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介绍了电子战武器装备在战争中的地位与作用,分析了目前国内外电子战武器装备的发展现状,同时展望了电子战武器装备的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Prior to spending considerable resources on putting together a meaningful due diligence process, it is imperative for businesspersons to ask some major questions regarding the decision under consideration. What, explicitly, does the company hope to achieve with the transaction? What is the end game and what are the alternatives? Why is the deal better than a greenfield operation or some other business arrangement? If the transaction is to be a joint venture, will the company merely be paying tuition for a formidable competitor? In the West, the diligence team would typically sit in a war room and pore over piles of documents. This will simply not work in China, as much of the documented information is intended to mislead the tax collector or, in the case of a business, the acquirer. Any meaningful understanding of the target will come from re‐creating a representation of the business from scratch using process mapping and modeling techniques based on trusted information. This article is intended to help businesses entering China conduct accurate and meaningful due diligence as they enter a market fraught with pitfalls and cultural nuances with which Westerners may not be familiar. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A “shipping war” has broken out between two friendly neighbouring countries: Estonia (a rather poor land; liberated of Soviet occupation in 1991), and Finland (a wealthy one; independent since 1918). Led by their trade union the Finnish dockers boycott Estonian ships demanding for Estonian sailors the salary in the same range as that is in wealthy West-European countries. Estonian Sailors' Union finds that such a war is not for their better work-conditions but against their working possibilities: the cheap labour force is the only possibility for a poor country to entice foreign investments in it. No matter how the “shipping war” will be solved – the problem will remain. This is the problem of two opposites – cheap labour force of poor countries and expensive one of wealthy countries –, and international enterprises standing between them. Could such an enterprise survive without using the cheap labour force? And if it could, how could the poor countries survive then? Could there be found a clear unambiguous ethical solution? What ought to be the role of trade unions in such international business conflicts?  相似文献   

在现代战争中,雷达和其他探测系统的作用距离和精度都大大提高了,对各种飞行武器的生存能力构成了严重威胁.因此,隐身技术成了80年代重要军事技术之一.隐身飞机和隐身巡航导弹的出现,又给各种防务雷达和探测器带来了挑战和威胁,反隐身技术也应运而生,开创了电子战的新阶段.我们只对现在的隐身技术和反隐身技术的进展情况作一下扼要的简介,或许这会给人以启迪.  相似文献   

Business is war. And in war, it is a matter of survival of the fittest. In order to survive in today's cutthroat business environment, we must be properly armed. And one of the most important arrows in the executive's quiver is accurate knowledge of competitors and their business environment. In other words, detailed knowledge of the enemy and the terrain of the battlefield. Every major country on earth recognizes the importance of intelligence and employs an intelligence agency to collect it for them. Over 2,500 years ago, the Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Frederick the Great also expressed his opinion on the importance of intelligence when he said: “It is pardonable to be defeated, but never surprised.” In today's highly competitive business world it is becoming more and more important to know your competition-know your enemy-and, particularly in the international arena, to know your battlefield. There are minefields out there, and it is imperative to be able to identify and avoid them. You can still lose, even when armed with superior forces, if the terrain is against you. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

从2009年7月1日,将上海、广州、深圳、珠海和东莞作为跨境贸易人民币结算的境内试点区.港澳地区和东盟国家作为境外试点区到2010年6月以来,境内试点地区已扩大至全国20个省,境外地城扩展到所有国家和地区,跨境交易人民币结算试点业务扩大至所有经常项下.至此,中国也迈上了主权货币国际化之路.那么为什么国家都热衷于推动本国货币成为世界结算货币,进而取得国际货币发行权呢?中国选择的这条路又有着怎样的前景呢?我将从贸易战与货币战的角度来解答.  相似文献   

The weakness of the world economy continued even after the end of the Iraq war, with demand and output showing only modest signs of improvement. Will the expectations of recent months, which have again become distinctly more optimistic, prove to be exaggerated? Or is the global economy, thanks to highly expansive monetary policies in many countries, on the brink of sustained recovery? Is a synchronised upswing probable, or will an economic growth engine again be needed to lead the way forward?  相似文献   

Expectations of shorter oil supplies in the case of a war in the Middle East pushed crude oil prices upwards for many months, but in March prices started to fall significantly even before the war against Iraq had started. Does the price peak lie behind us, and can oil consumers even hope — after the war — for a prolonged period of low oil prices?  相似文献   

Unless one is a pacifist there is little difficulty in theory in ethically justifying a country's entitlement to produce or to purchase, or even to market, weapons for the preservation of internal order or external peace. In practice, however, the international arms industry gives considerable cause for ethical misgivings, which are here explored. "It is difficult to escape from the notion that the primary factor behind the international sale of arms is the generation of profits. If companies are left unchecked, there is considerable evidence that companies will exploit commercial opportunities to the detriment of ethical considerations."  相似文献   

The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants (Statement 1C) promulgated by the National Association of Accountants on June 1, 1983, are described and critiqued in this article. Four major issues related to the issuance of the standards are discussed: (1) What are the basic requirements of any ethical system? Does Statement IC meet these requirements? (2) Should a professional be ethical? (3) If ethical behavior is desirable for management accountants, should such standards be formally expressed in writing? (4) If the standards are expressed in writing, what format should be adopted for the content and how should the standards be expressed?  相似文献   

The bloodiest war ever fought by the United States, the CivilWar remains a focal point of American historical writing andresearch. How could Americans embark in such a war where brothersfought brothers? And what does this experience tell us aboutthe nature of the American union, before and after the CivilWar? Two brothers, historians Nicholas and Peter Onuf, confrontthese questions in a wide-ranging study that will challengetheir readers's  相似文献   

Die Verteilung des Umsatzsteueraufkommens war über viele Jahre ein Streitpunkt zwischen dem Bund und den L?ndern. Wie war die Ausgangslage 1969 und wie hat sich die Verteilung seitdem entwickelt? Welche Folgen hatte dieser Streit für das Finanzausgleichsgesetz? Was ist für die Umsatzsteuerverteilung angesichts der stark divergierenden Finanzlagen der L?nder zu erwarten? Dr. Matthias Woisin, 53, ist Leitender Regierungsdirektor in der Hamburger Finanzbeh?rde. Der Autor vertritt ausschlie?lich seine pers?nliche Auffassung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Makro?konomische Dialog (MED) wurde vor zehn Jahren — nahezu zeitgleich mit dem Beginn der dritten Stufe der Europ?ischen Wirtschafts- und W?hrungsunion (EWWU) — konzipiert und umgesetzt. Wie sind die Erfahrungen mit diesem Instrument der wirtschaftspolitischen Koordinierung auf europ?ischer Ebene? Wie kann der MED noch wirksamer zu einer spannungsfreien Wachstums- und Besch?ftigungsdynamik im gesamten Euroraum beitragen? Dr. Volker Hallwirth, 54, und Dr. Willi Koll, 61, sind Mitarbeiter im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie. Sie geben hier ihre pers?nliche Meinung wieder. W. Koll war seit Beginn im Herbst 1999 bis Herbst 2006 Vorsitzender des Makro?konomischen Dialogs auf technischer Ebene und Berichterstatter im Makro?konomischen Dialog auf politischer Ebene; V. Hallwirth war jeweils an den inhaltlichen Vorbereitungen beteiligt.  相似文献   

2011 war das Jahr der Krisengipfel, die es jedoch kaum vermocht haben, das verloren gegangene Vertrauen in die W?hrungsstabilit?t und die Schuldentragf?higkeit der Euro-Mitgliedstaaten wiederherzustellen. 2012 kann als Jahr der Bew?hrung angesehen werden, in dem sich das Schicksal der europ?ischen Gemeinschaftsw?hrung entscheiden k?nnte. Michael Heinrich diskutiert verschiedene Auswege aus der Krise.  相似文献   

Die letzte Leitzinserh?hung der Europ?ischen Zentralbank (EZB) birgt ein Risiko: Noch nie war das Inflationsdifferential in der Eurozone zum Zeitpunkt einer Zinserh?hung so hoch wie heute. In einem solchen Umfeld kann die Zinspolitik kontraproduktiv wirken. Der Beitrag erl?utert Konsequenzen und L?sungsvorschl?ge, wie das makro?konomische Umfeld für die EZB-Zinspolitik verbessert werden kann.  相似文献   

Wissenschaftliche Beratung kann der Politik wichtige Hinweise zur effektiven Probleml?sung liefern und zur Legitimation institutioneller Reformen beitragen, die potenziell strittig sind. Welche Formen der Politikberatung gibt es in Deutschland? Inwieweit war die Politikberatung erfolgreich, wo liegen ihre Defizite und wie k?nnte sie effizienter gestaltet werden?  相似文献   

Arne Heise 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2009,89(12):842-848
Die Welt durchlebt die tiefste Depression seit den 1930er Jahren. Wieso war die Wirtschaftswissenschaft so schlecht auf dieses Ereignis vorbereitet? Welche Verantwortung muss die akademische Profession übernehmen und welche Konsequenzen muss eine wissenschaftliche Disziplin tragen, die scheinbar so weit neben der Realit?t liegt wie der ?konomische Mainstream gegenw?rtig?  相似文献   

Das s?chsische Modell - Das von 2000 bis 2002 praktizierte S?chsische Diabetes-Betreuungsmodell war ein au?erordentlich wirksames Beispiel zur fl?chendeckenden Betreuung von Diabetikern. Zu diesem Schluss gelangten die 2008 international publizierten Evaluationsergebnisse. Wie hat es funktioniert und welche Erfahrungen sollten für künftige Versorgungsmodelle, die DMPs abl?sen k?nnten, genutzt werden?  相似文献   

Attaining durable peace after a civil war has become a major challenge, as many negotiated settlements relapse into violence. How can civil war negotiations be conducted and peace agreements formulated so as to contribute to lasting, durable peace? Previous research has focused on the durability of peace agreements, measured as the absence of violence. This study develops an index to measure durable peace for a period of 8 years after the agreement had been reached, and evaluates the new measure using an existing data set. We ask whether impacts on durable peace are similar or different to those found for the durability of agreements. This question suggests a number of hypotheses that are evaluated with 16 cases of peace agreements. Stable agreements are shown to mediate the relationship between equality provisions in peace agreements and durable peace, and to also mediate the relationship between procedural justice and the reconciliation component of durable peace. Interestingly, economic stability is not a dividend of peace agreements.  相似文献   

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