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6.7万 据国家发改委中小企业司8月3日发布的统计结果显示,全国今年上半年有67万家规模以上的中小企业倒闭。作为劳动密集型产业代表的纺织行业中小企业倒闭超过1万多家,有2/3的纺织企业面临重整。  相似文献   

国家发改委中小企业司披露信息则显示,上半年全国6.7万家规模以上中小企业倒闭,其中纺织行业中小企业倒闭超过1万多家,有2/3的纺织企业面临重整。  相似文献   

今年以来,由于人民币升值、通胀、出口退税下调、紧缩政策等因素,使得我国中小企业面临了前所未有的生存危机,尤其是东部一些依赖出口的中小企业纷纷停产、停业。此前,国家发改委中小企业司发布信息,今年上半年,全国有6.7万家规模以上的中小企业倒闭。  相似文献   

中小企业管理的创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据国家发改委中小企业司统计结果显示,金融危机对实体经济影响扩散的近两年间,相当部分中小企业临奖金链断裂等困难。  相似文献   

中小企业的困境在货币政策和贸易政策从紧的背景下,中小企业受到了首当其冲的影响。2008年08月,国家发改委中小企业司发布了一个统汁数据,全国今年上半年有6.7万家规模以上的中小企业倒闭,其中纺织行业中小企业倒闭超过1万多家,有2/3的纺织企业面临重整一在经济的调整期,这样的数据自然引起人们对于中小企  相似文献   

中小企业的融资那么困难,到底政策的出路在哪里?怎么解决?6月下旬,当记者在浙江奉化见到玉球食品有限公司董事长任东红时,他正在为兜里没钱而犯愁。2011年前后,任东红的公司获批了一个总价766万元的农业科技项目,按照地方政府的政策,该项目将由政府补  相似文献   

今年纺织行业的困难确实是前所未有的,多种困难因素的叠加。让企业很难在短时期消化和调整。最终导致在短短半年时间里,一大批纺织企业生产经营受到较大影响,甚至严重亏损、破产,从而引发一个容纳大约2000万人就业的民生行业的“大震荡”。珠三角、长三角数以千计出口企业的倒闭,显示出这场“大震荡”的惨烈。  相似文献   

融资难、贷款难问题一直是中小企业发展的一大障碍。不过,在广东银达担保投资集团公司(下称“广东银达”)董事长李思聪看来,这个问题还是可以解决的。在成立的短短几年时间内,广东银达已为珠三角地区上千家中小企业提供了超过120亿元的担保贷款,从而为1万多家私营小业主、创业者提供了经营和创业条件。并且在2005年9月被国家发改委中小企业司评选为“全国十大最具影响力的中小企业信用担保机构”之一。  相似文献   

【德国之声8月1日】珠江三角洲转眼间上万企业倒闭,香港业界一片愁云。连阿迪达斯这样的世界名牌也在局部撤离中国。中国变贵了,劳动密集型产业纷纷撤出。但中国政府对此似乎并不在乎,似乎在有意地“转型”。  相似文献   

叶迎 《改革与战略》2010,26(6):51-53
"民工荒"的出现是否代表"刘易斯拐点"的来临和中国人口红利的结束?文章从需求角度分析了沿海民工荒出现的原因,主要是劳动密集型产业的内地转移。在此基础上,得出东部应该进行产业结构升级的政策建议。  相似文献   

易宪容 《新财经》2010,(5):54-56
如果中央政府对房地产市场没有理解、认识、定位,如果中央政府调控的决心不够大,中国房地产市场基本的结局就不可更改,那就是泡沫破灭  相似文献   

钱荒,指的是由于流通领域内货币相对不足而引发的一种金融危机.从2013年5月份以来,金融市场的资金利率全线攀升.以三个月国债利率为例,5月7日,其到期利率为2.59%,6月19日升至3.39%,升幅高达30%;银行间隔夜拆借利率更是狂涨,6月20日的拆借利率高达7.66%,比5月7日的2.36%暴涨了2.24倍.同期固定利率企业债券到期收益率也从2.35%陡升到6.97%,涨了近两倍.银行间市场隔夜回购利率自2010年底以来,第三次攀上如此高位.每年6月底央行会对各商业银行的资本金充足率进行检查,这个时候,各银行会回笼现金.往年各银行可以通过各种方式筹够足够的钱以应付检查,但今年,各银行发现,筹钱变得很难了,由于种种原因,只能通过同业拆借的方式来筹钱.6月27日是今年6月份的最后一个工作日,于是银行间市场上6月20日的7天期回购利率被急需钱的银行机构追到了历史的最高位,钱荒出现.  相似文献   

本文认为我国目前选择的货币政策 ,因为其特殊的货币供给机理中存在内滞 ,从而导致货币政策收效甚微 ,因此必须采取综合措施消除内滞。  相似文献   

王晓慧 《新财经》2010,(2):51-51
核心内容:在香港,很多中小企业不用缴税。相比之下,内地的中小企业生存得太辛苦了,政府要为它们减减负。  相似文献   

人类总是对自己当前的状态不满意。在短缺经济时代,普通人谁也不能理解在所谓的资本主义经济危机来临时,人们会把牛奶倒进海里,做梦都在想象物质的极大丰富是何等快意。然而,一旦我们真真切切地摆脱了短缺的困扰之后,过剩作为一个问题却又实实在在地显现在面前。  相似文献   

Prediction of the Netherlands' money stock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This article describes the operational procedure for a mechanical monthly forecast of the money stock in The Netherlands for up to twelve months ahead. In addition to time series data of the money stock itself, the procedure uses the information provided by the disaggregation of the money stock into financial assets, sources of money supply and holdership. The forecast from a univariate ARIMA model of the money stock is combined with three different forecasts from vector ARIMA models for the components distinguished by the three ways of disaggregation. The combination weights, which differ for each number of months to be forecasted ahead, are determined by regression analysis.Professor of Economics at the Free University, Amsterdam and staff member of the Econometric Research and Special Studies Department of De Nederlandsche Bank NV, Amsterdam, respectively. This study was completed when the first author was at the Nederlandsche Bank. We gratefully acknowledge the useful comments of a referee on a previous version of this article.  相似文献   

Conclusion As we have shown, the validity of various definitions of money cannot be ascertained by means of a statistical correlation with national income. A valid definition can be established by following the essentialist approach—that is, by focusing on the distinguishing characteristics of an entity. Contrary to mainstream thinking, we have shown that the money supply definition remains intact, notwithstanding the deregulation of financial markets and the introduction of electronic means of payments.  相似文献   

Currently, in Europe, 98.9 percent of all enterprises are small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which employ 52 percent of all employees. This means that l.1 percent of all enterprises employ 48 percent employees, among whom the multinationals have the biggest and most global influence. But the biggest number of new jobs is provided by the micro-enterprises which employ 23 percent employees. In central and eastern European countries, SMEs are rather a recent feature, but in terms of numbers they are coming close to figures of most development countries of EU. How entrepreneurial are these new SMEs? How innovative are they, including undertaking appropriate development? This paper discusses two issues: (1) Improving SMEs' competitiveness by becoming sustainable enterprises to requisitely, holistically meet requirements in social/business environments; (2) Improving business by helping SMEs' members understand/implement "sustainable-enterprise ethics". The SMEs' future of SMEs depends very much on their innovating of individual/organizational values, culture, ethics and norms.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the export behavior of German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in response to the introduction of Euro and the subsequent fall in trade costs. Based on a testable prediction derived from Helpman et al. (American Economic Review 94:300–316, 2004) and Helpman (Journal of Economic Literature 44:589–630, 2006), the paper argues that the likelihood of SMEs to become an exporter increases after the monetary union. By using an empirical probit estimation technique, it is found that SMEs, and especially medium-sized enterprises, indeed benefit from cost reductions in entering into export markets. What is more, firms operating in furniture, electrical equipment, plastics, medical instruments, machinery and textiles are more likely to benefit from monetary union. These results are robust to using exchange rate volatility as a proxy for the cost reductions due to monetary union.  相似文献   

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