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借鉴国外校企合作经验 推动我国高职教育发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
校企合并发展高职教育是通过生产、产教的合作,培养出理论与实践、专业知识的职业技能并重的企业一线所需人才的一种教学模式。认真研究发达国家校企合作发展高职教育的特点和成功经验,对推动我国高职教育的发展,尤其是促进培养合格的高等职业技术人才大有裨益。  相似文献   

张春侠  司丽华 《经济研究导刊》2013,(11):224-225,245
通过对通识教育、自由教育、通才教育、专业教育、素质教育、思想政治教育概念和内涵进行梳理,分析了通识教育与相关概念的关系。认为通识教育源于古希腊的自由教育思想,是实施通才教育的重要途径。通识教育遵循与专业教育并行不悖的原则,致力于对学生综合素质和能力的培养目标,这与我国的素质教育和思想政治教育的培养理念和目标上相契合。  相似文献   

钱伟长对大学教育目标的认识在于强调创新精神和创新能力的培养,创新教育能够促进创新人才的全面发展.为了探索人才培养的新模式,培养出适合21世纪发展需要的新型人才,文章从上海大学机自学院的教学实践出发,在学院各种创新实践活动基础上,探析在钱伟长教育理念指引下的创新人才培养的新模式.  相似文献   

教育在我国人才素质培养中起着举足轻重的地位。尤其是科学进步的快速发展,能够紧跟时代的步伐,这就要求会计教育能够培养出素质更高的会计人才。文章从怎样培养高素质的会计人才入手确立终身教育理念,根据个人的专业知识和个人工作能力的胜任结合来培养高素质的会计人才。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个继往开来,竞争激烈,优胜劣汰,蓬勃发展的新世纪。作为“五育”之首的思想政治课教育的取向应是:坚持思想政治课的德育性,培养学生健全的人格;注重思想政治课的实践性,培养学生的自学能力;挖掘思想政治课的创造性,培养学生的创新能力:打好新世纪人才的素质基础,培养出高质量的人才。  相似文献   

自19世纪下半叶引入新式学堂制度以来,中国的教育改革已经走过100多年的沧桑历史,众多的志士仁人对中国的教育问题进行了深入的思考,其中不乏偏激的批判和否定,也有中肯的针砭与建议,还有大胆的探索及实践。教学内容上从传统的人文知识的单纯传授,转变为强调科学知识的重点学习。培养目的也从单一的治国人才的培养,扩展为科技人才、军事人才、对外交流人才、法律人才等多元化建设性人才的培养。社会对于各界人才的需求及大众对于受教育的需求都前所未有地增加,整体教育水平和质量也极大提高。这一切都说明了中国教育的进步和成…  相似文献   

教育是人类社会发展的一个永恒主题,它主要通过对人的培养而服务于一定的社会。教育涉及千家万户,影响社会的安定稳定,关系国家的兴旺发达和民族的繁荣昌盛,在综合国力的形成中处于基础地位,在现代化建设中具有先导性、全局性的作用。科教兴省,教育为本;人才强省,教育为先。建设海峡西岸经济区,  相似文献   

刘昌华 《发展研究》2007,(11):103-104
教育是社会主义现代化建设的基础,是培养人的一项社会活动.为了使高校培养的人才能够适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,高校教育必须辨证统一地处理好几项关系.  相似文献   

技术创新对人力资源政策的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才是任何创新的灵魂。如果缺乏具有创新意识和创新能力的人才,创新政策则建立在脆弱的基础之上。如何大量培养各个层次胜任各个不同领域工作的人才,创造出人们可以发挥才能和积极性的环境应该是一个国家技术创新政策的重要组成部分。技术创新政策应当包括相应的教育政策人的创新意识和能力培养非一朝一夕之功,从小学起的十几年学校教育对人的创新意识和能力培养有关键作用。1.改进基础教育多年来,我国的教育专家不停地指出我国的教育体制没有把培养学生创新意识和创新能力作为教育目标之一,客观上的应试教育培养了大量擅长背书和应…  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,所需要的会计人才也是越来越多,当然,对人才的要求也是越来越高。可是由于我国的教育体制以及教育方法都不够完善,仍然存在弊端,所以培养出来的会计专业的学生都是和社会脱节的,学到的理论知识根本无法运用。所以一定要对现在的会计教育制度进行改革,让会计教育能够与实务有效合理的对接,这样才能够为社会培养出需要的人才。  相似文献   

教育经费投入不足一直是困扰中国教育事业发展的重大问题。随着中国义务教育免费政策的出台与实施,教育公平的推进和义务教育质量的提高,义务教育的建设与发展需要更多的资金投入。而中国逐年增长的教育经费很难满足目前义务教育的需要。因此,从义务教育经费的缺口分析入手,提出发行教育公债是解决义务教育经费投入不足的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):252-263
This article studies educational inequalities in China by measuring both educational attainment and educational expectations using the 2010 nationally representative data from the China Family Panel Study. We find that educational inequalities have increased over the past several decades, and these inequalities are mainly reflected in the widening gaps in higher education between rural and urban residents. This is true for both educational attainment and expectations. Because parental education level is another significant factor affecting both educational attainment and expectations, imminent measures are needed to stop the vicious cycle of translating existing educational inequalities into larger inequalities in later generations.  相似文献   

Authoritarianism is regarded as being unaccountable for people's needs, but few studies have documented how authoritarian countries balance their policy goals. China is known to use a promotion system to incentivize local leaders to develop the economy, while neglecting social spending. This paper documents that more leaders having a liberal arts background have been promoted as top provincial leaders. After carefully ruling out other channels, we provide evidence that the shift of top provincial leaders’ college educational backgrounds from science/technology to liberal arts/social science has increased fiscal expenditure shares on science, education, culture and public health and cut economic construction expenditures accordingly. The finding is mainly driven by the post‐1994 period, when local leaders had stronger incentives for economic growth. This indicates that Chinese top authorities are promoting more pro‐social local leaders when providing pro‐growth incentives in general.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the distribution of education in terms of quality and quantity in Brazilian municipalities during the first decade of 2000 to investigate how educational improvement was distributed to municipalities with different levels of income and education. Given the considerable educational heterogeneity and the lack of studies at the municipal level, the aim is to contribute to this debate by (1) applying the pro‐poor growth measurement methodology to indicators of educational quantity and quality (2) using the Brazilian municipalities as units of analysis, and (3) conducting estimations using the Growth Incidence Curve. The results indicate that there was an improvement in the quantity and quality of education and that, on average, educational growth can be considered pro‐poor.  相似文献   

I calculate education Gini coefficients and decompose the overall degree of educational inequality into age, sex, and within‐group components for 171 countries from 1970 to 2010. Doing so enables me to analyze the distributional outcomes of educational expansion. I use South Asia as a case study, as the education distribution in the region is among the most unequal in the world. Generally, educational inequality is decreasing over the observed sample period around the globe. Yet, as improvements are initiated by enhancing the educational opportunities of the young, the gap between cohorts widens in transition phases but vanishes thereafter. Gaps between the sexes are reduced substantially, but widen if either males or females are the first to enter higher education levels. Also, gaps within population subgroups follow a similar trajectory. Instead of a Kuznets‐curve relation, I thus find evidence for educational inequality to evolve in waves as education expands.  相似文献   

试论教育管理实践中的交易成本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育运行同社会经济运行一样,是需要成本的。教育制度的运行,社会、学校和个体在教育中扮演不同的角色,并形成各具特色的交易成本,主要体现在教育中制度框架本身的形成成本和制度框架下各种具体教育行为所需成本。本文在分析教育交易成本的基础上,分别论述了教育制度成本以及教育制度运行中的社会的、学校的和个体的教育交易成本,进而建议在教育管理实践中重视运用交易成本。  相似文献   

关于教育与就业关系的一个理论模型及实证检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we divide the process of educational development into two aspects: the change in educational structure and the expansion of educational scale. Based on this hypothesis, we analyze the relationships between each of the two aspects and employment respectively. In this paper, the factors and the transmission mechanism of the influence that education has on employment are also explained. Then, the theoretical models of the relationship between education and employment are built up. Finally, we use the empirical data collected in China to test the theoretical models and give explanations to the status quo of the unemployment structure within various educational levels. It suggests that: the development of education in China at present is beneficial to the increase in the employment rate, the increase in the proportion of the laborers with junior school education has negative effects on employment, and the development of higher education creates positive effects on the employment, but no evidence shows any significant correlation between the proportion of the laborers with senior high school education and the unemployment rate. Translated from Xin Zhengzhi Jingjixue Pinglun 新政治经济学评论 (Review of New Political Economy), 2006, 2(1): 46–69  相似文献   

Most studies of intergenerational mobility focus on adjacent generations, and there is limited knowledge about multigenerational mobility—status transmission across three generations. We examine multigenerational educational and occupational mobility in India, using a nationally representative data set the India Human Development Survey that contains information about education and occupation for three generations. We find that mobility has increased over generations for education, but not for occupation. We also find that there are stark differences across social groups, with individuals belonging to socially disadvantaged communities lagging behind in social progress. Multigenerational mobility for Muslims in education and occupation has decreased in comparison to Hindus over the three generations. While we find that there is an increase in educational mobility for other disadvantaged groups such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes compared to General Castes, we do not find evidence of increased occupational mobility over the three generations.  相似文献   

Understanding the economic integration of minority ethnic communities requires an analysis of the educational process. This paper examines second‐generation immigrant youths’ educational attainments in comparison with those of similarly aged native Swedes. Binomial‐logit, grouped‐regression and multinomial‐logit models are applied to longitudinal data, 1991–1996. The results give evidence for socioeconomic determinants of post‐compulsory education and for parental influence on educational choices. Parental income affects second‐generation immigrants’ post‐compulsory education and Swedes’ choice of level of education. In general, the stronger the labour market positions of the parents, the higher the probability of the children continuing education. It is also found that the geographical origin of second‐generation immigrants matter, with youths of Asian origin having a higher probability of continuing their education. We suggest policy changes on different levels based on the evidence of the paper, as short‐run, long‐run and in general.  相似文献   

The paper constructs a general equilibrium model of education which is distinguished by a ‘job ladder’ or sticky wages, combined with the assumption that educated labor is preferred over uneducated labor, i.e. per a ‘fairness-in-hiring’ rule, when there is excess demand for jobs at given wages. This theory of education, considered to be relevant to liberal arts education in underdeveloped countries, is contrasted with the human capital doctrine and the Arrow-Spence screening theories. The analysis is mainly focused on examining the social inefficiency properties of the educational process captured in the model constructed.  相似文献   

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