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FDI、人力资本积累与经济增长   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
代谦  别朝霞 《经济研究》2006,41(4):15-27
本文在一个两国内生增长模型中研究了发达国家FDI产业选择与发展中国家经济增长和技术进步问题。本文分析表明,发达国家FDI产业的选择依赖于发展中国家的技术能力和竞争能力,发展中国家技术能力和竞争能力越强,发达国家则倾向于将更多更先进的产业转移到发展中国家;FDI能否给发展中国家带来技术进步和经济增长依赖于发展中国家的人力资本积累,只有辅之以较快速度的人力资本积累,FDI才能给发展中国家带来技术进步和经济增长。因此,普及和改善教育、提高国民的人力资本水平应该成为发展中国家提高自身技术能力、吸引FDI、促进技术进步和经济增长的核心政策。  相似文献   

毛剑峰 《经济师》2001,(12):75-76
文章借助传统的发展中国家发展对外直接投资的理论 ,提出我国的中小型跨国公司对外直接投资时 ,在与发达国家的大型跨国公司竞争中所取得的小规模市场优势、技术创新优势及信息优势 ,并用静态和动态的数学模型作了具体解释 ;从宏观的角度对我国发展对外直接投资的比较优势作了简要的说明  相似文献   

一、经济的全球化对发展中国家的机遇和挑战 1.经济全球化给发展中国家带来的机遇.一是经济全球化为发展中国家提供了更多吸引外资、技术的条件和机会,有助于解决发展中国家的资金短缺和技术落后问题.二是经济全球化为发展中国家对外直接投资创造了外部环境和条件,促进了发展中国家跨国公司的发展,使其世界市场的竞争力逐渐增强.三是有利于发展中国家根据市场的需要,不断调整和优化产业结构和出口商品结构,加快高新技术产业的发展,促进产业结构调整和优化.  相似文献   

赵军现 《经济论坛》2006,(15):55-56
一、经济的全球化对发展中国家的机遇和挑战 1.经济全球化给发展中国家带来的机遇。一是经济全球化为发展中国家提供了更多吸引外资、技术的条件和机会,有助于解决发展中国家的资金短缺和技术落后问题。二是经济全球化为发展中国家对外直接投资创造了外部环境和条件,促进了发展中国家跨国公司的发展,使其世界市场的竞争力逐渐增强。三是有利于发展中国家根据市场的需要,不断调整和优化产业结构和出口商品结构,加快高新技术产业的发展,促进产业结构调整和优化。  相似文献   

邹玉娟 《经济问题》2008,(4):105-108
近年来越来越多的研究发现,处于技术劣势的发展中国家跨国公司正逐渐把对外直接投资作为在国际上寻求技术优势的有力工具和手段.发展中国家跨国公司通过对发达国家的对外直接投资,可以利用东道国的技术资源优势获得逆向技术转移,并向母国返流和传递,进而促进母国企业、产业和国家整体技术水平的提升.积极利用技术寻求型对外直接投资进行技术学习和逆向技术转移,是发展中国家跨国企业在经济全球化形势下的一种适宜选择.  相似文献   

90年代以来,对外直接投资的格局发生了极大变化。许多发展中国家和新兴的工业国积极参加国际分工,对外输出资本,海外直接投资出现了发达国家之间、发展中国家之间、发达国家与发展中国家之间相互投资的交叉格局。中国要顺应世界经济潮流,利用国际投资格局中产业结构,技术结构和消费结构的差异,发挥本国优势对外直接投资,选择正确的投向至关重要。本文结合我国优势和若干国家、地区的经济特点和发展战略,对如何选择投资地区、行业谈些浅见。  相似文献   

技术进步在经济增长中的作用,正随着市场化、工业化和经济全球化而越发重要。在对外投资过程中出现的技术转移,一般是投资国利用其技术优势,通过投资行为向东道国实施先进技术转移。这种现象多发生在发达国家对发展中国家的投资行为当中,我们称之为正向技术转移。然而,随着发展中国家从事对外投资活动的逐渐增多,投资者通过对外投资项目,吸引和学习东道国有关先进技术也是一种技术转移方式。这种现象多发生在发展中国家对外投资行为中,我们称之为逆向技术转移。在这些技术转移中,技术进步收益者在通过投资利益本身直接获取技术核心…  相似文献   

在国际产业转移的背景下,我国承接国际产业转移呈现新趋势:承接产业由劳动、资本密集型产业向资本、技术密集型产业发展,对外直接投资(ODI)、外商直接投资(FDI)和离岸外包成为产业转移的主要路径,产业转移由垂直分工向垂直与水平复合型分工方式发展。我国在承接国际产业转移的过程中应更加积极,由被动地接受边缘产业或环节向主动"走出去"转变。同时,做好基础设施建设和加大人才培养力度;进一步提高行业的市场竞争力,避免海外高新技术在我国市场形成垄断;重视独立自主研发,提高在产业链分工中的地位。  相似文献   

如同国际贸易的进口与出口,FDI流入与流出也存在密切联系。一个国家FDI流入,外国企业流动的所有权优势与本国不可流动的区位优势互补,这有利于该国比较优势的充分利用;反过来,一个国家FDI流出,该国企业的所有权优势与其它国家的区位优势相结合,也有利于该国福利水平的提高。从FDI流入与流出规模和结构分析,我国FDI发展还存在一些问题。在经济全球化不断深入的条件下,为了充分利用国内外资源、促进经济增长方式的转变和企业国际竞争力的提高,我国应加快发展对外直接投资,促进引进外资和对外直接投资协调发展。  相似文献   

赵彦普 《经济师》2002,(12):89-90
文章分析了FDI的现状及存在问题。提高FDI质量是进一步吸引外商投资的基础。经济全球化和信息技术发展使区域成为实现国家工业化和获取国家竞争优势的核心力量 ,经济本地化为吸引外资提供了较大的空间 ,区域经济持续发展需要外商直接投资 ,也需要区域创新环境的支持 ,而外商直接投资会对环境提出更高要求 ,推动区域创新环境建设 ,反过来又刺激了外商直接投资。  相似文献   

Inflows of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Technological Development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper explores the effects of inflows of foreign technology on technological development in developing countries. It evaluates the existing literature exploring this issue and indicates directions for further research. In particular, it is argued that the implications of the theory of foreign direct investment (the dominant channel of international technology transfer) for technological development have not been fully explored. Dynamic analyses of technology transfer that accommodate the salient features of developing countries have also begun to appear only recently. Further work along these lines is likely to yield rich dividends.  相似文献   

中印ODI的发展阶段和本土技术进步效应比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据Dunning的对外投资五阶段理论和国际生产折衷理论(OLI理论),比较中国和印度两个发展中大国ODI所处的发展阶段;根据两国1984年到2006年间对外投资增长率、劳动力增长率和技术进步增长率方面的数据,检验上述三个变量之间的关系,得出中国和印度的ODI是本土技术进步的原因、但是在作用程度和时滞方面却存在差别的结论.  相似文献   

全球经济大变局背景下,中国“走出去”企业的全球优化布局对逆向技术溢出效应有效发挥至关重要。基于技术势差视角构建“走出去”企业与当地企业间的技术扩散吸收模型,探究OFDI逆向技术溢出的发生机理,并以2005—2019年78个经济体为样本,对理论命题进行验证。结果发现,中国OFDI能够对本土企业技术进步产生逆向技术溢出效应,但存在时滞性和阈值效应:当国际技术势差过大时,“走出去”企业难以通过技术扩散获取新技术,无法实现对国内企业的技术反哺;只有当中国与东道国的TFP比值处于合理区间时,才存在显著逆向技术溢出效应。此外,加快技术积累和其它渠道的国际技术溢出也是推动本土企业技术进步的重要途径。  相似文献   

本文从发展中国家整体与中国个体两个层面,对发展中国家对外直接投资和母国技术进步的关系的国内外研究文献进行了梳理,从理论和实证方面分别对对外直接投资影响母国技术进步的动力、机理及效应进行了归纳。最后,提出一个有关对外直接投资影响母国技术进步的分析框架。  相似文献   

胡日东  衣长军 《经济地理》2006,26(2):280-283
小规模技术理论是当前发展中国家和地区境外直接投资的主要理论之一。根据小规模技术理论,福建民营企业在境外直接投资中,具有独特的竞争优势,文章着重分析福建民营企业境外直接投资的产业与区域组合战略、集群化发展、投资方式与政府扶持战略等。  相似文献   

Using data from 24 OECD countries, we find that the relationship between a country's R&D investment and technological advantage in a sector (measured by the country's labor productivity of the sector relative to the rest of the world) is non-monotonic. In particular, for countries whose technology levels are much lower or higher than the rest of the world in a sector, their sectoral R&D investment declines as their advantages in the sector improve; for counties with middle technology levels, the opposite is true. Extending the Eaton and Kortum framework, we develop a static model to theoretically analyze the relationship between R&D investment and technological advantages. We show that when the research efficiency in a sector is sufficiently elastic with respect to the sectoral technological advantage, a country's R&D investment increases with its technological advantage, and vice versa.  相似文献   

张洺  骆品亮 《技术经济》2023,42(7):94-108
全球价值链(GVC)是经济全球化背景下产业分工演化的的必然结果,双向直接投资(FDI)对GVC的形成和重组发挥了重要的作用。本文首先从GVC增加值、GVC参与度、GVC生产长度和GVC位置四个维度来描述GVC重构。之后基于国别层面数据检验了双向直接投资对GVC重构的影响,主要发现为:对外直接投资(OFDI)对母国GVC参与度的提高和GVC链条的延长均起到了显著促进作用;但外商直接投资(IFDI)并未对东道国GVC链条的延伸起到显著的促进作用。最后针对国别异质性的检验发现:OFDI显著提升了发达国家的GVC位置,但对发展中国家GVC的影响并不显著;相反,IFDI对发展中国家GVC参与度的提高和GVC链条的延伸起到了显著促进作用。本文研究结果对发展中国家在GVC重构中实现产业链升级具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between 3D printing technology, the volume of trade, and the structure of foreign direct investment (FDI). We present a standard trade model with firm-specific heterogeneity into which we include 3D printing as a technology choice for foreign direct investment. The model generates three predictions. First, 3D printers are introduced in areas with high economic activity that face high transport costs. Second, technological progress in 3D printing leads to FDI dependent on traditional techniques gradually being replaced by FDI based on 3D printing. Third, with wider adoption, further technological progress in 3D printing leads to a gradual replacement of international trade. Empirical evidence focusing on the sectors with the highest rates of adoption supports the first hypothesis, while evidence from a case study supports the second and third. Our results suggest that the traditional strategy of poor countries for export-led industrialization is threatened by the widespread adoption of 3D printing that replaces international trade.  相似文献   

There is an increasing trend for interconnections between all nations of the world owing to the widespread globalization of industrial production, inputs sourcing and outputs marketing. A further reason is the raised awareness of global consequences, resulting from natural resources depletion and apparently localized environmental degradation activities by industries. Much of this ever-growing and complex interdependence has been possible as a result of a host of unprecedented technologial achievements in the past few deades, which have enabled industrial enterprises in developed countries to accomplish an increased degree of flexibility, through automated manufacturing, to combine economies of sale, through process standardization, with economies of scope, through product differentiation, and to acheive quicker response times to customers7apos; prefernces and market demands. Simultaneously, in most developing countries, there is also an observable undercurrent of deregulation, privatization or corporatization, and open international market competition for industrial development. In this present era of new internationalism, technology management has become one of the main strategic priorities, because it provides the vital factor underpinning the survival and prosperity of industrial enterprises everywhere. Hence, given the recognition that the key competitive advantage in the international market-place nowadays is the ability of an enterprise continuously to introduce technological innovations faster than others, the need for endogenous technology capacity building can hardly be overmphasized. This paper presents a general framework for the development of a set of technology indicators which could be useful for assesing industrial investment projects funded by an international or national development finance institutino. The framework attempts to integrate business and technology strategies particularly in the context of developing countries. Starting with consideration of the unique characteristics of technolgoy at the firm level, and using a systems analysis approach to the market structure, possible strategic mixed are determined by considering four business stratetgies—price, value, niche and green leadership—and four technology strategies—technology leader, follower, exploiter and extender. The necessary considerations for a technological capability enhancement and palusible technology strategy rogression path are also discussed for different development conditions. The analytical measures presented in this paper are focused on such important aspects as the degree of technology component sophistication, the level of technology capability advancement, the status of technology infrasturcture building, and the dynamism of technology climate, all of which could be used for investment project review and appraisal undertaken by iunternational and national development finance institutions.  相似文献   

There is an increasing trend for interconnections between all nations of the world owing to the widespread globalization of industrial production, inputs sourcing and outputs marketing. A further reason is the raised awareness of global consequences, resulting from natural resources depletion and apparently localized environmental degradation activities by industries. Much of this ever-growing and complex interdependence has been possible as a result of a host of unprecedented technologial achievements in the past few deades, which have enabled industrial enterprises in developed countries to accomplish an increased degree of flexibility, through automated manufacturing, to combine economies of sale, through process standardization, with economies of scope, through product differentiation, and to acheive quicker response times to customers7apos; prefernces and market demands. Simultaneously, in most developing countries, there is also an observable undercurrent of deregulation, privatization or corporatization, and open international market competition for industrial development. In this present era of new internationalism, technology management has become one of the main strategic priorities, because it provides the vital factor underpinning the survival and prosperity of industrial enterprises everywhere. Hence, given the recognition that the key competitive advantage in the international market-place nowadays is the ability of an enterprise continuously to introduce technological innovations faster than others, the need for endogenous technology capacity building can hardly be overmphasized. This paper presents a general framework for the development of a set of technology indicators which could be useful for assesing industrial investment projects funded by an international or national development finance institutino. The framework attempts to integrate business and technology strategies particularly in the context of developing countries. Starting with consideration of the unique characteristics of technolgoy at the firm level, and using a systems analysis approach to the market structure, possible strategic mixed are determined by considering four business stratetgies—price, value, niche and green leadership—and four technology strategies—technology leader, follower, exploiter and extender. The necessary considerations for a technological capability enhancement and palusible technology strategy rogression path are also discussed for different development conditions. The analytical measures presented in this paper are focused on such important aspects as the degree of technology component sophistication, the level of technology capability advancement, the status of technology infrasturcture building, and the dynamism of technology climate, all of which could be used for investment project review and appraisal undertaken by iunternational and national development finance institutions.  相似文献   

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