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On October 26, the First International Forum on Green Manufacture & Standardization was held in Beijing.And it is organized by China National Institute of Standardization and China informatization Development and Application Net.  相似文献   

The 4th China International Credit and Risk Management Conference was held September 19-21,2007 in Shenzhen,China.The 3-day Conference was co-hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT),China's National Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Order(NORSMEO),FCIB-China,the Export-Import Bank of China,and the Shenzhen Municipal Government.  相似文献   

The 4th China International Credit and Risk Man- agement Conference was held September 19-21, 2007 in Shenzhen,China.The 3-day Conference was co-hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT),China's National Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Or- der(NORSMEO),FCIB-China,the Export-Import Bank of China,and the Shenzhen Municipal Government.The grand event was organized by CCPIT,Shenzhen Branch. Mr.Wang Jinzhen,Vice-Chairman of CCPIT,attended the opening ceremony and addressed the Conference.  相似文献   

Machinery Industry Auto-Office Equipment Testing Institute (OAT-Tianjin) is mainly made up of StateDuplicators' Quality Supervision and Inspection Center and State Standardization Technology Committee forXeroxing Machineries. OAT-Tianjin is a laboratory certified by China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (short forCNAL) which also meets the terms of GB/T15481-2000 (ISO/IEC17025:1999) GENERAL PRINCIPLESFOR INSPECTING AND REGULATING CAPACITY OF LABORATORIES. It has been authorized by  相似文献   

Since becoming a WTO member in 2001, China has been involved in the discussion of two hot issues: one is the protection of intellectual property rights(IPRs), and the other is the standardization in the industrial development. Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM) and State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO), "WTO: IPRs Issues in Standardization International Symposium" was held in Beijing on April 17, 2007.  相似文献   

What happened to China's insurance sector this year?Above all, this year was the first in the new Five-Year Plan for the Standardization of China's Insurance (2007-2011). The Five-Year Plan,released back in February, sets the first standards for the insurance industry in China; meanwhile, it also lays out a blueprint for future development. Additionally, the insurance sector is focused on meeting international standards and levels of service in 2015.  相似文献   

2020 was a year that was destined to be remembered.Last year,China accomplished the important target of poverty alleviation and building an all-round well-off society.In 2020,China completed the 13th Five-Year Plan and formulated the 14th Five-Year Plan.In 2020,China also proposed a new development paradigm featuring dual circulation,with the domestic market as the mainstay and the domestic and international markets reinforcing each other.As China has gradually got control of the COVID-19 pandemic,the Third China International Import Expo,the China Import and Export Fair,and the First China International Fair for Trade in Services were held as scheduled,and the ministries and government departments introduced a number of measures to support the economic recovery.The industries affected by the epidemic are gradually starting to recover.  相似文献   

Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.……  相似文献   

Beijing Olympic Committee announced recently that Bank of China become a partner of 2008 Olympic Games. Bank of China will provide abundant fund, banking financial products and related services for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and China Olympic Committee and China Sports team to participate in 2006 Winter Olympic Games and 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

There are many important changes in the China-Japan economic rela- tion since 2000. Generally speaking,the economic relation between China and Japan is becoming closer and more interdependent than ever. China trade to Japan has increased at the rate of 16.2%, 31.1% and 25.7% in the year of 2002, 2003 and 2004. In 2006, the sum of the bilateral trade between China and Japan reached US$210 billion with the increasing rate of 11.5%. The amount of China trade to China has overrun that of U.S. to Japan,  相似文献   

As good neighbors of China,Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia play important roles in China‘s diplomacy. In recent years,the relations between China and these three countries have developed rapidly. Leaders frequently conduct visits, cooperation in various fields are advancing, economic and trade ties grow stably,and wade volumes keep on increasing annually.According to the statistics of China‘s Customs, in 2003, the total trade volume between China and the three countries reached US$5.064 billion (Sino-Vietnam US$4.634 billion, Sino-Laos US$110 million and Sino-Cambodia US$320 million), about 40.5% higher than the previous year, among which China‘s export reached US$3.572 billion and import US$1.492 billion.  相似文献   

Cooperation, it is a win-win choice for China and the US. Cooperation has almost become the hottest buzz word in the energy sector globally. During the US President Obama's visit to China recently, China and the US made agreement on the climate change, energy and environment sectors and put forward specific measures for jointly promoting development in these fields, further heating the cooperation between China and the US in the clean energy sector.  相似文献   

There are centuries-old cultural and eco nomic relations bctween China and Iran, In recent yeats, the trade between China and Iran has been developing very rapidly, The volume of trade between China and Iran last year has arrived at US$27.6 billion. And from January to August this year, the total volume of imports and exports between China and Iran has arrived at US$13.5 billion. 2009 Shaanxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd (SAG) Heavy Truck International Tour into lran, which is one of China Auto International Tour series held by Media and Press Center of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT),  相似文献   

According to official statistics, the population of foreign residents in China amounted to above 320 thousand by the end of last year. Most of them are working for institutions and enterprises in China. They are an undividable part of Chinas growing economy. To better promote business exchange between China and the world, and to better serve those foreign friends in China who contribute for China's international exchange, China's Foreign Trade opens this special "Foreigner's Guidance" column, supplying useful information for foreign readers mainly on investment and trade in China. Each issue of the Magazine will focus on different aspect, from where business and life could be easier to start. We offer more than guidance!  相似文献   

China Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Council of CCPIT was established in March 1996. It is an institution under direct leadership of China Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and at the same time a branch of China Council for Promotion of International Trade, with its major task to promoting and facilitating export-oriented economic trade and technological cooperation of the national supply and marketing cooperative system.  相似文献   

Interview with Xie Zhongmei, Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of P. R. China Q1. This year is the 50th Anniver-sary of diplomatic relations between China and Syria, and the friendship between the two countries can trace back to 2000 years ago. Would you introduce the development situation of economy and trade relationship between China and Syria?  相似文献   

Since 1995 when China and Bosnia & Herzegovina established diplo- matic relations and in May 2000, the two countries signed economic and trade cooperation agreement, China and Bosnia &. Herzegovina have 'been keeping close economic and trade c ooperation relationship. On April 6, the Sarajevo Business Forum 2010 and the First International Investment Conference will open. Amel Kovacevic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China warmly especially invited Chinese enterprises to attend this summit, embodying the importance Bosnia and Herzegovina attached to the economic and trade cooperation with China. Prior to the Forum,  相似文献   

Talking of China Communications Construction Company Ltd.(CCCC), we can easily count several national and even world records. It's the largest port construction and design enterprise in China, the team leader in road and bridge construction and design,the biggest in China also among the world top three companies in dredging,and the No.1 container crane manufacturer in the world.  相似文献   

Ihave been in China for 18 years.Every moment China is changing. When I decided to move from my country Macedonia to China for my university education in 1995,the unanimous reaction from family and friends was an incredulous look accompanied with expressions like:“Why on Earth China? What got into you”? At that time everyone was looking toward the West especially the US and Western Europe as places where careers were made and dreams could come true.Asia and especially China were an afterthought.China was this mythical place on the map,which no one knew anything about,apart from possibly images of bicycles,kung fu and the Great Wall.Such a contrast to today,where the same people are congratulating me on my foresight in coming to China “early” to learn the language and understand the culture.  相似文献   

From November 10 to 11, the 6th Annual China Auto Industry Development Summit, and Analysis and Survey on the China Auto Industry and Auto Parts Market for 2008, was held at the Beijing Central Garden Hotel. The event was co-sponsored by the China Machinery Industry Federation and the Liaoning Provincial Economic and Reform Commission.  相似文献   

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