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在北京,平均每4罐婴儿奶粉就有1罐是通过红孩子的B2C网站销售的。  相似文献   

由目录销售发展为“目录+网络”,这次变奏让红孩子插上了飞腾的翅膀;但由B2C转为B2F,这样的变奏会如何?  相似文献   

2011年最后一季度,这家以直邮目录起家的公司完全转型,成为一家完整的电子商务公司。2000年,陈爽一脚迈进电子商务领域的时候没有想到,自己在这个领域一呆就是12年。  相似文献   

要承认,红孩子现阶段的发展趋势是迅猛的。起码来讲,这家新锐的B2C公司,是找到了一条利于快速扩张的道路。具体说来,就是精准的目标人群锁定,与敢为人先的营销规则的突破。如,率先扩大送货范围,提高送货的效率等等举措。  相似文献   

随着网民的增加,进行网上购物的人数与日俱增,消费者对网上商店的信任备受关注。针对于网络零售而言,B2C比C2C更能保障消费者权益,提供更可靠产品及更专业的服务,在未来的电子商务发展中具有更多优势。  相似文献   

杨晶 《商界》2008,(9):100-103
在经历了世纪之交的短暂辉煌和随后的漫长沉寂之后,中国的B2C公司自2007年起开始集体爆发。 这一背景之下,2008年7月,我们走访当红企业级业内人士,希望找出一个相对清晰的答案:B2C行业能否像当年的B2B和C2C一样,在电子商务席卷全国全球的背景之下,突围而出。  相似文献   

紫石 《广告大观》2007,(7S):145-146
有观点认为,中国和美国的互联网的起点应该是电子商务,因为电子商务的繁荣促生了在线广告的繁荣,从而滋养了各种小型内容服务网站的诞生。  相似文献   

电子商务网站是实施电子商务的重要环节,本文以B2C模式为例对这一环节的意义进行初步分析,并归纳出建立企业电子商务网站策略建议。  相似文献   

在这个互联网极速发展的时代,电子商务的出现引领了新的购物风潮.它为消费者及商家带来的好处不容置疑,然而层出不穷的信用问题却是制约电子商务发展的瓶颈.本文将以我国B2C电子商务交易的现状为切入点,找到电子商务环境下B2C网站信用缺失的主要原因,探究B2C网站的信用问题,力求建立一个健全的信用管理制度.  相似文献   

B2C (Business To Customer)是电子商务按交易对象分类中的一种,即表示企业对消费者的电子商务.从长远来看,B2C电子商务将取得快速发展并将最终在电子商务领域占据重要地位.中小型企业建立电子商务同站可以改善经营管理、开拓市场,提高企业竞争力.本文主要从电子商务网站设计的方法、功能和步骤三个方面来探讨电子商务网站设计方案.  相似文献   

9月25日,苏宁并购母婴垂直电商"红孩子"媒体通报会在南京举行.苏宁拟出资6600万美元或等值人民币收购红孩子公司,承接"红孩子"及"缤购"两大品牌和公司的资产,业务,全面升级苏宁易购母婴、化妆品的运营.这是苏宁在电商领域的首次并购,对于苏宁"超电器化"经营和苏宁易购品类拓展、精细运营、规模提升具有重要意义,也拉开了电商行业整合大幕.  相似文献   

This study develops a research model that can be used to evaluate website brand equity from the perspective of web contents. To evaluate the model and to examine the effects of web contents on brand equity, a SEM analysis is conducted on twenty Chinese websites which could be classified into four different types. The results show that the website brand equity model, which is composed of five dimensions, namely brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand relationship, brand experience and brand attraction, is useful for measuring website brand value, and also applicable to different web types. Web contents factors, such as recourses, design, service and interactivity, are found to be the antecedents of website brand equity, and they all affect dimensions of website brand equity. However, the effects vary according to web types. The results also demonstrate that portal websites’ brand equity value is the highest while shopping websites’ brand equity value is the lowest among the four web types. Suggestions and implications are provided for website brand management.  相似文献   

李丹 《广告大观》2008,(7):146-147
6月11日,中国第一视频网站优酷在北京举办2008年媒体合作联盟战略发布会,对外公布百家视频官网整合上线并重磅推广,自此通过强劲的媒体联盟格局,启动多元化品牌合作战略—优酷“合计划”。  相似文献   

网络视频营销漫路求索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘东明 《广告大观》2008,(4):118-119
曾几何时,网络视频成为风投的宠儿;曾几何时,多少创业者们成为YouTube的朝拜者。然而今天,以亿元为门槛的烧钱数量级、尚处于上下求索阶段的盈利模式,还有2007年底颁布《互联网视听服务管理规定》带来的一场惊心动魄“生死劫”,让原本风风火火的网络视频一度迷途。  相似文献   

Drawing on the theoretical framework of consumer inferences of marketer motives, we explore consumer responses to different types of product recommendation provided by an e-commerce website (i.e. recommendation systems, RS). The findings demonstrate that RS for alternative brands only are most likely to lead to the consumer inference of a consumer-serving motive, followed by RS for both alternative brands and additional products, and RS for additional products only. In turn, the consumer inference of a consumer-serving motive has a positive influence on attitude towards the website. However, the consumer inference of a firm-serving motive does not mediate the effect of RS type on attitude towards the website. Further, the effect of RS type on attitude towards the website occurs only for consumers low in interpersonal trust. Theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the competing online environment, paid content providers face the important problem of attracting people to their websites. In our study we use PLS to analyse the effect of 16 factors on two traffic measures: (1) number of visitors and (2) number of page views per visitor. The results show that the number of visitors is directly and positively influenced by the quality of the offering, interactivity, accessibility, and relevance while the number of page views is positively influenced by credibility, interactivity, personalisation, and navigation. Additionally, credibility, branding, and visibility have been found to influence traffic indirectly. Accessibility of the website, although important in attracting new visitors, is not enough to achieve success as it reduces the number of page views per visitor.  相似文献   

2009年4月18日至5月17日,由安徽电视网主办,合肥爱尔眼科医院赞助的“爰尔眼科名师帮你赢高考”活动成功举办。在这次历时一个月.网台联动。广播、平面媒体共同参与的活动中,30名安徽顶级名师闪亮登场.为参加高考的考生答疑解惑.指点迷津。受到了广大考生及家长的热烈追捧。  相似文献   

The ease of website comparison and strong price competition encourage users to constantly switch tourism service providers. The present work analyses how satisfaction, trust, and commitment can help to strengthen loyalty towards websites selling accommodation services. Moreover, special attention is paid here to evaluate the moderating effects of gender on the relationships between these variables. Structural equation models were used to test the hypotheses on a sample of 230 Mexican Internet users, online purchasers of tourist accommodation services. The results show significant differences between men and women's post-purchase behaviour with a higher influence in women of trust on commitment and of commitment on loyalty towards accommodation services websites. Managerial implications for accommodation websites are provided.  相似文献   

朱清 《广告大观》2008,(4):111-113
最近国家广电总局和信息产业部联合发布的《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》给国内众多“百花齐放”的视频网站以及满腔投资热情的VC们泼了盆冷水。随手翻翻身边的报纸,上网浏览一下新闻,发现绝大部分的传媒和视频网站都在为此抱屈,或不断的在深入理解《规定》的含义,以期为自己付出的代价找到借口和托词。如此看来,这些传媒和视频网站还是没有找准自己的定位,对政府的规定缺乏起码的认识。  相似文献   

Retailers with physical stores that also have an online presence (one form of multi-channel retailers) have unique challenges. Consumers bringing their prior attitudes towards the retailer to the site is one such challenge. However, researchers studying website issues focus only on consumers' evaluations of website characteristics, failing to account for how prior attitudes towards the firm and congruity of the website with the retailer's physical store image might affect information processing and attitude formation. The current study draws on categorization theory, by proposing that increases in the congruity between the retailer's known offline and their online presence should decrease the emphasis new visitors place on website characteristics (a piecemeal process) and increase the influence of their prior attitudes towards the firm (an attitude transfer process). Results support predictions and provide guidance for multi-channel retailers.  相似文献   

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