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以2008~2014年沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,从业绩预告特征角度考察业绩预告信息对分析师盈余预测修正的影响。研究结果表明:业绩预告发布后分析师预测的修正幅度与业绩预告带来的非期望盈余显著正相关,并且业绩预告时长越短、业绩预告精确性越高、业绩自利性归因越弱,二者的正向关系越强;业绩预告降低了分析师预测的误差,并且业绩预告时长越短、业绩预告精确性越高、业绩自利性归因越弱,业绩预告对分析师预测误差的降低程度越大。  相似文献   

文章以我国前10大证券机构发布的2010年上市公司盈余预测结果为基础,根据盈余预测误差的大小将样本公司划分为四类,分别研究每一类样本公司是否会为了迎合证券分析师的盈余预测而进行盈余调整以及调整的方向和程度。结果表明,证券分析师的盈余预测误差在0%~20%范围内的公司、大于20%的公司以及在-20%~0%范围内的公司都会为了迎合证券分析师的盈余预测而调增了实际盈余,且盈余预测误差在0%~20%范围内的公司比盈余预测误差大于20%的公司和盈余预测误差在-20%~0%范围内的公司调增实际盈余的程度都大;而证券分析师的盈余预测误差小于-20%范围内的公司,其调整实际盈余的行为则不显著。  相似文献   

证券分析师盈利预测是市场预期的一个典型替代变量,其超出企业内部经营预期的部分会对企业产生压力,从而干扰经理人的决策和行为。通过构建盈利预测压力测算模型研究证券分析师盈利预测压力对企业投资决策的影响,并进一步考察分析师跟踪和企业政治联系对二者关系的调节作用。研究发现,分析师盈利预测压力与投资不足正相关,与过度投资不相关。这表明企业在面临分析师盈利预测压力时更倾向于减少投资,而不是冒险将资金用于高风险项目。进一步研究发现,分析师跟踪以及企业政治关联会负向调节盈利预测压力对投资不足行为的影响,外部监督的增强以及资源获取渠道的拓宽能够纠正企业在盈利预测压力下的非效率投资行为。  相似文献   

文章以LH证券分析师提供的研究报告为样本,实证研究了预测准确性与信息选择的关系,得出主营收入的预测误差最小,为14.11%;净利润次之,为55.72%;每股收益(EPS)最大,为61.38%.预测误差与信息选择偏好的关系是:由于影响主营收入的因素主要是外部因素,相对简单,分析师容易鉴别、把握和独立客观地使用这些信息;而影响净利润和EPS的因素很多,有内外多重因素的影响,在信息过载的心理作用下,导致难以独立客观的心态使用信息,呈现出乐观的预测结果,因此,投资者在阅读分析师推荐的预测数据时,需要把握证券分析师作出判断所选择的信息依据,避免羊群效应和投资失误.  相似文献   

陈海燕 《财会月刊》2012,(23):91-94
提供盈余预测信息的证券分析师是缓解资本市场信息不对称的重要中介。本文首先通过对国内外现有文献的梳理,从证券分析师和目标公司两个角度总结了影响证券分析师盈余预测的影响因素,发现证券分析师的胜任能力、信息来源和利益冲突是现有研究的三大关注重点,目标公司的规模、成长性和盈余质量等也是影响证券分析师预测准确性的重要因素。然后,在文献梳理的基础上,结合对我国证券市场中股价联动、板块轮动和高市盈率高换手率等问题进行分析,从提高我国证券分析师盈余预测的准确性方面提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

证券分析师的角色总是受制于特定的市场环境及其相关的制度体系,这些特定因素不可避免地影响着分析师的独立性及其向市场发布的研究报告和投资建议的可靠性。有鉴于此,全面深入地了解证券分析师背后的诸多利益冲突会极大地提升投资者对其研究报告和投资建议的鉴别能力。  相似文献   

卢佳友  曾晋  周志方 《财会通讯》2021,(12):63-66,92
文章基于2008—2017年的上市公司样本数据,运用多元线性回归模型和门槛效应模型,对股票质押回购交易视角下关联证券分析师的行为进行了研究.分析了关联证券分析师作为信息中介,在资本市场上的重要作用.本文通过分析关联证券分析师的盈利预测与股权质押比例、非关联证券分析师以及工作年限内之间的关系,得出的结果显示:股权质押比例越高的目标公司,关联证券分析师的盈利预测偏差越大;高关注度公司的关联证券分析师盈利预测趋同于独立分析师,随着工作年限的增加,关联证券分析师的盈利预测偏差减少,准确度会有所提高.  相似文献   

证券分析师最早产生于20世纪初的美国,当时主要是负责有关证券数据的收集。而随着证券研究的不断深化,证券分析师开始作为一个行业逐步成长起来。如今,证券分析师是指在证券投资领域从业的人员,他们运用其所具备的高端的专业知识和分析技术,为投资者提供投资信息、咨询以及管理服务。近些年来,各国的证券市场快速发展,证券分析师在证券市场中发  相似文献   

当面临没有规则可循、规则不清或者即使有规则也可能导致错误决策时,组织的文化、诚信和道德标准等软要素将成为员工的行为准则。文章以2013—2015年期间我国证券分析师对上市公司盈余预测数据为样本,实证研究证券公司合规文化对分析师盈余预测准确性的影响。研究发现,证券公司合规文化水平与证券分析师盈余预测准确性之间存在显著的正相关关系;证券公司合规文化水平与其分析师盈余预测的策略性偏差具有较强的相关性。建议证券公司建立信用机制,完善合规管理,提升内部控制的规范程度;监管部门引导分析师加强行业自律行为的同时,加强司法行政管理。  相似文献   

定向增发是目前上市公司股权再融资的重要手段,受到了资本市场的广泛关注。以我国2013—2015年A股市场的定向增发股票为研究样本,分别从外部环境影响角度和分析师自身角度实证分析分析师股票评级乐观性倾向的影响因素,结果表明:承销关系、分析师声誉和分析师盈利预测的乐观性与分析师评级乐观性正相关,而声誉高、规模大的券商以及分析师的努力程度则会对其评级的乐观倾向产生反向抑制作用。分析师评级报告发布日距定增报告公布日的时间间隔也会对分析师评级乐观性产生负向影响,但这种影响并不显著。  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - In this paper we analyze whether financial analysts recommendations on trading strategies related to a given stock can influence its price dynamics. The recommendation for...  相似文献   

With the implementation of NASD Rule 2711 in 2002, each brokerage firm is now required to publicly disseminate the distribution of stock ratings in each research report. Hence, this paper investigates the relationship between the percentage of buy recommendations and probability of deciding to downgrade or drop coverage of stocks. Our findings suggest that the percentage of buy recommendations can enhance the probability of deciding to downgrade stock ratings and drop coverage of stocks. Furthermore, we find that analysts tend to revise their recommendations downward to hold instead of an unfavorable level. In addition, we find the market tends to heed downgrade decisions of analysts with a higher percentage of buy ratings. This finding is consistent with Barber, Lehavy, McNichols, and Trueman (2006) by applying data at the broker level.This study further investigates the changing dynamic in buy ratio of analysts by partitioning pre and post regulatory reform period. We show that analysts are more likely to revise their ratings to hold and less likely to revise their ratings to sell; in particular after post regulatory reform. Moreover, we observe one key coefficient in the post-Rule period with superior performance in contrast to the pre-Rule period. Compared to the results in the pre-Rule period, the results show that analysts are more likely to revise their ratings to hold and less likely to revise ratings to sell, and more likely to drop coverage of stocks in the post-Rule period. Overall, our findings suggest that the implementation of Rule 2711 will contribute to reduce analysts’ optimistic stock ratings.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of numerous popular investment advisory services find statistically significant abnormal returns at the time of their broadcast or published investment recommendations. Our analysis of returns and trading volume around stock recommendations aired on charismatic host Jim Cramer's Mad Money program reveals statistical evidence of response to both his buy and sell opinions, with most of the full-day return following an on-air buy recommendation captured by that day's opening price. Trading strategy analysis suggests that individuals with limited funds should be wary of short-term trading to exploit the show's suggestions, while professional investors may be able to exploit buy picks with a contra strategy.  相似文献   

分析融资交易、融券交易对标的证券定价效率影响的不一致性,可以发现,融资融券交易制度的推出显著地提高了标的证券的定价效率,但融资交易和融券交易的影响却存在不一致性。具体而言,融券交易提高了定价效率而融资交易降低了定价效率。融券交易对改善高估值股票的定价效率更加显著,融资交易的影响则没有显著差异。融资融券调控不应采取一刀切的方式,应针对不同标的采取差异化的调控。  相似文献   

张学文 《城市问题》2012,(9):12-16,49
以改进永续盘存法对我国1952-2009年的公共投资与民间投资固定资本存量进行了测算,然后借助柯布—道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数对我国公共投资的最佳规模进行了实证分析,发现目前我国公共投资固定资本存量占GDP的比重远远超过了26.83%的最优规模。据此分析了我国公共投资规模超标的原因,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

针对中国股票市场,提出了一种基于注意力机制的LSTM股价趋势预测模型。选取42只中国上证50从2009年到2017年的股票数据为实验对象,根据股票市场普遍认可的经验规则,分别对每个技术指标进行量化处理得到股票涨跌的趋势数据,并和交易数据混合作为预测模型的输入,然后使用基于注意力机制的LSTM模型提取股价趋势特征进行预测。实验结果表明:引入股票离散型趋势数据到预测模型中,能够在已有交易数据和技术指标的基础上提升预测精确度,与传统的机器学习模型SVM和单一的LSTM模型相比,基于注意力机制的LSTM模型具有更好的预测能力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of valuation models by UK investment analysts. The study is based on, first, semi-structured interviews with 35 sell-side analysts from 10 leading investment banks and with 7 buy-side analysts from 3 asset management firms and, second, content analysis based on 98 equity research reports for FTSE-100 companies covered by the sell-side interviewees. We observe that analysts perceive the discounted cash flow (DCF) (and to some extent ‘sophisticated’ models in general) to have become significantly more important than prior survey evidence suggests, although we also find the (somewhat paradoxical) continued importance of ‘unsophisticated’ valuation multiples, notably the price/earnings ratio (PE). We find perceived limitations in the technical applicability of the DCF, which cause analysts to rely in practice upon valuation multiples and subjective judgement of whether the market price ‘feels right’. We also find that contextual factors, notably the analysts' need for their research to be credible to buy-side clients, cause the use of subjective, unsophisticated methods of valuation to be played down. Given the inherent flexibility of the DCF model, coupled with its ostensible credibility, it becomes the natural vehicle for conveying the analyst's research, even though it is very rarely relied upon to determine target prices and investment recommendations. We conclude that, while the literature has focused on the technical merits of alternative valuation models, analysts' actual usage of valuation models also requires an understanding of social and economic context and motivations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of individual investor trading on information asymmetry in the market. In particular, we examine the relationship between the trading volume by individual investors and the corresponding bid-ask spread in the Korean stock market, where the majority of the trading activity is driven by individual investors and therefore information asymmetry can be evident. We find that high trading activity by individual investors increases the bid-ask spread in a short investment horizon, suggesting that individual investors, as uninformed and unsophisticated traders, amplify the degree of information asymmetry in the market through trading.  相似文献   

Stock based rewards are often used to motivate high‐level managers to take actions to increase the stock price of the firm. However, numerous constraints may weaken the perceived link between individual effort and stock price appreciation for many recipients. This study introduces a new construct, stock price expectancy, which we define as individuals' perceptions of influence over their firm's stock price. We examined its antecedents in a sample of 349 high‐level U.S. managers and found that employment at corporate headquarters, firm size, hierarchical level, and contact with investment analysts predicted stock price expectancy perceptions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Volatility has been described as an indicator of uncertainty which has implications for investment decisions, risk management as well as monetary policy. This paper investigates the pattern of volatility in the daily trading volume index of Hong Kong stock exchange. The empirical evidence provided in this paper suggests that TGARCH specification is superior to GARCH specification. This is particularly important when one is dealing with the case of asymmetric information that captures the leverage effect of the volatile stock market.  相似文献   

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