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企业必须学会如何与行业内或其它行业企业建立资源共享、利益共享的合作体,才能满足消费者越来越挑剔的需求和市场竞争的力度。[编者按]  相似文献   

境外投资是利用外国资源、廉价劳动力及税收优惠,更有效、更广泛地进入国际市场在当地的重要手段。对外开放后,我国也加入国际直接投资的行列。我省的海外投资则起步于1979年,目前共拥有境外企业140多家,分布在南北美、东南亚、西欧、中东、西非等20多个国家和地区。这里,我们不想赘言兴办境外企业所取得的诸种经济、技术、社会效益,仅就境外企业对扩大商品出口及提高出口商品竞争力的作用问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

在国内饮料市场中,能量型饮料市场份额的增速远远高于其他饮料,市场空间巨大.当前能量型饮料市场老大红牛中国陷入了法律纠纷中,其市场份额大幅下跌,同时不少能量型饮料新品牌崛起,能量型饮料市场迎来了重新洗牌的局面.东鹏饮料公司在能量型饮料市场份额位列第二,应当迅速抓住市场机遇,制定实施适当的竞争战略,扩大市场份额,挑战市场领...  相似文献   

提高顾客价值的市场竞争策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济的实质是竞争型经济,企业在市场竞争中通过采取有效的竞争战略来其优异的获利能力,是在市场经济中企业生存和发展的重要条件。企业要想取得成功,就必须确定并促使自己成为目标顾客所重视的最优秀的供给,所以提高顾客价值的市场竞争战略,对企业来说无疑具有重要意义。  相似文献   

兰天 《商业研究》2004,(22):99-101
大多数关于战略联盟的理论都认为战略联盟能够为企业创造竞争优势并有效地改善其竞争地位,但在联盟实践中不乏有失败的先例,同时也有不参与战略联盟保持竞争优势的成功案例。通过对斯坎尼尔拒绝水平战略联盟案例的分析为广大学者特别是管理者提供了一个研究素材。  相似文献   

浅谈市场竞争道德闵长富竞争,就是两者或两者以上的竞赛、争夺、互相较量、相互争胜,它是两方或两方以上有意识的对生活动。市场竞争是商品经济的客观要求,优胜劣汰是竞争的必然结果。所以竞争构成了市场经济的灵魂,凭借这双无形的手,引导社会资源重新分配。由于竞争...  相似文献   

谌艳青 《商业科技》2013,(29):193-194
假币制贩具有严重的社会危害性。目前假币制贩行为呈现新的特点,如制作成本逐渐下降,进入流通领域的方式有新变化等。面对假币犯罪的新形势,应当通过制定法律和加强执法部门的工作给予严厉的打击,从而满足民众对打击假币制贩行为的法律需求。  相似文献   

竞争情报与市场竞争   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
市场竞争为竞争情报的产生与发展提供了土壤和条件,竞争情报为企业在市场中发展提供了基础.市场竞争需要竞争情报,竞争情报促进市场竞争,二者相互依存,相辅相成,共同面向未来.  相似文献   

企业策划是企业在人们头脑中不断强化自身产品。品牌、形象,并使企业内部管理、运作趋于科学化、规范化的一系列计划、组织、控制和评价的过程。搞好企划要明确其开发重点。企划工作要从对企业整个经营现状出发,确定本企业存在的问题,设计切实可行的解决方案。同时,企划需要科学的流程和高素质的人员。  相似文献   

研究发现,北美、西欧和亚太地区在全球商旅市场中各占30%的比例(总共占90%),2008年估计总规模达到9290亿美元,这一数字包括了国内商务旅行以及出境国际旅行;剩下10%的商旅活动在拉美、新兴的欧  相似文献   

现代企业竞争特点及策略的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着改革的不断深入,国内市场的日益成熟,企业间的竞争越来越激烈。因此研究当代企业竞争的特征,并有针对性的选择提高企业竞争力的策略成为企业发展、适应市场竞争的当务之急.  相似文献   

胡敏华 《财贸研究》2003,14(6):82-85
跨国战略联盟是跨国经营企业为了实现战略目标所建立的合作关系,是企业可以扩大经营范围而不扩大企业规模的一种经营方法,作为介于市场和企业组织间的“混成组织”,跨国战略联盟体现了一种新型的“柔性”竞争,是在竞争的基础上加入了合作的内涵,是一种合作性的竞争或竞争性的合作,它对现代企业的竞争关系进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》这部军文哲学经典包含着丰富的抗争智慧和谋略,这一点已被世界企业管理界广泛认同.《孙子兵法》中包含着三种权变思维:奇正思维,虚实思维,真假思维,对现代企业经营具有重要的启迪和借鉴价值.  相似文献   

业态创新改变市场竞争格局--以我国家用电器市场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家用电器流通渠道的变化,从一个侧面集中反映了我国零售市场创新与变革的主要特点.本文从零售业态创新与连锁经营方式相结合的角度,分析和揭示了我国大型家电零售企业快速发展的动因、发展特点、趋势及其对市场竞争格局的改变.  相似文献   

This paper will build on a recent article appearing in the Harvard Business Review that blamed the alleged crisis in management education on the scientific model that has been adopted as the sole means of gaining knowledge about human behavior and organizations. The solution, they argue, is for business schools to realize that business management is not a scientific discipline but a profession, and deal with the things a professional education requires. We will expand on this article and discuss its implications by looking at the scientific model from a philosophical perspective and dealing with the issue of whether management is a profession. Our discussion of these issues has implications for our understanding of business in society and the design of the business school curriculum. Rogene A. Buchholz is the Legendre-Soule Chair in Business Ethics Emeritus in the College of Business Administration at Loyola University of New Orleans. He has published over seventy-five articles and is the author of ten books in the areas of business and public policy, business ethics, and the environment. He is on the editorial board of several journals and served as chair of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management. Sandra B. Rosenthal is Provost Eminent Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University of New Orleans. She has published approximately 200 articles and 11 books on various dimensions of American pragmatism and its relevance for other areas of philosophy, and in both books and articles has applied pragmatism to a wide range of business ethics issues. She is a member of the editorial board of several journals, and has served as president of numerous philosophical societies.  相似文献   

企业战略联盟的概念演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,企业的合作行为本身是一个动态发展的商业环境与企业进化的交互过程,企业为了适应竞争和挑战,不断改变合作的目标组织方式.企业联盟比纯粹市场、科层企业及计划具有独特的优势.市场协调对未来的机会和资源缺乏真正的控制力,企业内部协调难以突破内部资源的限制,且管理边际收益会随着企业规模扩大而递减,企业联盟可以突破企业本身的资源约束,给企业带来本身无法实现的战略利益.  相似文献   

吴潇 《国际市场》2002,(8):52-53
商业谈判是商业中最常见的活动之一,在买卖交易、企业兼并、技术引进乃至各种商业冲突中,人们都会通过谈判来解决问题,所以从某种意义上说,商业谈判就是在谈判的双方进行的情报博弈,在这场博弈中起重要作用的因素不仅仅是口才、素质、公司的实力地位,更重要的是各自所掌握的相关情报.在本文中将要介绍的就是商业谈判中的一些情报运用策略.  相似文献   

Niccolo Machiavelli’s teachings have never gone out of fashion; no doubt because power remains a central aspect of modern political and corporate life. The writings of this 16th century thinker seem as relevant today as they were a half millennium ago. Given the immutable nature of human beings, this is hardly surprising. What is surprising is the regular stream of monographs published in the last third of the 20th century, and reaching a crescendo in the last decade, that argue for Machiavelli’s relevance to modern management and corporate leadership. This essay will examine the structure, assumptions and conclusions of these manuals. After reviewing the manuals, this essay concludes that certain of these assumptions upon which these manuals are based are not transferable from a 16th century principality to a 21st century corporation. Not surprisingly, the teachings of these manuals concerning morality and the corporation are either inconsistent with the actual teachings of Machiavelli, or fail to acknowledge the teachings of Machiavelli most relevant to the modern corporate world. *A substantially modified version of this article was originally presented as a paper at the International Conference on Social Values held at the University of Oxford in July, 2004, and was reprinted in Samuel M. Natale, ed., The Fate of Empires: Education in a Consilient World (New York: Global Scholarly Publications, 2005). Peter J. Galie is professor of Political Science and Director of the Raichle Pre-Law Center at Canisius College. He received his PH.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1970. He has published numerous articles in the area of state constitutional law, two books entitled The New York State Constitution: A Reference Guide (Greenwood Press, 1991) and Ordered Liberty: A Constitutional History of New York (Fordham University Press, 1996). Professor Galie was selected as the Wilson College Olive Garvey White outstanding teacher in 1967, and was the recipient of the Kenneth L. Koessler Distinguished Professor Award, Canisius College, 1998. Christopher Bopst is an associate in the commercial litigation department at the law firm of Adorno & Yoss LLP in Miami, Florida. He received his B.A. from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York (1995) and his J.D. from Notre Dame Law School in Notre Dame, Indiana (1998). Mr. Bopst has written several articles on state constitutional law and other topics of interest to the legal community. He has also presented papers at various conferences and lectured to numerous groups about various legal issues.  相似文献   

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