了4年.这4年里,不光水家元家因此损失了上百万两的银子,连那条茶路上制茶、运茶为生的茶农也都没有了生路,就连朝廷也因此损失了大概几十万两的税银.这么一条茶路,为国为民为已,是不是都应该有人去把它重新疏通呢?--乔致庸   ……  相似文献   

剧情回放   乔致庸从一个叫花子身上偶然买到一张百年商路地图,潜心研究后发现因太平军起义而封锁多年的茶路蕴藏着巨大商机.乔致庸不顾家人的强烈反对,将乔家生意全部抵押,带着各商家不怀好意的股银南下前往产茶胜地武夷山.虽然在南下途中困难重重,九死一生,但乔致庸还是带着为各家采办的茶叶回到了祁县.随后,乔致庸又北上恰克图贩茶,直到中俄边境,凭借着“义、信、利“和俄国商人签订了长期合作贸易合同.至此,南至武夷山,北到恰克图的这条封锁多年的茶路被乔致庸疏通,千万茶农也因此得救.   ……  相似文献   

剧情回放   朝廷海防捐派至祁县,要求各家商号每个商铺不得少于50两银子,祁县商家水家元家和邱家联络乔致庸一起抗捐.然乔致庸却尽其所有,每个商铺捐1000两,超过起捐数的20倍,并锣鼓喧天地把银子送到县衙门口.有了他的表率,全县各个商家也纷纷慷慨解囊.   ……  相似文献   

剧情回放   乔家复字号名下通顺店卖的胡麻油掺假,乔致庸怒极,当即命令通顺店掌柜伙计去柜上算账辞号.为挽回商誉,复又命顾天顺和通顺店李掌柜连夜写出告示,贴遍包头城,说明通顺号掺假事宜,并将掺假的胡麻油以每斤一文的价钱卖作灯油.同时,凡是近期到通顺店买过胡麻油的顾客,都可以去店里全额退银子,并可以低价购买不掺假的胡麻油,以示赔罪之意.   ……  相似文献   

一个刊物只有定位明确了,明白它是办给谁看的,才能谈怎样办好这份刊物。对现在的一些创业中心刊物而言,应该更多的去了解创业者的关注点是什么,抓住了创业者的心,也才能贯注给讨物以真正的灵魂。  相似文献   

The authors have distinguished between two broad types of research: studies dedicated to development and testing of theoretical explanations and studies seeking to generalize observed effects to settings of interest. Winer (1999 [this issue]) argues that the goal of making research conducted by marketing academics more relevant can be served by coupling theory studies with effects studies. Outcomes observed in the former type of study would gain external validity from the latter. While this notion has much intuitive appeal, the authors believe it is flawed. Generalizing the effects obtained in theory testing research by conducting additional effects studies using realistic data, such as scanner data, fails to take into account that theoretical explanation is not inherent in any set of data. An alternative view is offered in this article in which theoretical explanation serves as the basis for solving real-world problems and is the appropriate focus of business school education. Bobby J. Calder, Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Pennsylvania. His current empirical research is in two areas: (1) detecting theoretically meaningful patterns across separate individual behaviors and (2) explaining attitudinal affect in terms of emotions. In addition, he has a continuing interest in meta-methodological issues. He teaches the BMA consumer behavior course at Kellogg and various executive program sessions on developing marketing strategies based on an understanding of consumers. Alice M. Tybout, Harold T. Martin Professor of Marketing, received her Ph.D. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. Her research explores how people process, categorize, and use information in consumer decision making. She also has written about philosophical and methodological issues related to the domain and conduct of scientific research. At the Kellogg School, she teaches the introductory course on marketing management to MBA students and serves as faculty for a variety of executive education courses. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Marketing Association and a former trustee of the Marketing Science Institute.  相似文献   

近年来,个人理财业务在我国金融市场中得到了快速的发展,使该业务成为了商业银行新的利润增长点.根据我国商业银行业务现状,结合香港的个人理财服务之鉴,分析国内理财业务存在的问题,提出对策建议.  相似文献   

本文运用向量自回归模型(VAR模型)对我国国民收入、居民消费和资本形成总额之间的动态关系进行实证分析,结果表明:投资和居民消费的增加在短期能够带动经济的增长,但是从长期来看投资和居民消费对经济增长的贡献不明显。同时,投资能带动居民消费水平的提高,但是消费增加在拉动投资方面并未收到显著效果。因此,要实现三者的协调发展,既要要控制投资过快增长,转变经济增长方式,提高投资效率;又要培育和巩固消费热点,扩大消费需求。  相似文献   

过去的经历让我们眼高很正常,还会显得有水平,有能力,不论眼有多高,反正还有基层群众干活.一旦角色转换,不但要保持眼高,还要动手时,才发现一大堆问题蜂拥而至.眼高会让人觉得虚妄,手低会让人感到弱智,这道人生的坎,挡住过许多一时半会热血沸腾的人.他们几乎什么都懂,什么道理也不用讲,但他们必须重新学会动手,脚踏实地地动手.……  相似文献   

信用活动中,筹资者为获取收益往往要花费一定成本、承担一定风险,资信越好的筹资者能以较小风险筹集到更多低成本资金;决定筹资者能否获得信用支持的主要因素是筹资者的经济规模、经济结构以及由此决定的市场竞争力;投资者为获取收益也要花费必要成本并面临诸多风险;信用短缺不仅使微观经济主体受损,更会使整个社会经济交易成本上升、交易规模下降、社会资源闲置,甚至会诱发金融危机.  相似文献   

Corporate brands are strategic assets for organizations, but it is difficult to understand the value added by corporate brand name changes because they often occur simultaneously with business restructuring initiatives. The authors test a framework that delineates the informational relationship between corporate name changes and business restructuring initiatives. The hypothesis is tested on a sample of jointly announced corporate name changes and business restructuring initiatives. The results show that jointly announced corporate name changes and business restructuring are significantly more informative than the sum of their individual effects. The results further suggest that the information complementarity arises because corporate brand name changes resolve uncertainty and help in coordinating business restructuring initiatives. The results do not support the view that corporate brand name changes are cosmetic and/or primarily signals for business restructuring. The study offers a promising research foundation for understanding the value of marketing actions announced jointly with other corporate events.  相似文献   

国际国内市场竞争的实质是产品质量竞争,而产品质量的提高与质量成本的提高具有密切关系。质量成本是指将产品质量保持在规定的水平上所需的费用,它包括预防成本,鉴定成本,内部损失成本和外部损失成本,实施对质量成本管理和控制是使企业在某一阶段达到质量水平与质量成本平衡的的有效质量成本管理活动。  相似文献   

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