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铁路投融资体制改革与民间资本投资策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现铁路中长期路网规划的发展目标,适度、适当、适时地引导民间资本进入铁路建设市场显得尤为迫切。一方面可以通过民间资本的进入缓解铁路建设基金与财政拨款不足的现状;另一方面通过有效引入民营企业先进的管理理念,改造国有铁路运输企业,优化企业法人治理结构,建立现代化铁路运输企业:再者,通过民间资本的引入,国家铁路建设基金可以更多地投入到西部开发建设中,更好地发挥铁路基础设施的公益性和社会效益。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 交通部提出,要研究新筹融资渠道与方式,争取高速公路网建设在以下六个方面取得突破:一是要更多地利用国家开发银行的贷款;二是充分利用资本市场发行短期融资债券;三是研究将社保基金和商业保险资金引入交通基础设施领域;四是研究设立公路产业基金;五是在盘活存量资产上做文章,通过多种渠道,扩大融资规模;六是继续做好利用外资工作.  相似文献   

以美国西南航空公司为例,通过分析其竞争战略、价值链系统和经营决策要素,说明低成本航空公司经营成功的经验。以此为借鉴,对中国发展低成本航空公司的不利条件进行分析,指出应通过实行市场化和引入民营资本等措施发展中国的低成本航空市场,以增强行业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

税收筹划是铁路企业减轻税负、提高效益的有效措施,但在关注税收筹划利益的同时,也不能忽视其所需支付的成本和存在的风险。分析铁路企业税收筹划存在的各种成本和风险,提出从加强成本效益分析、树立风险意识、坚持依法筹划和确保筹划目标准确合理等方面加强对成本和风险的管理与控制。  相似文献   

目前,计算机技术高速发展,航空公司为了提高办公效率建立了众多的业务系统,如人力资源系统、办公自动化系统、电子商务系统、财务管理系统、飞行运控系统、航材管理系统、机务系统等.  相似文献   

在对合资铁路成本作用和合资铁路不同运营模式进行研究的基础上,分析不同运营模式下成本的差异。结合实例对不同运营模式下合资铁路的货物运输成本、工资、管理费用进行比较分析,说明新建合资铁路在选择运营模式时应充分考虑成本的影响。  相似文献   

一、关系营销所谓关系营销,是企业以建立、发展和维持与相关利益方的关系为核心,以承诺、互动、互惠、信任等为手段而进行的营销活动。贝瑞和帕拉苏拉曼归纳了3种创造顾客价值的关系营销层次,  相似文献   

通过分析铁路运输支出的性态特征,借鉴世界银行铁路成本模型,结合我国铁路运营生产的特征,建立反映业务一成本特征的成本模型:确定模型的要素构件、分解运输成本、估计单位耗费、确定各成本项目金额、汇总全部运输成本。业务-成本模型能够体现铁路运营生产的特点,反映铁路运营活动的变化对运营成本的影响,有助于管理决策者的日常决策。  相似文献   

Low-cost airlines are seen by some as one of the best things that have happened within contemporary travel. The clever business idea of offering significantly lower prices by taking out all the extras in a short-haul flight, along with innovative cost-cutting measures, was successful in the USA as early as 1973 when South-west Airlines flew her first low-cost flight. This paper asks whether this scenario has potential in Southeast Asia. According to many analysts, the environment in South-east Asia is simply not suitable for budget carriers. Governments are still very protective of their flag-carriers, there is a lack of cheap, secondary airports, South-east Asians are not wealthy enough to fly, and other cost-cutting measures like Internet distribution cannot easily be replicated. This paper argues that the opposite is true. There might not be 'open-skies' in South-east Asia, but the governments appear willing to nurture low-cost airlines to coexist with their flag-carriers. The number of airports that could serve as gateways for these airlines is more numerous than expected. The South-east Asian population is getting wealthy enough to fly and there also exists a significant market if the low-cost carriers can take advantage of it.  相似文献   

随着供应链阶数的增多,供应链管理的相关问题变得十分复杂,尤其是供应链管理中成本问题的分析。根据相关的研究成果与经验分析,针对供应链在阶数递增下的成本问题进行研究,初步判断供应链成本中运配成本与持有成本2个关键要素逐渐接近下的变化规律,即随着阶数的增加,运配成本与持有成本的比率越来越接近,反映在成本曲线上总成本构成越来越简单,为判断供应链成本分析提供依据。  相似文献   

India, home to one-sixth of the world's population, is becoming one of the world's economic engines. Its bureaucratic and outdated regulatory policies have been reformed resulting in a three-fold increase in the number of scheduled airlines and a five-fold increase in the number of aircraft operated. This paper reviews how the new regulatory roadmap has transformed the supply of domestic air services. A large passenger survey conducted in Mumbai investigated the sensitivity of passengers to a change in fare and which flight products would encourage them to select either a full service airline or a low cost carrier. The study finds that there is a homogenous set of flight products required by leisure passengers, travelling on both full service and low cost airlines, however there is a considerable dissimilarity overall between the requirements of passengers using a full service airline and a low cost carrier.  相似文献   

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