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Vertical restraints are singled out for detailed legislative treatment in the AustralianTrade Practices Act. Resale price maintenance and third-line forcing (tying another firm's products) are illegal per se while price discrimination and non-price vertical restraints (apart from third-line forcing) are subject to a competition test. Most vertical restraints may be either authorised by the Trade Practices Commission or given statutory exemption from the Act under a notification procedure unique to vertical restraints. The ability to seek an authorisation or to notify the Commission about a vertical practice has meant that the economic issues in this area have been dealt with mainly in administrative processes outside the courts. While issues of economic efficiency have been important, the main objective of the Commission has been to benefit consumers by promoting competition as a process. This paper briefly overviews what is probably the most complex area of antitrust in Australia yet, which has received negligible academic comment.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,随着全球化的不断深化,作为劳动密集型产业的代表性产业,纺织业随着东部成本的不断攀高不断寻求新的发展机遇,一种将劳动密集型产业链转移到东南亚、南亚等国家,一种是转移到中国中西部地区。广西在人口规模和地缘上相对于其他地方拥有绝对的后发优势,可以通过吸纳东部产业技术来发展当地经济,助力脱贫攻坚,改善民生。  相似文献   

新疆农村金融精准扶贫绩效与效益探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,扶贫的工作在不断推进的同时,金融扶贫与传统的财政扶贫相互结合,精准扶贫与整合扶贫相互结合,在促进贫困地区脱贫致富、经济可持续发展中起着重要的作用。新疆地处偏远,经济发展相对落后,贫困问题的亟待解决,2018年在识别精准、科学规划、突出重点、完善措施、巩固提升、正兴乡村等方面集中力量攻克深度贫困堡垒。这就要求金融扶贫工作开展客观公正的绩效评价,合理评价金融精准扶贫的精准度,对金融精准扶贫效益进行科学量化,查验金融精准扶贫工作成效,对新疆完善农村金融精准扶贫工作的实施具有不可替代的促进推动作用。  相似文献   

Household formation has been running well below trend in the United States. This article studies the determinants of household formation and how they evolve over the long and short runs. There are three main findings. First, the aging of the population has pushed up the headship rate and household formation. Second, after stripping out demographic effects, offsetting changes in behavior among younger and older adults have left the behavioral component of the headship rate with no pronounced trend. Finally, the short‐run dynamics of headship reflect the business cycle, implying that household formation could increase substantially as the labor market recovers.  相似文献   

美国1974贸易法421条的“市场扰乱”标准是根据WTO的有关规定而制定,但该标准带有模糊性、不公平性,在实务案件中更是表露无遗。我国政府和企业均应采取措施应对之。  相似文献   

山东部分地区目前仍处于扶贫攻坚的重点地区,金融在推动实体经济发展方面有巨大作用。为获得对于扶贫攻坚工作的借鉴意义,分析了近年来金融对实体经济的支持效果。通过分析相关数据得到,山东全省金融支持实体经济发展取得了一定成效,但仍存总体贷款量相对较低、实体经济部门贷款增速缓慢以及贷款时间结构不合理等问题。需要山东地区金融行业不断提升自身服务能力,提高金融服务实体经济效率。  相似文献   

Three goals of the 1996 Telecommunications Act are competition, efficiency, and explicit mechanisms to further universal service. The new universal service policies violate these goals. I review the policies (support for highcost and rural areas, low-income subscribers, and educational and medical institutions, and the funding mechanism) and detect the influence of various interest groups and the regulators' desire to protect their policies from public scrutiny. The new policies will require $4–12 billion per year to fund and create inefficiency of $1.2–4.0 billion per year from revenue taxation. A more efficient tax scheme would increase total surplus.  相似文献   

The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect on 1 January 1989, could well prove to be a breakthrough in the liberalization of trade between the two countries. This paper highlights the provisions of the FTA that indirectly or directly affect the telecommunications industry, assesses their possible impact and evaluates their probable importance to different participants in the industry. The authors make many predictions as to the effects of this agreement in terms of both telecommunications equipment and services and foresee greater competition and larger markets.  相似文献   

金融危机爆发后,主要西方国家带头以各种形式实施贸易保护主义。新的贸易保护主义由于以公平贸易、人类健康、消费者权益保护、生态环境保护名义出现,所以对我国出口企业的影响很大。面对严峻的贸易保护主义思潮,我国外贸企业应了解相关知识积极应诉,并通过提高产品质量、实施多元化、加强行业自律、培育新的外贸增长点来积极应对。  相似文献   

在新的农产品贸易壁垒与非贸易壁垒形式层出不穷、国际加大农产品贸易保护的情况下,研究如何发挥新疆区域比较优势、促进农业资源优势转化,扩大农产品对外贸易,拉动新疆国民经济的快速发展以稳定边疆显得尤为迫切。因此,通过分析影响新疆农产品对外贸易中存在的问题,找到主要影响因素,提出加快转变新疆农产品外贸增长方式等措施,对扩大新疆农产品对外贸易具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

自农村实行家庭承包制以来,家庭分工模式与季节性农业生产之间的冲突导致农民对机械总动力的过度投资及其低效率。对此,一种可行的自救机制是构筑基于专业化合作组织而非分散农户的新分工体系。但是,通过应用1952年-1956年的合作化数据发现,专业化合作组织的规模并不是越大越好,而是存在一个最优规模水平。  相似文献   

室内纺织品因以单件产品设计为主,缺乏整体的空间意识。本文从室内空间设计的角度,通过家用纺织品的图案、色彩、质地等在室内物理空间、心理空间、文化空间氛围等方面对室内装饰与空间的营造作用及装饰方法进行归纳分析,以期提高家用纺织品的设计和整体运用水平。  相似文献   

Research on the determinants and effects of various governance mechanisms typically assumes that these mechanisms operate independently. However, since a variety of mechanisms are used to achieve alignment of the interests of shareholders and managers, we propose that the level of a particular mechanism should be influenced by the levels of other mechanisms which simultaneously operate in the firm. We examine the substitution effects between alternative internal governance mechanisms for a sample of 81 bank holding companies in the postderegulation period. Specifically, we consider the relationship between monitoring by outside directors and the following mechanisms: monitoring by large outside shareholders, mutual monitoring by inside directors, and incentive effects of shareholdings by managers. Our results provide evidence consistent with the substitution hypothesis. We examine the implications of our findings for future research in the area of corporate governance.  相似文献   

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