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对于大部分中小型企业来说,企业的资金管理问题严重,会计管理人员的整体水平不高,对企业财务数据的分析管理水平较差,导致这些企业的发展缓慢甚至倒退。因此,中小企业的发展在一定程度上有赖于财务信息化程度的提高。本文就江苏省中小企业财务信息化的现状和影响因素进行分析,以江苏省经济发展水平不同的区域苏州、南通、宿迁为例,对财务信息化水平进行比较,利用科学层次分析法进行多因素分析,得出中小企业财务信息化水平的主要影响因素,寻找提高中小企业财务信息化水平的对策。  相似文献   

目前中小企业贷款已进入高速发展期。建立高效的金融支持体系对促进中小企业发展创新、保持经济持续发展具有重大的现实意义。金融支持的目的,是通过各种金融支持方式帮助中小企业在获得资金的基础上,借助融资推动中小企业改善经营管理、促进中小企业成长发展。强化对中小企业发展创新的金融支持,应抓住金融结构创新这条主线,研究制定与《物权法》相适应的配套措施,促进中小企业融资方式创新;依靠两个完全不同的金融市场,建立和完善为中小企业服务的金融组织;完善担保运行机制,促进中小企业担保信用体系健康发展;用新的理念、新的经营模式,为中小企业定做融资产品。  相似文献   

社区性中小银行发展问题是我国区域金融中出现的新生事物,其金融产品与服务具有定向性、综合性、差异性、创新与智能性的特点。在我国发展一批真正意义上的社区性中小银行不仅必要,而且可行。社区性中小银行的培育和发展应纳入国家发展战略,并在国家政策导向下,通过排除各种制度、法律、政策障碍,积极稳妥地推进和发展社区性中小银行。  相似文献   

以我国中小金融机构近年来产品创新的情况为对象,通过对中小金融机构金融产品创新的现状和存在问题进行分析.对我国中小金融机构的发展提出了具体的发展建议,以期为中小金融机构的发展提供一些思路。  相似文献   

中小企业财务战略运用与实施的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中小企业在财务管理方面存在的问题,主要是财务管理基础薄弱,财务控制松散;企业资金积累能力较弱,营运资金缺乏;资本结构不合理,负债率较高;内源融资困难,外部融资渠道不畅;投资缺乏分析论证;成本管理和控制体系不健全等。中小企业应把“财务战略”的思想运用到企业的管理中去,从加强财务管理基础工作入手,提升企业财务管理层次要充分考虑企业实际,科学规划营运资金;切实优化资本结构;规范制度,控制成本;完善分配激励制度,从而保证企业健康发展。  相似文献   

中小企业由于其发展环境和自身存在的种种局限,融资难问题越来越突出。改善融资环境,拓宽融资渠道,促进中小企业的健康发展可从以下四大方面着手:一是强化自身素质建设,全面提升中小企业融资能力;二是发挥政府扶持和引导作用,改善中小企业融资和发展的社会环境;三是加大银行等金融机构的改革力度,优化中小企业金融服务;四是不断创新融资方式,拓展中小企业融资渠道。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国经济发展中不可或缺的重要组成部分,对于我国整体的经济发展和社会稳定起着非常关键的促进作用.由于一些中小企业受到资金、传统体制等诸多因素的影响,使中小企业财务管理方面存在着严重问题,一旦这些问题凸显出来,对于中小企业来说就是致命的打击,因此,我国中小企业必须重视这个问题.本文就是对中小企业存在的财务管理问题进行分析、探讨,为中小企业解决这些问题提供可行性建议.  相似文献   

我国中小企业融资问题的现状及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中小企业已成为推动国民经济发展的重要力量。中小企业融资难既有其经营风险高、财务管理不规范、社会信用缺失等自身的原因,也有金融机构对其贷款条件苛刻、对风险控制严格等制约因素。应从提高企业信用、增加产品竞争力、加强区域联合等方面解决中小企业融资难问题。  相似文献   

This paper describes an exploratory study of financial reporting practices amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) engaged in manufacturing in Australia. Non-linear principal components analysis is employed in empirical derivation of an overall measure of the comprehensiveness of financial reporting practices undertaken in the SMEs investigated. Non-linear principal components analysis is also used in empirically capturing the business context in terms of enterprise and financial management characteristics. Polytomous logistic regression modelling reveals development orientation, extent of owner-management, technological complexity, degree of reliance upon external financial advice, and the financial reporting climate to be the most significant influences on the extent of financial reporting practices in the SMEs under study. Of the business context factors identified, development orientation and financial reporting climate seem to have greatest impact. The study appears to reinforce the impression that SME growth is a key driver towards more sophisticated financial reporting practices. Alternately, better financial reporting may be viewed as an important enabling factor in realising the growth aspirations of such concerns.  相似文献   

基于产业集群的中小企业融资问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
古赞歌  卜庆军 《商业研究》2006,(22):132-135
中小企业集群对区域经济发展的贡献日益突出,但近些年来,集群内中小企业融资难问题已成为中小企业集群发展的瓶颈。研究集群融资优势相关理论,使我国中小企业集群融资存在的问题得到相应的解决。  相似文献   

我国中小企业融资难的成因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国的中小企业得到了迅猛的发展,已经成为我国现阶段最具竞争力的经济力量之一。进一步加快中小企业的发展,必须解决好中小企业融资困难的问题。其根本出路在于:中小企业要加强自身发展,增强其内在融资能力;金融机构要认真贯彻国家相关法律,改善金融服务;政府部门应制定相应的政策,切实解决中小企业融资难的问题。  相似文献   

经过20多年的改革开放,民营经济已经成为支撑国民经济和社会发展的重要力量.普遍存在的重销售、轻理财现象,严重制约着民营经济的进一步发展.民营企业只有全面更新观念,确立现代理财意识,净化财务管理环境,才能有效地提高财务管理水平,才能发展.  相似文献   

张文 《财贸研究》2004,15(2):43-49
金融制度是一种节约交易费用提高资源配置效率的制度安排 ,应该为实现国民收入最大化 ,促进国家经济增长而服务。但是 ,具体到我国 ,国有金融机构针对不同类型的经济组织采取差别待遇 ,偏好于向国有经济部门提供信贷而歧视非国有经济组织。本文分析了这一问题的成因及其影响 ,认为差别金融待遇无论是对非国有经济还是对国有经济都是不利的 ,会阻碍国民经济的快速发展和金融体系的有效运行。我国现有的金融体系不能很好地为非国有经济服务 ,必须大力发展和完善中小金融机构才能从根本上解决非国有经济融资难的问题。  相似文献   

目前,江西民营中小企业发展所获得的金融资源十分匮乏,融资体系不完善已经成为制约其发展的关键因素。从江西民营中小企业发展的实际情况出发.在分析江西民营中小企业融资现状与融资困境成因的基础上,提出了相应的对策建议,以促进江西中小企业不断健康发展。  相似文献   

后金融危机时期我国中小企业财务管理策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
后金融危机时代,我国中小企业在危机中暴露出许多问题,究其原因,主要源于资金严重不足,融资难、担保难;缺乏投资分析,财务风险控制薄弱等。这些因素严重遏制了中小企业的快速发展。政府应加大扶持中小企业力度。帮助其拓宽筹资渠道,有效强化资金管理与财务控制,降低企业财务风险和负债率。以避免盲目举债扩张。同时,更应创造促进中小企业发展的良好政策环境,为企业经营管理工作及企业整体战略的实现保驾护航。  相似文献   

辛晏 《商业研究》2007,(5):208-210
改革开放以来,中小企业已成为经济和社会发展的主力军。融资难是制约其发展的首要瓶颈。这需要政府、金融业、企业自身和全社会共同采取措施,构建多层次的融资体系,为促进中小企业的发展营造出良好的融资环境。  相似文献   

Attempts to explore empirically the link between HRM and firm performance are numerous. Yet, research on this link remains restricted to large companies. Little is known about the extent to which the existing results extend to small businesses. The purpose of the present study is to develop and test a conceptual framework linking HRM to financial performance that fits small businesses. The central question is whether the development of an intensive HRM is profitable for smaller organizations. For the development and optimization of the conceptual framework, we rely on human capital theory and bankruptcy prediction models. Using structural equation modeling, we study the mediating effect of voluntary turnover and productivity on the relationship between HRM intensity and one year lagged financial performance. The results show both productivity and profitability enhancing effects as well as a cost increasing impact of HRM intensity.  相似文献   

In recent years, small businesses have received much attention from policy makers and researchers, in that these businesses are considered important for economic growth and job creation. At the same time small businesses are assumed to face major problems in securing long-term external finance, which is regarded as restraining their development and growth. Small business managers are assumed to use institutional finance as a means of meeting the need for resources, and as a consequence the major part of the research on small business finance has focused on constraints in the supply of institutional (market) finance.As we see it, most small business managers handle the need for resources using means other than external finance by applying different kinds of financial bootstrapping methods. Financial bootstrapping refers to the use of methods for meeting the need for resources without relying on long-term external finance from debt holders and/or new owners. However, these other means of resource acquisition have, with few exceptions, not been focused on within earlier research on small business finance. Against this background, the purpose of this study is to describe small business managers' use of different financial bootstrapping methods, and, more importantly, to develop concepts that can help us better understand small business managers' financial bootstrapping behaviors.The research process was initiated with a number of unstructured interviews conducted with small business managers, accountants, consultants, bank officials, and researchers, in order to identify different financial bootstrapping possibilities. On the basis of the interviews and an earlier study on financial bootstrapping, resulting in the identification of 32 bootstrapping methods, a questionnaire was constructed and sent to 900 small business managers in Sweden. Given the limited knowledge within the area of financial bootstrapping, the study is based on explorative factor analysis and cluster analysis.From the cluster analysis six clusters of bootstrappers were identified, differing from each other with respect to the bootstrapping methods used and the characteristics of the business. On the basis of this information the different clusters were labeled: (1) delaying bootstrappers; (2) relationship-oriented bootstrappers; (3) subsidy-oriented bootstrappers; (4) minimizing bootstrappers; (5) non-bootstrappers; and (6) private owner-financed bootstrappers. The groups of financial bootstrappers show differences in their orientation toward resource acquisition, representing different aspects of an internal mode of resource acquisition, a social mode of resource acquisition, and a quasi-market mode of resource acquisition. We find that the delaying bootstrappers, private owner-financed bootstrappers, and minimizing bootstrappers all represent an internal mode of resource acquisition. The relationship-oriented bootstrappers follow a socially oriented mode of resource acquisition, whereas the subsidy-oriented bootstrappers apply quasi-market oriented resource acquisition.This study contributes to our empirical understanding by providing knowledge about the financial bootstrapping methods used in small businesses. Furthermore, by developing concepts this study contributes to the conceptual development of our knowledge about financial bootstrapping. The implication of this study is that financial bootstrapping is a phenomenon which deserves more attention in future research on small business finance. At the same time, financial bootstrapping behavior is probably a more general phenomenon, appearing in different contexts, such as R&D activities in large businesses, financing start-ups, etc. Finally, the study points out implications for small business managers, consultants, teachers, etc. Practitioners often tend to focus on market solutions to resource needs. This study shows, however, that this strong focus can be questioned. Resources needed in small businesses can in many situations be secured using financial bootstrapping methods, referring to internally oriented and socially oriented resource acquisition strategies.  相似文献   

目前,吉林省民营小企业已进入高速发展期,但吉林省民营小企业融资渠道窄、融资成本高,在不同程度上束缚了民营小企业的发展。政府应鼓励并正确规范和引导非正规金融产业的发展,积极发展民营中小金融机构及各种性质的担保机构,建立民营企业信用评估体系,加强对非正规金融活动的监测。  相似文献   

This article investigates the financial structure of small firms with an emphasis on growth and access to capital markets. Neo-classical economic, life cycle, pecking order and agency theory perspectives are reviewed in order to formulate testable propositions concerning levels of long-term, short-term and total debt, and liquidity. Up-to-date financial data were collected from the U.K. Private+ database for a large sample comprising of both listed and unlisted small firms. Regression results indicate significant relationships between financial structure and profitability, asset structure, size, age and stock market flotation but not growth except when rapid and combined with lack of stock market flotation. Analysis of stock market flotation as an interactive dummy reveals major differences between listed and unlisted small firms. The results indicate that the variety of financial structures observed in practice may reflect rational trade-offs of various costs on the part of small firm owner-managers but that the over-reliance on internally available funds and the importance of collateral, in the case of unlisted small firms, are likely to be major constraints on economic growth.  相似文献   

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