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高峰 《新财经》2010,(9):14-15
今年以来,多个国家同时调整了移民政策,这些政策几乎都是提高了移民门槛。门槛虽然高了,但移民的人数不见少。据4月初发布的《2010胡润财富报告》估算,中国目前有5.5万名亿万富豪。虽然没有数据显示这些富豪已经有多少移民海外,但仅从国内各移民机构收到的庞大移民申请数量上,就能感觉到一股不可抑制的往外涌的力量。  相似文献   

赵晓阳  衣长军 《世界经济研究》2024,(3):34-46+135-136
随着“一带一路”倡议的不断推进,越来越多的中国企业加速对外投资和全球产业布局,海外移民网络在国际投融资领域的作用日益凸显。文章以2008~2021年中国跨国企业海外子公司数据为样本,分析了东道国移民网络对海外子公司绩效的影响及作用机制,并进一步考察了母公司管理者能力的调节效应。研究结果显示,移民网络对海外子公司绩效具有促进作用,母公司管理者能力增强了移民网络对海外子公司绩效的促进作用;机制分析表明,移民网络通过降低价值观差异和提高投资合法性进而对海外子公司绩效产生赋能效应。文章进一步研究发现,移民网络对海外子公司绩效的促进作用在非制造业行业、非国有企业和海外子公司进入模式为独资的情景下更加明显。研究结论对全面刻画海外移民网络在中国企业“走出去”过程中的经济学意义具有一定的实践价值。  相似文献   

国际移民在促进一个国家实现由传统社会向现代社会的转型中发挥着不可替代作用。中国在现代化的进程中需要倚重国际移民因素。与其他国家和地区相比,我国的国际移民仍然偏低,在外国人出入境本国、本国公民出入境等国际移民的12个方面,都存在着非常明显的巨大差距。我们需要把握今后一段时间内中国国际移民的发展趋势,采取肯定和倡导多元文化、推行促进移民社会融合政策和摒弃拒绝外国人才获得中国永久居留权的观念等积极措施,将国际移民促进现代化建设的积极作用最大化。  相似文献   

文章通过对衡南县移民工作的实际情况调查,分析了该县移民工作存在的问题和原因,并在移民经费投入、机制完善、理念更新等方面提出相关建议.  相似文献   

林心淦 《亚太经济》2002,(6):30-31,51
本文阐述移居海外的中国大陆新移民中留学移民和技术移民这类特殊集体(以下简称海外新移民)的人力资源特点,及其在新的文化、经济、政治环境中,如何实现其人力资源资本化和价值增加的策略。  相似文献   

创建移民监理的新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移民事关重大,涉及政治、 经济、环境等诸多方面,细微的失误就会带来极为严重的后果。在吸取了许多惨痛的教训之后,移民问题才引起了广泛的关注,把移民看成是主体工程的一部分而不再是工程的附属内容已是移民实际工作者和理论研究工作者的共识。世行的移民目标是提高、至少是恢复移民原有的经济水平和生活水平;而中国的移民方针是提倡开发性移民,“逐步使移民生活达到或超过原有水平”。 以下的一组文章是移民工作者的实践经验的理论探索,相信可以为达到这样的目标提供可靠的依据和宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

在国际移民全球化、加速化、多样化的时代,对移民的关注与研究是世界范围内的重要课题。国际移民理论主要有"推—拉"理论、新古典主义经济理论、新经济移民理论、劳动力市场分割理论、世界体系理论、移民系统理论、跨国主义等,并衍生出移民网络说、累积因果关系说、移民文化说,诠释了国际移民的动因与发展以及与世界政治、经济、文化等的关系。  相似文献   

扶贫移民是国家帮助贫困地区人们摆脱困境的政策之一,扶贫移民有多种类型,根据搬迁距离的远近可以分为:近距离移民和远距离移民。相对于近距离移民来说,远距离移民会面对更多的困难。文章选取了陕西省定边县红墩梁村为例,研究发现,红墩梁移民新村存在搬迁后管理、基础设施、移民心理等方面的问题,针对这些问题提出相应的建议,最后得出结论。通过研究以期丰富扶贫移民的相关理论。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,江西省先后兴建小型水库9467多座,这些水库在防讯抗旱、人畜饮水、农田灌溉等方面发挥了重要作用,有力地促进了我省地方经济和社会发展,水库移民为此做出了重大贡献。在兴建这些水库时,各级政府和有关部门在移民安置方面做了大量工作。但是,由于受当时"重工程、轻移民,重搬迁、轻安置"等思想的影响,这些移民普遍存在生产资料短缺,基础设施建设滞  相似文献   

王玉忠 《西部大开发》2010,(4):10-10,12
本文着重从宁夏实施“吊庄移民”、“工程移民”取得的经验和存在的问题着手.结合目前宁夏正在实施的生态移民工程.对如何进一步加强生态移民工作从工作方向、工作中把握的原则、解决的几个突出问题、工作的措施和建议等方面提出了一些见解,以求得在实践工作中起到一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the human capital resources of pre-Famine Irish emigrants to England. The data source comprises over 16,000 Irish and English convicts transported to New South Wales between 1817 and 1839. The convict indents distinguish between those convicts transported directly from Ireland (the stayers) and those Irish-born transportees convicted and sent from England (the emigrants). A comparison of the skill, literacy, and age characteristics of the stayers and emigrants suggests that Ireland lost skilled workers in the pre-Famine period. A logit micromigration model confirms the “brain-drain” hypothesis for Irish workers emigrating to Britain. Finally, the human capital of the Irish emigrants is found to compare favorably with that of the native English workers transported to Australia.  相似文献   

The factors that impact on the primary school education of children left behind by cross-border circular emigrants in a poor rural community are examined. Data collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions from the emigrants’ children, their teachers, guardians or parents and from community leaders gave insight into these factors. The findings showed that the main factor impacting positively on the education of the emigrants’ children was the ability of the parents to support their children’s education financially. The separation of the emigrants’ children from their parents was a factor that impacted most negatively on their education.  相似文献   

休闲已成为发达国家的普遍社会现象。对于国力日益强盛的中国,国人的休闲生活状况成为了世人关心的问题。侨乡是华侨及其旅居国家的人们了解中国的重要窗口,因而具备了考察和研究的价值。本文以中国第一侨乡——广东省台山市为例,对城乡居民进行了抽样问卷调查和访谈调查,对其休闲方式、休闲目的、休闲生活的满意度和休闲生活质量作了详细的分析,总结出台山城乡居民休闲生活现状,并提出提高侨乡居民休闲生活质量的若干对策和建议。  相似文献   

We have used Chinese provincial data (1980–2005) to examine the effects of permanent and temporary emigration on human capital formation and economic growth in source regions. First, we find that permanent emigration is conducive to the improvement of both middle and high school enrollment. In contrast, while temporary emigration has a significantly positive effect on middle school enrollment it does not affect high school enrollment. Moreover, the different educational attainments of temporary emigrants have different effects on school enrollment. Specifically, the proportion of temporary emigrants with high school education positively affects middle school enrollment, while the proportion of temporary emigrants with middle school education negatively affects high school enrollment. Finally, we find that both permanent and temporary emigration has a detrimental effect on the economic growth of source regions.  相似文献   

"South Africa, which has traditionally been a popular destination for international migrants, is currently experiencing a net loss of legal migrants, but an enormous gain of illegal immigrants. This article analyses trends in legal international migration to and from South Africa and provides a demographic profile of legal immigrants and emigrants. The reasons for and results of the influx of illegal immigrants into the country are discussed, and possible policies and strategies to reduce this influx are presented."  相似文献   

The estimation of emigration and undocumented immigration rates for the United States is discussed. "A residual methodology compares census or survey data on the resident foreign-born population with an independently derived estimate of the legally resident foreign-born population. The difference is the estimated undocumented population which may be compared for alternative dates to derive measures of change. In 1988, this difference was 1.9 million, similar to the 1980 estimate of 2.1 million.... Measurement of emigration...has recently relied on resident reports of immediate relatives who have emigrated. Controlling for multiple reporting of the same emigrants, the direct estimate of the emigrant population from the United States is about 1.2 million. Allowing for undercoverage of the emigrant population due to nonresident relatives, there could be 2.0 million or more emigrants."  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - The paper investigates the effect that subnational networks of immigrants and emigrants had on exports from Spanish provinces (NUTS3) over the period of 2007–2016...  相似文献   

This paper sets out some circumstances in which emigration of some fraction of the population may be harmful to those who are left behind. In elaborating on the recent work of Keith Griffin, we argue that when emigration takes place, non-emigrant income will rise or fall depending upon the proportion of the original endowment of capital emigrants take with them. When pure labour emigrates, in a one-sector model, non-emigrant income must decline. In a two-sector Heckscher-Ohlin framework, the income of non-emigrants may also decline if one of the goods is non-traded.  相似文献   

Little is known about international return migration because governments rarely track out-migrants. However, one exception occurred early in the 20th century when the United States kept records of emigrants. Using within-country changes in quota allocations in 1921, 1924, and 1929 in combination with 1908–1932 data on specific countries of intended destination of the emigrants, we estimate the effect of quotas on (1) out-migration rates, (2) emigration across skill groups, and (3) the duration of temporary migrants' stays in the U.S. Higher quota restrictions reduced emigration rates, mostly for unskilled laborers and farmers. Higher quota restrictions also increased duration of stay, as the share of migrants staying less than 5 years fell and the share staying 5 to 10 years rose. Return migration behavior was also associated with changes in previous immigrant cohort's networks and savings. Return migration rates were also low during World War I, and more significant population losses from the War in home countries discouraged return migration. Finally, out-migration of German migrants increased substantially during the 1920s.  相似文献   

Swedish emigration rates were among the highest in Europe in the late nineteenth century. The majority of the emigrants originated from the countryside. In the article the determinants of emigration from the Swedish countryside to the United States are explored using panel regression methods on a newly constructed dataset consisting of yearly observations for 20 counties over the period 1881–1910. Amidst sharp fluctuations the emigration rate declined over the long term, which is explained by a rise in the standard of living and improved employment opportunities at home. Persistent regional differences in the emigration rate are explained by regional differences in population density and emigration tradition.  相似文献   

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