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社会资本理论将因背负创新社会管理的使命而更具活力,创新社会管理的实践也将因社会资本的优化和支撑而更加有效。社会资本关注那些嵌入社会结构之中的社会关系以及信任、互惠规范和公民参与网络等社会资本形式,社会资本与社会管理良性互动,社会资本也具有负外部性。从培育公民的公共精神、建设廉价服务型政府、实现制度供给的法治化、引导民间组织健康发展等维度探寻创新社会管理的进路,以期实现“公平、正义、和谐”的良序社会治理。  相似文献   

现代城市基础设施管理体系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自上个世纪70年代以来,西方发达国家逐渐开展了声势浩大的新公共管理运动。伴随着新公共管理运动的开展,许多新的公共管理理论应运而生。其中“重塑政府理论”指出,政府的职能是“掌舵”而不是“划桨”;政府应与私人部门建立合作伙伴关系,采用企业管理的方式来改造政府的管理。“治理理论”指出,国家(社会)管理的主体不仅仅是政府,政府应与社会建立广泛的伙伴关系,其基本点是运用权利去引导、控制和规范公民的各种活动,  相似文献   

积极应对入世,加快政府管理创新已成为当务之急。创新政府管理首先需要政府部门和政府官员管理理念的创新。迎接WTO的挑战,政府必须牢固树立“市场优位”、“社会中的政府”、“服务中心主义”、“公共管理”等新理念。  相似文献   

现代西方国家,面对经济非科学发展和不和谐的社会状态,不得不通过公共经济管理创新,以达到“以人为本”、经济科学发展和构筑和谐社会的公共治理目标。伴随公共治理,逐渐形成公共经济管理新理念,并崛起公共经济管理创新新趋势;  相似文献   

"金砖外交"正成为我国推进全球外交战略的品牌,我国与金砖国家的科技创新外交关系将进入全面、纵深发展阶段。巴西是南美大国,已快速崛起为全球第七大经济体,其科技创新取得明显成效。通过总结巴西科技创新的历史发展,研究了近年来巴西科技创新的政策重点,并对巴西科技创新管理的趋势与动向进行了分析述评。近10余年来,巴西推出多部立法,促进科技创新;持续颁布了国家层面的科技创新发展五年规划;推出工业研究计划和INOVACRED计划,有效推动企业创新。巴西强化科技创新管理,强调科技与产业深度融合,遴选能够拉动未来经济增长的重点技术领域给予巨额资助,重视科技计划和规划在科技管理中的引导和抓手作用。期望巴西的这些科技创新管理经验对我国具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

公民意识是民众在民主政治社会必备的一种社会意识。其中,公民权利与公共义务、公民权力与公共责任、全心全意为人民服务的公共精神构成了公民意识中最为重要的内容。加强党员公民意识的培育,有利于对当前部分党员所存在的“优越身份感”、“获利工具感觉”、“虚无头衔感”等错误的思想意识进行改造,提高党员素质。因此,应发挥课堂在党员公民意识教育中的主阵地作用、积极开展党员公民意识教育的相关实践活动、完善相关考核评估体系,提升党员公民意识,提高党员队伍质量。  相似文献   

公共管理事业的发展呼唤公共管理理论研究的深入。我国公共管理的理论和实践对此应采取“拿来主义”。面对转轨时期政府职能、政民关系、行政观念转变的现实,当前应该注重解决好公共管理的主体问题、行政伦理问题、制度建设和创新问题、依法行政问题。  相似文献   

一、西方公民文化的源头 “公民”一词的概念起源于古希腊发达活跃的公共政治生活,它在古希腊城邦政治中形成,其意为“属于城邦的人”。“城邦”就是一个由公民组成的公民社会团体,公民则是城邦的主人,享有参加公民大会、陪审法庭的权利,有担任官职等政治权利,这种直接民主制使公民很容易看到自己的利益与城邦利益的一致,所有公民在政治上是平等的,共同决策城邦的重大事务,公民都踊跃地投身于政治和社会生活,推动了城邦的繁荣与和谐。由此可见,古希腊城邦生活无疑是公民文化滋生的天然土壤。古希腊的公民文化可以总结为维护公共政治的精神、民主精神、自由平等精神、公民本位的自身价值精神。这些都为近代法治提供了历史资源,从而成为近代法治的重要源头。  相似文献   

张勤  张丽 《江南论坛》2012,(7):20-21
公民社会是指“公民在官方政治领域和市场经济领域之外自愿结社、自由讨论公共问题和自主从事社会政治活动而自发形成的民间公共领域。”公民社会因素在中国的孕育和成长得力于改革开放的政策实践,其成长的“助推器”也随着客观环境的优化而增多,其中最为明显的一个即是网络媒体的发展。  相似文献   

在贫富差距极度悬殊、种族和教派冲突频繁发生、政府效率低下的环境中,印度的公民预算组织积极投:身社会变革,促进公共参与和政府创新.他们创造出"公民报告卡"、"预算分析"、"预算跟踪"等公民参与预算的方法,以强化内在于公共预算中的政府问责制.他们的思想、观点以及一些具体做法对我国的公共预算制度创新具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

How did the large asylum-seeker inflow to Germany in 2015 affect concerns about immigration? Using individual-level panel data for the years 2012–2018 and a policy that allocates asylum-seekers to districts, I identify the effect of exposure to asylum-seekers. In line with the contact hypothesis, living in a high refugee migration district reduced concerns about immigration by 3 pp. Alternatively, a 1 pp. increase in the share of asylum-seekers in the population reduced these concerns by 3.4 pp. The effect appears larger for right-leaning respondents and is driven by districts that do not host a large reception centre. However, the overall trend indicates that after 2015 concerns about immigration increased by about 21 pp. and support for extreme right-wing parties by about 1.7 pp. These trends show considerable heterogeneity for different demographic groups.  相似文献   

We conduct an experiment to investigate how different types of information about social norms affect individuals’ stated contributions to a specific pro-environment program, a student ‘green fee’, in the context of a referendum. Compared to students that receive no information about peer contributions, on average, students that receive information about the dollar value range of contributions at peer institutions contribute less while students that learn about the high percentage of students voting ‘yes’ on green fee programs at peer institutions contribute more. The results are economically significant as the absolute values of both effects represent approximately 25% of average contributions. These results suggest that information about participation rates can be more effective than information about dollar amounts in encouraging contributions to environmental initiatives. Of interest to stated preference researchers, we find that results do not change when controlling for self-selection into survey completion.  相似文献   

The paper examines the prospects for banking. After a brief appraisal of the knowledge available at the time of the Wallis Inquiry in 1997, attention is directed to issues associated with asymmetric information and then technology. The former explains predominant influences in banking while the second is devoted to exploring what technological innovation is about and what this means for business operations. Attention then turns to the various functions which can be used to explain and define what banks are about. Most recent empirical evidence is assessed to establish the latest results about banking business. These are then used in conjunction with information and technology to derive a series of themes about future prospects.  相似文献   

We analyse German citizens’ knowledge about monetary policy and the European Central Bank (ECB), as well as the public's use of mass communication media to obtain information about the ECB. We find that a person's own desire to be informed about the ECB, together with the use of various media channels to keep informed, are decisive for both (1) own perception of knowledge about the ECB and (2) actual level of knowledge. The media‐related influence varies with a person's level of education and is stronger for subjective knowledge. Women are significantly less interested in or knowledgeable about both topics.  相似文献   

The debt crisis in the Eurozone has generated an intense academic debate about the appropriate policy response to the crisis. At the same time, the general public hears a variety of stories about the crisis, and especially stories about the debt crisis in Greece. This paper deals with the economic significance of stories, in particular with the importance of the Greek "morality tale." Stories are powerful in influencing public psychology, and they can affect the economy through fluctuations in confidence and "animal spirits." The paper considers the development of the Greek story through a web of related stories, fables, parables, and myths. It argues that the story dramatically distorts the reality of the debt crisis in the Eurozone and poses a threat to the global economy through its adverse effects on confidence and "animal spirits." It concludes that Europe needs not only a new policy direction, but also a new narrative about the debt crisis.  相似文献   

陈雪峰 《生产力研究》2012,(10):33-34,10,261
农业、农村、农民问题是事关全面建设小康社会和推进现代化建设的全局性问题。邓小平结合我国的具体国情,对农民问题的重要性有着十分深刻地认识,提出了一系列解决农民问题的方法,新时期这一思想得到了新的发展,对于我国社会主义新农村的建设、社会主义和谐社会的关键和执政党群众基础的扩大具有十分重要的现实价值。  相似文献   

A continuous explication of the assumptions of the on-going research within a field is necessary in order to ensure a cumulation of insight. The paper presents a stepwise assessment of three levels of assumptions of futures studies: epistemological assumptions about the realm of experience, paradigmatical assumptions about problem-formulation, and technical assumptions about formulation of empirical hypotheses. The guiding purpose of the assessment is a reformulation of the controversy of free will as a r esearch problem.  相似文献   

"三农"问题一直以来都是影响我国发展的重要因素,更是关系国计民生的首要问题。那么,农村该怎样发展,农民该如何作为?文章围绕农村发展的两种战略、路径以及农民参与发展的两种方式展开讨论,分析、探讨了农村发展的新思路,试图为我国农村发展献计献策。  相似文献   

由于我国小城镇规划在环境保护方面的局限性使其在发展过程中引发了一系列环境问题。本文在我国小城镇环境现状分析的基础上,指出了小城镇环境保护规划的主要内容,构建了小城镇环境保护指标体系建设的框架,并根据大气、水体、固体废物和声环境发展目标提出了小城镇环境保护的对策。  相似文献   

Global games and Poisson games have been proposed to address equilibrium indeterminacy in Common Knowledge Coordination games. The present study investigates in a controlled setup, using as controls Common Knowledge games, whether idiosyncratic uncertainty about economic fundamentals (Global games) or uncertainty about the number of actual players (Poisson games) may influence subjects' behavior. We find that uncertainty about the number of actual players has more influence on subjects' behavior than idiosyncratic uncertainty about economic fundamentals. Furthermore, subjects' behavior under Poisson population‐size uncertainty is closer to the respective theoretical prediction than subjects' behavior under idiosyncratic uncertainty about economic fundamentals.  相似文献   

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