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“这是一个小小世界”的慈善公益运动 美国高档百货连锁店Nordstmm将和迪士尼消费产品业务部合作,推出一个限量版的儿童服装系列,以庆祝迪士尼“这是一个小小世界’(It’s a Small World)为企业带来的关注度。  相似文献   

What are you up to? It's the expression short for 干嘛去 (gan ma qu), but 干(gan, means do) is often omitted in daily language, especially in northern part of China. It's used as greeting when two friends meet each other, but it's not necessary to answer it seriously. Because people who asked this question don't really want to know where are you going, just a way to say' Hi', or 'Good morning', 'Good afternoon'.  相似文献   

钱颖一 《商界》2008,(10):90-90
今年7月,联想历史性地进入世界500强名单,这让我眼前一亮。美国《财富》杂志每年评选“全球最大五百家公司”,国内通常翻泽成500强,但是英文原文是“The World's Largest Corporations”,所以《财富》杂志评选的确切说法是世界500“大”企业。  相似文献   

March in Beijing doesn't only embrace the warm spring's coming, also the two parliamentary sessions of China, the national conference in the highest level of China's parliament and top political advisory body. This year's two sessions, namely, the 2nd Session of the 1 lth National People's Congress (NPC) and the 2nd Session of the 1 lth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) lasted from March 5 to 18, and March 3 to 14, respectively. It was the first NPC & CPPCC held since international financial crisis China strongly felt last September.  相似文献   

Netflix凭借《纸牌屋》在行业内引发不小震荡,原本付费电视市场的局外人,在短期内大获成功。随着用户广泛接受并习惯用互联网追剧,Netflix于2014年第二季度收获第5000万个订阅用户后,第三季度订阅用户增长即低于预期。加之HBO、亚马逊、CBS的Showtime等老牌付费电视服务商,与Hulu、雅虎等成长于互联网的竞争对手纷纷摩拳擦掌进入在线视频市场,Netflix遭遇夹击之势,美国本土在线视频业务增速放缓、扩张艰难。  相似文献   

沃尔玛(Wal-mart)的仓储式、低成本管理模式,戴尔(Dell)个性化定制、工业化生产的直销模式和麦当劳(McDonald's)的标准化服务管理模式,把这三个世界优秀公司的管理模式结合在一起去管理经营一个公司,会有什么样的效果?“WDM”模式的创造者和实践者——宏图三胞今天的发展给出了答案。[第一段]  相似文献   

周伟婷  康迪 《成功营销》2014,(1):I0022-I0023
Levi'S将在2014年加大中国数字营销力度。他们将结合中国消费者特性和媒体特性做本土化的品牌战术改造,并将重视移动营销,将其比例从原来数字营销占比5%-10%,提升至20%-30%。美国牛仔服饰制造商李维斯(Levi's).是牛仔裤的鼻祖.经历了160年的风雨.从美国走向全球.成为世界知名牛仔服饰品牌。李维斯非常注重与消费者的情感沟通,较早采用了数字营销新、奇、酷的交流方式.但是Levi's中国区的数字营销却逊色很多。  相似文献   

This is a book for people who sell (whether they know it or not). It's for people who own their own business and people who are just starting out. It's a book about communication and relationships, which means that you can use it to connect with your customers, bosses, employees, children, and parents, too. If you volunteer for a cause you're passionate about, or if you've got a great idea but you don't know how to start marketing it, this book will help you. This book is for entrepreneurs, politicians, venture capitalists,  相似文献   

一则关于“中国制造”的30秒广告在美国电视有线新闻网(CNN)播出,内容是宣传在全球化大背景下,“中国制造”产品其实是世界上各个贸易体共同分工协作、盈利共享的事实。  相似文献   

It ain't easy replacing the US dollar. Some see the Chinese yuan (CNY) as the imminent replacement of the US dollar (USD) as the world's dominant reserve currency. However, those involved in the CNY's first forays overseas as a means of invoicing and payment for cross-border trade have known from the start that this process will take some time. Nine months into the CNY trade settlement pilot scheme, this seems like a good time to report on the progress and examine the outstanding challenges.  相似文献   

China's steel industry association said on July 31 that it plans this year to unify the spot and long-contract prices for the country's iron ore imports. It will also set a ceiling for charges levied by import trading firms, as part of an effort to regulate the market. The proposal was the top item of discussion at the steel industry body's twoday semiannual meeting, said Luo Bingsheng, deputy chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), at a press conference.  相似文献   

Best Sellers     
What's it?
Since 1996, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) has been publishing Fairs & Exhibitions in China annually as the most systematic and authoritative reference book of China's exhibition industry. The book is categorized by location and industry of each fair and exhibition. It is widely used by international and Chinese Clovernment oriqinations, companies, trade associations, and research institutions.  相似文献   

When the Pearls in Pearl River Delta (PRD) is mentioned, Hong Kong will also naturally jump to people's mind. It must not only due to PRD's proximity with Hong Kong, but also due to Hong Kong's special role in the development of this region. Admittedly, Hong Kong really provided strong drive for the takeoff of the PRD Economic Zone. But with the prosperity of PRD, the nearly tailored combinations and complementarity have taken shape between Hong Kong and PRD, pushing the economy in the two areas to grow far more rapidly than otherwise.  相似文献   

China Kingwai Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Kingwai Holdings) was invested by Kingwai international investment holdings Co., Ltd. It is the first solely foreign-owned holdings company since China's reform and opening up to the outside. It was registered in Shantou Special Economic Zone with approval of National Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau.  相似文献   

1954年,M&M's以一句“只融在口,不融在手”的USP(独特销售主张)称霸巧克力市场49年之久。49年后的今天,M&M'以魅不可挡的色彩为自己再披战衣。1960年,M&M's在传统棕色的基础上,为巧克力豆穿上色彩缤纷的“外衣”,推出红、黄、绿三色的彩色巧克力,以吸引巧克力的最大消费群体儿童,结果M&M's的第一批彩色巧克力大受欢迎。  相似文献   

China's new yuan-denominated lending in February stood at RMB 700.1 billion (US$102.65 billion), half that ofJanuary's RMB 1.39 trillion, the People's Bank of China (PBOC, the central bank) said on March 11.  相似文献   

L Project Name LED Lighting Industry Project II. Project Implementation Agency Xi'an Zhihai Power Technology Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise engaging in the R&D, production, sales and services of new energy (solar energy), new light source (semiconductor WLED lighting), and electric and electronic technology. It has passed "EWC" international ISO9001 management system's authentification, and acquired the U.S.A. recognized RAB qualification.  相似文献   

由美国电子消费品制造商协会(CEA)主办的“美国拉斯维加斯国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)”是世界上最大、影响最为广泛的消费类电子技术年展,也是全球最大的消费技术产业盛会。它每年都会吸引众多的高新技术设备爱好者、使用者和业界观众,已经拥有了一大帮忠实“粉丝”。  相似文献   

简介:本书将用新鲜有趣的例子告诉你如何做好口碑,通过良性的口碑互动达成双赢;同时奉上实践的步骤——打造口碑的五个“T”:谈论者(Talkei's)、话题(Topics)、工具(Tools)、参与(TakingPart)和跟踪(Tracking)。在网络快速普及的今天,口碑越来越显示出其强大的力量。如何运用日益发达的网络工具,成功驾驭口碑,让口碑在营销中发挥其应有的作用?  相似文献   

"Lovin'Beats Hatin'(爱胜过恨)" 为遏制销量下跌.全球最大的快餐连锁店日前公布了一个新口号。明年,麦当劳将启用“Lovin’Beats Hatin。(爱胜过恨)”作为新口号在2015年2月1日的美国橄榄球超级碗中进行营销。麦当劳推出这一营销策略适逢其第三季度全球销售额下滑30%,业绩可谓惨淡。  相似文献   

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