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Consider a sequence of random points placed on the nonnegative integers with i.i.d. geometric (1/2) interpoint spacings y i . Let x i denote the numbers of points placed at integer i . We prove a central limit theorem for the partial sums of the sequence x 0 y 0, x 1 y 1, . . . The problem is connected with a question concerning different bootstrap procedures.  相似文献   

We provide a new central limit theorem (CLT) for spatial processes under weak conditions that are plausible for many economic applications in which location is endogenous. In particular, our CLT is designed for problems that have some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: (i) Agents choose the locations of observations to maximize profits, welfare, or some other objective. (ii) The objects that are chosen (e.g., stores or brands) interact with one another. For example, they can be substitutes or complements. (iii) Interaction can be complex. In particular, interaction between i and j need not depend only on the distance between the locations of i and j, but can also depend on distance to or location of other observations k, or possibly on the number of other such observations.  相似文献   

本文基于中心极限定理模型,对终身寿险的给付问题,利用精算现值的基础理论给出了解决方案;对于集体决策优于个体决策问题,给出了结论成立的充分必要条件。  相似文献   

We consider Grenander‐type estimators for a monotone function , obtained as the slope of a concave (convex) estimate of the primitive of λ. Our main result is a central limit theorem for the Hellinger loss, which applies to estimation of a probability density, a regression function or a failure rate. In the case of density estimation, the limiting variance of the Hellinger loss turns out to be independent of λ.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish a convergence result for equilibria in systems of social interactions with many locally and globally interacting players. Assuming spacial homogeneity and that interactions between different agents are not too strong, we show that equilibria of systems with finitely many players converge to the unique equilibrium of a benchmark system with infinitely many agents. We prove convergence of individual actions and of average behavior. Our results also apply to a class of interaction games.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,106(2):243-269
This paper considers methods of deriving sufficient conditions for the central limit theorem and functional central limit theorem to hold in a broad class of time series processes, including nonlinear processes and semiparametric linear processes. The common thread linking these results is the concept of near-epoch dependence on a mixing process, since powerful limit results are available under this limited-dependence property. The particular case of near-epoch dependence on an independent process provides a convenient framework for dealing with a range of nonlinear cases, including the bilinear, GARCH, and threshold autoregressive models. It is shown in particular that even SETAR processes with a unit root regime have short memory, under the right conditions. A simulation approach is also demonstrated, applicable to cases that are analytically intractable. A new FCLT is given for semiparametric linear processes, where the forcing processes are of the NED-on-mixing type, under conditions that are evidently close to necessary.  相似文献   

In this short communication, we present a (functional) central limit theorem for the idleness process of a one‐sided reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck proces.  相似文献   

P. Janssen 《Metrika》1981,28(1):35-46
This paper provides the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem and in the strong law of large numbers forvon Mises statistics , based on i.i.d. random variablesX 1 ,..., X N .The proofs rely on a decomposition ofvon Mises statistics into a linear combination ofU-statistics and then use (generalized) results on the convergence rates forU-statistics obtained byGrams/Serfling [1973] andCallaert/Janssen [1978].  相似文献   

Let (X n ) be a sequence of i.i.d random variables and U n a U-statistic corresponding to a symmetric kernel function h, where h 1(x 1) = Eh(x 1, X 2, X 3, . . . , X m ), μ = E(h(X 1, X 2, . . . , X m )) and ? 1 = Var(h 1(X 1)). Denote \({\gamma=\sqrt{\varsigma_{1}}/\mu}\), the coefficient of variation. Assume that P(h(X 1, X 2, . . . , X m ) > 0) = 1, ? 1 > 0 and E|h(X 1, X 2, . . . , X m )|3 < ∞. We give herein the conditions under which
$\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{\log N}\sum_{n=1}^{N}\frac{1}{n}g\left(\left(\prod_{k=m}^{n}\frac{U_{k}}{\mu}\right)^{\frac{1}{m\gamma\sqrt{n}}}\right) =\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}g(x)dF(x)\quad {\rm a.s.}$
for a certain family of unbounded measurable functions g, where F(·) is the distribution function of the random variable \({\exp(\sqrt{2} \xi)}\) and ξ is a standard normal random variable.

Dorfman and Steiner's theorem is trivial with respect to advertising because it deals with only one period. It simply says that a firm should stop with that volume of advertising at which an additional dollar of advertising just produces an additional dollar of net revenue. This note generalizes the theorem to the meaningful multi-period situation in which the effect of advertising is lagged. The optimizing decision rule is to advertise up to the point at which f′(At) = 1 - bd, where A stands for advertising, b for the customer-rentention factor, and d for the cost-of capital discount factor.  相似文献   

The Walras core of an economy is the set of allocations that are attainable for the consumers when their trades are constrained to be based on some agreed price system, such that no alternative price system exists for any sub-coalition that allows all members to trade to something better. As compared with the Edgeworth core, both coalitional improvements and being a candidate allocation for the Walras core become harder. The Walras core may even contain allocations that violate the usual Pareto efficiency. Nevertheless, the competitive allocations are the same under the two theories, and the equal-treatment Walras core allocations converge under general conditions to the competitive allocations in the process of replication.  相似文献   

E. Siebert 《Metrika》1980,27(1):195-202
Summary A theorem ofMüller [1974] on the convergence of statistical experiments on a polish space is extended to the abstract setting of a measurable space. The proof of the main result is remarkably elementary. The paper concludes with a discussion of several examples and counterexamples.  相似文献   

A finitely additive probability measure P defined on a class Σ of subsets of a space Ω is convex-ranged if, for all P(A)>0 and all 0 < α < 1, there exists a set, Σ∋BA, such that P(B)=αP(A).?Our main result shows that, for any two probabilities P and Q, with P convex-ranged and Q countably additive, P=Q whenever there exists a set A∈Σ, with 0 < P(A) < 1, such that (P(A)=P(B)?Q(A)=Q(B)) for all B∈Σ. Received: 18 December 1999 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the asymptotic properties of rolling plans in a multi-sector growth model with time-independent preferences and technology. Assuming that the model under consideration has a unique turnpike towards which all the finite optimal programs bend, the paper shows that, if plans are constantly revised with a fixed but sufficiently long planninghorizon, the resulting growth path converges to a neighborhood of the turnpike.  相似文献   

Anna Lytova  Leonid Pastur 《Metrika》2009,69(2-3):153-172
We consider n × n real symmetric random matrices n ?1/2 W with independent (modulo symmetry condition) entries and the (null) sample covariance matrices n ?1 A T A with independent entries of m × n matrix A. Assuming first that the 4th cumulant (excess) κ 4 of entries of W and A is zero and that their 4th moments satisfy a Lindeberg type condition, we prove that linear statistics of eigenvalues of the above matrices satisfy the central limit theorem (CLT) as n → ∞, m → ∞, ${m/n\rightarrow c\in[0,\infty)}$ with the same variance as for Gaussian matrices if the test functions of statistics are smooth enough (essentially of the class ${\mathbb{C}^5}$ ). This is done by using a simple “interpolation trick”. Then, by using a more elaborated techniques, we prove the CLT in the case of non-zero excess of entries for essentially ${\mathbb{C}^4}$ test function. Here the variance contains additional term proportional to κ 4. The proofs of all limit theorems follow essentially the same scheme.  相似文献   

A note on acceptance sampling for variables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For 60 years acceptance sampling by variables has been recommended as an economic alternative to attribute sampling. Entry in the industrial practice happened after these plans were adopted in 1957 as Military Standard 414 by the US Army. Nowadays a slightly modified version of Mil-Std-414 is known as ANSI/ASQC Z1.9 or as International Standard ISO 3951. In this paper it is shown that the derivation of sampling plans by variables is based on assumptions which don’t hold, that acceptance sampling by variables is inappropriate, and that it doesn’t constitute an alternative to attribute sampling.  相似文献   

Based on a novel extension of existing multivariate Markov-switching models, we provide the reader with a useful tool for analyzing current business conditions and making predictions about the future state of the Euro-area economy in real time. Apart from the Industrial Production Index, we find that the European Commission Industrial Confidence Indicator, which is issued with no delay, is very useful for constructing the real-time predictions.  相似文献   

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